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In a remote Russian bunker, CYCLOPS creates a war

machine powered by a stolen son. Only FIST can

rescue Ilya Petrov from the heart of CHERNOBOG.

Created by B. Everett Dutton and T. H. Cochlin. Vehicle
rules for FIST originally created by Richard Kelly. Fonts
used: Barlow Bold Condensed, Michroma, Microgramma,
and Space Grotesk.

[STATIC]—my son, Ilya. He’s in there,

floating in the heart of that thing, alive—
dreaming, but alive. CHERNOBOG must be
stopped. The Commissar will have my head
for it, I am sure… yet it must be done. There
is no other way. It is a delicate process,
yes—complicated, and precise. One wrong
move could kill my boy… blyat! Suka blyat—

[STATIC] …when I have destroyed the walker,

we will flee the country. By the time this
transmission reaches FIST, I will be at the
bunker, freeing Ilya. I pray they will arrive to
assist me in time. [AUDIO ENDS]


ATARAXIA is a mission pamphlet for FIST about a boy
trapped inside a malfunctioning bipedal mech. The
boy in question, Ilya Petrov, is the son of Captain
Vilen Petrov, an officer of the Red Army who has
contacted FIST for help with rescuing his son. The
referee should brief FIST operatives as follows:
ƬƬ FIST will receive a UAZ-469 at Vizhay village, then
proceed northward to the provided coordinates.
ƬƬ FIST will covertly rendezvous with Captain Petrov
at the Secret Bunker to receive key intelligence.
ƬƬ FIST must destroy or disable the bipedal mech
CHERNOBOG without harming Ilya, then escort
Ilya and Captain Petrov to the Extraction Point.




Hard, quiet people go about their lives of Sisyphean
subsistence in the dreary snow-sunken village of
Vizhay. The locals (3 HP, worst of 2D6 DAMAGE)
are distrustful of soldiers­­, especially foreign ones.
FIST arrives wearing a matching set of parkas,
with the Bunker coordinates on hand. Sashenka,
a reticent midwife, guides FIST to a locked shed
which houses a UAZ-469 light utility vehicle (12 HP,
1 ARMOR, crash for 1D6 DAMAGE). Sashenka and
other locals can be pressed or persuaded to share
rumors (1D6):
1. “They are doing... teleportation experiments,
north of here.” (FALSE, outdated)
2. “Captain Petrov?” the speaker spits. “He is a
traitor, a capitalist pig.” (FALSE, misinformed)
3. “I was once taken to the bunker! It is a massive
underground complex.” (FALSE, lying)
4. “People have seen a ghost roaming the mountain
pass...” (TRUE, the Commissar)
5. “That bunker is cursed! Infested with an evil
presence!” (TRUE, the Commissar)
6. “The Commissar is looking for you.” (TRUE)

Frigid, inhospitable winds serve as an ever-present
reminder that humankind are not the masters of
the Earth. Driving becomes treacherous as the
mountain pass narrows, and FIST may be forced to
proceed on foot. Roll three Pass Encounters as FIST
moves to the Bunker on foot, or one if by vehicle.


1. A hazy, uniformed figure in a gas mask
observes from afar. No matter how
much time passes, it never gets closer.
2. A hiking party of 1D6 Vizhay villagers
passes FIST. They offer a first aid kit
(heal 1D6+TAC HP, three uses).
HP, 1D6 DAMAGE) are on patrol with
instructions to kill FIST on sight.
4. 1D6 mountain troopers in a UAZ-469
5. Small avalanche (1D6 DAMAGE)
6. Large avalanche (2D6 DAMAGE)
Captain Petrov (8 HP, 1 ARMOR, 1D6+1 DAMAGE,
CHOKE* 6: Mournfully scream, “ILYA!”) is waiting at
the agreed-upon coordinates, in a snowy foxhole
not far from the bunker’s personnel entrance
(guarded by two Soviet mountain troopers). The
only other entrance is a disguised set of three-
story-tall lead blast doors set into the mountainside.
Captain Petrov is open to any well-considered
plan for saving Ilya, and has his own UAZ with a
thoughtfully stocked trunk:
ƬƬ 4 riot shields (1 ARMOR, equip as weapon)
ƬƬ 2 first aid kits (1D6+TAC HP, three uses)
ƬƬ 2 flare guns (one use)
ƬƬ Stolichnaya vodka (+1D6 HP, +2 to next FRC roll)
ƬƬ 50 ft. of rope

The bunker itself is incredibly Spartan. It is a

gymnasium-sized, poorly-lit concrete room which
holds nothing but computer equipment, six Soviet
mountain troopers, and the dormant CHERNOBOG.

