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Draft Materials for Lecture 1: Introduction to Legal Systems and Methods

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©J Ayamunda 2020

The Nature and Meaning of Law

NB: Read to understand do not cram and reproduce; Engage in active learning; express your
ideas clearly and accurately. Engage in the argument ie bring your own independent critical
thought to bear on the issues at hand.
Definition of operational terms:
- Legal
- Systems
- Methods
What is law?

- Rules

- Why obey rules

- Legal Validity (source v merit)

- The binding nature of rules (hint: standards which are binding socially, politically, legally


- Enforcement of rules

- Legal rules v non-legal rules

- Legal rules – recognized and enforced by courts. Their validity largely depends on their
sources rather than their merits
- Non legal rules – no force of law; its authority is conditioned on its acceptance i.e. its
validity is dependent on the merits of the rule
NB: legal positivism (ie every law has a source) v legal antipositivism.
 Sources of the law of Kenya
 Where to find the law
 How to find the law
 What to do with the law (once you find it)
 What ‘thinking like a lawyer’ involves in an academic context
Constitution Art2, Judicature Act S3: re list of sources
a) The Constitution
b) Other statutes
c) The general rules of international law
d) treaties and/or conventions ratified by Kenya
e) Equity
f) Common law
g) African customary law
h) Judicial precedent

NB: Hierarchy of the sources

 Constitution
 What is it? An assemblage of rules etc. that do three things:
 Create organs of the State
 Regulate the relationship between the organs
 Regulate the relationship between the organs and citizens e.g. re
fundamental freedoms, rightss etc.
Supremacy Art 2
Law in broad brush strokes
Written and unwritten constitutions
Clarity/ uncertainty e.g. Art 261 (9) [Art 261 clause 9]; reasonableness …
Art 259 re interpretation e.g. purpose, progressive dev.

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