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2 Optical Telescopes
Fig. 3.18u-c. Sonc ncw largc tclcscopcs. (u) Thc 8.1 m
Gemini North telescopc on Mauna Kca, Hlawaii, was set in
opcration in 1999. Iis twin, Gcmini South, was dcdicated in
2000. (b) The Europcan Southcrn Observatory (ESO) was
founded by Bclgium, Francc, thc Nctherlands, Sweden and
West Gernmany in 1962. Other Europcan countries have joined
them latcr. The VLT (Very Largc Telescopc) on Cerro Paranal
in Northcm Chilc, was inauguratcd in 1998-2000. (c) The
first big Japancsc telescope, thc 8.3 m Subaru on Mauna Kea,
Hawai, started observaions in 1999. (Photos National Optical
Astronomy Obscrvatorics, Europcan Southern Obscrvatory
and Subaru Obscrvatory)

The mirrors of large telescopes necd not be mono

lithic, but can be made of smaller pieces that are, e.g.
hexagonal. These mosaic mirrors are very light and can
be used to build up mirrors with diameters of several tens
of metres (Fig. 3.19). Using active optics, the hexagons
can be accurately focussed. The California Association
for Research in Astronomy has constructed the Williarm
M. Keck telescope with a 10m mosaic mirror. It is
located on Mauna Kea, and the last segment was in
stalled in 1992. Asecond, similar telescope Keck II was
completed in 1996, the pair forming a huge binocular
The reflecting surface does not have to be continu
ous, but can consist of several separate mirTors. Such

Fig. 3.19. The miror of

a telescope can be made
up of several smaller seg
ments, which are much
casier to manufacture, as
in the Hobby-Eberle Tele
Scope on Mount Fowlkes,
Texas, Thc clfcctivc diam
cter of the mirror is 9.1 m.
A similar telescope is being
built in South Africa. (Photo
MucDonald Observatory)
3.Observations and Instruments

Fig, 3.20. The Hubble

Space Telescope after the
latcst scrvice light in 2002
The tclcscopc got new so
lar pancls and scveral
upgradcs. (Photo NASA)

