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Matching the illnesses and symptoms with the body's reactions:

1. flu - i) fever and chills

2. rash - f) red, itchy skin
3. nauseous - h) feeling like vomiting
4. cough - g) sneezing
5. sore throat - b) can't swallow
6. cut finger - j) bleeding
7. sprained ankle - c) can't walk
8. bruise - d) purple skin
9. backache - a) sore chest
10. cold - g) sneezing

Patient: Good morning, Doctor Smith. How are you today?

Doctor Smith: Good morning, I'm well, thank you. How can I assist you?

Patient: I've been feeling really tired lately, and I've had this persistent headache.

Doctor Smith: I see. How long have you been feeling like this?

Patient: For about a week now. It's been quite bothersome.

Doctor Smith: Have you noticed any other symptoms besides the tiredness and headache?

Patient: Well, I've also had a bit of a sore throat and some congestion in my chest.

Doctor Smith: Alright. Let's take a look. Please open your mouth and say "ahh".

Patient: Ahh...

Doctor Smith: Okay, I can see some redness in your throat. It seems like you might have a mild
infection. I'll prescribe you some medication to help with that.

Patient: Thank you, Doctor Smith. Is there anything else I should do?

Doctor Smith: Make sure you get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. If you don't feel better in a
few days, come back to see me.

Patient: Alright, thank you for your help. I'll follow your advice.
Doctor Smith: You're welcome. Take care, and I hope you feel better soon.

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