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Meditate on Paradox to Overcome Anxiety

When anxious or overwhelmed with worry, meditating on paradoxes can

help dissolve fearful thoughts and loosening anxiety's grip.
Dualistic thinking fuels anxiety - seeing yourself as separate from others,
fixing problems out there instead of within, seeking certainty to feel safe.
But the truth is non-dual - containing both sides of every paradox
As you meditate on paradoxical statements related to your anxiety, rigid
concepts will begin to dissolve. Thoughts like:
"I am both small and infinite. Finite in this moment yet endless in space and
"I am both temporary and eternal. Born to die yet made of that which never
"This anxiety is real and not real. A profound teaching moment yet also just
a feeling."
As you reflect on paradoxes like these, two things happen:
First, you realize your anxious self is just a temporary role the mind is
playing. You are infinitely more than any identity or label.
Secondly, you reconnect with an awareness that transcends duality itself -
a state of wisdom and clarity where anxiety cannot survive for long.
The more you meditate upon paradoxes that capture the non-dual nature
of reality, the more loosening of anxiety you will experience. Fearful
thoughts appear absurd when seen from a vantage point beyond
"either/or" thinking.
So next time worry overwhelms you, reflect upon paradoxes related to your
anxiety. Meditate on the "both/and" nature of things rather than
As rigid concepts dissolve into wisdom, anxiety will gradually release its
tight hold. You realize the mind itself is a paradox - and so is the one doing
the realizing.

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