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Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

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Contemporary performance measurement systems: A review of their

consequences and a framework for research
Monica Franco-Santos a,∗ , Lorenzo Lucianetti b,1 , Mike Bourne a,2
Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom
Department of Management and Business Administration, University of Chieti and Pescara, Viale Pindaro 42, 65127 Pescara, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The main purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the
Contemporary performance measurement literature on the consequences of contemporary performance measurement (CPM) systems
systems and the theories that explain these consequences. The framework is based on an in-depth
Balanced scorecard
review of 76 empirical studies published in high-quality academic journals in the areas
Levers of control framework
Strategic performance measurement
of accounting, operations, and strategy. The framework classifies the consequences of CPM
systems into three categories: people’s behaviour, organizational capabilities, and performance con-
Key performance indicators sequences. This paper discusses our current knowledge on the impact of CPM, highlighting
Diverse performance measures inconsistencies and gaps as well as providing direction for future research.
© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Larcker, 2001, 2003). This may explain why many orga-
nizations are investing heavily in the development and
The use of performance measurement systems is maintenance of CPM systems (Neely et al., 2008). From a
frequently recommended for facilitating strategy imple- research point of view, we have some knowledge about
mentation and enhancing organizational performance why organizations adopt these systems (e.g., Chenhall and
(e.g., Davis and Albright, 2004). Today, contemporary Langfield-Smith, 1998; Henri, 2006a; Hoque and James,
performance measurement (CPM) comprises the use of 2000). We are, however, less knowledgeable about their
financial as well as non-financial performance measures actual consequences (Lee and Yang, 2010).
linked to the organization’s business strategy. For instance, Accounting, operations, and strategy researchers have
balanced scorecards (BSC) (Kaplan and Norton, 2001) and examined the effects of CPM systems. Researchers have
multi-criteria key performance indicators (KPI) can be con- used an array of research methods, such as case study
sidered CPM systems (Cheng et al., 2007; Hall, 2008). The research (e.g., Bititci et al., 2006; Kolehmainen, 2010), sur-
adoption of this type of system has increased steadily in vey research (e.g., Burney and Widener, 2007; Cheng et al.,
the last two decades (Rigby and Bilodeau, 2009). Organiza- 2007; De Waal et al., 2009), quasi-experimental research
tions are under great pressure to deliver value not only to (e.g., Davis and Albright, 2004; Griffith and Neely, 2009),
their shareholders but also to other stakeholders, and they and experimental research (e.g., Lipe and Salterio, 2000,
believe CPM systems can help them in this task (Ittner and 2002; Tayler, 2010). Researchers have focused on differ-
ent levels of analysis. For instance, the work of Hall (2008,
2010) focuses on how CPM systems affect the behaviour
and performance of individuals, whilst the work of Scott
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 0 1234 751122;
and Tiessen (1999) concentrates on how CPM systems
fax: +44 0 1234 754332.
affect team performance. Researchers have also investi-
E-mail addresses: (M. Franco-Santos), (L. Lucianetti), (M. Bourne). gated the effects of CPM systems taking into consideration
Tel: +39 085 4537603; fax: +39 085 4537603. aspects such as their particular design, implementation, or
Tel. +44 0 1234 751122; fax: +44 0 1234 754332. use (e.g., Speckbacher et al., 2003). Nevertheless, there is

1044-5005/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
80 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

still a lack of consensus on the actual consequences of CPM. We also outline here the limitations of our study. Finally,
Furthermore, to our knowledge, no integration study has in Section 6, we draw our research conclusions.
been conducted to better understand the diverse effects
of CPM systems as well as how these effects occur. Inte- 2. Defining contemporary performance
grating our research knowledge in this area is important measurement systems
to progress the CPM field and to support evidence-based
management initiatives (Rousseau, 2006). Before conducting a review of the consequences of CPM
The aim of this paper is to integrate our knowledge on systems, we first need to clarify what we mean by CPM
the consequences of CPM systems by conducting a review systems. Most scholars define CPM3 systems in terms of
of the existing empirical evidence on this topic. Specifi- their features. For example, Cheng et al. (2007) hold that
cally, we pursue two objectives. Our first objective is to “contemporary performance measurement systems, such
identify and categorize the consequences of CPM systems as the balanced scorecard, advocate the use of an array
studied in the literature, providing a guiding framework of financial and non-financial performance measures” (p.
that integrates them. We classify the consequences of 221). Other scholars have defined CPM systems not only
CPM into three categories: people’s behaviour, organiza- in terms of their features but also in terms of their role or
tional capabilities, and performance consequences. This main processes. For instance, Hall (2008) defines CPM as a
comprehensive yet parsimonious categorization allows us system that “translates business strategies into deliverable
to accommodate the numerous variables that may be results [. . .] combining financial, strategic and operating
affected by CPM systems, thereby facilitating the under- business measures to gauge how well a company meets
standing of this complex phenomenon. Our category its targets” (p. 43). Similarly, Ittner et al. (2003b) suggest
encompassing people’s behaviour refers to consequences that CPM “provides the information [financial as well as
related to the actions or reactions of employees (e.g., nonfinancial] that allows the firm to identify the strate-
motivation, participation) and their underlying cognitive gies offering the highest potential for achieving the firm’s
mechanisms (e.g., perceptions). Our organizational capa- objectives, and aligns management processes, such as tar-
bilities category refers to consequences associated with get setting, decision-making, and performance evaluation,
specific processes, activities, or competences that enable with the achievement of the chosen strategic objectives” (p.
the organization to perform and gain competitive advan- 715). As there are different perspectives used to study CPM
tages (e.g., strategic alignment, organizational learning). systems, the literature lacks an agreed definition. This issue
Finally, our performance category comprises the differ- creates confusion, limiting the potential for researchers to
ent effects that CPM systems can have on financial and compare different studies in this field.
non-financial results at all levels of the organization (e.g., To overcome this limitation and facilitate our review,
firm performance, managerial performance, and team we follow the approach suggested by Franco-Santos et al.
performance). (2007). We clarify the definition of a CPM system by focus-
Our second objective is to explain the different mech- ing on its necessary and sufficient conditions. We argue
anisms by which CPM is presumed to affect people’s that a CPM system exists if financial and non-financial per-
behaviour, organizational capabilities, and performance. formance measures are used to operationalize strategic
In the literature, several theories have been proposed to objectives. This definition is based on a number of assump-
explain the consequences of CPM. Theories such as agency tions. Firstly, the definition assumes that the role of CPM
theory and goal-setting theory present strong arguments systems is to evaluate performance for either informational
as to how the use of CPM affects behaviour and motiva- or motivational purposes (regardless of the organizational
tion. However, there are other less widely used theories level at which performance is evaluated). Secondly, it
that have also been adopted in the literature and deserve assumes that CPM systems comprise a supporting infras-
some attention. For instance, Schiff and Hoffman (1996) tructure, which can vary from being a simple method of
use attribution theory to explain how executives use multi- data collection and analysis (using, for example, Excel) to a
criteria performance measures and how these measures sophisticated information system facilitated by enterprise
affect their decision-making processes. Another example is resource planning platforms or business intelligence solu-
the work of Malmi (2001), who adopts neo-institutionalism tions. Finally, it assumes that CPM systems involve specific
theory to explain why companies adopt CPM systems and processes of information provision, measure design, and
the consequences of these decisions. Understanding the data capture, regardless of how these processes are con-
underlying mechanisms that generate the different conse- ducted.
quences of CPM is critical for determining how to maximize According to the definition proposed, systems such as
the effectiveness of these systems. those based on the BSC (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, 1996,
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In 2001), the performance prism (Neely et al., 2002), or the
Section 2, we provide a definition of CPM and a full descrip-
tion of the three categories of CPM effects. In Section 3, we
discuss our method of literature review, explaining in detail 3
It is important to note that in the literature, the phrase “contempo-
the process adopted and our research selection criteria. In rary performance measurement” is often used interchangeably with other
Section 4, we present our framework for research, compris- phrases such as “integrated performance measurement” (Bititci et al.,
1997), “comprehensive performance measurement” (Hall, 2008), “strate-
ing the findings of our literature review. In Section 5, we gic performance measurement” (Burney and Widener, 2007; Ittner et al.,
discuss the findings of our review, along with their impli- 2003b), or “business performance measurement” (McAdam and Bailie,
cations for practice and suggestions for further research. 2002).
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 81

levers of control framework (Simons, 1995) are considered Four CPM system types have been identified.4 The
CPM systems. Performance measurement systems adopt- description of each type of CPM focuses on the components
ing diverse KPIs are also considered CPM systems, provided (part 1 of the description) and on the key purpose (part
that the KPIs are linked to the organization’s business 2 of the description) of these systems. Some researchers
strategy. However, systems such as traditional budgeting focus on the consequences of performance measurement
systems or activity-based costing systems will not be con- systems that (1) include financial as well as non-financial
sidered CPM systems, mainly because they focus on cost performance measures implicitly5 or explicitly linked to
drivers that are measured in financial terms only. Thus, strategy and (2) are used to inform managerial decision-
they do not meet the requirement of having both financial making and to evaluate organizational performance. We
and non-financial performance measures. label this first type of CPM system as type A.6 Other
researchers examine the consequences of performance
measurement systems that (1) include financial as well
3. Classifying contemporary performance as non-financial performance measures linked to strategy,
measurement systems showing explicit cause-and-effect relationships among
the measures; and (2) are used to inform managerial
A definition is helpful for clarifying what a CPM system is decision-making and to evaluate organizational perfor-
and what it is not. Speckbacher et al. (2003) argue that a sin- mance. We label this second type of CPM system as
gle definition does not capture the complex nature of these type B. Researchers also concentrate on the consequences
systems. They suggest that for research purposes a com- of performance measurement systems that (1) include
prehensive typology should be used instead. In their study financial as well as non-financial performance measures
of German-speaking organizations they find that these implicitly or explicitly linked to strategy and (2) are used
organizations use three different versions of BSC. Some to inform decision-making and evaluate organizational
organizations have a BSC type I, which is a scorecard con- and managerial performance (without linking the per-
taining financial and non-financial strategic performance formance evaluation results to monetary rewards). We
measures grouped into perspectives. Others have a BSC label this third type of CPM system as type C. Finally,
type II, which is a scorecard type I that employs a specific researchers have investigated the consequences of perfor-
approach to describe the organization’s strategy using a mance measurement systems that (1) include financial as
sequential cause-and-effect logic to link tangible and intan- well as non-financial performance measures implicitly or
gible assets. These cause-and-effect linkages have been explicitly linked to strategy and (2) are used to inform
called mental models (Eccles and Pyburn, 1992), strategy decision-making, evaluate organizational and managerial
maps (Kaplan and Norton (2000), and success maps (Neely performance, and influence monetary rewards. We label
et al., 2002). Finally, a set of organizations adopts a BSC type this fourth type of CPM system as type D (Table 1).
III, which is a scorecard type II with an additional feature
that makes incentive pay contingent on the performance
4. Method
results of the scorecard measures. Based on their findings,
Speckbacher et al. (2003) suggest that further research
To meet our research objectives, we conducted our
take into consideration these three types of scorecard
study with the following research questions in mind: (1)
What are the consequences of CPM systems? (2) What
Speckbacher et al.’s typology is considered by many
theories have been used to explain the consequences of
researchers as a useful tool for understanding the effects
CPM systems? We performed our literature review fol-
of CPM systems (e.g., Lee and Yang, 2010). Despite its
lowing a six-step process. First, we conducted a scoping
strengths, however, we were unable to use it in our
study based on an ad hoc list of empirical papers that
research. There were two reasons for this. Firstly, Speck-
focus on the consequences of CPM systems. Second, we
bacher et al.’s typology focuses on BSCs in particular, whilst
searched the literature and identified the relevant studies
our literature review looks at CPM systems in general.
for our review. Third, we selected those studies that met our
Secondly, Speckbacher et al.’s typology advocates that the
three types of BSC are incrementally related, whilst we find
that this might not necessarily be the case. For instance, in
our review of the literature we find that many researchers To validate our classification, we contacted the authors of the selected
studies by We asked them to agree or disagree with the category in which
look at the impact of linking financial and non-financial we had placed their study and to provide us with additional comments if
strategic performance measures to incentive pay without required. The authors of 60 studies responded to our email. The authors of
necessarily taking into consideration the adoption of cause- 58 studies agreed with our classification. The authors of two studies were
and-effect relationships among the measures (e.g., Ittner unsure about the way in which we had classified their work and provided
us with additional comments. We considered their comments and further
et al., 2003a), which is a necessary condition required to
refined the description of each of our CPM categories.
meet the specifications of Speckbacher et al.’s BSC type 5
The term implicit refers to implied but not plainly expressed or
III. Thus, we adapted Speckbacher et al.’s typology to our assessed in the research. For example, we find that many researchers
research needs. As a result, we use a CPM typology where explore the impact of balanced scorecards by focusing on the use of finan-
the first two types of our CPM systems are similar to Speck- cial as well as non-financial performance measures assuming that those
measures are aligned to the business strategy (e.g., Hoque and James,
bacher et al.’s types I and II, but the rest differs. We describe 2000).
our typology here to elucidate how we classify our findings 6
We used a different nomenclature to the one used by Speckbacher
and present the variables and relationships studied. et al. (2003) to avoid confusion.
82 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

Table 1
Contemporary performance measurement types.


