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"The Serenade of Erudition"

In the quiet chambers of the mind

Where intellect and wisdom intertwine

A serenade of erudition unfolds

In verses and stories, it's often told

The inked quill dances on parchment's grace

A tale of knowledge, a wondrous chase

Each word a note in this grand theme

A symphony of wisdom, like a cherished dream.

Amidst forgotten tomes of yore

A treasure trove of truths to explore

The serenade of erudition's song

With boundless thoughts, we all belong.

The serenade of erudition's art

Enlightening minds and warming hearts

Guiding seekers toward the light.

With boundless thoughts, we all belong.

Moral Value : To enriching ourselves and becoming high value personal we must into knowledge by
studying so hard. And we should make our dreams come true and make the history in this world by
the new discovering as based on knowledge. -With knowledge life will be easy, with the art life will
be gorgeous, and by the belief life will be guided

1. Chambers : bilik/ruang
2. Intertwine : menjalin
3. Serenade : rayuan dalam melodi
4. Erudition : ilmu pengetahuan
5. Verses : sajak
6. Parchment’s grace : kertas dan pena bulu
7. Cherished : berharga
8. Tomes of yore : zaman lampau
9. Boundless : tak hingga
10. Inked quill : pena bulu
11. Treasure trove : harta karun
12. Enlightening : menerangi

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