a telescope was
in opcrating on Mount Hopkins, Arizona, servations will still be carried out on the Earth, and
1979-1999. Itwas the
Multiple-Mirror Telescope great attention will be given to improving
(MMT) with six 1.8 mmirors together correspond ground-based
ing to a single miror having a diameter of 4.5 m. observatories and detectors.
In 2000 the six mirors were
InirOr. replaced by one 6.5 m
3.3 Detectors and Instruments
The European Southern Observatory has
its own multi-miror telescopc. constructed
ESO's Very Largc Telc Only a limited amount of information can bc obtaincd
scope (VLT) has four closcly located
The diameter of each mirror is eight mirrors (Fig. 3.18). by looking through a tclcscope with the unaidcd eye.
metres, and the Until the end of the 19th century this was the only way
tal arca corresponds to one telescope with a 16 m to to make observations. The
mirror. invention of
the middle of the 19th century brought photography
The resolution is even better, since the in
"aperture", i.e.
the maximum distance between the mirors, is a revolution in
several astronomy. The nex imporlant step lorward in optical
Lens of melers.
An important astronomical insirunents of the 20th astronomny was the development of photoelecuric pho
tometry in the 1940's and 1950's. A new revolution,
century is the Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990
(Fig.3.20). It has a miror with a diameter of 2.4 m. The comparable to that caused by the invention of photog
raphy, took place in the middle of the 1970's with the
resolution of the telescope (after the faulty optics was introduction of different semiconductor detectors. The
corrected) is near the theoretical diffraction limit, since
there is no disturbing atmosphere. A second generation
sensitivity of detectors has grown so much that today,
a 60 cm telescope can be used for
Space Telescopc, now callcd the James Webb Space to those made with thc Palomar 5 m
observations similar
Telescope, with a mirror of about 6.5 m is plannedto be telescopc when it
was set in operation in the 1940's.
launched in about 2011.
The Hubble Space Tclescopc was the first large opti The Photographic Plate. Photography has long been
cal telescope in Earth orbit. In the future, satellites will one of the most common methods of observation in
continue to be mainly uscd for thosc wavelength rcgions astronomny. In astronomical photograpl1y glass platcs
where the radiation is absorbed by the at1mosphere. Duc were used, rather than film, sincc they kecp their shape
lo budgetary reasons, thc inajority of astronon1ical ob bettcr, but nowadays thcy are no nore manulactured.
4adtn felesenpes
than a ison The dipersion can be
inveasel by in 3,4 Radio Telescopes
(rasing the density of the groNves of tbe grating ln slit
ywahn the rrfleion grating is ost ommonty Rado astnmy rpresents a telatively nrw
ofastronomy Icoves AfrcqucKy tange frnhraeh
a few
Intefenetes. The oion of a bip tcleoq is imepahet (lI)op to frequencics of att 00GL
in uatr limited by sceing. and thus incteasing the (Im), theey etendinp the uervabte letomag
nerne ds not ncvssanly npve the resoution neti rtn by many odes of
To get nearet io the theoretcal ow Irequc ylnit of the talo bndismagtuls The
esolonom linit sct by deterininel hy
te opc ily ol lle lonosphere, while the high
dion ( 0), diflercnt nterfenmeters can Ie limi is due to the strong atsorptn lom oxygenIrequey
waler bands in ie1ower aliosplcte Ncithet of these and
here are two types ol opucal ine1teroncles Onc linits is very slrict, and under lavurable ondtions fa
And usea an e\isting lanye telesope, the otlher a
of two oN more separate tclescoes ln both systenn dio astronomers can work into the subnillmctre tegion
cases the or throuph ionospheric holes dur1ng sunspt
light rays are allowed to interlere. ly Analyzing the nunima
Ahe beginning of the 201h ccntury attenpts were
uteoming interderence patte1n, the stiuctues of close made to observe radio eunission (ron the Sun, These
hinanes can be studied, apparent angular darcteIs of
the star Can
be ncasured, ctc. experncnts, howeves, ailcd because of the lowscnsi
One of the carlicst interferometers was the (fvily of he antenna-tcceiver syssems, and bec ause ol
Michelson ifie opaguCncss_of tthe ionospherc at the low frequen
interfemmeter that was buil shortly beforr 1920 for the cies at which most of the expenments were carricd out
latpest telescope of that timc. In lront ot tlhe
at the cnds of a six mette long beann, there telescope, The irst observations of cosmic radio cm1ssion
were tlat later made by the Anierican cng1ncer Karl G Jansky in
minors reflecting le lipht into the telescope. Mie fom 1932, while studying thunderstonn tadio disturbances
of the interlerence pattemchangcd when the
of the ioN was varied. In practice, the separation nt a trequency of 20.5 MIHz (14.6m). He discovcred
interlercnce radio cmission of unknown ongin, which varicdwithin
paltcrn was disturbed by sccing. and only a few positive n 24 hour peiod. SoIcwhat latcr he identificd the source
results were obtained with this instrument. of this radiation to be in the direction of the centre of
The diamcters of over 30 of hc brightest slars have our Galaxy.
been nncasurcd using intensity interfenometers. Such The real birth of radio astronomy nnay erhaps he
a device consIsts of Iwo separate tclescopes (hat can be lated to the latc 1930'%, when Grote Reber startcd
movcd in elation to cach otlicr. This mcthod is suitable
systematic observations with his hamcadc 95u
for the brightest objccts only. paraboloid antenni, Thercallcr radio0 astronony de
In 1970 the Frenchman Antoine ibeyrie introduced
the principle of speckle interfeometry. In traditional
velopcd quitc rapidly und has greatly improved our
kuowledgc of the Universe.
Inapng the picturcs from long exposures consist of Observations are unade both in the continuum (broad
alarpc muunber of instantancous images, "speckles", that bund) uñd mspectral lines (radio spccioscopy). Much
together lorm the sccing disc. In speckle interferometry of ourknowledge about the struwture of our Milky Vay
very short cxposures and largc magnilications ate uscd COmes frOMradio observations of the 21 cm line of neu
and hundreds of pictures are taken. When thesc pictures Iral hydrogen and, more recently, fronm tbe 2mmlne
unC combincd and analyzed (usually in digital (om), oThe carbon monoxide moleeule Radio astronomy has
the actual resolution of the telescoe can nearly be rCSuled in many important discoveries, Cg both pul
sars and quasars were first found by rado astronomical
The accuracy of interleromctric techniques was n observations The inportanee of the ticld can also e
proved at the Icpinninp of 00's The firs Cxperinents NeCn from the fact that the Nobel prize in physiCs has
o usc the two 10 m Keck tclescopeN s onc interleo IcCently been warded twice oradio astononçrs,
mclet, wcre made in 2001 Sinilarly, thc ESO VIT will A tadio telescopc collccts rudtation in an apeture
be uscd as an unterferonmctc. o antenna, om which it is transformcd to nelectnc
3.Ohservations and Instrumenls

signal hy a rccciver, called a radiomcter This signal is form of a nctal mesh At high frequencie the ufare
has to be smooth, and in the millimetre-usbnsll1nere
lhen anplied. dciectd and intcgrated, and the ouiput ránge, radio astronomers cven use large
rptical tele
is registcred onsomc rcconding device, nowadays usu thcir SNn rarlrrcters
ally hy acomputer Becausc the reccived signal is very scopes, which they cråuip with signal. the s
To cnsure a coherent amplification of the
weak, onc has to us sensiive eecivers. These are of ene-tcnth of the
tencuolod to minimizcthe noisc, which could otherwisc facc iregularitices should he less than
mask the signal fronn thc source. Bccause rad1o waves wavelength used.
Thc main di•fcrcncc betwccn a rad1o telecrT and
arc clectromagncic rad1ation, they arce reflccted and re signal
Iracted ike ondinary light waves. In radio astronomy, an optical sclescopc is in thc recording of the
howcver, mosly rcllaing tclescopcs arc uscu Radio tclcscopcs aic not imaging telc«opes
Tor synthesis tclescopcs, which will he descrifeaTater).
Alow froquencics the antcnnas are usually dipoles inslcad, a fccd horn, which is locatcd al the antcnna
(similar lo thosc uscd for adio or TV), but in order to
focus, Lransfers the signalto aceceiver-Thewetength
ITeasT the coitcctung arca and imprave the reseltien,-
and phase information is hawcscr.prcscrvcu
onc uscs dipole arrays. wbee alldipcBe-cteets are Thc resolving powcr of a radio tclcscopc. . can
connectcd to cachother.
(ypc, howcvcr, is be deduccd from the sarnc formula (34) as fur opti
The most common antenna
reflcctor, which works Cxactly as an opti
a parabolic cal tclcscopcs, C.À/D. wherc i. is the a i
uscd and D is the diamcicr of thc apcrture Since the
cal miror tclescope. At long wavelengths thc rcflccting wavelengh rat:r inin radio and visible light Is of
surfacc docs not nced to be solid. bccausc thc long
the order of 10,COO, radio antenltas hathcis of
wavclength photons cannot sec the holes in the reflcc several kilomctres arc nccdcd in ordcr to
achicve the
tor, and the antenna IS (herclorc usually made in the

