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Evolution of Web X.

World Wide Web is the primary tool used by billions of people to share, read, and write information
to interact with other people via internet. Progress made by the web is represented by the version
which is Web X.0

Web 1.0

The first version of web Web 1.0 also referred as Syntactic web or read only web is the
era(1990–2000) where the role of a user is limited to reading information provided by the content
producers. There is no option given for user or consumer to communicate back the information to
the content producers.

You have so little actionable insight because clickstream data is great at the what, but not at the

We know every click that everyone ever makes and more.

We have the what:
● What pages did people view on our website?
● What products did people purchase?
● What was the average time spent?
● What sources did they come from?
● What keywords or campaigns produced clicks?
● What this, and what that, and what not?
All this what data is missing the why.
It’s important to know what happened, but it is even more critical to know why people do the things
they do on your site. This was the prime motivation behind my redefinition of web analytics. For
thorough web analytics, we need to include not just the why but also key questions that can help us
make intelligent decisions about our web presence.

WEB 2.0

The Web 2.0 also referred as Social Web or read-write web is the era(2000–2010 and continues
even now) which facilitates interaction between web users and sites which intern allows users to
communicate with other users. In this era every user can be a content producers and content is
distributed and shared between sites.

Some of the famous Web 2.0 applications are Facebook, Youtube, Flickr, Twitter etc., The web
technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript frameworks like ReactJs, AngularJs, VueJs etc., enables
startups to innovate new ideas which enables users to contribute more in this Social Web. Web 2.0 is
build around the users, producer just need build a way to enable and engage them.

The What: Clickstream The what of Clickstream is straightforward. If you have a web analytics
solution hosted in-house, then the what is collecting, storing, processing, and analyzing your
website’s click-level data

The How Much: Multiple Outcomes Analysis

A website attempts to deliver just three types of Outcomes:

• Increase revenue. • Reduce cost. • Improve customer satisfaction/loyalty

Everything you do on your website needs to deliver against these three Outcomes, regardless of
whether your website is for ecommerce, tech support, social media etc.

The Why:

Experimentation and Testing I believe that most websites are not up to mark because HiPPOs create
them. HiPPO is an acronym for the “Highest Paid Person’s Opinion. The HiPPO is a poor stand-in for
what customers want. By leveraging the power of Experimentation and Testing tools such as the free
Google Website Optimizer or commercial tools such as Omniture’s Test&Target.

The Why: Voice of Customer :That’s why Voice of Customer (VOC) is so important. Through surveys,
lab usability testing, remote usability testing, card sorts, and more, you can get direct feed_back
from customers on your website or from your target customer base.

The What Else: Competitive Intelligence:

Specialized tool to solve for each element of Web Analytics 2.0.

Web 3.0

The Web 3.0 also referred as Semantic Web or read-write-execute is the era(2010 and above) which
refers to the future of web. In this era computers can interpret information like humans via Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning. Which help to intelligently generate and distribute useful content
tailored to a particular need of a user.
Introduction to Web Analytics

It’s important to know what happened, but it is even more critical to know why people do the things
they do on your site. This was the prime motivation behind my redefinition of web analytics

Web Analytics 2.0

Web Analytics 2.0 presents a new framework that will permanently change how you think
about analytics. It provides specific recommendations for creating an actionable strategy.It is

(1) the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from your website and the competition,
(2) to drive a continual improvement of the online experience that your customers, and potential
customers have,
(3) which translates into your desired outcomes (online and offline).

Clickstream Analysis

Clickstream analysis with the building blocks of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). A
metric is a quantitative measurement of statistics describing events or trends on a website. A key
performance indicator (KPI) is a metric that helps you understand how you are doing against your

In website analytics, a clickstream or click path is the sequence of pages a user visits on a website.
Thus, clickstream analysis is simply the process of analyzing what pages a user visits (and in what
order) on a website. This allows webmasters to better understand how their website is being used,
and where they can make improvements.