Components • Financial and non-financial • Financial and non-financial • Financial and non-financial • Financial and non-financial
performance measures performance measures performance measures explicitly performance measures
implicitly or explicitly linked explicitly linked to strategy or implicitly linked to strategy explicitly or implicitly linked
to strategy • With explicit to strategy
cause-and-effect relationships
among measures
Use/purpose • Inform decision-making • Inform decision-making • Inform decision-making • Inform decision-making
• Evaluate organizational • Evaluate organizational • Evaluate organizational and • Evaluate organizational and
performance performance managerial performance (without managerial performance
links to monetary rewards) • Influence monetary rewards

specific selection criteria. Fourth, we read the papers of our research and allow its replication. These criteria are
selected and developed a data set including the main described as follows:
variables7 and characteristics of each study. Fifth, we clas-
sified the effects of CPM systems. Finally, we synthesized • We chose 15 journals as the main source of our research.
the insights extracted from the literature review in order to We selected five key journals in accounting (ACC), five
answer our research questions. The following sub-sections key journals in operations (OPS), and five key jour-
provide an overview of how the review process was devel- nals in strategy/general management (STR/MNG). The
oped. selected journals were Accounting, Organization and
Society; The Accounting Review; Management Account-
ing Research; Behavioral Research in Accounting; British
4.1. Scoping study and selection of relevant literature Accounting Review; Journal of Operation Management;
Operations Research; International Journal of Operations
Our first step in the literature review process was to and Production Management; International Journal of
conduct a scoping study. The purpose of this study was to Production Research; International Journal of Production
identify the key sources of research, the type of evidence Economics; Long Range Planning; Strategy Management
available, and the main keywords required for finding rel- Journal; Academy of Management Journal; Administrative
evant studies. The list of papers used for the scoping study Science Quarterly; and British Journal of Management. We
was created based on our knowledge of the topic and on selected these journals because, according to our scop-
discussions with academic experts in the area of perfor- ing study, they are the more likely to publish research
mance measurement and management. This list included on CPM, and they are regarded as being of high quality
the work of Ahn (2001), Cavalluzzo and Ittner (2004), within each of the disciplines included in the review.
Davis and Albright (2004), Decoene and Bruggeman (2006), • Selected studies could also come from the references
Evans (2004), Godener and Soderquist (2004), Griffith and included in the papers found in any of the above journals.
Neely (2009), Ittner et al. (2003a,b), Johnston et al. (2002), We chose this criterion to avoid missing relevant studies
Lingle and Schiemann (1996), Lipe and Salterio (2000, published in journals other than the ones included in our
2002), and Papalexandris et al. (2004). We analysed these review. However, to preserve the quality of our literature
papers and their references. We found that most research sources, if the paper found in the references was pub-
on CPM came from three different research disciplines: lished in a journal with less than two stars according to
management accounting, operations management, and the ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide (2010), the paper
strategy. This research referred to both public and private was excluded from the review for quality reasons.
sector organizations. We also found that the keywords that • The studies included in the review had to provide empir-
could help us to find relevant studies were “performance ical evidence on the consequences of CPM in for-profit
measure*”8 ; “balanced scorecard”; and “management con- organizations regardless of the qualitative or quantitative
trol*”. nature of their data. To narrow the focus of our review,
Based on the insights extracted from our scoping study, empirical work from not-for-profit and government
we defined the criteria for selecting those studies that organizations together with theoretical or conceptual
would constitute the data set for our literature review. The papers were considered to be out of scope.
main objective of these criteria was to narrow the scope • The review took into consideration published work from
1992 to October 2011. The main reason for choosing 1992
as a cut-off point was the publication in that year of
the BSC framework (Kaplan and Norton, 1992), which
We use the word “variable” in general terms to refer to “what a study is
about” (Luft and Shields, 2003, p. 173). We examine conceptual variables has been considered crucial for the development of CPM
or constructs (expressed in abstract terms and used in theory building research (Neely, 2005).
research) as well as measured variables (expressed in numerical terms • If some portions of a study met the selection criteria
and used in theory testing research) (Stangor, 2010). stated above and others did not, only the portions that
The truncation character, *, is used to find articles containing words
with the same root. For example, a search for performance measure* will
met the criteria were included in the review. The por-
find articles containing the words “measures”, “measurement”, and “mea- tions that did not meet these criteria were omitted. For
surements”. instance, if a research paper presents the consequences
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 83

of CPM systems together with the consequences of other cooperation. Consequences for organizational capabilities
management systems, only the results related to CPM are involve specific processes, activities, or competences that
included in this review. enable organizations to gain competitive advantage –
for example, organizational learning or innovativeness.
After defining our selection criteria, we searched the Finally, consequences for performance include the effects
literature in three electronic databases, namely, ISI Web of CPM systems on financial as well as non-financial results.
of Knowledge, EBESCO, and ABI Proquest, using the key- For instance, variables such as managerial performance,
words identified through the scoping study and the names market performance, and financial performance are all con-
of the fifteen selected journals. We conducted our searches sidered performance consequences. Besides classifying the
in three different databases to maximize our likelihood of consequences of CPM systems according to our framework,
finding relevant studies and to improve the reliability of our we also took note of the internal and external contextual
research. The studies identified were downloaded, and the factors that were found to affect these consequences and
key information was extracted from each paper for analysis of the potential areas in the literature that needed further
in referencing software. We read the abstracts and selected research. In the next section, we describe the results of our
the papers that met our selection criteria. We then down- review using our conceptual framework as a guiding tool.
loaded the full manuscripts and identified further relevant
research through the cross-references. 5. Findings
Whilst reading the papers we created a summary table
including the main attributes of each study (see Table A.1 We found 76 papers that met our review selection
in Appendix A). This table captured the authors’ names, criteria. Table A.1 (Appendix A) summarizes the key char-
date the study was published, area of research (accounting, acteristics of these studies. Table 2 classifies the studies
strategy/general management or operations), type of CPM according to the type of CPM system studied and the
system studied (A, B, C, or D) including specific information research method used. We present the findings extracted
regarding the CPM framework used (e.g., BSC, levers of con- from this review following the conceptual framework that
trol (LoC), or KPIs), underpinning theory or theories used appears in Fig. 1. We first describe the different conse-
to explain the CPM consequences, methods of data collec- quences of CPM researched in the literature in terms of
tion and analysis, consequences of CPM systems, variables people’s behaviour, organizational capabilities, and per-
that moderate the different consequences of CPM sys- formance. We then state and discuss the theories that
tems, industry and country where the research took place, have been used to explain the effects of CPM. In this sec-
and the level of analysis used in the research (individual, tion, we avoid referencing to each of the individual types
team, department, business unit, division, organization, of CPM systems unless we find contradicting evidence
and beyond the organization level). We classified the that requires further explanation. Nevertheless, Tables 3–5
selected studies according to their research method and summarize the CPM system consequences for people’s
then in alphabetical order based on the name of the first behaviour, organizational capabilities, and performance
author. according to each of the CPM systems studied.
It must be noted that when reviewing quantitative
studies exploring mediation relationships, we classified as 5.1. Consequences for people’s behaviour
consequences of CPM systems both mediators and depen-
dent variables. For example, in Hall’s (2008) study role The adoption of CPM systems affects the behaviour of
clarity and psychological empowerment mediate the rela- people in a number of ways (see Table 3). The following
tionship between the use of CPM systems and managerial sub-sections explain these types of consequences in detail.
performance. In this literature review we considered these
three variables as consequences of CPM systems. Role 5.1.1. Strategic focus
clarity and psychological empowerment are intermediate Researchers agree on the effect that CPM systems have
consequences. Managerial performance is an ultimate con- on people’s strategic focus. They suggest that the use of a
sequence. CPM system improves executives’ discussions about strat-
egy and helps to concentrate the efforts of executives on
4.2. Conceptual framework and classification of what is important for the organization. The studies finding
consequences this consequence have mainly been based on qualitative
data (e.g., Ahn, 2001; Butler et al., 1997; Jazayeri and
After extracting the main attributes of each selected Scapens, 2008; Sandstrom and Toivanen, 2002). In quan-
study in Table A.1 (Appendix A), we constructed Tables 3–5 titative studies, the impact of CPM systems on people’s
to organize our findings and to help us create our con- strategic focus is often used as one of the main support-
ceptual framework (shown in Fig. 1). This framework ing arguments explaining how the CPM system is able to
groups the CPM consequences into three different cate- affect performance. It is interesting to note, however, that
gories: consequences for people’s behaviour, consequences none of the quantitative studies found in this literature
for organizational capabilities, and consequences for per- review convert the conceptual variable of “strategic focus”
formance. Consequences for people’s behaviour comprise into a measured variable of “strategic focus”. Further quan-
specific actions or reactions of people to CPM systems titative research looking at the relationship between CPM
as well as their underlying cognitive mechanisms. Exam- systems and people’s strategic focus could help us to better
ples of these variables are motivation, perceptions, and understand this effect.
84 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

Fig. 1. Conceptual framework about the impact of CPM.

5.1.2. Cooperation, coordination, and participation system provides better coordination and control among
Researchers have also focused on the effect of CPM sys- them. Dossi and Patelli (2010) investigate the relation-
tems on cooperation, coordination, and participation, not ships between head offices and subsidiary companies in
only within the organization (among individuals, teams, multinational organizations, demonstrating that the use of
or business units) but also beyond the organization (e.g., CPM systems enhances their relationships. Papalexandris
among buyers and suppliers). Two studies look at the et al. (2004), researching a particular company in a case
effect of CPM systems on relationships beyond the bound- study, find that the development of a BSC system improved
aries of the organization (Mahama, 2006; Cousins et al., the relationships of employees from different divisions,
2008). Mahama (2006) finds evidence suggesting that CPM who in the past worked competitively against each other
systems facilitate cooperation and socialization in supply due to the way performance measures and targets were
relationships. Mahama’s (2006) research shows that the set. Wiersma’s (2009) survey supports Papalexandris et al.’
CPM system helps ensure that performance information (2004) qualitative results as he shows that managers find
is distributed fairly among participants in the supply rela- CPM systems useful for coordinating activities within and
tionship, which enables learning and problem solving. This among departments. In sum, the evidence suggests that
aligns the interests of the relationship participants, mak- CPM systems are useful devices for improving cooperation
ing them more willing to adapt to changes when necessary and coordination among people within the organization
whilst avoiding the exercise of power. Cousins et al. (2008) and outside the organization with its partners.
support Mahama’s (2006) findings and show that the use of Related to the CPM effect on cooperation is the effect
CPM systems enhances communication in buyer–supplier of CPM systems on employee participation and involve-
relationships, which in turn improves socialization. ment. Butler et al. (1997) observe how the iterative and
Looking at the impact of CPM systems on relationships, consultative process required for the development and
we find a number of studies. Cruz et al. (2011) focus on implementation of CPM systems enhances participation.
globally dispersed sub-units and find that the use of a CPM This finding is aligned with the work of Kolehmainen

Table 2
Number of studies classified according to CPM type and research method used.


Archival •1 •4 5
Survey •9 •4 •1 •2 • 1 (CPM A, B and D) 27
• 2 (LoC) • 2 (BSC) • 1 (BSC–CPM A, B and D)
• 4 (BSC) • 1 (BSC–CPM A and B)
Experiment •1 • 9 (BSC) • 2 (BSC–CPM C and D) 13
Quasi-experiment • 1 (BSC) • 1 (BSC) 2
Case/field study •7 • 3 (BSC) •1 •2 20
• 1 (LoC) • 3 (BSC)
• 3 (BSC)
Mixed methods • 1 case study and • 1 (LoC) case study • 1 (LoC) case study • 1 (BSC) archival 9
action research and action research and archival and survey
• 1 survey and • 1 (BSC) survey and • 1 case study and • 1 survey and
interviews archival archival interviews
• 1 survey and
Total 29 11 17 14 5 76
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 85

Table 3
Consequences of CPM systems on people’s behaviour.

CPM system type A CPM system type B CPM system type C CPM system type D

Strategic focus
• Strategic focus • [+, CS] Butler et al. (1997) • [+, CS] Ahn (2001); [+, CS] • [+, CS] Jazayeri and
Sandstrom and Toivanen Scapens (2008)
Cooperation, coordination, and participation
• Cooperation • [+, S] Mahama (2006)
• Relationships among • [+, S] Dossi and Patelli
headquarters and (2010)
subsidiaries • [+, CS] Cruz et al. (2011)
• Socialization • [+, S] Cousins et al.
(2008); [+, S] Mahama
• Participation • [+, CS] Butler et al. (1997) • [+, CS] Papalexandris et al. • [+, CS] Kolehmainen
(2004); [+, CS] Sandstrom (2010)
and Toivanen (2002)

• Relationships within and • [+, CS] Papalexandris • [+, S] Wiersma (2009)

among departments et al. (2004)
• Motivation • [+, CS] Godener and • [+, CS] Papalexandris et al. • [−, CS] Decoene and
Soderquist (2004) (2004); [+, CS] Sandstrom Bruggeman (2006); [−, CS]
• Influenced by and Toivanen (2002) Malina and Selto (2001)
participation [+, CS] • Influenced by strategic
Godener and Soderquist alignment [+, CS] and the
(2004) development and use of
CPM [+, CS] Decoene and
Bruggeman (2006), Malina
and Selto (2001), as well as
by CPM operating as an
effective communication
tool [+, CS] Malina and
Selto (2001)
• Psychological • [+, S] Hall (2008)
empowerment • Mediated by role clarity
[+, S] Hall (2008)
• Goal commitment • [+, E] Webb (2004)
• Moderated by goal
attractiveness [+, E] and
managers’ self-efficacy [+,
E] Webb (2004)
Citizenship behaviours
• Organizational • [+, S] Burney et al. (2009)
citizenship behaviours • Mediated by perceptions
of justice [+, S] Burney et al.
Role understanding
• Role conflict • [−, S] Burney and
Widener (2007)
• Moderated by the
number of
measures/complexity [−, S]
Burney and Widener
• Goal conflict • [+, S] Cheng et al. (2007)
• Moderated by the
individual’s perceived goal
difficulty [+, S] Cheng et al.
• Role ambiguity • [−, S] Burney and
Widener (2007)
• Moderated by experience
[+, S] and the coupling of
the CPM system to
evaluation and
compensation (i.e., CPM D)
[−, S] Burney and Widener
• Mediated by job relevant
information [−, S] Burney
and Widener (2007)
86 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

Table 3 (Continued )

