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FS 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship


I. Observe and Notice

A. Do you have a favorite teacher? Why is he/she your favorite?

Yes, because He is very respectful, courteous, and humble. I adore the way he
teaches. He respects every pupil and doesn't think that punishment is necessary. He
prioritizes conceptual clarity above assigning pupils a ton of homework. He never
chastises students or uses anger to convey his worries. Instead, he speaks calmly and
directly to each student, encouraging us to work harder and make improvements.

B. Notice/ Remember the facial expressions, gestures, and actions of your teacher.
The resource teacher's facial expressions, gestures and actions creates interest while
demonstrating the lessons. Increases the student's engagement and their connection
in the teaching-learning process.

C. Review the qualities of good teachers as contained in PPST.

The competencies of teachers are one of the demands of the society from them
about what they look like, possess, and act in the classroom and outside school as
well. PPSTs get exposed to the view of abilities and personalities of one teacher also
TEDx videos add-on explanations on it and realize that it should be practiced. The
competencies talked about are a great teacher listens to students; a great teacher
sings; a great teacher eats apples; a great teacher is a chill; a great teacher notices
when students struggle and so on and so forth. We think these competencies are too
simple and everyone could do that and in deeper understanding, we realize this
simple thing can build relationships and foundation between students and teachers.
The great teacher competencies to possess is teacher listens to his/her students, the
way how she/he understand over the experiencing of the students.

II. Analyze

What three competencies do you find most helpful in the teaching- learning process?
The best teachers are skilled in the following teaching technical competencies:
instructional delivery, formative assessment, and classroom management.

III. Reflect

Which competency do you need to work on and how are you going to address it?

As a future teacher, I should strive to attain competencies to be the best teacher.

Teachers want to leave an imprint of himself/ herself and I want too as well. I realized
that I have tricky overcoming the situation being an introvert, I am a friendly person
and loves talking with other people in small group and typically not comfortable in a
group of people, I am not good at socialization as well as my peers are not in there,
my friends is not beside me and I felt alone in the area. For me, I need to develop
more when it comes to socialization to acquire knowledge and skills from others and
apply it on a daily basis. I know I can collaborate, contribute and participate unless
the shy has no place for me to play the role and this I have to change.

FS 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship


I. Observe and Notice

Give 3 significant differences of the two given curriculum Revised Basic Education
Curriculum ( BED 2002) and K to 12 and K-12 Basic Education Curriculum.
Revised Basic Education Curriculum K to 12 and K-12 Basic Education
(BED 2002) Curriculum

Filipino, English, Sience and Mathematics Aside from Mother Tongue, English and
are the essential in RBEC Filipino are taught as subjects starting
Grade 1, with a focus on oral fluency.
From Grades 4 to 6, English and Filipino
are gradually introduced as languages of
Emphasis in the use of integrative By maintaining consistency and
learning approaches. continuity across all levels and courses,
Importance in interactive learning students can gain on-depth in
approaches between teachers and knowledge, skills, value, and attitudes.
Grading System Grading System
1. The implementation guidelines on
the performance-based grading “K to 12 grading system has 60 minimum
system will be used continually grades but will have a converted rating of
for S.Y. 2006-2007. 75 in the report card. The lowest grade a
2. Test design of 60% basic items, student can get is rather 60 for the
30% more advance items and quarterly and final grades.”
10% difficult items.
3. Use of rubrics as scoring guide
shall continue to assess

II. Analyze

Is K to 12 an effective curriculum? Interview a teacher, a student, and a parent.

Interview a Teacher
1. Is the K to 12 curriculum effective? What is the evidence that show its effectivity or
lack thereof?

The K–12 educational system works well for me because I can learn about the
curriculum and get better lesson plans and delivery methods. It makes use of various
pedagogical techniques, including the multiple intelligences concept, discipline-
based art education, culture-based education, and brain-based education. When
dealing with a difficult learner, K–12 teachers I've experienced inquire about the
student's family, neighborhood, and accessibility of the curriculum. Instead of
rejecting the learner for not comprehending, we consider their background.

2. Which part of the curriculum do you find challenging?

That is a whole different issue when switching from a different grade structure. The
most difficult to integrate successfully is computational.

3. Is it gender- sensitive curriculum?

Yes, we must continue to be mindful of gender inequalities in all we think, say, and
do in the context of learning. Children need a curriculum that is gender-sensitive,
current, and enhanced by infrastructure, technology, and knowledge.

Interview a Student

1. Do you find the subjects taught easy or difficult to catch on?

It depends on the subject.

2. Are you a full-time student or working part-time?

A full-time Student.

3. Are you amenable with the additional senior high school?

Interview a Parent

1. Is your child active in his/ her studies?


2. Does your talk about school in the house?

Yes, they open about what going on in their school.
3. What is your opinion on the additional two years added to high school studies?
The students will be better prepared with the skills, knowledge, and values
required for a successful future in their fields or course of study with the addition
of two years in high school.

