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The Science behind the Water for Fuel Technology

Science News


True Green Solutions

Authored by: Edward Mitchell

A Solution to Climate Change
"All Molecules can be separated into their component
atoms by taking away the electrons from the atoms
that make up the molecules."

A new method for the decomposition of water.

This Voltage Intensifier Circuit (VIC) is actually just a way to mimic the earth’s Global
Electric Circuit.

Note that these two photos go to explain how this technology mimics nature for
Stanley Meyer mimicked how a thunderstorm works. The Voltage Intensifier Circuit is
the Global Electric Circuit where the blocking diode is there to make sure current only
goes in one direction, the water fuel capacitor is the cloud, and the air acts like the
secondary and charging choke coils.
Basically, what is being done to break the bonds of the water molecules with this
technology is mimicking the way a thunderstorm works but plants also break the bonds
of the water molecules like this but through a series of redox reactions. The last step in
the way a plant breaks the bonds of the water molecules is to take the electrons away
from the atoms that make up the water molecules. What I found interesting in my
studies towards learning how this technology actually works is no one ever asked this
question, "How does plant break the bonds of the water molecules?" Once I saw that
all it really did was to reach in and take the electrons away from the atoms that made
up the water molecules I then looked into other ways in which we know how to get the
electrons away from their atoms. I found so many examples of that new theorem I
came up with that it's a wonder no one ever saw it before, but I guess if you are not
looking for it asking the right questions then sure no one would ever see it. Here is that
new theorem:
"All Molecules can be separated into their component atoms by taking away the
electrons from the atoms that make up the molecules."
It took me a long time to get at the actual science behind Meyer's work but in the end I
did finally get around all of Meyer's many misleading statements & misdirection’s. With
photosynthesis the only thing one needs to ask, and answer is, "How does a plant
break the bonds of the water molecules?" As simple as that questions seems it has
never been asked before, as far as I can tell, thus never answered. The answer to that
question is the plant takes the electrons away from the atoms that make up the water
molecules which action breaks the bonds of those water molecules. What it does with
the hydrogen and oxygen doesn't concern me as that was not part of the question.
Once I saw that all it did to break the bonds of the water molecules was to take
electrons away from the atoms constituting it another question came up. "How many
ways do we know of on how to take the electrons away from their atoms?" When I
had found a few I then went looking for examples of water being broken down that way
and found many different examples of that to be true and here are two of them.

A plant takes the electron away from the atom that makes up the water molecule to
break the bonds.

Then I got curious if that worked on other molecules? and searched for proof and found
it. Oxygen and nitrogen molecules are nonpolar covalent molecules. They cannot
dissociate into positive and negative ions, separating charge this way, because their
bonding electrons are snugly and equally shared between them. Instead, the electric
field must be intense enough to rip tightly bound electrons off the atoms in these
molecules, ionizing them that way. That act breaks the molecules down into its
component atoms as the intense electric field causes the atoms to eject their electrons,
no electrons no covalent bonds.

In my study of thunderstorms I found out what is in the text books about

thunderstorms today is incomplete for once the cloud's electrical charge is strong
enough to overcome the atoms ionization energies and causes those atoms to eject
their electrons and molecules they formed gets broken down a result. This produces
the atoms that made up the molecules and leaves behind those ejected electrons to
further increase the charge of a cloud. Once this charge is high enough it will overcome

the air's resistance and produce a lightning strike. In the diagram I posted different
nitrogen atoms and molecules to give you an idea of what is happening to them. Only
the five valence (outer shell) electrons in each nitrogen atom are shown. Nitrogen
atoms contain 7 electrons, with two of them confined to an inner energy shell. Lower
right Is a partially ionized atom. There are degrees of ionization. A fully ionized atom
(bottom left) contains only the nucleus. In this case, every electron moved into an
excited energy shell and then left the atom altogether (it takes even more energy to
remove the two inner electrons not shown in the other atoms).

Taking away electrons breaks the bonds of molecular molecules.

We'll explore this ionization process further in a moment.

