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What steps must be taken in order to ensure protection of the marriage tie?

* Love and respect for each other.

Whatever kind of feelings you have for your spouse, the only two feelings that can save a
marriage are love and respect for each other. While love usually takes different forms as
years go by, respect remains constant. Try to respect him or her for her innate self - not for
his or her appearance. Accept that your partner is human. And humans make mistakes.
Sometimes polite reminders regarding deviant behaviours can work wonders. Remember, you
are not a teacher in the relationship - but an adult, trying to live with another. Treat each other
as such.

* Don't criticize your partner or complain about him/her or your marriage.

Many times we find ourselves criticising without even realising. If you find yourself being
critical or negative about your partner stop yourself immediately. You need to constantly
monitor your words and thoughts. This is not an easy process, but once you begin this process
it is likely you'll begin to see how often you partake in this destructive way.
* Focus on the positive parts of your marriage.
If things are going badly right now, this can seem a hard task. Take some time out for
yourself; remember a time when you were at your happiest. Maybe visit a place you both
enjoy. Sit back, clear your head and remember the good times, the happy times. Make a list
of those times, keep it with you at all times, maybe in your purse or wallet, somewhere you
can look at it often.
* Praise and compliment your partner.
When a relationship is going through hard times many times partners stop appreciating each
other, often finding fault with the other for the silliest of reasons. Although sometimes hard
while going through a rough patch you need to praise and appreciate your partner. Don't go
over the top with the praises, your partner may see through it, be honest and genuine, sincere
praise and appreciation will go a long way. Always give your spouse the highest priority and
keep some time during the day for him or her.
* Be patient.
Relationships are very difficult; sometimes even through the good times. Putting pressure on
your partner is not going to help. You need to let your partner know that you are willing to do
whatever it takes to make your marriage work. Talk with your partner, if he or she is not
ready to talk let them know that when they are willing you are here to listen, truly listen.
Always keep the channels of communication alive and kicking. To save a marriage, frank and
open communication can resolve several crises in time and effectively.

The above are the starting steps must be taken in order to ensure protection of the marriage
tie. By performing these small but very important steps you could be on your way to getting
your marriage back to how you remember it at the beginning, at that horrible word divorce
could no longer be a thought in your mind. 

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