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“When lives are on the line, seconds count. First aid is critical in those initial

– Jay Inslee

Humans were made in pairs by God when He created the world, to support one another
in every circumstance. One can help themselves by lending a helpful hand to others in
need. Helping others should be done with the intention of altering someone's life, not for
the sake of reward.
At any given moment, either you or someone in your vicinity might encounter an injury
or sudden illness. Employing fundamental first aid skills can potentially prevent a minor
incident from escalating. In instances of severe medical emergencies, these skills might
even be instrumental in saving a person's life. This underscores the significance of
acquiring basic first aid knowledge. First aid involves administering initial medical care
to someone facing an abrupt injury or illness. It serves as crucial support in some
situations, helping the individual endure until professional assistance arrives. In other
scenarios, first aid pertains to the assistance given to someone with a minor injury. For
instance, minor burns, cuts, and insect stings often require nothing more than basic first
aid for effective treatment.
The first treatment provided to someone who has been hurt or unexpectedly becomes ill
is known as first aid. It covers self-care and in-home care in the event that medical
treatment is either unavailable or delayed. It also entails showing that you are willing to
help, encouraging remarks that are well-chosen, and boosting confidence through skillful

The provision of first aid to those who are sick or injured dates back to ancient times.
Notably, the renowned German Surgeon General Esmarch (1823-1908) is credited with
originating the concept of "First Aid." However, a coordinated global initiative for
administering first aid only emerged in 1877 with the establishment of the St. John
Ambulance Association in England, inspired by the great apostle of St. John. Since then,
the recognition of the universal necessity and usefulness of first aid has grown in our
contemporary mechanized society. Proficiency in first aid is built upon a foundation of
knowledge, training, and practical experience. - Singh, A., (2000)
Children of today will be citizens of tomorrow. It is essential to teach science to students
in order to create a society that is healthy. In addition to protecting the student from
numerous situations, the preventive component of care is crucial to the promotion of
Teaching the students about the several facets of first aid in order to lessen the severe
consequences of mishaps. Reducing mortality rates and enhancing population health are
directly impacted by heightened emphasis on safety measures in emergency situations
and public education. First aid instruction should be provided to all students. Providing
scientific knowledge to students is vital in this day and age. They are more vulnerable to
several types of injuries. When there is an accident or injury, many people lose their lives
as a result of inadequate care and assistance. Prompt assistance using the right methods
not only lessens the degree of injuries and fatalities. students should receive instruction
and training on how to properly handle diseases and injuries for two reasons: first, it will
increase their understanding of health issues, which could result in better health and even
save lives. Secondly, they could be employed as a catalyst for transformation inside the
household and local community. Thus, the institution should equip pupils to handle these
demands, which include helping victims, responding to emergencies promptly, looking
out for their own safety, and protecting the safety of witnesses and victims.
A Study on Knowledge Regarding First Aid among College Student of Rusha (Vellore)