Often, clickstream analysis factors in various analytics, such as user or session analytics, to compare
how different groups of users interact with the same website. User analytics, like the user’s gender (if
that data is available), allow webmasters to see how their content appeals to different audiences.
Session analytics, like how the user reached the website, allow webmasters to compare their traffic

1.Visits and Visitors: From Web analytics tool, you’ll find number of Visits and Visitors in your search
reports, your exit pages, your bounce rate computation, your conversion rates, and so on. So, your
Visits and Visitors are very important.

● Visits: Visits report the fact that someone came to your website and spent some time
browsing before leaving. Technically this visitor experience is called a session.
Sessions are most commonly referred to as Visits (and perhaps only in ClickTracks now as Visitors).
Sessions are usually a collection of requests from someone who is on your website.

Here’s how it works: 1. If you use a JavaScript tag solution, when someone requests the first page or
item from your website, then your analytics tool starts a session for that person from that browser.
2. Each additional request from that person is attached to a unique session ID. 3. When the person
leaves your site, that unique session ID is used to “stitch” together the pages viewed into one
cohesive visit. 4. When you run a report for any given period in your web analytics tools, Total Visits
is the count of all the sessions during a given time period. In most modern web analytics tools, a
session, or visit, is defined as lasting from the first request to the last request.

2.Unique Visitors In computing Unique Visitors, the web analytics tool is trying to approximate the
number of people who come to your website. Here’s how it works: 1. If you use a JavaScript tag
solution, when someone requests the first page or item from your website, your analytics tool will
set a unique cookie on that person’s browser. 2. This cookie remains on the browser even after the
person leaves your website. It contains a unique anonymous string of numbers and characters. No
personally identifiable (PII) information is included. 3. Each time someone visits your website from
that browser, this persistent cookie ID is used to recognize that the same browser has returned. 4.
When you run a report for any given time period in your web analytics tool, the Unique Visitors
metric is the count of all the persistent unique cookie IDs during a given time period

3. Time on Page and Time on Site:- It measures the time that visitors spend on an individual page
and the time spent on the site during a visit (session).
● Tp (home page) = one minute
● Tp (page 2) = four minutes
● Tp (page 3) = zero minutes
● Ts = five minutes (Time on Site, also known as Session Length)

4.Bounce Rate :-The percentage of sessions on your website with only one page view. A few tools in
the market allow you to use Time to measure Bounce Rate. That is, they measure the percentage of
sessions where Time on Site was less than five seconds. It is increasingly rare to see this method of
computation (which does make me a bit sad because I like this more aggressive definition). Figure
below shows how Bounce Rate might look in your analytics tool, in this case in the French tool XiTi.
5.Exit Rate :- Exit Rate metrics are all the rage. What Exit Rate measures is simple: how many people
left your website from a certain page. Check out Figure belo

Exit Rate shows the percentage of people who entered anywhere on the site but exited from a
particular page. Bounce Rate shows the percentage of people who entered on a particular page, did
nothing, and exited from the site on the same page.

6.Engagement:- It defines engaging as “tending to draw favorable attention or interest.” We should

all try to create website experiences that draw favorable attention or interest. The number of times
someone visits your site, frequency of Visits, helps you understand the degree of Engagement.

Strategy to Choose your web Analysis Tool

Based on the Business need and objective different strategies can be involved.

1. Business Objectives: - Like any other IT investment, your analytics platform should support both
your existing and future business requirements. First, you must identify the core objectives of your
business and create a list of your desired business outcomes. Next, break down your business
objectives into measurable analytics goals. Finally, choose an analytics platform that provides access
to data and reporting features that can help you achieve these business objectives.

2. Pricing: -Do you have the time, money, and expertise to build and maintain your own analytics
solution? Before selecting an analytics tool, you must be fully aware of the costs associated with the
analytics solutions you are evaluating – including subscriptions, growth, and hidden fees. Different
analytics solutions have different cost structures and it is important to understand them before
making an investment.

3. User Interface and Visualization: -Your analytics tool is what your employees will refer to while
making business decisions. Self-service analytics should have a user-friendly interface that can
support different user types. Even non-technical users must find it easy to use and be able to create
and understand dashboards and reports. While visuals may not seem too important, if your
dashboards feature unappealing visuals, it will have a negative impact on user adoption.