It takes almost twice the energy (945 kJ/mol) to break the powerful triple bond of a
nitrogen molecule than it does to break the double bond of an oxygen molecule (497
kJ/mol). A kilojoule (kJ) is a measure of energy. One mole (mol) of atoms contains 6.02
x 1023 atoms. Once split, oxygen atoms are a bit more easily (partially) ionized than
nitrogen atoms - 1314 kJ/mol compared to 1402 kJ/mol, respectively, to remove an
outer electron (to remove all the electrons from a nitrogen atom, including those in the
inner higher energy shells, would require far more energy, about 4578 kJ/mol -
nitrogen in this state is also a plasma, but it has much higher energy).

The electric field building beneath a thundercloud eventually has enough energy to
break apart, excite and ionize nitrogen molecules, oxygen molecules, methane
molecules, carbon dioxide molecules, and water molecules. Nitrogen atoms by
themselves are highly reactive. They will quickly recombine into nitrogen (N2) gas or
into nitrous oxide (NO). Meanwhile, excited nitrogen molecules emit blue light. Oxygen
molecules likewise are excited. They may also release photons of light, but more often
they react with unexcited oxygen molecules to create ozone, before they have a chance
to. This ozone, which only lasts about an hour before it decays back into molecular
oxygen, is often linked with the fresh clean smell after a thunderstorm. The air under a
thunderstorm is very humid. Ionized hydrogen atoms split apart from water vapor
contribute red to the glow, so that ionized humid air glows violet. Now being a scientist
I already know you don't typically find hydrogen all by itself in nature but yet there it is.

This is how thunderstorms work as when the conditions are right they produce
hydrogen in vase quantities as well as other ionized gas atoms. Their role in nature
seems to be to actively clean the air breaking down harmful methane and other gases
of the like, but our use of fossil fuels has overwhelmed the Global Electric Circuit and it
can’t keep up with the rate at which we are putting these harmful gases into the
atmosphere. Meyer simply mimicked this but arranged the capacitor(s) to a vertical
position so that the ionized gases could escape without being ignited by the electric
field. Every molecule broken down adds its electron to the cloud increasing the electric
field intensity. This explains why the reaction kept going after Meyer shut the device
down as those electrons are in the water bath and must travel through the VIC circuit
which has resistance which will convert that energy into heat. Basically, the capacitor is
being discharged and that takes time based on how highly charged it is through the
diode until the voltage/current controlled switch shuts off as that is the role the diode
plays in the VIC circuit.

Learning About the Importance of the Energy Under the Curve

this statement taken from the first chapter of the Stanley Meyer technical brief he goes
over just what the correct waveform is supposed to look like in words but failed to
show a correct drawing that reflects the words that are written here. For in words
Meyer states that, “Inductor (D) in relationship to inductor (C) electrically balances
the opposite voltage electrical potential across the voltage zones (E1/E2).”

In the drawing you can see that figure 1-3, shows only half of what is written in words
for there is no negative voltage
potential being shown in the
drawing. Here is what the drawing should
look like to accurately reflect the words.
As you can see if it were drawn to reflect
the written words it would look a whole
lot differently. Now you can see a better
representation of just what the
waveform is supposed to look like. But you
might be asking why is this important to know, correct? It all has to do with the way
this technology actually breaks the bonds of the water molecules by using voltage
instead of current like is done with standard electrolysis. However, the actually way
this waveform should look like is shown below.

As you can see the waveform is a modified AC waveform that increases in voltage with
each successive pulsed DC square wave sent to the primary coil of the Voltage
Intensifier Circuit (VIC) transformer in both its negative and positive voltages. In this
example five DC square wave pulses where set to the primary coil of the VIC
transformer resulting in five sin waves of increasing voltage.

drawing is showing a threshold line for the energy required to liberate the electrons
from their parent atoms that make up the water molecules. This action is known as
Ionization. The positive voltage will attract the oxygen atoms and the negative voltage
will attract the hydrogen atoms. When enough potential energy is input into the system
it will overcome the electrical attraction force between the atoms and their electrons.
This action will break the bonds of the water molecules given what this theory states,
“Molecules can be separated into their component atoms by taking away the
electron(s) from the atoms that make up the molecules.”