Fig 3.24. The largest radio lelescopc in the world is the a natural bowl and is 300 m in diame!er. 'hotu Arccib
Arecibu dish in Pueno Rico. It has been constructed over Observatory)
3.4 Radio Telescopes


Fig. 3.25. The largest fully steerable radio telescope is in Green

Bank, Virginia. Its diameter is 100 x 110 m. (Photo NRAO)

same resolution as for optical telescopes. In the early ameter of 100x |10m (Fig. 3.25). Before the Green
days of rad1o astronomy poor resolution was thc biggcst Bank tclcscopc, for ovcr two dccades the largcst tclc
drawback for the devclopment and recognition of radio scopc was the Effclsberg tclcscope in Germany. This
astronomy. For example, the antenna used by Jansky antenna has a parabolic main reflector with a diameter
had a fan bcam with a resolution of about 30° in the of 100 m. The inner 80 m of the dish is made of
narrower direction. Therefore radio observations could solid
not be comparcd with optical observations. Neither was aluminium panels, while the outmost portion of the disk
is a metal mesh structure. By using only the inner por
it possible to identify the radio sources with optical
tion of he telescope, it has becn possible to observe
counterparts. down lo wavelengths of 4 mm. The oldest and perhaps
The world's biggest radio telescope is the Arecibo an best-known big radio telescope is the 76 mn antenna at
tenna in Puerto RIco, whose main reflector is fixed and Jodrcll Bank in Britain, which was completcd in the end
built into a 305 m diameter, natural round valley cov of the 1950's.
ercd by a metal mesh (Fig. 3.24). In the late 1970's the The biggest telescopes arc usually incapablc of op
antenna surface and receivers were upgraded, enabling
the antenna to bc used down to wavelengths of 5 cin.
erating bclow wavelengths of I cm, because the surface
cannot be made accurate enough. However, the millimc
The mirTor of the Arecibo telescope is not parabolic but tre range has become morc and more important. In this
spherical, and the antenna is equippcd with a movable wavelength range there are many transitions of interstel
fecd system, which makes observations possible within lar molecules, and one can achieve quite high
a 20° radius around the zcnith. angular
resolution even with a single dish telescope. At present,
The biggest completely stcerablc radio telescopc is the typical size ofa miror of a millimetre tclcscope is
the Grcen Bank telescope in Virginia, .S.A.. dedicatcd about 15 m. The development of this field is rapid, and
at the end of 2000. It is slightly asymmetric with a di at prescnt several big millimctrc telcscopes are in opera
3. Observations and lnstruments

Fig. 3.26. The 1S mctn
Mavwell subnillimete
tclescope on Mauna Kea,
Hawaii, is located in a dry
climate at an altitude
of 4100 m. Obscrvations
can be made down lo
wavelengths of 0.5 nm.
(Photo Royal Obscrvalory.

thc 40 m Nobeyama Irequcncies. To improve the resolution by
tion (Table C.24). Among hen arc down to 3 mm, the size is difticult, because the prescnt
tclescopes arc
tclescopc in Japan, which can be used already close to the practical upper limit. However,
Veleta in Spain, which
the 30 m IRAM telescope at Pico Jamcs Clerk by combining radio telescopcs and
interferomclers, it
usablc down to 1mm, and the 15 m UK is possible to achieve cven
better resolution than with
Maxwell Telescopc on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, projcct in the optical tclescopes.
down to 0.5 mm (Fig. 3.26). The largcst As carly as 1891 Michelson used an
ALMA (Atacama
first decade of the 21st century is for astronomical purposes. While the usc
of interfer
compriscs of 50 tcle
Largc Millimctrc Array), which 3.27). It will be ometers has proved to be quile difficult in the optical
scopes with a diamcter of 12 m wavclength regimc, interferomctcrs are cxtremcly usc
by thc United Statcs,
buil1 as an international project ful the radio region. To form an interferomcter,
Europc and Japan.
power of a radio nccds at lcast two antennas couplcd togcthcr. Thc Let
As already mentioned, the resolving ing betwcen the antennas, D, is callcd
the basclinc.
tclcscope is lar poorer than that of an opticalrcach areso us first assume that the bascline is perpendicular to the
at present
The biggcst radio tclescopes canonly 3.28). Then the radiation aurrives at
that at( the very highcst linc of sight (Fig.
lution of5 arc seconds, and
3.Observations and Instruments

