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Codependent is a type of relationship in which two individuals are dependent on each

other, these people normally have the feeling that they cannot live without their partner
and prefer spending most of the time as a union.

People in a codependent relationship are good at compromises, because they want to do
everything together.

Codependent couples usually are very harmonious with one another, overall it is good to
depend on your partner for SOME things.


Generally, when people prioritize first their relationship and their partner’s needs, they lose
themselves and tend to forget who they are, their goals, and even their plans for their
academic life. People in codependent relationships are so dedicated for the satisfaction of
their partner that they lose their identity.

No matter how much you love spending time with your partner, it’s important to know that
you always come first and you must take care of yourself and remember what are your
goals for your future.

Is important for partners to take some time alone and be independent, is totally healthy to
give space to partners from time to time.
Furthermore, is very important to encourage each partner of being more independent,
therefore each of the individuals won´t lose their identity.


Codependent relationships can become possessive and jealous if partners do not establish
healthy boundaries, people in codependent relationships need to strike a balance between
independence and investment in the relationship, therefore both can be happy.

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