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I am happy and grateful to God that he brought someone nice and open minded like

your kind into my life..Dear Thanks for trusting and confiding in me,please do not
change,i assure you that you wont regret your actions,you wont regret accepting me
into your life.I will surely make you proud and the most happiest woman on earth.

I realize am not been too fair to you as i have always talked about what i want
from a woman,in a wife,in a best friend,in a partner.I went to bed last night,in
deep thoughts,thinking about you,thinking about the possibility of us coming
together someday as couples and then i figured out that before you can tangle with
me,before we can merge this gap between you and i,then,there must be something
special you seek in a man/Husband and i hope i have done well writing this letter,
i hope it fills that gap in your heart and make you happy and feel loved, i hope
you accept me for me.

I went further,doing some research,once more,i realize i might not also be the
first guy asking you out for a long term relationship they might lead to us getting
married and living together as Husband and wife.

I dont know how many men you've dated in the past,i don't know how many you've
turned down due to some reason(s)best known to you only,for two to form one,there
has to be some kind of bond between both parties,i think that's where the TRUE
CHEMISTRY LIES.Some sort of Compatibility between both.

Its takes a whole lot to

ess,tolerance,trust and more,the list goes on.

Do you love to be treated like a baby,pampered and wrapped in your man's arm?waking
up from bed in the morning and your man kissing you in your forehead with a cup of
coffee on his hand?

I am the caregiver type,a man who loves to help,on weekend bases,i am not that kind
of guy who sits all day and watch his wife do the cleaning of the
home,cooking,gardening and the rest.

I am not that kind of guy who sit at the dining table with a hungry stomach nagging
yelling out for his food to be served and brought to him.I am that kind of guy who
helps in the Kitchen,slice some vegetables while my partner stir the soup and bring
out the good taste out of it.As a matter of fact,i enjoy cooking. It's all about
working together as one, this makes up a happy home.

I am that guy who opens the door for his partner(Ladies first)with a sweet smile on
my face and then follow her behind.I love to be romantic on bed,i don't just rush
into action,slow and steady does it for me.First,i start by kissing your
legs,licking your fingers,touching you in sensational places,touching you at the
right time and touching the right spots as well,caressing your body and kissing
your stomach.I don't get bored kissing my partner,i can do without sex,but please
don't deprive me the sweet pleasure of kissing, Just wanted to see you
smile, i hope you do not find this line offensive.

I love to make love in a room with the lights off and the candles on,with a slow
soul or R&B music playing at the background.Sleeping on top of a bed full of rose
flowers,hmmmmmmmmmmmm,how nice that will be.

I am that kind of guy who will gladly message your body just to keep it fit and
release after so much stress from work.I am that man who is open to new ideas,that
kind of guy who takes his partner out to a Chinese restaurant(table for two)make
some marries,hit our glasses and say cheers to one another.I am that kind of man
who takes his partner out to the beach side,surfing,road walk,holding hands
together and counting the stars in the sky,site viewing,concerts,hold hands while
walking on the side of the shores and more.

I am in that category of men who love to go on a short summer holiday adventure

with his partner,somewhere,new,somewhere free from what we used to see,somewhere
save,somewhere different,somewhere outstanding.I am that kind of man who loves to
celebrate and congratulates his partner on very special occasions,such as
promotions in office,trip to represent her company,birthdays,Mother days and more.

Trust me,i am open to all and even more of all these packages,what exactly do you
really want your man to posses,i mean,your likes and dislikes.I don't wanna loose
you,i can adapt if the needs arises,I can come down and up to your level,which ever
way,as the case may be.

In all of these,don't get me wrong Dear.I am just me,that simple guy who loves to
look smart and happy at all times despite the circumstances i find myself.I love to
be happy.I don't lead a sad life as i am a happy man and love to hang out with
beautiful people,people with lots of love and care to offer,people that
share,people that assist,people who brings solutions,people with helping
hands.Together we stand tall,strong and firm.

This is me for you Dear.

Yours truly,


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