III. Reflect

Are the instructional objectives aligned with the K-12 Curriculum? As a future
teacher would you recommend that we continue its implementation or opt for a new
one? Why?

Yes, because all the barriers that impede the instructional objectives aligned with the
K-12 Curriculum. Educators who are committed to identifying these obstacles will be
able to properly support K-12 students in settings that are truly free from oppression.
Any teacher cam accomplishes this goal with the aid of these four equity principles:
embrace, empower, educate, and include. On the other hand, I don’t recommend for
a new one because K-12 curriculum is continuing to grow increasingly diverse, many
teachers and schools supporting the academic, social, and emotional needs of the
culturally and linguistically diverse students that they serve.

FS 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship


I. Observe

a. What type of lesson plan did your cooperating teacher use?

Detailed Lesson Plan

b. What was the lesson of the day?

Use the simple present tense of verbs in sentence
II. Analyze / Assist
Create your own semi-detailed lesson plan with the same objective/s.

Lesson Plan in English Grade 4

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the present tense of verbs in a sentence
b. show appreciation of simple present tense by constructing
sentences; and
c. use simple present tense of verbs in a sentence correctly

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Use the simple present tense of verbs in sentences (EN4G-Ii-
Materials: rubrics, PowerPoint presentation, pictures, bulletin board
● Building Confidence Through English 4
● Kto12 Teacher’s Guide: English, 2016

III. Procedure

c.1. Motivation/Apperception

c.1.1. The class will be having a game called “Charades”. The

teacher will act the action verb that he/she prepared. The
students will guess what the teacher act.

c.2. Lesson Proper:

c.2.1. The teacher will ask question to the students about the
game. “What did you notice about the game?”
c.2.2. The teacher will explain what the action verb are
he/she acted in the game.
c.2.3. The teacher will discuss the simple present tense.
c.2.4. The teacher will discuss singular subject.
c.2.3. The teacher will present an example of singular
c.2.4. The student will discuss plural subject.
c.2.5. The teacher will present an example of plural
c.2.6. The teacher will discuss the Habitual Action,
Present State or Condition, Future Action, and
General Truth or Facts and present examples and
sample sentence.
c.2.7. The teacher will discuss the verb end in -y change
to the -y to -ies and present a sample sentence.
c.2.8. The teacher will discuss if there is a vowel (a, e, i,
o, u) before the -y, add -s to the verb and present
examples and sample sentence.
c.2.9. The teacher will discuss if the verb ends in -ss, -x, -
z, -sh, -ch add -es and present examples and
sample sentence.
c.2.10. The teacher will explain why knowing the simple
present tense of the verb is important to us.
c.2.11. The teacher will give an Activity. The students
will read the poem “Peter Loves his Ball” by:
Clarife A. Montesclaros and observe the
highlighted simple present tense of the verbs in
the lines.
c.2.12. The teacher will ask the students “Did you
observe well the verbs in use in simple present

c.2.12. The teacher will give a short quiz.

c.3. Generalization

c.3.1 The teacher will ask the students on what they

have learned throughout the lesson by asking them the

1. What is singular subject and what are the examples of it?

2. What is plural subject and what are the examples of it?

3. What are Habitual Action, Present State or Condition, Future

Action, and General Truth or Facts?
4. What verb can you change if the end is -y?

5. If there is a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) before the -y, what letter can

you add?

6. If the verb ends in -ss, -x, -z, -sh, -ch, what letter can you

IV. Learning Evaluation

The students will complete a sentence by selecting a correct form of verb.
The students will give 5 verbs then use in sentences. Use the present
tense of verb.

V. Assignment/Agreement

Write five sentences about your family. Use the present tense of the verb.

III. Reflect

Can a teacher teach without a lesson plan? Explain your answer.

Yes, but the lesson will probably be littered with blank spots, lack energy,
ignore elements that would have liked to cover, and leave the students feeling
underwhelmed by what they are learning, among many other problems. Doing a
lesson plan and making visuals for teaching is a must because they are diverse
students and need to be equal in every way.

FS 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship


I. Observe

Identify 3 teaching strategies you see in the conduct of teaching by your cooperating

a. Cooperative Learning

b. Behavior Management

c. Visualization
II. Analyze / Assist

Which strategy do you find most effective in relation to the lesson’s objective/s?

For me, an excellent strategy to improve peer connections in your class is through
cooperative learning. The classroom community can gain a lot when students
cooperate to achieve a common objective. It is vital because in the classes, the
students are the focus. Given that everyone has a voice and a role in the work, the
teaching environment is healthier because of the students getting to know one
another better. They all work for the same objective and help one another.
Cooperative learning needs to be systematic and consistent to be successful.
Opportunities for interaction should promote learning and healthy group
interdependence, but they should also call for students to show that everyone is

III. Reflect

What is a teaching strategy that you find applicable in most lessons? Explain.