catcd on mountain tops, like optical telescopcs. All parts satcllitcs wcrc cspccially dcsigncd for gammna astron
of the minor are activcly controllcd in order to accu omy, notably SAS 2, COS B, HEAO Iand 3, and the
rately maintain the propcr fom like in the new optical Complon Gamma Ray Observatory. The most cffccive
telescopcs. Several ncw submillimetre tclescopcs are salcllite at prcscnt is thc Europcan Intcgral, launchcd in
undcr construction. 2002.
Thc quanta of gamma radiation havc cncrgics a mil
lion timcs grcater than thosc of visiblc light, but they
3.5 Other Wavelength Regions cannot bc obscrved with thc same dctcctors. These
observations arc made with various scintillation de
All wavelengths of the clcctromagnetic spcclrum en tectors, usually composed of scveral layers of detcctor
ter the Earth from the sky. However, as mentioned plates, where gamma radiation is transformcd by the
in Sect. 3.1, not all radiation reaches the ground. The photoelecic cílect inlo visible light, detcctable by
wavelength regions absorbed by the atmosphere have photomultiplicrs.
been studied more extensively since the 1970's, using The energy of agamma quantum can be determincd
Earth-orbiting satellites. Besides the optical and radio from the depth to which it penctrates the detcctor. An
regions, there are only some narrow wavelength ranges alyzing the trails left by the quanta gives information
in the infrared that can be observed from high mountain on their approximate direction. The field of vicw is lim
tops. ited by the grating. The directional accuracy is low, and
The first observations in each new wavelength region in gamma astronomy the resolution is far below that in
were usually carried out from balloons, but not until other wavelength regions.
rockets came into use could observations be made from
outside the atmosphere. The first actual observations of.. X"rays. The observational domain of X-ray aaivilJmy
an X-ray source, for instance, were made on a rocket includes the cnergies between 10 and 10 eV, or the
flight in June 1962, when the detector rose above the wavelengths 10-0.01 nm. The regions 10-0.1 nm and
atmosphere for about 6 minutes. Satellites have made it 0.1-0.01 nm are called soft and hard X-rays, respec
possible to map the whole sky in the wavelength regions tively. X-rays were discovered in the late 19th century.
invisible from the ground. Systematic studics of the sky at X-ray wavclcngths only
became possible in thc 1970's with the advent of satcllite
Gamma Radiation. Gamma ray astronomy stud
ies radiation quanta with energies of 10-10!4 eV.
The first all-sky mapping was made in the carly
The boundary between gamma and X-ray astron 1970's by SAS I(Small Astronomical Satellite), also
omy, 10 eV, corresponds to a wavelength of 10- m. called Uhuru. At the end of the 1970's, two High
The boundary is not fixed; the regions of hard Energy Astronomy Observatories, HEAO 1 and 2 (the
(=high-energy) X-rays and soft gamma rays partly latler called Einstein), mapped the sky with much highcr
overlap. sensitivity than Uhuru.
While ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation are The Einstein Obscrvatory was able to detect sources
all produced by changes in the energy states of the about a thousand times fainter than earlier X-ray tele
electron envelopes of atoms, gamma and hard X-rays scopes. In optical astronomy, this would correspond to
are produced by transitions in alomic nuclei or in a jump from a 15 cm reflector to aS m tclescope. Thus
Inutual interactions of elementary particles. Thus ob X-ray astronomy has developed in 20 ycars as much as
servations of the shortest wavelengths give information optical astronomy in 300 years.
on processes different from those giving rise to longer The latest X-ray satellites have been the Ameri
wavelengths. can Chandra and the Europcan XMM-Newton, both
The first observations of gamma sources were ob launched in 1999.
taíned at the end of the 1960's, when a device in Besides satellites mapping the whole sky, therc have
the OSO 3 salelite (Orbiting Solar Observatory) de bcen several satellites observing the X-ray radiation of
tected gamma rays from the Milky Way. Later on, some the Sun. The first effcctive tclescopes were instaled in
3.5 Other Wavelength Regions