CPM system type A CPM system type B CPM system type C CPM system type D

• Job relevant information • [+, S] Burney and

Widener (2007)
• Moderated by managerial
experience [ , S] Burney
and Widener (2007)
• Role clarity • [+, S] Hall (2008)
• Job satisfaction • [+, S] Lau and Sholihin
• Mediated by trust in
supervisor [+, S] and
perceived fairness [+, S]
Lau and Sholihin (2005)
Decision making, learning, and self-monitoring
• Managerial • [+, S] Grafton et al. (2010) [+, S] Wiersma (2009)
• Managerial [+, S] Wiersma (2009)
• Managerial learning • [+, S] Hall (2010); [+, CS]
Tuomela (2005)
• Moderated by size of
business unit [−, S] and
managerial experience [−,
S] Hall (2010)
Leadership and culture
• Leadership • [+, CS] Bititci et al. (2006) • [+, CS] Ukko et al. (2007)
• Influenced by
organizational culture [+,
CS], managerial education
level [+, CS], managerial
experience [+, CS], and the
maturity of the CPM
system [+, CS] Ukko et al.
• Organizational culture • [+, CS] Bititci et al. (2006) [+, CS] Jazayeri and Scapens
• Perceived satisfaction • [+, S] Ittner et al. (2003b); • [+, S] Speckbacher et al.
with the CPM system [+, CS] Malmi (2001) (2003); [+, CS] Jazayeri and
Scapens (2008); [−, S]
Ittner et al. (2003a)
• Influenced by the
perceived subjectivity in
the system; Ittner et al.
Perceptions of subjectivity, justice, and trust
• Subjectivity • [+, CS] Kolehmainen • [+, A and S] Ittner et al.
(2010) (seen as a positive (2003a)
outcome as it enhances
• Perceptions of trust • [+, S] Lau and Sholihin
• Perceptions of justice • [+, CS] Papalexandris • [+, S] Lau and Sholihin • [+, S] Burney et al. (2009)
et al. (2004) (2005) • Mediated by the technical
validity and
cause-and-effect validity of
performance measures [+,
S] Burney et al. (2009)
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 87

Table 3 (Continued )

CPM system type A CPM system type B CPM system type C CPM system type D

Judgement biases
• Performance evaluation • [+, E] Lipe and Salterio • [+, A] Moers (2005) - In
bias (2000, 2002); [+, E] Libby particular, lenient
et al. (2004); [+, E] Banker performance ratings and
et al. (2004); [+, E] Cardinaels comprised performance
and Van Veen-Dirks (2010); ratings
[+, E] Dilla and Steinbart
(2005); [+, E] Kaplan and
Wisner (2009); [+, E] Liedtka
et al. (2008); [+, E] Roberts
et al. (2004); [+, E] Schiff and
Hoffman (1996); [+, E]
Wong-on-Wing et al. (2007)
• Moderated by the use of an
assurance report [+, E] Libby
et al. (2004); the different
BSC formats [+, E] Cardinaels
and Van Veen-Dirks (2010),
Kaplan and Wisner (2009),
Lipe and Salterio (2000,
2002); the evaluator’s level of
ambiguity intolerance [+, E]
Liedtka et al. (2008); process
accountability [+, E] Libby
et al. (2004); managers’
knowledge about the BU
strategy [+, E] Banker et al.
(2004), Kaplan and Wisner
(2009), Wong-on-Wing et al.
(2007); managerial training
and experience about the
design and structure of the
BSC [+, E] Dilla and Steinbart
(2005); level of performance
judgement [+/−, E] Schiff and
Hoffman (1996); and
managerial role [+/−, E]
Wong-on-Wing et al. (2007)
• Strategic initiative • [+, E] Tayler (2010).
evaluation bias • Moderated by the type of
BSC format [+, E] and
participation or involvement
in the selection of strategic
initiatives [+, E] Tayler (2010)
• Bonus allocation bias • [+, E] Dilla and Steinbart
(2005); [+, E] Roberts et al.
• Moderated by managers’
knowledge of the design
and structure of the BSC [+,
E] Dilla and Steinbart
Conflicts and tensions
• Tension/conflict • [+, CS] Marginson • [+, CS] Papalexandris • [+, CS] Malina and Selto
(2002) et al. (2004) (2001)
• Influenced by poor • Due to poor
communication communication Malina and
Marginson (2002)) Selto (2001)
• Time consuming • [+, CS] Butler et al. • [+, CS] Ahn (2001); [+, CS]
(1997); [−, CS] Cruz et al. Papalexandris et al. (2004);
(2011) [+, CS] Tuomela (2005)
• Visibility • [+, CS] Cruz et al. (2011) • [−, CS] Tuomela (2005)
• Workload • [+, CS] Tuomela (2005)

Notes: The sign within [ ] refers to the type of impact found in the study: [+] refers to positive effects; [−] refers to negative effects; [+/−] refers to mixed
effects; [–] refers to no effects found; [ ] refers to curvilinear effects. The abbreviations within [ ] refer to the research method used in the study: [CS] case
study; [S] survey; [A] archival; [QE] Quasi-experiment; and [E] experiment.
88 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

Table 4
Consequences of CPM systems on organizational capabilities.

CPM system type A CPM system type B CPM system type C CPM system type D

Strategy processes: alignment, development, implementation, and review

• Strategic alignment • [+, CS] Cruz et al. (2011); • [+, S] Chenhall (2005); [+, • [+, CS] Kolehmainen • [+, CS] Jazayeri and
[+, S] Dossi and Patelli CS] Ahn (2001); [+, CS] (2010) Scapens (2008); [+, CS]
(2010) Sandstrom and Toivanen Malina and Selto (2001)
(2002) • Moderated by the CPM
• Influenced by strategic meeting the characteristics
orientation (supplier, of an effective system [+,
strategic/operational) [+, S] CS] Malina and Selto (2001)
Chenhall (2005)
• Strategy • [+, S] Gimbert et al. • [+, CS] Tuomela (2005); • [+, CS] Jazayeri and
development/continuous (2010); [+, CS] Marginson [+, CS] Ahn (2001) Scapens (2008)
process (2002) • Influenced by
environmental risk [−, CS]
Ahn (2001)
• Strategy implementation • [+, S] De Geuser et al. • [+, CS] Ahn (2001) • [+, CS] Moon and
(2009); [+, CS] Lillis (2002) • Influenced by managers’ Fitzgerald (1996)
• Influenced by the use of cognitive limitations [−, • Influenced by the way in
loose controls [+, CS] and CS] Ahn (2001) which the CPM has been
technical integration of developed and used [+/−,
performance measures CS] Moon and Fitzgerald
[+/−, CS] Lillis (2002) (1996)
• Communication • [+, CS] Butler et al. • [+, CS] Ahn (2001); [+, CS] • [+, CS] McAdam and
(1997); [+, CS] Cruz et al. Papalexandris et al. (2004); Bailie (2002)
(2011) [+, CS]; Godener and [+, CS] Tuomela (2005); [+,
Soderquist (2004) CS] Sandstrom and
Toivanen (2002)
Strategic capabilities
• Entrepreneurship • [+, S] Henri (2006b)
• Mediated by the
interactive use of CPM [+,
S] Henri (2006b)
• Innovativeness • [+, S] Henri (2006b); [+/−,
S] Bisbe and Otley (2004);
[+, CS] Cruz et al. (2011);
[+, CS] Marginson (2002)
• Mediated by the
interactive use of CPM [+/−,
S] Bisbe and Otley (2004);
[+, S] Henri (2006b); [+, CS]
Marginson (2002)
• Dynamic tension • [+, S] Henri (2006b) • [+, CS] Mundy (2010)
• Moderately by • Mediated by establishing
environmental uncertainty a balanced between the
[+, S] and organizational interactive and diagnostic
culture [+/−, S] Henri use of CPM [+, CS] Mundy
(2006b) (2010)
• Market orientation • [+, S] Henri (2006b)
• Mediated by the
interactive use of CPM [+,
S] Henri (2006b)
• Organizational learning • [+, S] Henri (2006b); [+/−, • [+, S] Chenhall (2005); [+,
CS] Johnston et al. (2002) CS] Ahn (2001)
• Mediated by the • Influenced by strategic
interactive use of CPM [+, orientation (customer,
S] Henri (2006b) strategic/operational) [+, S]
• Moderated by the way in Chenhall (2005)
which the CPM was
developed and used [+/−,
CS] Johnston et al. (2002),
Godener and Soderquist
• Strategic capabilities • [+, S] Grafton et al. (2010)
(exploiting old and
finding new)
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 89

Table 4 (Continued )

CPM system type A CPM system type B CPM system type C CPM system type D

Management practices
• Management practices • [+, CS] Johnston et al. • [+, CS] Ahn (2001); [+, CS] • [+, CS] Malina and Selto
(2002); [+, CS] Wouters Papalexandris et al. (2004) (2001); [+, CS] Ukko et al.
and Wilderom (2008) • Influenced by CPM (2007)
• Influenced by CPM system maturity [+, CS] • Influenced by CPM
system purpose, Papalexandris et al. (2004) system purpose,
development, and use [+/−, development, and use [+/−,
CS] Johnston et al. (2002), CS] Malina and Selto
Wouters and Wilderom (2001); organizational
(2008) culture [+, CS], managerial
education [+, CS],
managerial work
experience [+, CS], the
maturity of the CPM
system [+, CS] Ukko et al.
Corporate control
• Corporate control • [+, CS] Cruz et al. (2011);
[–, CS] Kraus and Lind
(2010); [+, S] Dossi and
Patelli (2010)
• Influence by
accountability [+, CS] Cruz
et al. (2011)

Notes: The sign within [ ] refers to the type of impact found in the study: [+] refers to positive effects; [−] refers to negative effects; [+/−] refers to mixed
effects; [–] refers to no effects found; [ ] refers to curvilinear effects. The abbreviations within [ ] refer to the research method used in the study: [CS] case
study, [S] survey, [A] archival, [QE] Quasi-experiment, and [E] experiment.

(2010), Papalexandris et al. (2004), and Sandstrom and Additionally, researchers have explored the impact of
Toivanen (2002), which suggests consensus regarding the CPM systems on intrinsic task motivation referred to as
positive impact of CPM systems on employee involvement psychological empowerment. For instance, Hall’s (2008)
in the organization’s performance measurement and man- survey research looks at the effect of CPM systems on the
agement process. psychological empowerment of managers in a set of four
cognitions: (1) meaning (the value placed on work based on
people’s own standards); (2) competence (people’s belief in
5.1.3. Motivation their capacity to perform a job well); (3) self-determination
Research on the motivational effect of CPM systems has (people’s belief about the degree of autonomy allowed in
produced mixed results. The case studies conducted by their jobs); and (4) impact (the extent to which people
Papalexandris et al. (2004) and Sandstrom and Toivanen believe they can influence their job outcomes). He finds
(2002) show that CPM systems improve people’s motiva- that CPM systems influence the cognition and motivation
tion towards the achievement of strategic objectives. In of managers through the effects on the managers’ psycho-
particular, Godener and Soderquist (2004) find that the logical empowerment manifested in the four cognitions
degree of employee motivation generated is influenced studied.
by the degree of participation in the measurement pro- Related to the work of Hall (2008) is the experiment
cess. However, the studies of Malina and Selto (2001) conducted by Webb (2004) on the impact of CPM on the
and Decoene and Bruggeman (2006) show that the adop- motivation of managers to meet their goals–defined by
tion of a CPM system may actually have negative effects Webb as ‘goal commitment’. Webb demonstrates that the
on motivation, especially when the system’s performance use of a CPM system containing strong cause-and-effect
measures are used to determine bonus payments. Malina relationships among its financial and non-financial perfor-
and Selto (2001) argue that CPM stimulates motivation mance measures (i.e., CPM type B) increases the managers’
when two conditions exist. Firstly, the CPM system must perceptions of self-efficacy and goal attractiveness (antici-
be an effective management control device, including pated satisfaction from goal achievement). As a result, the
performance measures and targets that are controllable, motivation of managers to meet their financial and non-
challenging but attainable, and related to meaningful financial performance goals is strengthened.
rewards. Secondly, the CPM system must be supported In sum, the evidence suggests that it is as much the pro-
by an effective communication mechanism that encour- cess of developing and using the CPM system, as it is the
ages feedback, dialogue, and participation. Decoene and resultant performance measures that yield motivational
Bruggeman (2006) suggest that the use of CPM systems to benefits. To drive motivation the CPM system should be
influence monetary rewards can negatively affect motiva- developed and used in a way that enhances the employees’
tion if the performance measures used have low strategic participation, psychological empowerment, and goal com-
alignment, controllability, timeliness, and technical valid- mitment (through increased perceptions of self-efficacy
ity. and goal attractiveness). The CPM system should also
90 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

Table 5
Consequences of CPM systems on performance.

CPM system type A CPM system type B CPM system type C CPM system type D

Organizational and business unit performance

Reported performance (based on information internally or externally reported)
• Financial performance • [–, S] Ittner et al. (2003b); [+/−, S] Braam • [+, QE] Davis and • [+/−, S] Kihn • [+/−, QE] Griffith and Neely
and Nijssen (2004); [+, CS] Cruz et al. Albright (2004); [+, (2007) (2009); [+, A] Banker et al.
(2011); [+, A] Ittner and Larcker (1998); S] Crabtree and • Moderated by (2000); [–, A] HassabElnaby et al.
• Moderated by the CPM system design DeBusk (2008) perceived (2005); [+/−, S] Ittner and Larcker
and use [+, S] Braam and Nijssen (2004) environmental (1997); [–, A] Said et al. (2003)
change [+, S] Kihn • Moderated by managerial
(2007) experience [+, QE] and the design,
implementation, and use of the
CPM [+/−, QE] Griffith and Neely
(2009), as well as by the use of
inappropriate performance
measures [−, S], unfocused
strategy plans [−, S], decreased
flexibility of the control system
[−, S], bureaucracy [−, S],
strategic orientation [+/−, S], and
industry [+/−, S] Ittner and
Larcker (1997)
• Stock market • [+, S] Ittner et al. (2003b) • [+, S] Crabtree • [+, A] HassabElnaby et al.
performance and DeBusk (2008) (2005); [+, A] Said et al. (2003)
• Moderated by firm
characteristics [+/−, A]
HassabElnaby et al. (2005), Said
et al. (2003)
• Non-financial • [+, CS] Cruz et al. (2011) • [+, A] Banker et al. (2000); [+/−,
performance QE] Griffith and Neely (2009)
• Moderated by CPM effective
design, implementation, and use
[+, QE] and managerial
experience [+, QE] Griffith and
Neely (2009)
Perceived performance (based on responses from research participants)
• Perceived financial and • [+, S] Bisbe and Otley (2004); [+, S] • [+, CS] Decoene and Bruggeman
non-financial performance Chenhall and Langfield-Smith (1998); [+, (2006); [–, CS] Jazayeri and
CS] Cruz et al. (2011); [+, S] De Geuser et al. Scapens (2008); [+/−, CS] Ukko
(2009); [+, S] Evans (2004); [+, S] Hoque et al. (2007)
(2004); [+, S] Hoque and James (2000); [+, • Influenced by degree of CPM
S] Lee and Yang (2010); [+, S] Van der Stede strategic alignment [+, CS] and
et al. (2006); [+, CS] De Waal et al. (2009) CPM effective design [+, CS]
• Moderated by strategic orientation [+/−, Decoene and Bruggeman (2006);
S] Van der Stede et al. (2006); [+, S] organizational culture [+, CS],
Chenhall and Langfield-Smith (1998); the managerial education level [+,
maturity of the CPM system [+, S] Evans CS], managerial experience [+,
(2004); [+, CS] De Waal et al. (2009); the CS], and the maturity of the CPM
organizational additional use of other system [+, CS] Ukko et al. (2007)
management techniques and accounting
practices [+, S] Chenhall and
Langfield-Smith (1998); mechanistic
organizational structure [+, S] and intense
market competition [−, S] Lee and Yang
(2010); top management support of CPM
[+, S] and CPM system design,
implementation and use [+, S] De Geuser
et al. (2009); CPM use (interactive way) [+,
S] Bisbe and Otley (2004); firm size [+, S],
product life cycle stage [+, S], market
position [+, S] Hoque and James (2000)
• Perceived financial • [+/−, S] Braam and Nijssen (2004); [+, S]
performance Grafton et al. (2010); [+, S] Henri (2006b);
[–, S] Perera et al. (1997)
• Mediated by the dynamic tension of
diagnostic/interactive CPM use [+, S], the
use of CPM in an interactive way [+, S], and
an increased emphasis on market
orientation [+, S] Henri (2006b)
• Moderated by strategic orientation [+/−,
S] Perera et al. (1997)
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 91