When it comes to the lesson's goals, as a future teacher, what strategy do I think is
most successful is cooperative learning? Using new technology in the classroom can
help foster a cooperative learning environment that caters to each student's unique
needs while also making the classroom work as a whole. Every student working
together at their tables enables them to assist those who may be having trouble or to
share ideas to help finish the lesson.

FS 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship


I. Observe

Visit your notes from your previous lessons on Teaching Methods and complete the
table below.

Method Advantage/s Most effective with


1. Deductive Method Allows for teachers to deal with English

 Gets straight to the

 Confirms students’
expectations about

2. Inductive Method Learners of rules who find ESP, EPP

themselves are more
remembered and significant.

 Students take more

active role in their

 Students will be more

self-sufficient and

3. Demonstration The demonstrative method Science

Method adheres to a systematic process.

 Since the process has

been used before, the
results are dependable
and accurate.

 There won’t be any trial

and error involved.

4. Problem Solving  It improves in Mathematics

knowledge improvement
and experience

 It improves in a students’
ability to express

 It helps in strengthening
one’s memory and study

5. Discovery Method  It encourages learners to Science and

become more
independent, self-reliant, Mathematics
and accountable for their
own learning.

 Give extra time to the

learners to assimilate
and precise information.

 It improves the growth

of cognitive abilities and
problem-solving skills.

6. Project Method  Students are free to EPP

express themselves and
use their ideas and

 Relates what students

are learning in school to
real-life situations.

 Memorization has no
place here.

7. Constructivist  Student Ownership ESP

 Student self-awareness

 Embedded Learning
8. Metacognitive A review of one’s own rules Social Studies
Approach (assessing result and strategies

 Keeping an aye on and

managing learning.

 Setting goals and

making plans.

9. Integrative Approach  Activities based on ESP and Social Studies

problems from real life.

 Personal growth towards

the subject.
 Daily preparations for

II. Analyze / Assist

What do you do when in the conduct of your lesson a method didn’t prove to be

Find another way to explain it use another method.

II. Reflect

When is a method most effective?

A method is most effective when students learn better through effective

teaching tools that promote discovery and learning. Students is more taking
opportunity to explore the subject and they enjoy doing the task.

FS 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Chapter 6 Lesson Development

I. Observe

Check if you observe the item.

Teaching Behavior Check Here
1. Connecting the past lesson to the current lesson ✓
2. Motivated the students. ✓
3. Students actively participating in the class by performing their ✓
4. Teacher giving a brief discussion on the topic. ✓
5.Teacher checking for understanding. ✓
6. Teacher/ Students summarizing ✓

II. Analyze / Assist

How did the teacher keep the students engaged during a one-hour class?

Teachers possess the skills required to be admitted to the teaching profession. In

terms of pedagogy and content knowledge, they have a thorough comprehension of
the disciplines or fields in which they have completed training. They have the
necessary abilities, values, and expertise to support the teaching and learning
process. Considering their students' academic needs, they organize learning
programs and employ learning-promoting strategies. If there is someone to do
adjustments, it is the teacher. The teacher implemented differentiated strategies
which everybody understands.

III. Reflect

Make a poster of a quote that best describes lesson development.

Arrange the minerals in the correct order.

FS 2- Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Chapter 7 Assessment and Feedback

I. Observe
A. What did the teacher say/ ask that shows the following questioning strategies

1. Higher Cognitive Question

What are the advantages and

disadvantages of social media?

2. Sequence of Questions

3. Increased Wait Time

I want you to think of five famous foods in our country

and what makes them famous.

4. Responding to answers using redirection, probing and reinforcement

What does that mean?

B. Identify the time when the teacher uses the different types of assessments below.
Give one or two examples for each type.

Types of Assessments When to use best Examples

a. Diagnostic Before discussing the Pre-Assesment
b. Formative When the discussion is Quizzes
end (ensuring the teacher
re-teach and move on to
the next topic)
c. Summative At the end of the Projects or Essays
instructional period

C. Illustrate how the teacher gives the feedback to the learner.

II. Analyze / Assist

A. Give at least three questions that you have formulated and asked in the class as an
assistant teacher.

1. What is your strongest trait?

2. What does success mean to you?
3.How do you excel in the classroom?

B. What are the challenges you meet in making an assessment?

 Administration
 Lack of policy and
 Technical issues.

II. Reflect

Give feedback to a learner who is doing poorly in his Math exams using GROWTH

It is acceptable to recognize that your skills can be improved with effort, quality
instruction, and persistence. We need a problem-solving mindset to help us be better
leaders, team members, and a student. Do not necessarily assume that everyone is
the same or that anyone can be Einstein but have confidence in your won ability to
get smarter with effort.

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