Focal plane
Fig. 331. (a) X-rays arc not
and the principle of grazing relccted by an ordinary miror, to a focalpoint. In practicc, scveral mirrors arc placcd onc in
reflection must be uscd col
lecting them.
snall angle, isRadiation mects the paraboloid miror atfora very side another, collecting radiation in a common focus (b)Thc
Europcan lnicgral gamma ray obscrvatory was launched in
renccted onto a hyperboloid miror and further 2002. (Picture ESA)
the Skylab space station, and
tde Gun in 1973-74. they were uscd to sludy Ültraviolet Radiation. Between X-rays and the opti
In the
starncd making rcgular X-ray1990's, the Europcan Soho cal region lics thc domain of ultraviolet radiation, with
tclcscopcs observations
The first X-ray of the Sun. wavclengths bctwcen 10and 400 nm. Most ultraviolet
thosc in gamma astronomy. uscd detectors similar to obscrvations have been carricd out in the soft UV re
was never bettcr than a Thcir directional accuracy gion, at wavclengths near those of optical light, since
cisc X-ray telescopes fcw arc minutes. The more pre most of the UV radiation is absorbed by the atmosphcre.
reflection (Fig. 3.31). Anutilize
the principle of
hitting grazing The wavclengths below 300 nm arc complctely blocked
pendicularly is not
X-rays mcct thc miror
a surface
reflccted, but absorbed. If, however, per out. The short wavclength region from 10 to 91.2 nm is
grazing it, a high qualityncarly parallcl to its surfacc, just called the extreme ultraviolet (EUV, XUV).
Extreme uliraviolet was onc of the last
The miror of an X-raysurface can reflect the ray. the clectromagnetic radiation to be observedregions of
lace ol a is on the inncr sur atically. The rcason for this is system
surfacc is slowly
a conc. The outer part of the interstellar that the absorption of
Thc rays areparaboloidbyand thc inner part a hydrogcn makcs the sky practically opaque
cal plane. Inrcflected both surfaces and hyperboloid.
mect a a fo
at these wavclengths. The
visibility in most directions
within another. For severalthetubes are installed onc of limited to some hundred light ycars in
the vicinity
stein Observatory had instance,
as inuch
four cones of
the Sun. In somc directions,
the Ein the interstellar gas is so low that however, the density of
as a normal polishcd even extragalactic ob
opical surface
tclescope witlha diameter of 2.5 jccts can be seen. The first
olution in X-ray telescopes of
m. The res the Extreme Ulraviolet dedicated EUV satellite was
scconds and the field of view aboutthe order
I deg.
of a few arc Explorer (EUVE), opcrating in
1992-2000. It observed about
The detectors in a thousand EUV
X-ray astronomy arc In EUV grazing relcction
Geiger-Müller counters,
illation detectors. proportionalandcounters orusually
used in X-ray astronomy aretclescopes similar to those
In ncarly all branchcs of employed.
counters are boxes fillcd with gas. The walls proporional
form cath
asronomy important in
formation is obtained by observations
odc, and an anode wire a of ultraviolet
box; in more accurate runs through the middle of the radiation. Many cnmission lincs from stellar
wires. An X-ray quantum counters, there are several anode spheres or Coronas, the Lyman lines of atomic chromo
gas, and the potential entering the hox ionizes the and most of the radiation fron hydrogen,
hot stars are found
difference UV domain. In thc in the
cathode gives rise to a current ofbetween the anodc and
clecirons and positive near-ultraviolet,tclescopes can be
made similar to optical telescopes and,
ions. aphotometer or cquipped with
orbiting the Earth. spectrometcr, installed in a satcllite
3. Observations and Instruments


Fig. 3.32. (a) Thc Europcan

X-ray satellite XMM
Ncwton was launchcd in
1999. (Drawing D. Ducros,
XMM Team, ESA)
(b) FUSE satellile has
photographed far ulravi
olct objects from Earth
orbil sincc 1999. (Graph
ics NASAJHU Applicd
Physics Laboratory)

The most effecive satellites in the UV have been the

European TD-1, the American Orbiting Astronomical
Observatories OAO 2 and 3 (Copermicus), he rcuna
tional Ultraviolet Explorer IUE and the Soviet Astron.
The instruments of the TD-1 satellite included both
aphotomcter and a spectromcter. Thc satcllite mcasurcd
the magnitudes of over 30,000 stars in four different
spectral regions between 135 and 274 nm, and registered
UV spectra from over 1000 stars. The OAO satellites
werc also used to measure magnitudes and specctra, and
OAO 3 worked for over eight years.
The IUE satellite, launched in 1978, was one of
the most successful astronomical satelliles. IUE had
a 45 cm Ritchey-Chrétien telescope with an aperture
ratio of f/15 and a field of view of 16 arc minutes.
The satellite had two spectrographs to measure spec
tra of higher or lowcer resolution in wavelength intervals
of II5-200 nm or 190-320 nm. For registration of the
spectra, a Vidicon camera was used. IUE worked on the
orbit for 20 years.

Infrared Radiation. Radiation with longer wave

lengths than visible light is called infrared radiation.
This region extends from about I micrometre to
1millimctre, where the radio region begins. Some
times the near-infrared, at wavelengths below Sm.
16 1her forrms of EnergY

ot Anble (or lnuel

Itated tudintlon cannot

encunls glasA. The
CaAACgrain reflecto u
lended Cspecially for
infred obscrvntlons
huve sccondary mirrors
nodding, rapidly back nnd
lort1 bctween tle ob
jcct and the backgound
ncar hc objcct. By sub
tracting the brightncss of
the background from thc
brightncss of thc ohjcct,
the background can bc

