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Overcome Anxiety Through Radical Acceptance

The antidote to anxious thoughts and feelings is often radical acceptance.

Rather than judge anxiety as "bad" and resist it, practice deep non-
attachment through total allowance.
When anxiety arises, say gently to yourself: "Let be. Let pass." Know
that anxious emotions, like all things, change from moment to moment.
Practice accepting anxious feelings completely, without conditions. Do not
make worries about the future or rumination about the past "wrong" -
simply see them as natural weather patterns in the vast sky of your mind.
As acceptance deepens, so too does relaxation. You realize there is nothing
to fix or change - anxious feelings are already perfectly allowed just as they
Over time, this non-resistant stance will loosen anxiety's tight grip. Fearful
thoughts and physical sensations arise, stay for a while, and pass away on
their own when met with radical acceptance and non-judgment.
Anxiety ultimately thrives in resistance. The more you struggle against it,
the tighter it holds on.
But when you practice total allowance of your present experience - this
breath, this body, these anxious thoughts and feelings just as they are -
freedom naturally arises. Anxiety fades into the background.
There is nothing wrong with how you feel in this moment. You are already
whole and complete, with or without anxiety.
So next time worry arises, practice radical acceptance. Say "Let be. Let pass."
Breathe and simply observe anxious sensations, making space for them
with non-judgmental presence.
As willingness to experience life just as it is deepens, so too does peace of
mind. Anxiety is no longer met with resistance - only radical acceptance of
what has already come to be.

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