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So in essence we are talking about the energy under the curve’s ability to do work. Let’s
take a look at what this looks like.

Here we can see the energy under the curve as is understood when viewing these
waveforms on an oscilloscope. Now since this is an AC waveform when we sum the two
energies to see the amount of energy that went through the water bath to do work
towards normal electrolysis we end up with this:

is the amount of energy that will go through the exciter array to perform the work of
normal electrolysis on the water as all the rest of the energy got canceled out. So, now
we can see this waveform is the primary method Meyer used to restrict the flow of
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amps through the water bath, but that was not the only method he made use of. So,
what does it look like when voltage is doing the work to break the bonds of the water
molecules by way of ionization? This graph represents voltage performing work.

the energy shown in green has the necessary energy to overcome the electrical
attraction force between the atoms and their electrons. The higher the voltage the
increase rate of atoms that get ionized thus the increase rate of gas production.

This drawing illustrates what is

thought and/or believed to be taking place between the electrodes of each of the

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resonant cavities. This is how to get voltage to do the work of breaking the bonds of the
water molecules while restricting the flow of amps.
Now in the patents Meyer also let us know just how much voltage is required to have a

working system.
As you can see this tells us that the working voltages for each of the resonant cavities is
1000 volts or more of potential difference which translates to 500 volts negative and
500 volts positive per resonant cavity. But since they are wired in series with ten
resonant cavities the voltage applied to the exciter array will be ten times as much
meaning 5000 volts negative and 5000 volts’ positive which makes a total of 10,000
volts of potential difference that needs to be applied to the exciter array at a minimum.
In a few of Meyer’s lecture videos, he states that the working voltages are between
10kv and 20kv for this technology.
Now when you look at drawings like these they should make a lot more sense after

reading this

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Information for all you are really looking at is a very long and drawn out explanation of
what happens to the atoms as they undergo ionization. Plus, you can see again Meyer
failed to include the negative voltage for the waveform.
For as the atoms start to ionize the electron are pushed to higher and higher orbits

about their atoms. As this drawing

is showing the more energy that is pumped into the atoms the higher the electron
orbits will be about their atoms. This is what Meyer has called, “The Elongation of the
Water Molecules.” Those early drawings didn’t show things in terms of orbital shells so
that it could be more easily understood. Remember what I said earlier, Meyer didn’t
want anyone to steal his technology from him.
I guess to be more correct these are “Arbitrary AC Waveforms,” that the VIC
transformers will create. When properly tuned it is possible to get the B- and B+ voltage
potentials to be of equal but opposite magnitude. But in the cases where they are not,
say the B- is 20 volts lower than the B+ voltage, the same summation will let you know
just how much energy went through the water bath. The energy under the curve never
just vanishes into thin air for it follows all the known rules of any work related problem
that are taught in physics classes.

Now the first to do this seems to be Dr. Daniel Dingle of the Philippines back in 1968
followed by Andrija Puharich, and a few other people around the world, but the most
famous of them was the inventor Stanley A. Meyer who patented the technology in the
United States. The one thing all these men, that came before me, have in common is
when they died, they all took the technology with them in death. It turns out it was the
IMF and World Bank that put a stop to this technology back in the day as they were
long on oil, and they had some sort of agreement with the government of the
Philippines stating as a country they could not produce something that would compete
with their product which was oil and that was that. With the death of Stanley Meyer

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and his patents running out they thought that would be the last of that troublesome
technology. Now that I am on the scene, I made sure to post the actual science behind
this technology in a few well-known places.

In time this technology will turn the tide on climate change but thanks to those that sell
energy, whom paid some scientist to tell everyone that this technology violates the
laws of physics, it's tough to get support for this technology. As unlike those “tobacco
scientist” where everyone could clearly see they were lying this time those “paid-to-
say” scientist got believed by the general public as the general public’s understanding
of science is not all that great.

By, Edward Mitchell Jr.

CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions

Edward Mitchell Jr

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