and thc submillimctrc domain, at wavelengths betwcen

0.1 and Imm, arc considercd separate wavclcngth
Ir infrarcd obscrvations radiation is collcctcd by
u lclescopc, as in thc optical region. The incoming
radiaion consists of radiation from the objcct, fron Fig, 3.34. The most effective infrared satellite al
present is the
the background and from the tclescopc itsclf. Both American Spitzer, launched in 2003. (Drawing NASA)
the source and the background must be continually
mcasurcd, thc difercncc giving thc radiation from the Balloons and satcllites are also used for inlrared
objcct. Thc background mcasuremcnts arc usually made obscrvations. Thc most successful infrared observalo
with a Casscgrain sccondary mirror oscillating be rics so far have been the InfraRed Astronomy Satellite
(wcen thc sourcc and thc background at a ratc of, say, IRAS, hc European Infrared Space Observatory IS0,
I(00 oscillations pcr sccond, and thus thc changing back and the present-day Spitzer (originally SIRTE, Space
round can bc cliinatcd. To registcr thc ncasurcmcnts, InfraRed Telescope Faciliiy). Avery succesful satellite
semiconductor detectors arc uscd. The detcctor must al was the 1989 launched COBE (Cosmic Background
ways be coolcd to minimizc its own thenal radiation. Explorcr), which mapped the background radiation
Sometimes the wholc tclescope is cooled. in submillimetre and infrared wavelengths. The Mi
Infrarcd obscrvatories havc becn built on high moun crowave Anisotropy Probe (MAP) has continucd the
tain tops, wherc nost of thc atmospheric water vapour work of COBE, starting in 2001.
remains below. Somc favourablc sitcs arc, c. g. Mauna
Kea on Ilawaii, Mount Lcnnon in Arizona and Pico del
Teide on Tenerifc. For obscrvations in the far-infrared 26 Other Forms of Energy
thesc mountains are not highenough; these obscrvations
best encrgy arivces lron1
arc carricd out, c.g. on acroplanes. Onc of the, Besidcs electronmagnctic radiation, neutrinos)
cquipped plancs is the Kuiper Airborne Obscrvatory, in other foms: particles (cosmic rays,
Gerad space
named after the well-known planelary scientist and gravitationalradiation.
3 Obsevallons and Insttuments

s0nce they icnct very weakly witlh other matter, they

CACape directly from tlhc stellar interior.
NcutrinOs arc very difficult to obscrvc; the first
methoxd of detcction was thc radiochcmical 1ncthod, As
arcactive agent, c. g, tctrachlorocthenc (C,CI) can be
UNCd. When o ncutrino bits a chlorinc atom, thc chlorinc
is transformed into argon, and an clcctron is frecd:
"CHy’ "Ar4c.
The argon aton is radioactivc and can bc obscrvcd.
Instcad of chlorinc, liUhiunn and galliun1 might be uscd
to deicct ncutrinos. Thc first galliun deicctors havc bcen
running in Italy and Russia from the cnd of the 1980's.
Another obscrvation method is bascd on the
Cerenkov radiation produccd by ncutrinos in cxtremcly
purc water. The lashcs of light arc rcgislered wilh pho
Fig. 3.35. Tlc LlGO Livingston (Observatory secn Srom he
tomultiplicrs, and thus it is pOssible to find out the
air, (hoto LIGOCaltccl)
dircction of the radiation. This mcthod is uscd e.g. in
the Japancsc Kaniokandc detcclor.
Neutrino detectors must be located dcep under the
Cosmic Rays. CoOsmic rays, consisting of clcctrons and ground to protect them from the sccondary radiation
(otally ionizcd nuclei of atoms, arc rcccivcl in cqual causcd by cosmic rays.
anounts from all dircctions. Thcir incoming dircctions The detccIors have obscrvcd ncutrinos from the Sun,
do not revcaltheir origin, sincc cosmie rays arc clcciri and the Supcrnova 1987A in the Large Magellanic
cally charged; thus thcir paths are continually changed Cloud was also obscrved in 1987.
when they move througlh the magnctic ficlds of the
Milky Wny. Thc high cnergics of cos1nic rays mcan Gravitational Radiation. Gravitational astronomy is
that they have to be produccd by high-cnergy phenom as young as ncutrino astronomy. The first altempts
cna likc supcrnova Cxplosions. The najority of cosmic to meusurc gravitational waves were made in thc
tays arc protons (ncarly 90%) and hcliunn nuclci (10%), 1960's, Gravitational radiation is cmittcd by accclerat
bul somc arc hcavicr nuclci; thcir encrgics lic betwccn
10 and 1(020 V.
ing masses, just as clcctromagncticradiation is cmitted
by clcciric chargcs in ucccleratcd mnolion. Dctcction of
The most cncrgctic cosmic rays givc risc o sec 1gravitational wavcs is very difficult, and they havc yct
ondury radiation when thcy hit molecules or the to be dircetly observed.
atmosphere. This secondary rudiation can be observcd The lirst (ypc of gravitational wavc antcnna was the
fromthc ground, but primnary cosinic ruys can only bc Weber cylinder. It is an aluminiun cylinder which starts
dircc1ly observcd outside the atmosphcrc. The dctcctors vibrating at its propcr frcqucncy when hit by a gravi
Uscal to obscrvc coOsmic rays urc sinilar to thosc (uscd in tutional pulsc. Thc distancc bctwccn thc cnds of the
particle plhysics. Since Eurtl1-bascd accclerators rcach cylinder changes by albout 10-" m, and the changes in
cnergies of only about 102 cV, cosmic ruys offer an cx thc lcngth arc sudicd by strain scnsors wcldcd to the
cellent "alural" Jaboratory for particle plhysies. Many sidc of the cylindcr.
satellites and spacccralt have deteciors for cos1nic rays. Another (ypc of modern gravity radiation detcctors
Incasurcs "spatial strain" induced by gravity waves und
NeutrinOS. Ncutrinos are clementary particles with no Consists of two scts of mirrors in dircctions pcrpcndic
clectric churge and amass cyual o zcro or, al uny ratc, ular to cuclh other (Michclson interfcrometer), or onc
less tlhan 1/10,000 of' hc mus8 of the clectron. Most sct of purallel nirrors (abry-Perot interleromctcr).
ncutrinos are produccl in nuclcar renctions willhin stars; The relativc distunces bctwecn tlhc mirrors arc moni
3.6 Olher forms of Energy

lonnd by laser interfenmeters. Ifa gravity julsc

the deteor, the distanves change and the changes passes the centre of the hole be ddo drdyl. The amplitude
Ie mcasurcd. The longest can coming from the polnt (a, ) is then
bascline bctween the mir
in the Ancrican LIGO
(LAser Interferoncier da =dx dy (cos &l 4 ain &j).
Gravitational-wave Observatory) system, about 25 km
(Pig. 3.3S). LIGO made the first scicntific obscrvations
in 2002.