4. Advanced Analytics:-Your analytics application must be able to recognize patterns in data and
predict future trends, events, and outcomes. It must go beyond simple mathematical calculations
and generate contextualized insights giving you the ability to build advanced statistical models and
future-proof your business.

5. Integration:-While selecting your analytics tool, you must decide whether a standalone solution or
an integrated solution is right for your business. You have a variety of options with standalone
solutions but integrated solutions allow you to access analytics from applications that your users are
already familiar with. You must understand how your analytics platform can connect with your
existing systems and third-party data sources. You must also assess how easily you can move your
data to other systems if the need arises.

6. Mobility:-Mobile analytics is an easy and powerful way to keep everyone in your organization
connected anywhere and at any time. Mobile analytical capability is critical for companies that
operate globally to make data-driven decisions on the go.

7. Agility and Scalability:-Cloud-based analytics platforms are designed to start small and grow with
your business. These pay-as-you-go plans can give early-stage businesses a competitive edge and
support them when they are experiencing hyper-growth. You can get timely data access and insights
to make fast decisions with analytics that scale according to your business needs.

8. Multiple Sources Of Data:-Modern analytics tools can combine multiple sources of complex data,
and analyze structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. It’s important to select tools that
don’t require assistance from your IT department. Having the ability to gather and combine data
from different systems onto a single dashboard allows you to have a complete view of your business

9. Customization:-Every business has unique requirements, so you must select an analytics tool that
meets your specific requirements. Your business might require a custom analytics set-up to integrate
seamlessly into your operations. You must also assess whether the solution can be extended or
altered to meet both current and future needs.

10. Collaboration:-Self-service, collaborative analytics support brainstorming through social features

and simplify the problem-solving process. Your analytics tool must allow users to share, analyze and
interact with data in different content formats to enable smarter, collaborative decision making. You
should be able to quickly distribute insights across your organization whenever you need to make to
collaborate and make decisions.

11. Security :-You must evaluate the security of your analytics provider and vendor to ensure that the
necessary precautions are in place to safeguard your information. Set up standard security controls
and procedures at all levels – process level, system level, and data level, to control precisely which
users or groups can access which information. Also, it is important to understand the implications of
mobile BI as users can access data wherever they are, outside of company firewalls

Measuring the success of a Website

Success of a website is based on below parameters.

1) Number Of Visitors (And Their Source)

One of the key metrics to check is the number of visitors your site sees each month. Getting people
to come to your site is always the first step, right?
Keep an eye on spikes in traffic or sudden decreases. When you see a big increase, you'll want to
know where it came from. If you see a big drop-off in visitors, you'll want to figure out as quickly as
possible how or why it happened.

Also, take a look at how the visitors are getting to your site. What is the source they are coming in
from? Are they finding your site through a Google organic search, from social media channels, or
from a referral link?

Get to know the trends on your site.

2) Bounce Rate:-Google defines bounce rate as "the percentage of visits that go to only one page
before exiting a site.

This could include visitors who:

● Leave your site by clicking an external link on the web page

● Press the browser back button
● Type another URL into the web browser
● Close the browser window or tab
● Don't interact with the web page for a long time and go to a "session timeout"
You need to understand whether the visitors you're driving are sticking around when they hit your
site or are leaving right away.

3) Average Time On Page

How long are your visitors hanging out on your pages? Is it long enough for you to get your point

Perhaps you have informative videos on your site and the goal is for your visitors to watch them. If
the videos average about four minutes in length, does your average time on the page reflect that
your visitors are staying long enough to watch the videos?

Much like when analyzing your bounce rate, take a look at which sources are sending you the most
qualified visitors who spend enough time on your pages.

5) Conversion Rate

This could be the metric you're already most familiar with. However, there are many different kinds
of conversion rates. Site-wide conversion rate looks at the performance of the entire website.
Typically this should be plus 1% but good sites can convert site-wide at 2% or higher.