Table 5 (Continued )

CPM system type A CPM system type B CPM system type C CPM system type D

• Performance • [+/−, CS] Johnston et al. (2002); [+/−, CS] • [+/−, CS] Malina and Selto
improvement Godener and Soderquist (2004); [+, CS] (2001); [+/−, CS] Ukko et al.
Wouters and Wilderom (2008) (2007)
• Moderated by the way in which the CPM • Mediated by CPM meeting the
was developed and used [+, CS] Johnston characteristics of an effective
et al. (2002), Wouters and Wilderom management control device [+,
(2008); the maturity of the CPM system [+, CS] and an effective
CS], the managerial educational level Ukko communication system [+, CS]
et al. (2007) Malina and Selto (2001)
• Influenced by organizational
culture [+, CS], managerial
education level [+, CS],
managerial experience [+, CS],
and the maturity of the CPM
system [+, CS] Ukko et al. (2007)
• Strategic goals • [+, CS] [+, CS] McAdam • [+/−, CS] Ukko et al. (2007)
achievement Papalexandris et al. and Bailie (2002) • Influenced by organizational
(2004) culture [+, CS], managerial
education level [+, CS],
managerial experience [+, CS],
and the maturity of the CPM
system [+, CS] Ukko et al. (2007)
• Strategic outcomes in • [+, S] Chenhall
terms of delivery, (2005).
flexibility, and low cost • Mediated by the
effects of
learning [+, S] and
strategic alignment
[+, S] Chenhall
• Customer performance • [+/−, S] Hyvonen (2007); [+, CS] Cruz
et al. (2011)
• Moderated by the use of information
technology [+, S] and customer strategy [+,
S] Hyvonen (2007)
Team performance
• Team performance • [+, S] Scott and Tiessen (1999)
Moderated by participation [+, S]
and the weight of the team
performance measures used for
individuals’ incentive
compensation [+, S] Scott and
Tiessen (1999)
• Project performance in • [+, CS] Davila (2000)
product development • Moderated by product uncertainty [−,
contexts CS], product differentiation strategy [+/−,
CS], and purpose of the measurement
system organization structure [+/−, CS]
Davila (2000)
Managerial performance
• Managerial performance • [+, S] Burney and • [−, S] Cheng et al. • [+, S] Burney et al. (2009)
Widener (2007); [+, (2007) • Mediated by organizational
S] Hall (2008, 2010) • Mediated by citizenship behaviours [+, S]
• Mediated by goal perceived role Burney et al. (2009)
clarity [+, S] and conflict [+, S] and
psychological perceived goal
empowerment in difficulty [+, S]
terms of meaning Cheng et al. (2007)
[+, S] Hall (2008);
role ambiguity [−,
S] Burney and
Widener (2007);
and management
learning [+, S] Hall
92 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

Table 5 (Continued )

CPM system type A CPM system type B CPM system type C CPM system type D

Inter-firm performance
• Perceived • [+, S] Cousins et al. (2008); [+, S] Mahama
inter-firm/relationship (2006)
performance • Mediated by cooperation and
socialization [+, S] Cousins et al. (2008),
Mahama (2006)

Notes: The sign within [ ] refers to the type of impact found in the study: [+] refers to positive effects; [−] refers to negative effects; [+/−] refers to mixed
effects; [–] refers to no effects found; [ ] refers to curvilinear effects. The abbreviations within [] refer to the research method used in the study: [CS] case
study, [S] survey, [A] archival, [QE] Quasi-experiment, and [E] experiment.

comprise performance measures that are strategically work role). Hall argues that this effect occurs because the
aligned, controllable, timely, and technically valid. An issue CPM system provides managers with performance infor-
that remains unresolved is the extent to which the link mation that increases their knowledge of the organization’s
between performance measures and bonus payments is strategic goals, and helps them to better understand the
desirable based on the negative data found by Malina and potential effects of their actions on the organization’s value
Selto (2001) and Decoene and Bruggeman (2006). chain.
In contrast, Cheng et al. (2007) suggest that the use of
5.1.4. Citizenship behaviours CPM systems for individual performance evaluation pur-
Burney et al. (2009) explore the effects that CPM sys- poses (i.e., CPM type C) can affect individuals’ perceptions
tems have on organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs), of goal conflict (the degree to which individuals feel that
which are behaviours above and beyond the requirements performance expectations are incongruent). They argue
of the job. They find that the adoption of CPM type D that individuals have a limited cognitive capacity, so when
positively affects employees’ OCBs through the positive they are assigned multiple goals (such as the ones included
impact the use of this system has on procedural justice. in a CPM system) they may not be able to cope with the
This area of enquiry deserves more attention, as the posi- incompatible demands of these goals. Hence, goal con-
tive behavioural effects of CPM type D found by Burney et al. flict will appear and the attainment of one particular goal
(2009) contrast with the effects found by other researchers may come at the expense of failing to achieve other goals.
such as Malina and Selto (2001) or Ittner et al. (2003a). They find that the extent to which CPM systems influence
goal conflict depends on the individuals’ level of perceived
5.1.5. Role understanding and job satisfaction overall goal difficulty (perceptions of high levels of goal
There is evidence suggesting that CPM systems affect difficulty lead to higher levels of goal conflict).
the extent to which people understand their role require- Thus, the evidence suggests that the information
ments and are satisfied with their jobs. Regarding the effect included in CPM systems is likely to increase the under-
of CPM systems on role understanding, the surveys of standing of individuals regarding what is expected from
Burney and Widener (2007), Hall (2008), and Cheng et al. them at work. However, this impact is highly dependent
(2007) are highly relevant. Burney and Widener (2007) find on the CPM system’s design characteristics (complexity and
that the adoption of CPM type B systems facilitates the pro- links with pay) and individual characteristics (individuals’
vision of job-relevant information, which in turn decreases experience and perceptions of goal difficulty).
people’s perception of role conflict (inability to fulfil job Lau and Sholihin (2005) investigate the influence of
expectations due to incompatible demands) and role ambi- CPM systems on job satisfaction. Using survey data, they
guity (unclear information about job duties, authority, and show that the use of CPM systems increases employee
responsibilities). However, they conduct further tests and job satisfaction when employees trust their supervisor and
point out that (a) the association between the adoption perceive fairness in the way performance is evaluated.
of a CPM type B system and reduced role conflict occurs Further research could use the knowledge developed by
when there is a low level of complexity in the CPM system Burney and Widener (2007), Hall (2008), and Cheng et al.
(the number of performance measures included is approx- (2007), and combine it with the work of Lau and Sholihin
imately 10 or less); (b) the association between CPM type B (2005), adding new unexplored variables suggested in the
and the provision of job-relevant information is less impor- psychology literature (e.g., Saari and Judge, 2004) such as
tant for managers with moderate experience (8.4 years) ‘job intrinsic characteristics’ (e.g., the extent to which the
than it is for managers with low (2.2. years) or high experi- use of CPM systems increases the satisfaction of employees
ence (20 years); and (c) the association between CPM type B with the nature of the work itself, which includes job chal-
and reduced role ambiguity is significant when the system lenge, autonomy, variety and scope), ‘life satisfaction’, or
is used for determining pay (i.e., when the system adopted ‘stress’ (e.g., the extent to which the characteristics of the
is what we have defined as a CPM type D). different CPM systems increase stress levels and negatively
Hall’s (2008) research finds similar results to Burney affect employee well-being).
and Widener (2007). In his survey of 83 business unit man-
agers, he finds that CPM type B systems increase managers’ 5.1.6. Decision making, learning, and self-monitoring
perceptions of role clarity (the beliefs of individuals about The impact of CPM systems on managers’ decision-
the expectations and behaviours associated with their making processes, learning, and self-monitoring has also
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 93

received attention in the literature. Research evidence and Jazayeri and Scapens’ (2008). However, this finding
suggests that CPM systems help managers learn about deserves some caution as these research studies are based
how to best improve their performance when appropriate on single respondents from the finance or accounting
feedback mechanisms are in place (Tuomela, 2005). CPM function, which tend to be the functions that promote the
systems also help managers confirm their mental models development and use of CPM systems. These managers are
of how their business operates; in particular, for managers more likely to exhibit the “ownership” bias (Shields, 1995),
with low experience and/or from small-sized business especially when they are the main sponsors of the CPM
units, CPM systems may also enable them to build new system (Foster and Swenson, 1997). In fact, Ittner et al.’s
mental models (Hall, 2010). Wiersma (2009) finds that (2003a) research conducted with multiple respondents
managers consider CPM systems useful for self-monitoring from the same organization shows that CPM systems may
their own performance and for making decisions. Grafton also generate dissatisfaction among employees due to
et al. (2010) extend previous work in this area and point the increased perceptions of unfairness generated by the
out that the extent to which the measures included in the system. This is reviewed in the next sub-section.
CPM system are captured in performance evaluation mech-
anisms (i.e., CPM type C) will significantly influence the use 5.1.9. Perceptions of subjectivity, justice, and trust
of those measures for decision making. Numerous researchers agree on the fact that CPM sys-
In sum, the data found show that CPM systems influence tems bring in subjectivity, but the extent to which this
managers’ cognitive processes. The extent to which they do subjectivity is helpful or not is still debatable. Ittner et al.’s
so depends on the way the CPM system is developed and (2003a) research was the first to note that the use of CPM
used, on the idiosyncrasies of the organization, and on the systems for evaluation and pay purposes (i.e., CPM type D
managers’ individual characteristics. systems) increases the managers’ perceptions of subjectiv-
ity and uncertainty. This is a direct result of the difficulty
5.1.7. Leadership and culture in assessing many non-financial performance dimensions
CPM systems may shape leadership styles, individual using objective metrics. These perceptions of subjectiv-
routines, and organizational cultures. Bititci et al. (2006), ity and uncertainty increase managers’ complaints and
Jazayeri and Scapens (2008), and Ukko et al. (2007) inves- question the validity and usefulness of the whole sys-
tigate these particular consequences of CPM systems using tem. Likewise, Papalexandris et al. (2004) find that some
case study research. Bititci et al. (2006) observe that the managers are uneasy with the subjectivity associated with
successful implementation and use of CPM systems leads the linkages between the objectives displayed in strat-
to cultural change and to a more participative and con- egy maps, which leads to continuous arguments about the
sultative leadership style. Jazayeri and Scapens’ (2008) actual correlations among the selected strategic goals. Con-
research examines the specific use of a CPM system as trary to previous work, Kolehmainen (2010) shows with a
part of a cultural change project. They find that the CPM longitudinal case study that the subjectivity created by the
system supported the cultural change by reinforcing the CPM system can be perceived as a good outcome, because it
desired behaviours, values, and beliefs. Lastly, Ukko et al. enables the firm to be more flexible and adapt more rapidly
(2007) observe that the use of a CPM system improves the to environmental and internal changes. This is an important
quality and content of the conversations managers have finding, as it suggests that the positive or negative attitude
with employees (processing and dealing with work issues towards subjectivity depends on the particular character-
becomes easier), brings about new routines (e.g., the case istics of the organization studied.
company established a number of new meetings at all Burney et al. (2009) extend our knowledge on the
levels of the organization with the purpose of engaging impact of CPM systems on subjectivity by looking at a
managers and employees in the performance reviewing set of factors that affect employees’ perceptions of justice.
process), and enhances information sharing. All of which, They suggest that subjectivity is more problematic when
eventually, alters the organization’s culture. In parallel, the the CPM system is used to decide monetary rewards (i.e.,
organizational culture moderates the effects of CPM sys- CPM type D). They argue that the perceptions of justice
tems, which resonates with Bititci et al.’s (2006) finding by employees are influenced by two specific character-
and Henri’s (2006a) work. Hence, these studies suggest that istics of a D-type CPM system: (a) the system reflects a
CPM systems are powerful tools for bringing about change strategic causal model (it includes cause-and-effects rela-
and new ways of managing people in organizations, but tionships among the organizations’ strategic goals), and
they are also subject to the effects that the organizational (b) the system is technically valid (its measures are accu-
culture may have on them. rate, accessible, understandable, reliable, and timely). They
show that organizations can address issues of subjectivity
5.1.8. Satisfaction and improve the organizational citizenship of individuals
Some scholars have assessed the degree to which peo- by communicating the attributes of the CPM system in a
ple are satisfied with the use of CPM systems as a way of way that employees perceive the system to have a high
examining the effectiveness of such systems. Studies find degree of technical validity and that reflects the organi-
that individuals are satisfied with the use of CPM systems zation’s value chain. In line with the findings of Burney
at least in the short term, which is when satisfaction et al.’s (2009) study, Lau and Sholihin (2005) find that
is mainly assessed. This is the case in the survey work organizations with well-defined and specified perfor-
conducted by Ittner et al. (2003b) and Speckbacher et al. mance measures, regardless of whether they are financial
(2003), and the case studies carried out by Malmi (2001) or non-financial, engender higher levels of procedural
94 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