" DIfraction by a Circular
Consider acircular hole of radius R in the xy planc. dao
Coherent light enters the hole from thc dircction of
the ncgative z axis (sce figurc). We consider light rays We sum up thc amplitudcs coming from differcnt
lcaving the hole parallcl to the xz plane foning an points of the holc:
angle @wiih the z axis. Thc light waves interferc on
a scrcen far away. The phasc di•ferencc bctwccna wave da
through a poin1 (*, ) and a wavc going through thc Aperlure
ccntre of he holc can bc calculated from thc diffcrcnt
path lcngths s = x sin 0: R

2 sin (cos kri+ sin kx j) dy d°

S=2= -* kx.

=2 VR-r(cos kri4+ sin kx j)dx.

Sincc sinc is an odd function (sin(-kx) =- sin(kx)),
wc gct zcro whcn we intcgrate thc sccond tcrm. Cosinc
is an cvcn function, and so

rsin 0| aa VR-tcoskx da.

We sulbstitute x= Ri and dcfine p= kR =
(2rr sin 0)/A, thus gciting

a« i-aos pr dt.
The zcro points of the intensity obscrved on the
scrccn arc obtaincd Irom the zcro points of the
Thus, thc phusc di•fcrencc 8 depends on the x co
ordinatc only. The sun of the amplitudcs of the wavcs
from a smallsurfacc clemcnt is proportional to thc arca
of thc clement dx dy. Let the anplitudc coning through
3. Observations and Instruments


Inspecting the function J(p), we scc that thc first zero Exanple 3.2 A tclescope has an objective with
is at p = 3.8317, or a diamctcr of 90 mm and focal length of 1200 mm.
2a Rsin 0 a) What is the focal length of an cycpicce, the cxit pupil
of which is 6 mm (about the sizc of the pupil of the
The radius of the diffraction disc in angular units can b) What is the magnification of such an cycpicce?
be cstimated from the condition c) What is thc angular diamctcr of thc Moon sccn
3.8317 through this tclescopc and cycpiccc?
sin =
a) From Fig. 3.7 wc gct
where D= 2R is the diamctcr of the holc.
In miror telcscopes diffraction is caused also by the
support structure of the secondary mirror. If the apcr
ture is more complex and only clementary mathematics whence
is uscd calculations may become rather cumbersome. L 6 mm
However, it can be shown that the diffraction pattern can f= f 1200 mm;90 mm
be obtained as the Fourier transform of the aperture.
= 80 mm

3.7 Examples b) The magnification is w = fIf'= 1200 mm/80 mm

= 15.
Example 3.1 The distance between the components c) Assuming the angular diameter of he Moon is
of the binary star Herculis is 1.38". What should a=31'=0.52°, its diameter through the telescope
the diameter of a telcscope be to resolve the binary? is wa =7.8°.
If the focal length of the objective is 80 cm, what
should the focal length of the eyepiece be to resolve 3.8 Exercises
the components, when the resolution of the eye is 2?
In the optical region, we can use the wavelength value Exercise 3.1 The Moon was photographed with a tele
of d 550 nm. The diameter of the objective is obtained
from the equation for the resolution (3.4), scope,the objective of which had a diameter of 20 cm
and focal length of 150cm. The exposure time was 0.1 s.
550 x 10-9
D m
a) What should the exposure time be, if the diameter of
(1.38/3600) x (x/180)
the objective were 15 cm and focal length 200 cm?
=0.08 m=8 cm. b) What is the size of the image of the Moon in both
The required magnification is c) Both telescopes are used to look at the Moon with an
2 eyepicce he focal lengh of which is 25 mm. What
= 87.
1.38" are the magnifications?
The magnification is given by
Exercise 3.2 The radio tclescopcs at Amherst, Mas
sachusetts, and Onsala, Sweden, are used as an
interferometer, the basclinc being 2900 km.
and, thus, the focal length of thc cyepicce should be a) What is the resolution at 22 GHz in the direction of
80 cm the baselinc?
f='= 87
=0.9 cm
b) What should be the sizc of an optical tclescupc wih
thc same resolution?