*CHOKE Score: When an NPC is afraid for their life or shocked

into rash action, roll 1D6—if you roll equal to or higher than their
CHOKE score, they perform the action listed as soon as possible.

When FIST’s helicopter pilot (codename: Libra Sun)
attempts to touch down, the Extraction Point is
ambushed by the Commissar, an undercover CRO.
The mission is complete when the Amniotic Orb is
removed from CHERNOBOG and extracted by heli.


ƬƬ Tokarev TT-33 pistol (1D6 DAMAGE)
ƬƬ GP-5 gas mask (ignore breathing-based
ƬƬ Red Army dress uniform
The cryptic and calculating Commissar is a
CYCLOPS plant posing as a Soviet official.
Having concealed their ultrahuman abilities
for years as one of CYCLOPS’ political
puppetmasters, they are eager to tear FIST
apart while retrieving Ilya. The Commissar
can teleport within eyeshot at will, and
may read anyone’s mind if undistracted.
3a. CHERNOBOG (45 HP in total)
Captain Petrov commanded the guards at the
Secret Bunker during CHERNOBOG’s construction.
Unbeknownst to him, CHERNOBOG was a CYCLOPS
prototype, designed to use the painstakingly
prepared brain of a human child as a neuroplasticity-
rich central processing unit. Petrov defected when
the Commissar “stole his son for a science project”.
At the rendezvous point, Captain Petrov presents
FIST with a detailed blueprint of the walker. The
referee should show the players this pamphlet
panel (3a. CHERNOBOG) and the illustration of
CHERNOBOG to represent Petrov’s briefing.

1. AMNIOTIC ORB/ILYA (10 HP): A thick, hollow plastic

sphere filled with thin fluid. Ilya floats asleep inside,
his every pore and orifice delicately tubed and
wired into a rind of unprotected electronics. Ilya
cannot be removed from the Orb without a medical
procedure. If the Orb reaches 0 HP, Ilya dies.
2. SOMNOSTATIC LOCK (1 HP): This computerized
lock stops Ilya from experiencing REM sleep. While
Ilya is trapped in somnostasis, CHERNOBOG can
only act on simple, direct psychic commands,
typically from the Commissar. Unlocked, the mech
will begin to destructively “sleepwalk”, its behavior
now controlled by Ilya’s amygdala.
3. PSIONIC RELAY ANTENNA (1 HP): When the Lock
is engaged, this antenna connects CHERNOBOG to
its remote psychic handler. If this is destroyed or
the mech is roused, the Commissar will notice the
altered connection to Ilya’s dreamscape.
4. CRANIUM FRAME (6 HP, 2 ARMOR): The walker’s
chassis, which imprisons the Orb in gyroscopes,
shocks, and steel. If the Frame has 0 HP, the Orb is
loose and takes 1 DAMAGE whenever the mech does.
5. ZAMOK SHIELD (12 HP, 4 ARMOR): Two stories of
solid titanium. If CHERNOBOG is threatened, it may
stick the Zamok upright in the ground as cover.
6. KRIKUN HEAVY MG (6 HP, 3D6 DAMAGE): Capable
of ripping through the blast doors, vehicles, people,
etc. with ease, but prone to overheating.
climb at 80 MPH. If the legs are destroyed and the
Orb’s fall is not broken, it takes 1D6 damage.
8. VARIABLE ANKLE JOINTS (3 HP): Shooting out
CHERNOBOG’s ankles reduces its speed to 40 MPH.

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