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International Express elementary wordlists


Unit 5
a lot of (det) beaucoup de
abroad (adv) [to a foreign country] à l’étranger
airline (n) compagnie aérienne
alcoholic (adj) [containing alcohol] alcoolisé
another (det) [not the same one] un autre
apple (n) pomme
arrivals (n. plural) [people visiting a place] arrivées
at first (adv) d’abord
aubergine (n) [vegetable] aubergine
banana (n) banane
be born (v) être né
bean (n) [coffee bean] grain
beef (n) bœuf [viande]
beer (n) bière
bistro (n) bistro
boom (n) [period of success] boom
bottle (n) bouteille
bread (n) pain
bring (v) apporter
broccoli (n) brocoli
careful (adj) prudent, minutieux, méticuleux
carrot (n) carotte
casserole (n) cocotte, ragoût cuit au four
chart (n) [diagram] diagramme
cheese (n) fromage
chicken (n) [meat] poulet [viande]
chocolate (n) chocolat
clue (n) [hint] indication
coat (n) [garment] manteau
coffee (n) café
cooked (adj) cuit
count noun (n) [grammatical term] nom dénombrable
couple (n) [a small number of] deux ou trois
course (n) [part of meal] plat [partie d’un repas]
cup (n) [drinking] tasse
decade (n) décennie
definition (n) [dictionary] définition
dessert (n) dessert
development (n) [economic development] développement
disco (n) disco
discover (v) [find out about a new place] découvrir
dish (n) [prepared food] plat [met]
drink (v) boire
dry (adj) [of wine] sec
earn (v) [make money] gagner [sa vie]
earner (n) salarié, source de revenus
easy (adj) [not difficult] facile
economic (adj) économique
elementary (adj) [education] élémentaire
employment (n) [a job] emploi
exact (adj) exact
excellent (adj) excellent
expenditure (n) dépenses
export (n) exportation
export (v) exporter
fast (adj) [rapid] rapide
figure (n) [number] chiffre
fish (n. uncount) poisson
foreign (adj) étranger
fresh (adj) [of food] frais [nourriture]
fruit (n) fruit
glass (n) [container for drink] verre [récipient]
go ahead (v) [continue] continuer
good (adj) [of food] bon
grape (n) raisin
grilled (adj) grillé
guess (v) deviner
house wine (n) cuvée maison
ice-cream (n) glace
increase (n) augmentation
industry (n) [business] industrie
inexpensive (adj) peu cher
intercom (n) interphone
international (adj) [from several different countries] international
introduction (n) [first appearance of sth] introduction
jet plane (n) jet
juice (n) [fruit juice drink] jus [de fruit]
kind (n) [type] type
learner (n) apprenant
long (adj) [shape] long
lose (v) [not be able to find] perdre
luggage (n) bagage
main (adj) [principal] principal
many (det) plusieurs, de nombreux
mass noun (n) [grammatical term] nom indénombrable
mass tourism (n) tourisme de masse
meal (n) [food eaten all at one time] repas
menu (n) [restaurant] menu
mineral water eau minérale
mousse (n) [dessert] mousse [dessert]
much (det) beaucoup
mushroom (n) champignon
music (n) musique
news (n) nouvelles
noise (n) bruit
offer (n) [statement showing willingness to do sth] offre [de faire qqch]
offer (v) [give sb sth they need] offrir
official (n) officiel, fonctionnaire, agent,
oil (n) [for cooking] huile [comestible]
omelette (n) omelette
onion (n) oignon
orange (n) [fruit] orange
order (v) [choose things from a menu] commander [un plat]
organization (n) [group of people] organisation
package holiday (n) voyage organisé
pâté (n) pâté
pattern (n) [grammar] modèle
pear (n) poire
piece (n) [part] morceau
plant (n) [living thing] plante
potato (n) pomme de terre
powder (n) poudre
quiche (n) quiche
rain (n) pluie
rank (n) [position in a list] rang
reason (n) [cause] raison [cause]
red (adj) [of wine] rouge
request (n) [act of asking] demande
right (interj) [indicating change of activity or subject] Bon !
right now (adv) [at the present time] tout de suite
room (n) [hotel room] chambre
salad (n) salade
salmon (n) saumon
sea (n) mer
seed (n) [from plant] graine
selection (n) [a collection of things] sélection
serve (v) [provide food and drink in a restaurant etc] servir [dans un restaurant]
sleep (v) [go to sleep and stay asleep] dormir
some (det) quelque
soup (n) soupe
source (n) [of information] source
sparkling (adj) [with bubbles - of a drink] pétillant
specials (n. plural) [on menu] plats du jour
spender (n) dépensier
starter (n) [part of meal] entrées
still (adj) [without bubbles - e.g. mineral water] plate [eau]
strawberry (n) fraise
stress (n) [grammatical term] accent
stressed (adj) [grammatical term] accentué
sunshine (n) soleil
sweet (adj) [of wine] doux
tea (n) [drink] thé
television (n) [the apparatus] télévision
terrible (n) épouvantable
toast (n) [cooked bread] toast
today (n) [nowadays] aujourd’hui
tomato (n) tomate
top (adj) [most popular] le meilleur, le top
tourism (n) tourisme
traffic (n) circulation
tree (n) arbre
tropical (adj) [from the tropics] tropical
trouble (n) [problems] problèmes
uncountable (adj) [grammatical term] indénombrable
use (v) [to do sth with sth] utiliser
vegetable (n) légume
view (n) [from a window] vue [d’une fenêtre]
visit (v) [go to a place as a tourist] visiter
waiter (n) serveur
waitress (n) serveuse
water (n) eau
western (adj) occidental
white (adj) [of wine] blanc
wine (n) vin
wonderful (adj) merveilleux

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