Landing pages also have conversion rates. These are page specific conversion rates and typically
range between 20% and 40%. The reason they're higher is these pages are collecting visitors who are
arriving with very specific objectives. They want to get your eBook or subscribe to your email
newsletter or register for a webinar.

These pages are also typically where you should look for quick wins that drive additional
marketing-qualified leads. By making just a few tweaks on these pages, you can drive a significant
number of new leads.
6) Goal Progress

The first thing you should always ask before kicking off any project is, "What are the goals?" Tracking
your progress toward those goals is just as important. All goals should be SMART— specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Deeming your website a success is about more than just
how it looks from the outside. Actually measuring its success requires an in-depth look at the
analytics and data.Luckily, tons of data and resources are right at your fingertips. Don't waste any
more time. Start digging into those analytics today!

Web 3.0 and Sementic Web

Comprehended as the next generation of the web, web 3.0 is the executable web or
read-write-execute version of the web. It is also known as semantic web and is an extension of the
World Wide Web that uses standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Semantic Web. The term “Semantic Web” refers to W3C’s vision of the Web of linked data.
Semantic Web technologies enable people to create data stores on the Web, build vocabularies, and
write rules for handling data. Linked data are empowered by technologies such as RDF, SPARQL,
OWL, and SKOS.

In addition to the classic “Web of documents” W3C is helping to build a technology stack to support
a “Web of data,” the sort of data you find in databases. The ultimate goal of the Web of data is to
enable computers to do more useful work and to develop systems that can support trusted
interactions over the network. The term “Semantic Web” refers to W3C’s vision of the Web of linked
data. Semantic Web technologies enable people to create data stores on the Web, build
vocabularies, and write rules for handling data. Linked data are empowered by technologies such as

Sementic Web Stack

Linked Data Header link

The Semantic Web is a Web of data — of dates and titles and part numbers and chemical properties
and any other data one might conceive of. RDF(Resource Description Framework) provides the
foundation for publishing and linking your data. Various technologies allow you to embed data in
documents (RDFa, GRDDL) or expose what you have in SQL databases, or make it available as RDF

Vocabularies Header link

At times it may be important or valuable to organize data. Using OWL(web ontology language) (to
build vocabularies, or “ontologies”) and SKOS(Simple Knowledge Organization System) it is possible
to enrich data with additional meaning, which allows more people (and more machines) to do more
with the data.

Query Header link

Query languages go hand-in-hand with databases. If the Semantic Web is viewed as a global
database, then it is easy to understand why one would need a query language for that data. SPARQL
is the query language for the Semantic Web.

Inference Header link

Near the top of the Semantic Web stack one finds inference — reasoning over data through rules.
W3C work on rules, primarily through RIF and OWL, is focused on translating between rule languages
and exchanging rules among different systems.

Vertical Applications Header link

W3C is working with different industries — for example in Health Care and Life Sciences,
eGovernment, and Energy — to improve collaboration, research and development, and innovation
adoption through Semantic Web technology. For instance, by aiding decision-making in clinical
research, Semantic Web technologies will bridge many forms of biological and medical information
across institutions.

N-Triples and Turtle

N-Triples is a format for storing and transmitting data. It is a line-based, plain text serialisation
format for RDF (Resource Description Framework) graphs, and a subset of the Turtle (Terse RDF
Triple Language) format.

N-Triples triples are a sequence of RDF terms representing the subject, predicate and object
of an RDF Triple. These may be separated by white space (spaces U+0020 or tabs U+0009 ).
This sequence is terminated by a '. ' and a new line (optional at the end of a document).