Observatories in India
As the country takes a step towards development
and leaves its mark in the field of science and
technology, the knack of Indians in this field is not
new and has been developing since a very long time.
The earliest observatory in India started with
measuring the time of the day to the exact second
and declination of sun and research on other
heavenly bodies. This trend continues till date and
the list of observatories below showcases the keen
interest on people in further study and have been a
stepping stone in India's quest for knowledge and
advancement in technology.
1. Astronomical Observatory, Nainital

Perched on top of the ManoraPeak in

Beluwakhan, Nainital, Astronomical
Observatory or Aryabhatta Research Institute
of ObservationalScience (ARIES) helps you
see the stars, celestial bodies, the mOon and
other heavenly bodies with the help of high
powered, imported telescopes. The centre
requires you to make prior appointment
before visiting the place.
2. Kodaikanal Solar Observatory,

3.7 15

View 6+

Located at the southerntip of the beautiful

Palani Hills, the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory
was established in 1899 and is owned and
operated by the Indian Institute of
Astrophysics. Its longitudinal position makes it
aunique site for the study of solar behaviour.
The scientific abode also houses the most
extensive collection of solar data, dating way
back to the 19th century.
3. Telescope Observatory, Yelagiri

Vainu Bappu Observatory, also known as the

Telescope Observatory is located in Kavalur.,
very near to Yelagiri. Home to Asia's largest
telescope, it was established in 1970s and can
only be visited onprior permission. Besides
the celestial bodies and the fascinating stars,
youcan also spot the affluent wildlife- flora
and fauna, near the observatory.
4. Astronomical Observatory, Nainital

Perched on top of the Manora Peak in

Beluwakhan, Nainital, Astronomical
Observatory or Aryabhatta Research lInstitute
of Observational Science (ARIES) helps you
see the stars, celestial bodies, the moon and
other heavenly bodies with the help of high
powered, imported telescopes. The centre
requires you to make prior appointment
before visiting the place.
5. Udaipur Solar Observatory

This solar observatory in India is on an lsland

in Udaipur where a boat can be used to travel
to, favourable to record solar observations
because of the condition of the sky. The image
quality of these recordings is up to the mark
as the observatory is amidst a large mass of
water and the ground heating by sun's ray due
to the air turbulence. The infrastructure of the
observatory is according to the model of Solar
Observatory at Big Bear Lake in Southern
California and was built by Dr Arvind
Bhatnagar in 1976. It is considered as the best
solar observing site in Asia. The observatory
has a vast range of telescopes to provide
exceptional quality of astronomical
observations. The observatory has a new
instrument 'Solar Vector Magnetograph' that
plays a vital role in the future research
program by determining the magnetic field of
the active regions. Every one of these
facilities adds to the nature of extricated
6.Gauribidanur Radio Observatory

Gauribidanur is a rural area 100 km from

Bangalore and is free from urban electronic
noise, making it suitable radio observations. It
was built in the 1970s by Raman Research
Institute and Indian Institute of Astrophysics.
To study radio emission from the centre of our
galaxy and other radio sources, most
importantly the sun, Radio emission is
present. The purpose of these observations is
tostudy supernovaremnants, ionised
hydrogen regions in the outer space and
pulsars. Most of the time at this observatory is
dedicated to observing the sun, and the angle
is changed continuously through electronic
adjustment. Gauribidanur Radio Observatory
isthe only observatory in India that can record
observations at low frequencies and has a
unique role.
7. Madras Observatory, Chennai

South Asians first texts onastronomical

phenomenaate back to more than 3000years,
as the study of movement of stars and planets
was familiar in the ancient world, hence the
observatory was built andwas one of the first
modern observatories in Asia that was
equipped with impressive telescopes, some of
which are stillrare in the Indian subcontinent.
Madras is a vast astronomical observatory set
up by William Petrie in 1786 and later was
managed bythe British East India Company
that aims at assisting in the navigation and
mapping by recording latitude and maintaining
time standards. The recordings here are also
usedto study stars and geomagnetism and
production of a comprehensive catalogue of
stars.It isan amalgamation of scientific
knowledge and imperial power. The site was a
knowledge and imperial power. The site wasa
tool of colonial rule aimingat showing the
dominance of British power in South Asia as
astronomy was knownas the key to
'sovereignty of rick and extensive empire'.
Madras observatory held the torch for
establishing a global empire and was
Considered to be the rise of a new kind of

8.High Altitude Gamma Ray

Observatory Ladakh

The intense study of Gamma rays provides an

insight into the study of what is known as the
non-thermal universe. Cosmic rays in the
galaxy are considered to be an essential
Component of the non-thermalworld. The
research revolves around the concept that
the remains of a supernovaexplosion
the remains of asupernova explosion
accelerate cosmic rays with energies at the
lower end of the ray spectrum on the other
handhigher energy cosmic rays could be
accelerated in active galactic nuclei.
Productionof Gammarays can also happen
when charged particles are accelerated to
high energies through different processes.
The location and atmosphere of Ladakh are
perfect for observing and understanding more
about these experiments. Gamma rays are
extremely harmful to life hence being located
at ahigher altitude the observatory is not a
threat to surroundings. Being situated in
Ladakh, it is considered to be one of the
world's highest sites for optical, infrared and
gamma-ray telescopes. The Indian
Astronomical Observatory is operated by
Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore
and is currently the ninth optical telescope in
the worldaccording to the list of highest
astronomical observatories. For excellent
visibility and most accurate reading of infrared
and submillimeter observations throughout
the year, Hanle site is a perfect place. The
concentration of atmosphericaerosols is low
along with atmospheric water vapour
Concentration, and the location has low
ambient temperatures, low humidity and least
amount of pollution in the surroundings
requirements for most accurate readings. This
observatory in India currently has two
powerful telesSCopes, and each one has seven
mirrors and occupies an area of 4.4 square
meters in total. The observatory is still
undergoing development for better results,
and the researchers are waiting for the worlds
second largest telescope to be installed at
this site.

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