Throughout history, people have employed what are now known as first aid techniques
for millennia. In the Bible, there is a notable account of the compassionate Samaritan who
provided assistance, tended to the wounds, and cared for an injured man.
The historical roots of first aid have been documented over time, particularly in
connection with wartime or battlefield medical care. Around 500 BC, classical Greek
pottery illustrations depicted the bandaging of injuries sustained in battles. The Roman
army had a system of first aid, where individuals known as “capsarii” were tasked with
providing initial medical care, including bandaging, resembling the role of modern
combat medics. In the 1870s, Johannes Friedrich August von Esmarch, a Prussian
military surgeon, introduced the term Erste Hilfe ("first aid") and instructed soldiers in a
standardized set of bandaging and splinting skills for treating wounded comrades on the
battlefield. During the same decade, the English Priory of the Order of St John underwent
a transformation from a religious and fraternal entity to a charitable organization
dedicated to alleviating human suffering. They subsequently established Britain's
inaugural ambulance service and introduced the wheeled transport litter, known as the St
John Ambulance, followed by the creation of the St John Ambulance Association, aimed
at training individuals for the benefit of the sick and wounded. In the United States,
formalized first aid training commenced in 1903 when Clara Barton, the president of the
Red Cross, formed a committee to institute first aid instruction specifically for industrial
workers, who often faced hazardous conditions, accidents, and fatalities.
The acquisition of first aid skills is imperative for community well-being, given the
escalating prevalence of injuries and accidents, now recognized as a significant non-
communicable disease epidemic in India.
It is challenging for individuals to venture out and return safely as life offers no assurances
or security. Our world is marked by unpredictability and accidents, which can occur in
various settings such as schools, during travel, and in the course of everyday activities.
Unfortunately, many people's instinct when an accident happens is to distance themselves
from the scene rather than offering assistance or providing essential first aid care. This
reluctance often stems from a lack of awareness about administering first aid for injuries.
Annually, around 150,000 individuals may lose their lives in situations where the timely
application of first aid could have given them a chance to survive (St John Ambulance,
2012). Shockingly, approximately 35% of deaths occur within the first 5 minutes of an
accident, with an additional 54% succumbing within 30 minutes. Nevertheless,
administering first aid on-site can reduce the number of fatalities by 20% (Metin & Mutlu,
According to an article released by Shangliao on Aug 16, 2023, the Indian state of Tamil
Nadu witnessed approximately 45,000 road accidents in 2020, with traffic irregularities
consistently contributing to fatalities, injuries, and property damage annually. In the same
year, speeding emerged as the primary cause of road accident casualties, leading the South
Asian nation to secure the top position among 200 countries in reported World Road
Statistics for road accident deaths.
Injuries present a dynamic global epidemic, accounting for roughly 9.1% of all deaths
worldwide, totaling around 5.16 million fatalities. Additionally, injuries contribute to
approximately 16% of reported disabilities. Particularly alarming is the fact that injuries
stand as the leading cause of death among individuals aged 10 to 24 years. In developed
regions, 57% of male deaths and 43% of female deaths in this age group are attributed to
injuries, with traffic accidents and drowning being the primary culprits. Unintentional
injuries claim the lives of about 3.5 million individuals.
According to an article published by Sakthi Arasu, Jan 10, 2020
In a study conducted among students, 96% of the respondents, totaling 355 individuals,
expressed the belief that acquiring knowledge in first aid is essential, even when hospitals
are in close proximity. Furthermore, 74% of the participants, numbering 274, concurred
that understanding first aid remains important, even in urban areas where ambulances are
readily accessible. A significant majority, 80% or 296 students, recognized the necessity
for first aid training among individuals not belonging to the medical profession. The
study's conclusion highlighted the positive attitudes and perceptions of students towards
learning first aid, while emphasizing the inadequate opportunities for them to acquire this
knowledge. The researcher proposed that incorporating first aid education into the
curriculum and providing basic first aid training could significantly contribute to the
presence of capable first responders in various settings.

Arasu, et al. safety first : Among the total of 370 students surveyed, the average
knowledge score was 7.86 (with a standard deviation of 2.17), and this score exhibited a
significant correlation with age. Merely 52% (192 students) had attended a lecture on first
aid, and a mere 13% (48 students) had received practical demonstrations on performing
first aid. Approximately 51% (188 students) reported gaining knowledge about first aid
through reading newspapers or magazines. The mean attitude score, calculated at 7.95 ,
reflected an overall positive inclination toward learning first aid. The study's conclusion
emphasized that, despite the students demonstrating favorable attitudes and perceptions
toward learning first aid, there exists a shortage of opportunities for them to acquire this
knowledge. The researchers suggested that incorporating first aid education into the
curriculum and providing essential training in first aid skills would significantly
contribute to enhancing the availability of capable first responders in diverse settings.

According to Thandar Soe Sumaiyah Jamaludin et. al Possessing knowledge and

awareness regarding first aid is crucial for every individual, as injuries rank among the
leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. First aid serves the purpose of
preserving life and minimizing the consequences of injuries and illnesses until
professional medical assistance is available. Some research indicates that individuals with
sufficient first aid knowledge can have a positive impact on global morbidity and
mortality rates. The literature findings reveal that the levels of knowledge, awareness, and
attitudes related to first aid among university students are diverse and insufficient, despite
their recognition of the course's importance.

