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Chapter 5: “Infinite Energy”

Consciousness is one of the great mysteries in life. Inner energy is another. The truth is, every movement of your body,
every emotion you have, and every thought that passes through your mind is an expenditure of energy.

For example, if you concentrate on a thought and another thought interferes, you will have to assert an opposing force
to fight the interfering thought. That requires energy, and it can wear you out. You also assert energy to deal with your
emotions. If you have an emotion you don’t like and it’s interfering with what you are doing, you push it aside. Every one
of these acts is an expenditure of energy.

Where does all this energy come from? Why is the energy there sometimes and other times you feel completely
drained? This energy we are discussing does not come from the calories your body burns from food. There is a source of
energy you can draw upon from inside. It is distinct from the outer energy source.

The emotions we feel when we are in love give us a lot of this type of energy. If this person we love leaves us, we feel
depressed, and that is because this energy source has been depleted. This energy is always available to you. At any
moment you can draw upon it. It just wells up and fills you from inside. When you’re filled with this kind of energy, you
feel like you could take on the world.

The only reason you don’t feel this energy all the time is because you BLOCK IT!!! You block it by closing your heart, by
closing your mind, and by pulling yourself into a restrictive space inside. This closes you off from all the energy. When
you close your heart or your mind, you hide in the darkness within you. There is no light. There is no energy. There is
nothing flowing. The energy is still there but it can’t get in.

That is what is meant to be BLOCKED. That is why you have no energy when you’re depressed. Although various energy
centers exist within you, the one you intuitively know the most about opening and closing is your HEART.

The heart is an energy center, and it can open or close. The Yogis call energy centers “CHAKRAS”!!! You have a
wellspring of beautiful energy inside of you. When you are open you feel it; when you are closed you don’t. This flow of
energy comes from the depth of your being. You should know about this energy because it is yours. It’s your birthright,
and it’s unlimited. You can call upon it anytime you want. It has nothing to do with age.

Now you have to decide if you want this energy. There is a very simple method for staying open. You stay open by never
closing. It’s really that simple. You can actually train yourself to forget how to close. Closing is a habit, and just like any
other habit, it can be broken. You could be the type of person who closes every time you meet someone new. You feel
tightness, a closing sensation. You can train yourself to do the opposite when you meet a new person, and open up.
Most of our tendencies to open or close stem from our past. Impressions from our past are still inside of us, if they are
negative we will close, if they are positive we will stay open. Never leave something as important as your energy flow to

Any time you start to close, ask yourself whether you really want to cut off the energy flow? Because if you want, you
can learn to stay open no matter what happens in your world. At first it feels unnatural since your innate tendency is to
close as a means of protection. But closing your heart does not really protect you from anything; it just cuts you off from
your source of energy.
What you will find is that the only thing you want from life is to feel enthusiasm, joy, and love. If you can feel that all the
time then who cares what happens outside? Do not let anything that happens to you in your life important enough that
you are willing to close your heart.

When your Heart starts to close just say “NO I AM NOT GOING TO CLOSE. I AM GOING TO RELAX.” Deal with the
situation, but deal with it with openness.

The most important thing in life is your inner energy. If you’re always tired and never enthused than life is no fun.
Through meditation, through awareness and willful efforts, you can learn to keep your centers open. You do this by just
RELAXING AND RELEASING!!! Nothing, ever, is worth closing your heart over.

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