justice and trust in supervisors, which subsequently gen- bonus payments (Dilla and Steinbart, 2005; Roberts et al.,
erates higher levels of employee job satisfaction. 2004).
Overall, research on the impact of CPM systems on sub- In conclusion, it can be argued that CPM systems are
jectivity needs further development. When subjectivity is likely to generate performance judgement biases mainly
understood as perceptions of unfairness, existing evidence due to their complexity and the subjective nature of some
suggests that employees might be disappointed with the of the measures used. The evidence also suggests a num-
use of CPM systems. However, when subjectivity is per- ber of approaches to reduce the occurrence of these biases.
ceived in terms of flexibility, the data show that CPM However, further research in this area is encouraged as
systems can help organizations deal with change. Further other literatures (e.g. psychology and sociology) have found
research looking at this effect could explore the contex- additional individual and team judgement biases associ-
tual factors that enable organizations to find benefits from ated with information processing that have not been yet
perceived subjectivity or develop mechanisms to minimize considered with the use of CPM systems. For instance, most
people’s negative attitudes towards subjectivity. of the current work has looked at the judgement biases
that occur when assessing performance. There might be
5.1.10. Judgement biases other types of biases that also occur when the CPM system
A large body of literature, mainly based on experi- is being designed. One of these biases may be the ‘hind-
ments with management students, has documented the sight bias’ (the inclination to see events that have already
specific performance evaluation biases that emerge with occurred as being more predictable than they were before
the adoption of CPM systems. The initiators of this body they took place) (Fischhoff and Beyth, 1975). This bias may
of research are Lipe and Salterio (2000). They examine be present when cause-and-effect relationships are cre-
how the BSCs of business units that include common and ated, but to our knowledge no research to date has looked
specific measures affected the superior’s evaluation of the at it.
unit’s performance. Evaluators made performance deci-
sions based on the measures common across the business 5.1.11. Conflicts and tensions
units. These were likely to be financial measures. Evalua- CPM systems may create conflicts and tensions among
tors disregarded the unique measures, which were likely individuals and teams. Malina and Selto (2001), for exam-
to be non-financial measures. In a subsequent experiment, ple, describe how the one-way reporting adopted in a BSC
Lipe and Salterio (2002) extend their work and show how case study generates tensions that contribute to a climate
the way in which measures are organized in the BSC also of distrust and alienation. Marginson (2002) suggests that
affects superiors’ judgements. top management’s use of CPM systems creates tension,
More recent research looking at the impact of BSCs on especially during the actual development of new measures,
managers’ judgement has replicated Lipe and Salterio’s ideas, and initiatives. Tuomela’s (2005) case study shows
(2000, 2002) studies and has focused on identifying that some managers are reluctant to use CPM systems, as
tools and actions that may reduce the evaluator’s bias. these systems increase their workload along with the visi-
The following tools and actions have been proposed as bility of their performance results and are likely to disrupt
being potentially beneficial for reducing judgement biases: the organization’s power structure. Finally, most case study
using an independent third-party assurance report and work finds that the development, implementation, use, and
requiring managers to justify their performance evalu- maintenance of CPM systems are very costly and time con-
ations to their superior (Libby et al., 2004); providing suming, which generates additional conflicts and tensions
evaluators with full information about the organization’s (Ahn, 2001; Butler et al., 1997; Papalexandris et al., 2004).
strategic objectives and other related knowledge such as However, a recent study conducted by Cruz et al. (2011)
cause-and-effect relationships among the measures or the contradicts previous work as they find that the use of a CPM
way in which the scorecard has been developed (Banker system enhances the visibility and comparability of the
et al., 2004; Cardinaels and Van Veen-Dirks, 2010; Dilla performance of globally disperse sub-units whilst helping
and Steinbart, 2005); and following a “disaggregation-plus- managers save time, especially in the process of analysing
mechanical-aggregation” approach for presenting and and monitoring organizational performance.
evaluating performance results (Roberts et al., 2004). As a result, there is little consensus in the literature
Some scholars have investigated moderating variables regarding the impact of CPM systems on conflicts and
that influence the extent to which CPM systems generate tension. Research suggests that the development of CPM
judgement biases: Liedtka et al. (2008) examine the impor- systems brings about additional costs in terms of time
tance of the performance evaluator’s level of ambiguity and money due to the resources needed for defining and
intolerance; Wong-on-Wing et al. (2007) study the effect selecting performance measures, involving employees, and
of the evaluator’s managerial role; and Kaplan and Wisner collecting performance data. Some organizations find that
(2009) review the consequences of using different ways the use of the CPM system covers the high cost of develop-
of presenting the measures. Other scholars have paid spe- ing it, as the system makes the process of analysing and
cific attention to the relationship between the performance monitoring performance more efficient. Other organiza-
evaluation of non-financial performance measures and tions, however, face more conflicts when using the CPM
more compressed or lenient performance ratings (Moers, system due to issues associated with the higher visibility of
2005), and to other judgement biases such as the bias performance, increased workload, and shifts in the power
that may occur when selecting strategic initiatives (Tayler, structure. Thus, the extent to which CPM systems help or
2010) or using the scorecard measures for determining hinder conflicts and tensions within organizations remains
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 95

unresolved. Therefore, it is critical to identify those contin- looking at the evidence that CPM has a direct effect on com-
gencies that help organizations benefit from CPM systems munication, but its designers and users must emphasize the
and to conduct longitudinal cost-benefit analyses to better importance of generating a system supported by two-way
understand the extent to which CPM systems are construc- communications to encourage knowledge-sharing, gener-
tive or destructive. ate trust, and avoid resistance.

5.2. Consequences for organizational capabilities 5.2.3. Strategic capabilities

Some researchers have directly investigated the impact
The literature has investigated the impact of CPM sys-
of CPM systems on a set of organizational strategic capa-
tems on organizational capabilities in terms of strategy
bilities. Most of these researchers adopt Simons’ levers
processes, communication, strategic capabilities, manage-
of control framework (1995) and use a resource-based
rial practices, and corporate control (see Table 4). Each of
view approach (Barney, 2001) – sometimes explicitly, other
these consequences is now reviewed in turn.
times implicitly. These researchers argue that CPM sys-
5.2.1. Strategy processes: alignment, development, tems influence the strategic capabilities of organizations
implementation, and review (specific abilities, processes, or competences that help the
CPM systems have been found to positively influence firm gain competitive advantage) through the routines they
the organization’s strategy processes. Researchers find that stimulate.
CPM systems are effective mechanisms for (a) engaging The most researched organizational capabilities are
managers in the strategy formulation and review pro- innovation and organizational learning. Regarding the
cesses, (b) enabling the strategy to be implemented as impact of CPM systems on innovation, Cruz et al. (2011)
it facilitates the translation of strategy into operational find that the reorganization of a global CPM system fos-
terms, (c) encouraging managers to embrace the organi- tered innovative practices (i.e., new ideas, products and
zation’s strategy as a continuous process rather than a ways of working). Marginson (2002) finds that the inter-
one-off exercise, and (d) improving strategic alignment, active use of a CPM system can enhance the development
i.e., helping organizations align their actions in pursuit of new ideas and initiatives within a firm, improving inno-
of their strategic objectives (Ahn, 2001; Chenhall, 2005; vation. The work of Bisbe and Otley (2004) further reviews
Cruz et al., 2011; De Geuser et al., 2009; Dossi and Patelli, the impact of CPM systems on innovation and finds that
2010; Gimbert et al., 2010; Jazayeri and Scapens, 2008; the interactive use of CPM systems favours innovation only
Kolehmainen, 2010; Lillis, 2002; Malina and Selto, 2001; in firms with low levels of innovation, whilst it actually
Marginson, 2002; Sandstrom and Toivanen, 2002). Nev- mitigates against innovation in firms with high levels of
ertheless, the extent to which CPM systems are able to innovation. Regarding the impact of CPM systems on orga-
influence an organization’s strategy processes is shaped nizational learning, the studies of Johnston et al. (2002),
by the cognitive limitations of managers (Ahn, 2001), Godener and Soderquist (2004), Ahn (2001), and Chenhall
alongside the way in which the system is designed, devel- (2005) suggest that when the focus of CPM systems is on
oped, and used (Gimbert et al., 2010; Lillis, 2002; Malina action and improvement rather than on reporting and con-
and Selto, 2001; Moon and Fitzgerald, 1996). Thus, CPM trol, these systems are effective mechanisms for facilitating
systems positively affect strategy processes, but the degree organizational learning that supports growth and develop-
of this effect is subject to the CPM system’s specific char- ment at all levels.
acteristics. These findings are shared by Henri’s (2006b) work.
Specifically, Henri shows that the interactive use of CPM
5.2.2. Communication systems fosters organizational capabilities not only in
There is strong agreement on the impact of CPM sys- terms of innovativeness and organizational learning but
tems on communication processes. This effect has been also in terms of entrepreneurship and market orientation.
examined only through qualitative research studies. For It does so by focusing organizational attention on strategic
instance, case studies conducted by Ahn (2001), Butler priorities and stimulating dialogue. Henri also finds that the
et al. (1997), Godener and Soderquist (2004), McAdam diagnostic use of CPM systems weakens these capabilities.
and Bailie (2002), Papalexandris et al. (2004), Tuomela Thus, he asserts, the key is to balance the dynamic ten-
(2005), and Sandstrom and Toivanen (2002) highlight the sion between these two CPM uses. Mundy (2010) extends
beneficial effects of CPM systems on communication pro- Henri’s work and suggests that the ability of organizations
cesses at all levels of the organization. Only the work to balance the controlling (i.e., diagnostic) and the enabling
carried out by Malina and Selto (2001) finds, contrary to the or learning (i.e., interactive) uses of CPM systems consti-
researchers’ expectations, that the CPM system studied in tutes a unique capability in its own right. Grafton et al.
their case company was actually an ineffective communica- (2010) go a step further, showing that the use of CPM sys-
tion device. In this particular company the CPM system was tems for feedback and feed-forward control in performance
used for one-way reporting, which created conflicts and evaluation schemes (i.e., CPM type C system) affects the
tension among managers and employees. The performance exploitation of existing capabilities and the search for and
measures and benchmarks included in the system were identification of new capabilities.
imposed – without involving the employees in the pro- Based on the insights from the above studies, it can
cess – and used for control and evaluation purposes. This be argued that the appropriate balance between the
communication approach generated distrust, dissatisfac- diagnostic and the interactive uses of CPM systems can
tion, and demotivation. In conclusion, it can be argued from encourage the utilization and development of strategic firm
96 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

capabilities such as organizational learning, entrepreneur- 5.3. Consequences for performance

ship, and market orientation. The impact of CPM on inno-
vation remains unclear, necessitating further9 research. CPM systems have been found to influence performance
at all levels of the organization (see Table 5). The following
5.2.4. Management practices sub-sections describe these phenomena.
The literature also explores the consequences of CPM
on management practices. Using case study research, Ahn 5.3.1. Organizational and business unit performance
(2001) suggests that CPM systems are effective manage- The researchers that have investigated the impact of
ment devices as they integrate key management processes CPM systems on firm performance have operationalized
such as strategy development, communication, translation performance in different ways. We have classified these
of strategy into operational terms, strategic feedback, and into two groups: reported performance and perceived
learning. Wouters and Wilderom (2008) and many oth- performance. Reported performance includes both finan-
ers (e.g., Johnston et al., 2002; Malina and Selto, 2001; cial (e.g., accounting performance, market performance)
Papalexandris et al., 2004) point out that CPM systems may and non-financial performance (e.g., customer satisfaction)
not always be effective management mechanisms. Accord- mainly based on the companies’ annual reports. Perceived
ing to Wouters and Wilderom (2008), to be effective – performance includes both financial and non-financial
or enabling rather than coercive – CPM systems must be performance based on the research participants’ percep-
developed and implemented building on employees’ pro- tions of firm performance (e.g., perception of aspects such
fessionalism (in terms of their orientation toward learning as performance outcomes, performance improvement,
for the purpose of improving work practices). Such systems strategic goals achievement, and customer performance).
should also acknowledge the organization’s previous expe- The results of these two bodies of research are quite diverse,
rience (existing skills, practices, and know-how of involved as described below.
employees), allowing experimentation with measures (i.e., The impact of CPM systems on reported performance
testing, reviewing, refining) and encouraging transparency is unclear, as the results of this body of literature are
(through the participation and involvement of employees). inconclusive. In terms of financial performance, one set of
Furthermore, Ukko et al. (2007) find that the impact of CPM studies finds a positive effect of CPM systems on account-
systems on management practices highly depends on the ing performance (Banker et al., 2000; Crabtree and DeBusk,
maturity of the system, the organization’s culture, the way 2008; Cruz et al., 2011; Davis and Albright, 2004; Ittner
the system is used, and the characteristics of the system’s and Larcker, 1998), stock market performance (Crabtree
users (e.g., education, work experience). Thus, there is a and DeBusk, 2008; HassabElnaby et al., 2005; Ittner et al.,
relationship between CPM systems and management prac- 2003b; Said et al., 2003), and customer performance and
tices, but the positive or negative nature of this relationship other non-financial performance (Banker et al., 2000; Cruz
is uncertain as there are a number of moderating factors. et al., 2011; Hyvonen, 2007). A second set of studies finds no
relationship – or a very weak relationship – between CPM
5.2.5. Corporate control systems and performance (HassabElnaby et al., 2005; Ittner
Three studies look at the impact of CPM systems on et al., 2003b; Said et al., 2003). Finally, a third set of studies
corporate control. These are the studies conducted by finds mixed results (Braam and Nijssen, 2004; Griffith and
Cruz et al. (2011), Dossi and Patelli (2010), and Kraus Neely, 2009; Ittner and Larcker, 1997; Kihn, 2007).
and Lind (2010). Cruz et al.’s (2011) case study finds As per the impact of CPM systems on managers’ percep-
that CPM systems enhance the visibility and compara- tion of the firm’s financial and non-financial performance,
bility of the performance of sub-units, providing better the results are also inconsistent. Quantitative studies tend
coordination and control. Dossi and Patelli’s (2010) sur- to find that CPM systems positively affect the firm’s
vey finds that CPM systems can facilitate corporate control financial and non-financial performance according to the
of subsidiaries, as the system strengthens strategic align- perceptions of managers (Chenhall, 2005; Chenhall and
ment and encourages dialogue between headquarters and Langfield-Smith, 1998; De Geuser et al., 2009; Evans, 2004;
subsidiaries, specifically through the use of non-financial Grafton et al., 2010; Henri, 2006b; Hoque, 2004; Hoque and
performance indicators. The case study work of Kraus and James, 2000; Hyvonen, 2007; Lee and Yang, 2010; Van der
Lind (2010) challenges the results of previous research. Stede et al., 2006; De Waal et al., 2009), with the excep-
They find that the use of CPM systems at the corporate tion of the work of Braam and Nijssen (2004), which shows
level has little impact on corporate control of international mixed effects, and Perera et al. (1997), which presents no
business units. Their evidence suggests that organizations effect. The impact of CPM systems on perceptions of a firm’s
are using CPM systems, but at the top level control is still financial and non-financial performance and on perfor-
exerted by focusing only on financial performance infor- mance improvement in general is not always found to be
mation because of top management’s need for simplicity positive in qualitative studies, as it is highly dependent on
and internal comparability, and because of capital mar- the way the CPM system is developed and used (Godener
ket pressures. In our view, this contradictory evidence and Soderquist, 2004; Jazayeri and Scapens, 2008; Johnston
deserves further attention, and further research in this area et al., 2002; McAdam and Bailie, 2002; Malina and Selto,
is highly encouraged. We speculate that contextual fac- 2001; Papalexandris et al., 2004; Ukko et al., 2007).
tors (e.g., environmental uncertainty and organizational The growing consensus in the literature seems to be that
culture) might play an important role in explaining these CPM systems do not automatically improve firm perfor-
different findings. mance. Evidence suggests that it is the way these systems
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 97