According to Deepak and Nayak, every first aider should possess adequate knowledge
and skills related to their actions and should be supportive and reassuring to the victims.
Many experts assert that, especially in emergency situations, even a basic understanding
of first aid can be a valuable service. Having some proficiency in fundamental first aid,
such as dealing with bleeding, shock, sprains, snake bites, dog bites, and other
emergencies, is deemed essential for nearly everyone. However, there is also a shortage
of comprehensive knowledge on handling emergencies without the resources of a hospital
setting directly at the accident or emergency site.


➢ To determine the difference between pre test and post test score in knowledge and
attitude of first aid management.
➢ To evaluate the effectiveness of technology based instruction on first aid
management via post test score.
➢ To co-relate knowledge and attitude regarding first aid management in pre test and
post test.

➢ To find out the association of knowledge and attitude between selected

demographic variables in the post test.
• DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Knowledge and attitude
• INDEPENENT VARIABLE: Technology based instruction


• H1: There will be a significant difference in knowledge and attitude between
pre test and post test.
• H2: There will be a significant correlation between knowledge and attitude
regarding first aid management among students in the post test.
• H3: There will be a significant association on knowledge and attitude between
selected demographic variables
• EFFECTIVENESS: In this study, it refers to the knowledge gained as determined
by significant difference in the pre and post test knowledge scores.
• TECHNOLOGY BASED INSTRUCTION: Instruction technique that uses
technology. In this study it is a systematically developed teaching and instruction
to provide knowledge regarding first aid management via first aid basic app
version 2.3.1(Google play store, self study app) and animated video clips.
• KNOWLEDGE: In this study knowledge refers to sum the students level of
understanding and ability to answer about the first aid management of selected
accidental emergencies.
• ATTITUDE: A settled way of thinking or feeling about something or someone. In
this study attitude refers to the perception and expressed feelings of students
regarding first aid management on selected accidental emergencies.
• FIRST AID MANAGEMENT: In this study first aid management is the initial
assistance or treatment given to an individual in selected accidental emergencies.
(Allergies, burn, bleeding, bruises and sprains, bites and sting, child birth, choking,
fracture, first aid CPR, mouth and tooth injury, posioning)
Imogene King’s goal attainment theory is based on the personnel and interpersonal
systems including interaction, perceptions, communication, transaction, stress,
growth & development, time and action. Nursing is defined by Imogene King as
“a process of human interactions between the nurse and the client where by each
perceives the other and the situation and through communication they set goals,
explore means and degree on means to achieve goals”.
According to this theory the people meet in some situation, perceive each other,
make judgment about the other, take some mental action and react to each one’s of
the other. The next step in the process is interaction; the last is transaction which is
dependent upon the achievement of a goal. The investigator adopted King’s goal
attainment theory as a basis for conceptual framework, which is aimed to assess
the effectiveness of technology based instruction on the knowledge and attitude of
first aid management among students.
The six major concepts of the phenomenon are described as follows:
1. Perception: Refers to person’s representation of reading, it is universal, highly
subjective and unique to each person. It is not observable but it can be inferred.
Hence the investigator’s perception is, the students may have inadequate
knowledge and attitude on first aid management for selected conditions.
2. Judgment: The investigator judged that the technology based instruction will
enhance knowledge and attitude on first aid management for selected conditions.
3. Action: Investigator implements technology based instruction in order to enhance
the knowledge and attitude on selected first aid measures.
4. Reaction: The investigator and the students set mutual goals. The mutual goal
setting was done by self structured questionnaire and 5 point Likert attitude scale
to assess the knowledge and attitude on selected first aid measures.
5. Interaction: It refers to the verbal and non-verbal behavior of individual with a
purpose to achieve the goal. Hence the investigator interests with the students by
administering pre-test, intervention and post-test.
6. Transaction: It refers to observable, purposeful behaviors of individual interactions
with their environment to achieve the desired goal. At this stage, the investigator
analyzes the level of knowledge and attitude of the students in pre-test and post-
test. The positive outcome shows that increased the level of knowledge and attitude
in post test on first aid management, which indicates the effectiveness of the
intervention. The negative outcome is the absence of improvement in knowledge
and attitude of the students where the subjects need to be reinforced for further



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