Ontologies are formal definitions of vocabularies that allow us to define difficult or complex
structures and new relationships between vocabulary terms and members of classes that we define.
Ontologies generally describe specific domains such as scientific research areas.
Sometimes, when your solution is tied to a particular industry, it can be easier and more
effective to start with a set of models for that industry that already exist, instead of authoring
your own model set from scratch. Its using pre-existing industry ontologies for your Azure
Digital Twins scenarios, including strategies for using the ontologies that are available today.
Ontologies enable solution developers to begin a digital twins solution from a proven starting
point, and focus on solving business problems. The ontologies provided by Microsoft are also
designed to be easily extensible, so that you can customize them for your solution.
Also, using these ontologies in your solutions can set them up for more seamless integration
between different partners and vendors, because ontologies can provide a common
vocabulary across solutions.
Because models in Azure Digital Twins are represented in Digital Twins Definition
Language (DTDL), ontologies for use with Azure Digital Twins are also written in DTDL.
Here are some other benefits to using industry-standard DTDL ontologies as schemas
for your twin graphs:
● Harmonization of software components, documentation, query libraries, and
● Reduced investment in conceptual modeling and system development
● Easier data interoperability on a semantic level
● Best practice reuse, rather than starting from scratch


RDF is a simple data model for capturing these rich networks, and SPARQL is the query
language for interrogating knowledge graphs that are expressed in RDF format.

RDF is a directed, labelled graph data format for representing information in the Web.

Resource Description Framework is a standard data model on the Web. It facilitates data to
interchange across websites. Most fascinating feature is by using RDF data, websites can share
information even if they use different schemas, thanks to the data modeling languages
like OWL and RDFS which are developed on top of RDF.

Since the ubiquitos spread of the Internet and usage of social media, the data collected from users
has been growing at a pace. Besides collecting data, how to benefit of it is another problem. The
basic reason is that every website has its own data model to store user of object information and this
brings us to the problem of connection.

Another definition of RDF

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a general framework for representing interconnected
data on the web. RDF statements are used for describing and exchanging metadata(as data that
describes other data), which enables standardized exchange of data based on relationships.

RDF is used to integrate data from multiple sources. An example of this approach is a website that
displays online catalog listings from a manufacturer and links products to reviews on different
websites and to merchants selling the products. The semantic web is based on the use of the RDF
framework to organize information based on meanings.

RDF statements express relationships between resources, such as the following:

● documents
● physical objects
● people
● abstract concepts
● data objects

Collections of related RDF statements comprise a directed graph that maps the relationships among
entities. A collection of RDF statements about related entities can be used to construct an RDF graph
that shows how those entities are related.

How does RDF work?

RDF is a standard way to make statements about resources. An RDF statement consists of three
components, referred to as a triple:

Subject is a resource being described by the triple.

Predicate describes the relationship between the subject and the object.

Object is a resource that is related to the subject.

The subject and object are nodes that represent things. The predicate is an arc, because it represents
the relationship between the nodes.

Aim at this model is to relate subject with object by predefined predicates.

For example:

Illustration of RDF Structure

As above graph states, subject can be resources which are located on the web, predicates are
property-types which are predefined before(predicates can be both from well-kwon ontologies
like FOAF or we can define our relationships by using extensions of RDF loke OWL or RDFS), objects
can be both resources or literals.
There are some different serialization formats of RDF. By serialization format, I mean basically format
of data stored in the file. These formats are:
Turtle(I use this format in the blog)

SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) is an RDF query language—that is,
a semantic query language for databases—able to retrieve and manipulate data stored
in Resource Description Framework (RDF) format.[3][4] It was made a standard by the RDF Data
Access Working Group (DAWG) of the World Wide Web Consortium, and is recognized as one of
the key technologies of the semantic web. On 15 January 2008, SPARQL 1.0 was acknowledged
by W3C as an official recommendation, and SPARQL 1.1 in March, 2013.
SPARQL allows for a query to consist of triple patterns, conjunctions, disjunctions, and
optional patterns.
Implementations for multiple programming languages exist. There exist tools that allow one to
connect and semi-automatically construct a SPARQL query for a SPARQL endpoint, for example
ViziQuer. In addition, tools exist to translate SPARQL queries to other query languages, for
example to SQLand to XQuery.

Until now we only mentioned about data format and the beauty of it.But without getting specific
parts of the data, how can thousands of gigabytes data be useful. Can you imagine such a mass
.Again thanks to some smart guys who recommended a query language for RDF data, we call this
language “SPARQL”. If you are familiar with SQL, you can find similarities between them. For example,
they both have SELECT and WHERE keywords, etc.

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Semantic Web - W3C

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