are designed, developed, and, more importantly, used that relationship between CPM systems and managerial perfor-
brings about performance improvements (e.g., Braam and mance by looking at specific moderating effects, such as
Nijssen, 2004; Griffith and Neely, 2009; Ittner and Larcker, individual differences in knowledge (e.g., experience, edu-
1997; Henri, 2006a). Furthermore, a number of internal cation) and cognitive styles or ways of thinking. Griffith
and external factors mediate or moderate the relationship and Neely (2009) and Hall (2010) have already started to
between CPM systems and firm performance. The medi- explore the influence of managerial experience on the use
ating factors have already been described in the previous of CPM systems (even though they have not linked it to
sections. The moderating factors, which were not included managerial performance directly). They find contradict-
earlier, are now presented. ing effects. Hall (2010) finds that short-tenure managers
In particular, researchers have investigated the mod- respond better to CPM systems, whilst Griffith and Neely
erating impact of the following: strategic orientation (2009) find that those with long-tenure respond better to
(Chenhall and Langfield-Smith, 1998; Ittner et al., 2003b; CPM systems. This inconsistency suggests the need for fur-
Perera et al., 1997; Van der Stede et al., 2006), organi- ther research.
zational structure and competition (Lee and Yang, 2010),
perceived environmental change (Kihn, 2007) and environ- 5.3.4. Inter-firm performance
mental uncertainty (Hoque, 2004), organizational culture The impact of CPM systems on inter-firm perfor-
and management style (Bititci et al., 2006), and quality of mance has received little attention in the literature. Only
information systems (Hyvonen, 2007). Some contingencies Cousins et al. (2008) and Mahama (2006) have explored
have not been found to influence the CPM–performance this phenomenon. They both look at the supply rela-
relationship, e.g., market position, product life cycle, and tionships, finding that CPM systems enhance perceived
organizational size (Hoque and James, 2000). However, inter-firm financial and non-financial performance indi-
the effect of many contextual factors remains under- rectly by improving cooperation and socialization among
researched. Future research focusing on the circumstances the firms. This finding is encouraging, but more research
under which we would expect to find positive and nega- in this area is required especially given the importance of
tive consequences of CPM systems would therefore be very buyer–supplier relationships in our current business envi-
beneficial. ronment.

5.3.2. Team performance 5.4. Theories about the effects of CPM

Only two studies explore the consequences of CPM
systems on team performance. Scott and Tiessen (1999) Proponents of CPM systems often promote the idea that
report that the use of CPM improves the performance of CPM systems facilitate the implementation of the organi-
teams. They find that performance results are enhanced zation’s business strategy, and by doing so improve overall
when (i) the team members participate in the setting of organizational performance. This basic idea explains what
performance targets, and (ii) team work is encouraged CPM systems are supposed to do, but it fails to explain how.
when team measures are a significant component of the Although a number of theories have been used in the liter-
individual’s incentive compensation. The work of Davila ature to explain how CPM systems affect performance and
(2000) focuses on project teams and shows that project other intermediate factors, we will only focus on those that
performance in product development contexts improves have been used in more than three of our selected studies.
when CPM systems are used, even though this positive Table A.1 (Appendix A) summarizes the different theories
impact is moderated by product uncertainty and product adopted by the papers reviewed. The theories are agency
development strategy. Thus, based on the limited evidence theory, contingency theory, resource-based view theory,
available, we find that team performance improves, but the cognitive and information processing theories, goal-setting
extent of the improvement is subject to the way the CPM theory, equity theory, and procedural and distributive jus-
system is designed and developed as well as other contex- tice theory. We now describe each of these theories and
tual factors (strategy alignment and degree of uncertainty). how the literature reviewed has used them.
Further work in this area is needed, taking into considera-
tion the importance of teams in the work place. 5.4.1. Agency theory
Agency theory (Eisenhardt, 1989; Feltham and Xie,
5.3.3. Managerial performance 1994; Jensen and Meckling, 1976; Jensen and Murphy,
There is now a growing body of research exploring 1990) has been adopted mainly to elucidate two phenom-
the impact of CPM systems on managerial performance. ena. Firstly, it has been used to explain how multi-criteria
This research emphasizes the importance of cognitive and performance measures enhance organizational perfor-
motivational mechanisms for understanding how CPM mance by helping to reduce the information asymmetry
affects individual results. The work in this area shows that that exists between agents (e.g., managers) and principals
CPM systems indirectly affect the performance of man- (e.g., shareholders) (Dossi and Patelli, 2010; HassabElnaby
agers by reducing the manager’s role ambiguity (Burney et al., 2005; Said et al., 2003; Van der Stede et al., 2006). Sec-
and Widener, 2007) as well as goal conflict (Cheng et al., ondly, agency-based research has been proposed to explain
2007); by enhancing the psychological empowerment, goal why the use of performance measures for individual perfor-
clarity, and learning of managers (Hall, 2008, 2010); and mance evaluation and compensation is required in order to
by encouraging organizational citizenship (Burney et al., increase agents’ motivation and focus on principals’ goals
2009). Future research in this area could further explore the (Banker et al., 2000; Burney and Widener, 2007; Griffith
98 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

and Neely, 2009; Ittner et al., 2003a; Kihn, 2007; Moers, Roberts et al., 2004); or they may tend to use lenient and
2005). Agency theory tends to be used in combination with more compressed performance ratings (Moers, 2005).
other theories such as contingency theory (e.g., Kihn, 2007)
or theories from psychology (e.g., Decoene and Bruggeman, 5.4.5. Goal-setting theory
2006; Malina and Selto, 2001). Goal-setting theory proposes that the particular
attributes of personal9 goals have an effect on perfor-
5.4.2. Contingency theory mance; more explicitly, the use of specific and challenging
The contingency theory of organizations predicts that goals produces greater performance effects than the use of
the relationship between an organization’s characteris- ‘do your best’ goals (Locke and Latham, 1990). In the CPM
tics, such as its performance measurement system, and literature, goal-setting theory premises and constructs
organizational performance depends upon specific contin- tend to be used for justifying the importance of using ‘tech-
gencies (Donaldson, 2001; Hayes, 1977; Otley, 1980). The nically valid’ performance measures in CPM systems (e.g.,
key premise in this type of research is that performance Burney et al., 2009). The typical argument used is that spe-
measurement systems cannot be universally appropriate. cific and clear performance measures and targets, such as
Each organization needs to design its own system accord- the ones included in CPM systems, are associated with
ing to its circumstances to avoid loss of performance. In the reduced ambiguity or confusion about strategic direction,
literature, this theoretical approach has been adopted to which positively affects goal commitment, behaviour, and,
highlight specific contingencies that may affect the impact ultimately, performance (e.g., Burney and Widener, 2007;
of CPM systems, such as strategic orientation (e.g., Ittner Lau and Sholihin, 2005; Webb, 2004). This argument is nor-
et al., 2003b) or environmental uncertainty (e.g., Hoque, mally followed by a discussion of the contribution from
2004). fairness and justice theory.

5.4.6. Equity, distributive, and procedural justice theories

5.4.3. Resource-based view of the firm
Equity theory (Adams, 1965) suggests that individuals
The resource-based view of the firm (Barney, 2001)
have their own beliefs about what is a fair reward for their
has been adopted to explain the impact of CPM systems
contribution at work. Individuals compare their contribu-
on organizational capabilities. The resource-based view of
tions and rewards with the contributions and rewards of
the firm conceptualizes firms as bundles of resources and
others. If they perceive inequities, they will be motivated
suggests that firms need to find those resources that are
to seek justice (e.g., exerting dysfunctional behaviours,
valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable in order
leaving the organization). Equity theory is highly related
to gain competitive advantages. Organizational capabilities
to justice theories. In particular, theorists distinguish
are the processes by which firms acquire or develop their
between conceptualizations of justice that focus on content
resources (Day, 1994). These capabilities can be enhanced
(the fairness of the ends received as stated by distributive
or created by the joint use of CPM systems for both
justice) and on process (the fairness of the means used
diagnostic and interactive purposes (Bisbe and Otley,
to achieve those ends as proposed by procedural justice)
2004; Grafton et al., 2010; Henri, 2006a; Marginson, 2002;
(Greenberg, 1990). Equity and justice theories have been
Mundy, 2010; Tuomela, 2005). In particular, the joint use
adopted to explain why CPM systems can bring about per-
of CPM systems for diagnostic and interactive purposes is
ceptions of subjectivity that may negatively influence the
highlighted in Simons’ levers of control framework, as it
effectiveness of the system. When individuals perceive that
“generates dynamic tension between opportunistic inno-
their performance evaluation is not based on a fair process
vation and predictable goal achievement that is essential
(sometimes due to the ambiguity or inconsistency of the
for positive growth” (1995, p. 153).
measures), they will behave accordingly and will be dis-
satisfied with the CPM system (e.g., Ittner et al., 2003a).
5.4.4. Cognitive and information-processing theories Besides, when the notion of fairness and justice is taken
The use of cognitive psychology and decision-making into consideration during the system design, implementa-
research is shared by the literature looking at the effects tion, and use processes, the likelihood of success is higher
of CPM systems on organizational, team, or individual per- (e.g., Burney et al., 2009).
formance evaluation. Specifically, this body of research is
rooted in the notion that individuals have limited cognitive 6. Discussion and conclusions
capacity (Miller, 1956) and their actual decision-making
processes are not perfectly rational (Simon, 1976). For this The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a more
reason, when using CPM systems, managers may evaluate complete understanding of the actual consequences of
and interpret data in ways consistent with their pref- CPM systems. The evidence from our review of 76 empir-
erences (Tayler, 2010), a pervasive tendency known as ical studies suggests that CPM systems significantly affect
‘motivated reasoning’ (Kunda, 1990); they may focus only people’s behaviour, organizational capabilities, and perfor-
on the common measures (normally the financial ones), mance. More specifically, the data support the claim that
discarding or not paying attention to the non-common
measures (normally the non-financial ones) (Lipe and
Salterio, 2000, 2002; Slovic and MacPhillamy, 1974); they 9
It is important to note here that goal-setting theory mainly refers to
may add additional information to the attribute being mea- the goals chosen by individuals, which may or may not be the same as the
sured for allocating bonuses (Dilla and Steinbart, 2005; goals assigned by the organization (cf. Bonner and Sprinkle, 2002).
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 99

