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Un-Planned Delivery Cost

Table of Contents
Planned Delivery Cost: ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Unplanned Delivery Cost: .................................................................................................................................... 1
Scenario 1: Distribute among Invoice items ........................................................................................................ 2
Scenario 2: Distribute among Invoice items include Planned delivery cost ........................................................ 5
Scenario 3: Different G/L Line .............................................................................................................................. 6

Planned Delivery Cost:

• Included in our agreement with the Supplier.
• We knew that these costs will happen


• When we buy something, we know that we are going to pay the insurance and the freight and so on..
• So, these expenses should include in our purchase order and then we do the goods receipt. The value of the
inventory updated with these costs.

Unplanned Delivery Cost:

• While we creating the PO, we don’t know the final value of freight or the Insurance or the customs. But we know
that this will happen
• So that, we can include a standard cost in our PO and then when we receive the invoice. it will update the cost of
our inventory also
• It’s not a big deal if we don’t know exactly the amount we are going to pay for different expenses
• But also other expense items that we don’t expect at all
• When we create a PO we include Freight, Insurance, Customs etc;.. and Goods receipt done. But when we
receive the invoice from the supplier, we find that there is an extra expense items like tips or handling or
• So, these are the expenses we didn’t plan known as Unplanned expenses
• These Unplanned expenses are more than one way to deal with them
1. We can post them different item in the inventory that we bought
2. Post them to separate Expense account

Scenario 1: Distribute among Invoice items
Configuration for Un-Planned Delivery:

Path:- SPRO - Materials Management - Logistics Invoice Verification - Incoming Invoice - Configure How Unplanned
Delivery Costs Are Posted

Purchase Order:

Qty Net Price Gross Price Freight-10%

10 10 100 10

Goods Receipt:

Invoice Verification:

• Unplanned delivery cost distributed among invoice items means it posted to Stock account
• Planed delivery cost (Freight) posted to its own account

Scenario 2: Distribute among Invoice items include Planned delivery cost
• Configuration for Unplanned delivery cost

• Do PO and GR as same as above

Invoice Verification:

• Total unplanned delivery cost is 30 INR. Also it include Planned delivery cost which is 10%(2,73) which is
distributed among invoice items(posted to stock account)
• Remaining amount is 27,27 INR which is distributed among invoice items(posted to stock account)

Scenario 3: Different G/L Line

• Configuration for Unplanned delivery cost

• Transaction code: OBYC

• Do PO and GR as same as Scenario 1 or 2

Invoice Verification:

• Here we can see that Un planned delivery cost posted against configured G/L account – 231600


• In MIRO, we can also give Manually G/L account for Unplanned delivery cost or other expenses etc,..


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