CPM systems play a key role in strategy, communication, When looking at the theories that have informed this
and management processes, generating organizational area of research, we find, in the main, that six well-known
capabilities that enable the organization to excel (e.g., theories have been adopted. These are agency theory,
Eccles, 1991; Ittner and Larcker, 1998; Kaplan and Norton, contingency theory, goal-setting theory, equity theory,
1996, 2001; Melnyk et al., 2004). CPM systems facilitate resource-based view of the firm, and cognitive-based psy-
the development, implementation, and review of business chology research. Based on this finding, it can be argued
strategies by focusing people’s decisions and actions on that the consequences of CPM systems might be best
strategic goals and by encouraging a continuous dialogue explained by adopting a meta-theory approach, as has
about strategic endeavours. CPM systems affect commu- been proposed in other complex fields (e.g., Mauldin and
nication processes by requiring and providing relevant Ruchala, 1999; Tsoukas, 1994). A meta-theory approach
information that influence how people think, act, and will help to provide an understanding of what theories
interact. CPM systems influence organizational routines explain specific CPM system effects and when they do
and management practices by changing the way leaders it. It is important to highlight here that a third of the
behave. All of these effects have a subsequent impact on studies reviewed had no explicit theoretical underpinning,
performance at all levels. which suggests that our knowledge in this area is still at
The evidence reviewed also supports the claim that the the modelling stage. Phenomena are being described, but
extent to which a CPM system is able to positively influ- explanations of why effects happen are not yet provided.
ence people’s behaviour, organizational capabilities, and, The remaining studies use existing economic, psychology,
ultimately, performance is directly related to the way the and sociology theories for moving from the modelling stage
system is designed, developed, and used, and to how well to the theory stage.
it fits the context in which it operates (e.g., Otley, 1999; Our findings have a number of implications for
Neely, 2005; Franco-Santos and Bourne, 2005). Regarding researchers interested in the area of CPM. Two research
CPM systems design, researchers agree that to be effective guidelines and several areas for further research emerge
these systems must comprise performance measures and from our review. Regarding the research guidelines, we
targets that have high strategic alignment, controllability, believe that future studies should clearly specify the CPM
timeliness, and technical validity (especially when used for features being investigated along with the level at which
compensation purposes). They should also state how the they are examined in order to avoid confusion and increase
performance measures are interrelated using cause-and- comparability. We propose and validate a classification of
effect relationships. Regarding CPM systems development, CPM systems that was useful for us in our attempt to com-
there is consensus on the importance of adopting a pare and extract insights from the literature. Feedback and
fair, transparent, and consultative process where people extensions of this classification would be more than wel-
feel empowered and involved. CPM systems development come. We also believe that the use of a contingent approach
should be iterative and incremental to allow continuous is highly recommended in this particular area of research,
improvements. Regarding its use, there is agreement about as we suspect that many of the inconsistencies found in
the importance of finding a balance between diagnostic the literature could be explained by looking at the context
and interactive uses, and between informational and moti- where the studies took place.
vational uses of CPM systems, even though the literature As for the new areas for further research, we emphasize
provides little guidance on how to achieve this balance. the following. Firstly, this review highlights the idea that it
Finally, the data suggest that the effectiveness of CPM is not only the CPM system that matters but also the capa-
systems is moderated by internal contingencies such as bility of managers and employees to respond to it. We still
the employees’ experience or the organization’s strategic know little about the extent to which individual charac-
orientation, structure, information systems, culture, and teristics affect the impact of CPM systems. Some work has
management style, along with external contingencies such already been conducted in this area (e.g., Hall, 2008, 2010;
as competition or the degree of environmental uncertainty Burney and Widener, 2007), but more would be welcome.
in which the organization operates. Studies could examine the effect of managers’ cognitive
On the less positive side, the evidence suggests that biases such as cognitive dissonance (Festinger, 1957), hind-
CPM systems in some cases may be time-consuming exer- sight bias (Fischhoff and Beyth, 1975), or black swan bias
cises that can increase costs and workloads, and generate (Taleb, 2005), which may shed some light into why many
internal tensions. CPM systems can also bring about judge- of the current CPM systems, despite their claimed positive
ment biases and perceptions of unfairness or subjectivity effects, failed to predict the current financial crisis. Stud-
when they are used for performance evaluation and com- ies could also look at the effects of managers’ experience,
pensation purposes. In the last decade, the judgement age, gender, skills, or abilities, as contradicting evidence has
biases produced by CPM systems have received consider- already been found (Hall, 2010; Griffith and Neely, 2009)
able attention from researchers, and many tools and ideas and this needs clarification.
have been proposed to rectify these biases. There is, how- Secondly, new research could further investigate the
ever, a gap in our knowledge about the impact of CPM impact of CPM systems on innovation, as this area remains
systems on costs, workloads, tensions, and subjectivity. We unclear. As found in our review, Bisbe and Otley (2004)
believe that these issues require further investigation as find no effect of CPM systems on innovation, whilst Henri
they may have a significant influence on the long-term con- (2006b) finds a positive effect. Why is this the case? Is
sequences of CPM systems, as suggested by the work of there any missing variable that we should be consider-
Ittner et al. (2003a). ing in this relationship? Further research in this area could
100 M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

benefit from current work taking place in the fields of oper- supports the importance of using a contingency approach
ations and corporate entrepreneurship (e.g., Goodale et al., (e.g., Fisher, 1995) in this particular area of research.
2011). Although the purpose of this literature review was
Thirdly, the use of performance measures for determin- to provide a guiding framework for further research
ing monetary rewards also deserves further attention, as rather than to generate any kind of practical prescriptions
many of the potential CPM system issues tend to be rein- (Baldvinsdottir et al., 2010), our findings can also be useful
forced when the measures are linked to pay. For instance, for practitioners, especially those interested in adopting an
Webb (2004) suggests that there is no need for the non- evidence-based management approach (Rousseau, 2006).
financial performance to be linked to pay (only the financial Understanding the consequences of CPM systems is an
measures) if the cause-and-effect relationships among all important topic for organizations because of the high
the performance measures included in the CPM system are investment that these systems require. From this review,
clear and strong. This idea, however, has not been fully three key implications for practitioners can be highlighted.
explored in the literature. Further, measures are context First, practitioners can learn how important the processes
and purpose specific, so measures that are designed for of developing, implementing, using, and reviewing CPM
informational purposes (i.e., to evaluate firm performance systems are, and such practitioners can be informed of the
at a corporate level) might not be adequate for motivational tools that have been found useful in undertaking these
purposes (i.e., to decide monetary rewards at different lev- processes. Second, they can learn how essential it is to
els of the organization). Research in this area could advance pay attention to how people respond to these systems and
our understanding about why organizations struggle with to the different factors that affect their responses. Finally,
the use of non-financial measures in incentive systems practitioners can learn that the mere act of developing a
(Ittner et al., 2003a). CPM system is unlikely to enhance performance. In this
Fourthly, we still know little about how CPM systems paper, we find that numerous contingencies can influence
are used in international organizations to facilitate strat- the impact of these systems. Some of them are control-
egy implementation. The studies of Cruz et al. (2011), Dossi lable, whilst others are not. Thus, practitioners must be
and Patelli (2010), and Kraus and Lind (2010) are a good aware of these contingencies and of the way they affect
start in this area, but their inconsistent results deserve the effectiveness of CPM systems.
further attention. Moreover, in our review we found no This study is not free of limitations. It is based on a
evidence regarding the consequences of using CPM sys- literature review method that, despite being systematic
tems for assessing the performance of international teams and rigorous, might have missed some relevant work that
(i.e., teams created from individuals working in different (a) has been published in a journal outside our list of
subsidiaries and in different countries). selected journals and has not been referenced by any of
Fifthly, our knowledge about the effects of CPM systems the work published in our list of selected journals; (b) has
on change management is at an early stage. The work of been published in areas other than accounting, operations,
Kolehmainen (2010) has stressed the positive impact of and strategy (e.g., information systems); (c) has been pub-
CPM systems on flexibility and adaptation, but previous lished in lower-ranked journals (e.g., Maiga and Jacobs,
work in the performance measurement literature (Euske 2003); (d) has been published in a non-English-language
et al., 1993) has suggested otherwise. To what extent do journal; or (e) refers to public sector organizations (e.g.,
CPM systems support organizational change? How can Cavalluzzo and Ittner, 2004; Carmona and Gronlund, 2003;
CPM systems encourage flexibility and dynamism? These Johnston and Pongatichat, 2008; Moxham and Boaden,
research questions remain unanswered and, especially in 2007; Umashev and Willett, 2008). Besides, when exam-
the current economic climate, require further attention. ining the work of qualitative studies we have relied on our
Sixthly, previous research has looked at the effect own judgement and interpretation about the variables and
of CPM systems on positive employee attitudes and relationships studied. This interpretation might not corre-
behaviours. Further research could also explore whether spond entirely with the findings highlighted by the original
CPM systems have any effect on negative employee atti- authors of the studies.
tudes or dysfunctional behaviours, as it has been suggested
in related areas of research (e.g., Chwastiak, 2006; Jensen,
2003; Ordóñez et al., 2009).
Finally, the impact of CPM systems on firm performance We would like to thank David Otley, Andy Neely,
requires further investigation, as there is a lack of consis- Michael Burkert and Matthew Hall for their insightful
tent evidence in this area. Researchers have argued that comments and suggestions. We would also like to acknowl-
looking for a direct link between CPM systems and orga- edge the useful contributions of Robert Scapens and our
nizations’ superior performance might be misleading due two anonymous reviewers. Finally, we are grateful for
to the internal and external factors that play a role in eco- the continuous support, advice and encouragement of the
nomic performance evaluation (e.g., Lee and Yang, 2010). members of the Cranfield Centre for Business Performance,
Insights from activity-based costing research (ABC) suggest in particular, a big thank you goes to Andrey Pavlov, Pietro
that ABC may not, per se, add value, but merely be corre- Micheli, Veronica Martinez and Mike Kennerley.
lated with other organizational variables that are the true
value drivers (Kennedy and Affleck-Graves, 2001). Tak-
ing this approach with CPM, we suggest that further CPM Appendix A.
systems research should explore how this system inter-
acts with other organizational variables, which, once again, See Table A.1.
Table A.1
Summary of studies selected.

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Ahn, H. 2001 STR/MNG CPM B [BSC] NE Case study (1 NE • Communi- • Environ- Manufacturing Germany Organization
firm) cation mental risk
• • Managers’
Management cognitive
practices limitations
• Strategic
• Strategic

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

• Strategy
• Organiza-
• Time
Banker, R.; Chang, 2004 ACC CPM C [BSC] Cognitive Experiment T-test and • • Managerial NA US Individual
H.; Pizzini, M. limitations (480 MBA regression Performance knowledge
and students) analysis evaluation of strategic
information bias objectives
processing (common
theories measures
Banker, R.; Potter, 2000 ACC CPM D Agency Archival Regression • Financial Hotel US Business unit
G.; Srinivasan, D. theory research (18 analysis and non-
hotels) financial
Bisbe, J.; Otley, D. 2004 ACC CPM A NE Survey (40 Correlation, • Innovation • CPM use Manufacturing Spain Organization
[LoC] CEOs of regression capabilities (interactive)
medium- analyses • Perceived
sized financial and
firms) non-
Bititci, U.; 2006 OPS CPM A NE Case study (5 NE • Leader- Manufacturing UK Organization
Mendibil, K.; firms) ship/management
Nudurapati, S.; style
Garengo, P.; • Organiza-
Turner, T. tional
Braam, G.; Nijssen, 2004 STR/MNG CPM A [BSC] NE Survey (41 Regression • Financial • CPM design Various Netherlands Organization
E. b2b firms) analysis performance and use industries
• Perceived

Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Burney, L; 2007 ACC CPM B Goal-setting Survey (700 SEM • Managerial • Managerial Various US Individual
Widener, S. theory and IMA performance experience industries
role stressors members) • Role • Complexity
theory ambiguity (number of
• Job performance

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

relevant measures)
information • Coupling of
Role conflict CPM system
to evalua-
(i.e., CPM D)
Burney, L; Henle, 2009 ACC CPM D Process Survey (242 SEM • Organiza- • Technical Financial US Individual
C.; Widener, S. control employees tional validity of services
theory and from 53 citizenship performance
equity branches) behaviours measures
theory • Managerial • Cause-and-
performance effect
• Perceptions validity of
of fair- performance
ness/justice measures
Butler, A.; Letza, S.; 1997 STR/MNG CPM A [BSC] NE Case study (1 NE • Manufacturing UK Organization
Neale, B. firm) Participation
• Communi-
• Strategic
• Cost/time
Cardinaels, E.; Van 2010 ACC CPM C [BSC] Cognitive Experiment 2×4 • BSC format NA Netherlands Individual
Veen-Dirks P. limitations (144 worker between- Performance
and students) subject evaluation
information design bias
processing ANOVA (common
theories measures
Cheng, M.; Luckett, 2007 ACC CPM C Goal-setting Survey (44 PLS • Managerial • Perceived Telecom Australia Individual
P.; Mahama, H. theory sales performance goal
consult.) • Goal difficulty
Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Chenhall, R. 2005 ACC CPM B Competitive Survey (80 PLS • Strategic • Strategic Various Australia Organization
advantage BU alignment orientation industries
theory, orga- managers) • Organiza-

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

nizational tional
learning learning
theory • Strategic
outcomes in
terms of
and low cost
Chenhall, R.; 1998 ACC CPM A [BSC] Contingency Survey (78 Cluster • Perceived • Strategic Manufacturing Australia Organization
Langfield-Smith, theory responses) analysis financial and orientation
K. non financial •
performance Management

Cousins, P.; 2008 OPS CPM A NE Survey (142 SEM • Manufacturing UK Beyond the
Lawson, B.; firms) Socialization and service organization
Squire, B. • Perceived
share, time
to market,
Crabtree, A.; 2008 ACC CPM B [BSC] NE Survey and Paired t-test • Financial Various US Organization
DeBusk, G. Archival and performance industries
(107 IMA Wilcoxon • Stock
managers) test market

Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Cruz, I.; Scapens, 2011 ACC CPM A Social theory Case study Qualitative • Relation- • Account- Service Portugal Organization
R.; Major, M. (Glocaliza- (equity joint coding, ships among ability
tion) Practice venture, 39 construction headquarters
theory semi- of critical and
structured incident subsidiaries
interviews chart • Communi-
and 11 cation
other) • Visibility

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

and compa-
• Corporate
• Innovative-
• Strategic
• Cost/time
• Financial
• Non-
• Customer
Davila, A. 2000 ACC CPM A Contingency Case study Qualitative • Project • Product Manufacturing US/Europe Division
theory (12 BU, 7 coding performance differentia- (R&D)
firms, semi- (product tion strategy
structured development • Product
project perfor- uncertainty
manager mance) • Organiza-
interviews) tional
• Purpose of
Davis, S.; Albright, 2004 ACC CPM B [BSC] Non Explicit Quasi- Wilcoxon • Financial Banking US Business unit
T. (NE) experimen- test performance
tal design (2
divisions, 9
Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

De Geuser, F.; 2009 ACC CPM A [BSC] NE Survey (76 Regression • Perceived • Top Various Switzerland, Organization
Mooraj, S.; Oyon, Bus) analysis organiza- management industries UK,
D. tional support Germany,
(financial • CPM Austria,
and non- design, France, and
financial) implementa- Netherlands
performance tion, and

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

De Waal, A.; 2009 OPS CPM A NE Case study Qualitative • Perceived • CPM Various Netherlands Organization
Kourtit, K.; (17 large coding, financial and maturity industries
Nijkamp, P companies, descriptive non-
52 statistics financial
interviews) performance
Decoene, V.; 2006 OPS CPM D [BSC] Agency Case study (1 Qualitative • Motivation • Strategic Manufacturing Belgium Division
Bruggeman, W. theory and firm, 6 coding alignment
expectancy interviews) • CPM
theory system
design (con-
noise, and
validity of
Dilla, W.; Steinbart, 2005 ACC CPM C, D Cognitive Experiment 2×2×2 • • Managerial NA US Individual
P. [BSC] limitations (43 ANOVA Performance training and
and Undergrad. evaluation experience
information students) bias in designing
processing (common BSC
theories measures
• Bonus
Dossi, A.; Patelli, L. 2010 STR CPM A Agency Survey (141 Correlation • Various European Organization
theory Italian Regression Relationship industries
subsidiaries) analyses between
13 headquarters
interviews and
(learning and
• Strategic
• Corporate

Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Evans, J. 2004 OPS CPM A NE Survey (105 Regression • Perceived CPM Manufacturing US Organization
firms) analysis financial and maturity and service
Gimbert, X.; Bisbe, 2010 ACC CPM A NE Survey (349 Regression • Strategy as Various Spain Organization
J.; Mendoza, X. CEOs) analysis a continuous industries

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

(number and
variety of
Godener, A.; 2004 OPS CPM A NE Case study (3 Qualitative • • Electronics France Business unit
Soderquist, K. large coding Performance Participation
companies, improve-
12 ment
interviews) • Motivation
• Communi-
• Organiza-
Grafton, J.; Lillis, A.; 2010 ACC CPM A Resource- Survey (183 SEM (MLE) • Perceived Manufacturing Australia Organization
Widener, S. based view, BU financial
agency, managers) performance
cognitive • Managerial
limitations decision-
and making
information • Strategic
processing capabilities
Griffith, R.; Neely, 2009 STR/MNG CPM D [BSC] Agency Quasi- Regression Financial and • CPM Distribution Europe and Business unit
A. theory experiment analysis non- system US
(2 divisions financial design,
of 156 performance implementa-
branches and tion, and use
121 branches • Managers’
of 1 firm) years of
Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Hall, M. 2008 ACC CPM B Cognitive Survey (83 PLS • Managerial Manufacturing Australia Individual
and BU performance
motivation managers) • Psychologi-
theories cal

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

• Role clarity
Hall, M. 2010 ACC CPM B Individual Survey (83 PLS • Managerial • Managerial Manufacturing Australia Individual
and organi- BU performance experi-
zational managers) • Managerial ence/tenure
learning learning • Business
theories (mental unit size
and building)
HassabElnaby, H.; 2005 ACC CPM D Agency Archival (91 Regression • Stock • Firm char- Manufacturing US Organization
Said, A.; Wier, B. theory and firms) analysis, Cox market acteristics and service
contingency survival performance
theory analysis • Financial
Henri, J. 2006b ACC CPM A [LoC] Resource- Survey (383 SEM • Perceived • CPM use Manufacturing Canada Organization
based view firms - CEO, financial (diagnostic
theory CFO, COO, or performance vs.
senior vice- • Dynamic interactive)
presidents) tension • Environ-
• Organiza- mental
tional uncertainty
capabilities • Organiza-
in terms of: tional
market culture
orientation, (flexibility
organiza- vs. control
tional values)
learning, • Organiza-
innovative- tional
ness, and size
Hoque, Z. 2004 STR/MNG CPM A Contingency Survey (52 Path analysis • Perceived Various Australia Organization
theory responses) financial and industries

Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Hoque, Z.; James, 2000 ACC CPM A [BSC] Contingency Survey (66 Regression • Perceived • Firm size Manufacturing Australia Organization
W. theory CFOs) analysis financial and • Product life
non- cycle stage
financial • Market
performance position
Hyvonen, J. 2007 ACC CPM A Contingency Survey (51 Regression • Customer • Forest, metal Finland Business unit

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

theory business analysis performance Information and
units) technology electronics
• Customer
Ittner, C.; Larcker, 2003 ACC CPM D [BSC] Agency Archival (1 Correlation • Banking US Individual
D.; Meyer, M. theory, firm, Regression Subjectivity
multiple analyses • Perceived
individuals) satisfaction
Survey (572 with CPM
managers) system
Ittner, C.; Larcker, 2003 ACC CPM A, B Contingency Survey (140 Correlation • Perceived Financial US Organization
D.; Randall, T. [BSC] theory executives) Regression satisfaction services
analyses with CPM
• Stock
• Financial
Ittner, C.;Larcker, 1997 ACC CPM D NE Survey (249 Regression Survey: Survey: Automotive Germany, Organization
D. firms) and analysis • Financial • Strategic and Japan, US,
interviews performance orientation computer and Canada
(44 firms) • Industry
• Unfocused
action plans
• Incorrect

Ittner, C.D.; 1998 ACC CPM A NE Archival Regression • Financial Telecom. US Business unit
Larcker, D.F. research (1 analysis performance
Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Jazayeri, M.; 2008 ACC CPM D NE Case study (1 NE • Organiza- Aerospace UK Organization
Scapens, R. firm, 10 tional
interviews culture
and • Perceived
secondary financial

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

data) performance
• Perceived
with the
CPM system
• Strategic
• Strategic
• Strategy as
a continuous
Johnston, R.; 2002 OPS CPM A [BSC Grounded Case study (6 Qualitative • • CPM Transport, UK Organization
Brignall, S.; and KPIs] theory firms, coding Performance purpose, Consulting,
Fitzgerald, L. approach interviews improve- design, Hotel,
and ment implementa- Banking
secondary • Organiza- tion, and
data) tional use

Kaplan, S.; Wisner 2009 ACC CPM C [BSC] Cognitive Experiment ANOVA • • BSC format NA US Individual
P. limitations (177 US MBA Performance • Managerial
and students) evaluation knowledge
information bias of strategic
processing (common objectives
theories measures
Kihn, L. 2007 ACC CPM C [with Contingency Survey and Regression • Financial • Perceived Manufacturing Finland Business unit
behaviour theory, archival (36 analysis with performance environmen-
controls] control responses) interactions (short-term tal
theory, and profitability) change

Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Kolehmainen, K 2010 STR CPM C NE Case study (1 Qualitative • Telecom. Finland Organization
multina- coding Subjectivity industry
tional as a positive
company, 22 outcome as
interviews), it enhances
Archival flexibility

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

• Participa-
• Strategic
Kraus, K; Lind, J. 2010 ACC CPM A NE Case study Qualitative • Corporate Various Sweden Organization
(15 multina- coding control of industries
tional business
companies, units
Lau, M.; Sholihin, 2005 ACC CPM C [BSC] Goal-setting Survey (70 Correlation • Job Manufacturing Indonesia Individual
M. theory, managers) Regression satisfaction
equity analyses • Trust
theory • Perceived
Lee, C.; Yang, H. 2010 ACC CPM A, B & D Contingency Survey (168 Correlation • Perceived • Organiza- Various Taiwan Organization
theory firms) Regression financial and tional industries
analyses non- structure
financial •
performance Competition
Libby, T.; Salterio, 2004 ACC CPM C [BSC] Cognitive Experiment 2×2×2 • • Process NA Canada Individual
S.; Webb, A. effort bias (227 MBA ANCOVA Performance accountabil-
theory, students) evaluation ity
process bias • Perceived
accountabil- quality of
ity theory, BSC mea-
assurance sures/use of
theory assurance
Liedtka, S.; Church, 2008 ACC CPM C [BSC] Cognitive Experiment Planned • • Evaluator’s NA US Individual
B.; Ray, M. bias theories (85 comparison Performance ambiguity
and theories management tests evaluation intolerance
about students) bias
responses to
Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Lillis, A. 2002 ACC CPM A NE Case study Qualitative • Strategy • Loose Manufacturing Australia Business unit
(36 profit coding implementa- controls
centre tion • Technical
managers) integration
Lipe, M.; Salterio, S. 2002 ACC CPM C [BSC] Cognitive Experiment 2×2×2 • • BSC format NA US Individual

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

limitations (78 MBA ANOVA Performance
and students) evaluation
information bias
processing (common
theories measures
Lipe, M.; Salterio, S. 2000 ACC CPM C [BSC] Cognitive Experiment 2×2×2 • NA Canada Individual
limitations (58 MBA MANOVA Performance
and students) evaluation
information bias
processing (common
theories measures
Mahama, H. 2006 ACC CPM A NE Survey (73 PLS • Mining and Australia Beyond the
managers–supply Socialization exploration organization
chain) •
to adapt to
• Perceived
Malina, M.; Selto, F. 2001 ACC CPM D [BSC] NE Case study Qualitative • • Communi- Manufacturing US Business unit
(semi- coding Performance cation
structured improve- (support of
interviews ment organiza-
and • tional
secondary Management culture, valid
data) • Motivation messages,
• Strategic knowledge
alignment sharing)
• Ten- • CPM design

Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Malmi, T. 2001 ACC CPM A [BSC] Neo- Case study NE • Perceived Various Finland Organization
institutionalism (17 firms, 17 satisfaction industries
theory semi- with CPM

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

structured system
Marginson, D. 2002 STR/MNG CPM A [LoC] NE Case study (1 Qualitative • Ten- • Communi- Telecom. UK Organization
firm, 26 coding sions/conflicts cation
interview • Strategy as
managers) a continuous
• Innovation
McAdam, R.; Bailie, 2002 OPS CPM C [with NE Case study (1 Qualitative • Manufacturing Ireland Organization
B. behavioural firm, coding Achievement
measures] longitude.) of strategic
• Communi-
Moers, F. 2005 ACC CPM D Agency Archival Regression • Perceived Maritime Netherlands Individual
theory (124 analysis evaluation
employees bias (lenient
from 1 firm) and
Moon, P.; 1996 ACC CPM D NE Case study (1 Qualitative • Strategy • CPM Service UK Organization
Fitzgerald, L. firm, 15 coding implementa- system
interviews) tion design,
tion, and
Mundy, J. 2010 ACC CPM C [LoC] Agency 2 case study Qualitative • Dynamic • CPM use Financial UK Organization
theory (1 multina- coding tension (interactive service
tional vs.
company, 24 diagnostic)
and archival
Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Papalexandris, A.; 2004 STR/MNG CPM B [BSC] NE Case study (1 NE • Strategic • CPM Software Greece Organization
Ioannou, G.; firm) goals maturity
Prastacos, G. achievement
• Relation-
ships among


M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

• Tensions
• Time
• Communi-

• Motivation

Perera, S.; Harrison, 1997 ACC CPM A Contingency Survey (109 Regression • Perceived • Strategic Manufacturing Australia Organization
G.; Poole, M. theory firms) analysis with financial orientation
interaction performance
Roberts, M.; 2004 ACC CPM C, D Cognitive Experiment 2×2×2 • • BSC format Service US Individual
Albright, T.; [BSC] limitations (79 MBA ANOVA Performance
Hibbets, A. and students) evaluation
information bias
processing (common
theories measures
• Bonus
Said, A.; 2003 ACC CPM D Agency Archival (91 Regression • Stock • Firm char- Manufacturing US Organization
HassabElnaby, theory and firms) analysis market acteristics and service
H.; Wier, B. contingency performance
theory • Financial
Sandstrom, J.; 2002 OPS CPM B [BSC] NE Case study (1 NE • Motivation Manufacturing Finland Division
Toivanen, J. firm - • Communi- (R&D)
Product cation
develop. • Strategic
engineers) focus
• Strategic


Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Schiff, A.; Hoffman, 1996 ACC CPM C Attribution Experiment Descriptive • • Level of Retail US Individual &
L. theory (54 statistics and Performance performance Team
executives) MANOVA evaluation judgements

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

bias (department
Scott, T.W.; 1999 ACC CPM D NE Survey (248 Path analysis • Team • Various Canada Team
Tiessen, P. responses) performance Participation industries
in target
• Weight of
in compen-
Speckbacher, G.; 2003 ACC CPM A,B and NE Survey (174 Descriptive • Perceived Various Germany, Organization
Bischof, J.; D [BSC] Organiza- statistics satisfaction industries Austria and
Pfeiffer, T. tion) with CPM Switzerland
Tayler, W. 2010 ACC CPM C [BSC] Motivated Experiment ANOVA and • Strategic • BSC format NA US Individual
reasoning (132 US‘MBA mediation initiative •
theory students) analyses evaluation Participation
Tuomela, T. 2005 ACC CPM B [LoC] NE Case NE • Strategy as • CPM use Manufacturing Finland Organization
study/Action a continuous (interactive)
research (1 process
firm, • Managerial
longitudinal learning
4 years) • Communi-
• Time
• Workload
• Visibility
Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Ukko, J.; Tenhunen, 2007 OPS CPM D [BSC] NE Case studies NE • • Managerial Various Finland Organization
J.; Rantanen, H. (8 firms, 24 Management education industries
interviews) practices level
(proactive • Managerial
manage- experience
ment, quality • CPM

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

manage- maturity
ment, • Organiza-
decision tional
making, new culture
• Perceived
financial and

of strategic

• Leadership
Van der Stede, W.; 2006 ACC CPM A Agency Survey (128 Regression • Perceived • Business Manufacturing US and Division
Chow, C.; Lin, T. theory and firms) analysis financial and strat- Europe
contingency non- egy/strategic
theory financial orientation
Webb, A. 2004 ACC CPM B Goal-setting Experiment Regression • Goal • Manager’s NA Canada Individual
theory (56 analysis commitment self-efficacy
managers) • Goal attrac-

Table A.1 (Continued)

Author Date Area CPM system Theoretical Data Data analysis CPM system Contextual Industry Country Level of
type background collection conse- variables analysis

Wiersma, E. 2009 ACC CPM C NE Survey (19 Regression, • Managerial Manufacturing Netherlands Individual

M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119

[BSC] firms, 224 factor, decision- and service
managers) correlation making
analysis, • Relation-
ships within
and among
• Managerial
Wong-On-Wing, 2007 ACC CPM C [BSC] Cognitive Experiment 2×2×2 • • Manager’s Retail China Individual
B.; Guo, L.; Li, W.; bias theories, (68 MBA ANOVA Performance role
Yang, D. selective students) evaluation • Strategy
attention bias knowledge
observer bias
theory, cor-
bias theory

Wouters, M.; 2008 ACC CPM A Organizational Case Qualitative • • CPM Manufacturing Netherlands Business unit
Wilderom, C. learning study/action coding, Performance system
theory and research (1 descriptive improve- purpose,
contingency firm, 42 statistics and ment design,
theory employees, regression (enabling implementa-
longitude.) analysis CPM) tion, and
• use

Notes: NE: not explicit (we include this abbreviation when the authors do not clearly explain in their paper one or more of the study characteristics comprised in this table); NA: not applicable; ACC: accounting;
STR/MNG: strategy and general management; OPS: operations.
M. Franco-Santos et al. / Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 79–119 117

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