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Ismail, Azman et al.

Effect of Workplace Stress on Job Performance

Economic Review: Journal of Economics and Business

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Suggested Citation: Ismail, Azman et al. (2015) : Effect of Workplace Stress on Job
Performance, Economic Review: Journal of Economics and Business, ISSN 1512-8962,
University of Tuzla, Faculty of Economics, Tuzla, Vol. 13, Iss. 1, pp. 45-57

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Economic Review - Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIII, Issue 1, May 2015


Azman Ismail*, Noorshafine Saudin**, Yusof Ismail***, Ainon Jauhariah Abu Samah****,
Rizal Abu Bakar*****, Norish Norsiah Aminudin*****

ABSTRACT was later refined by Chrousos and Gold (1992)

and limited to stress syndrome occurring when
The study examines the relationship between stressors are pushed above their threshold
workplace stress and job performance. A sur- (Marketon and Glaser, 2008). Glazer and Gy-
vey method was employed to gather self-ad- urak (2008) noted that the terms stress, stress-
ministered questionnaires from executive and or and strain are often used interchangeably
non-executive employees of a leading private but rather erroneously in the extant literature.
investment bank in Peninsular Malaysia. The Both Selye (1987) and Marketon and Glaser’s
outcomes of SmartPLS path model analysis of (2008) descriptions of stress imply the origin
the data showed two important findings: firstly, of the word as a subject from the concept of
physiological stress was positively and signifi- resistant in physics which was extended to the
cantly correlated with job performance. Sec- field of psychology (Michael et al., 2009).
ondly, psychological stress was positively and
Leung et al. (2012) further clarified that stress
significantly correlated with job performance.
is a psychological state of mind resulting from
This finding reveals that physiological and psy-
demands put on a person’s body. From the
chological stresses act as important predictors
medical point of view, stress has often been
of job performance in the studied organization.
proven to be detrimental to health (Kozusznik
The paper provides discussion, implications
et al., 2012). Perhaps one of the explanations
and conclusion.
for the inverse relationship between stress and
health is that stress deregulates immune func-
Keywords: Physiological stress, Psychological
tion which may lead to activation of cancer cells
stress, Job performance
and latent herpes viruses, delayed wound heal-
ing and impaired vaccine responses (Marketon
JEL: M10, M12, L8
& Glaser, 2008).
1. INTRODUCTION Although the above snapshot on stress carries
a negative connotation, stress is multifaceted
Workplace stress is a major issue for both em- and at times brings out goodness (Farler and
ployees and organization. It is a common term Broady-Preston, 2012). According to Kozusznik
used in our life with most people having differ- et al. (2012), the word stress in Chinese encom-
ent understanding about its meaning. Despite passes two characters which represent “cri-
different understanding of its meaning, it is a sis” and “opportunity.” In the extant literature
mind-body-environment relationship. Selye stress has similarly been seen as having two
(1987, p. 17) for example, described stress as implications; eustress and distress conditions
a “non-specific response of the body to any de- (Selye, 1964, 1987; Ismail et al., 2010; Yu-Fei
mand placed upon it.” The term ‘non-specific’ (Melissa) et al., 2012). Eustress refers to the

* Faculty of Economics & Management. University Kebangsaan Malaysia,

** Graduate Business School. University Kebangsaan Malaysia,
*** Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
**** Faculty of Business and Information Technology, University Tun Abdul Razak
***** Faculty of Cognitive Sciences & Human Development, University Malaysia Sarawak

Economic Review - Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIII, Issue 1, May 2015 45
Azman I., Noorshafine S., Yusof I., Ainon J. Abu S., Rizal Abu B., Norish Norsiah A.

positive feeling which arises from a stressful sources of workplace stress (stressors) are: re-
condition while distress relates to threats and lationship with work colleagues, organizational
harmful effects (Kozusznik et al., 2012). Code constraints and workload. In their case study of
and Langan-Fox (2001), Mayer (2000), Ismail library staff, Farler and Broady-Preston (2012)
et al. (2010), Gachter et al. (2011), Yu-Fei et similarly outlined routine and repetitive job
al. (2012) and Leung et al. (2012) argued that tasks and lack of control over one’s job and
eustress may occur when individuals are able library patrons (customers) as the causes of
to handle external demands placed on their stress among library staff studied. Following
physique which may lead to decreased physi- Glazer and Gyurak’s (2008) classification of job
ological and psychological stress (e.g. pleasant stressors, the above mentioned factors can be
life, able to control feelings of anxiety and be- termed as psychosocial stressors and job role
ing proactive). Distress on the contrary may ex- stressors. Apart from psychosocial stressors,
ist when individuals cannot cope with external there are physical stressors (e.g. noise and
demands placed on their bodies and end up heat) as well (Glazer and Gyurak, 2008).
with increased physiological and psychological
Stress has two major dimensions: physiologi-
stress (e.g. sickness, unpleasant life, unable to
cal stress and psychological stress (AbuAlRub,
control feelings of anxiety, and passive).
2004; Beehr and Glazer, 2005; Larson, 2004).
In the field of management, workplace stress Physiological stress is normally related to as
has come to the core of research as the costs a physiological reaction of the body (such as
to organizations and employees (Arshadi and headache, migraine, abdominal pain, lethargic,
Damiri, 2013; Webster et al., 2010). Farler and backache, chest pain, fatigue, heart palpitation,
Broady-Preston (2012) suggested that a work- sleep disturbance and muscle ache) to various
place is a community of its own, hence employ- stressful triggers at the workplace that directly
ees derive their sense of identity and belong- and negatively affects an individual’s productiv-
ingness from it. Stress in the workplace would ity, effectiveness, quality of work and personal
therefore affect employees significantly and health (Ismail et al., 2009, 2010; Newell, 2002;
ultimately the performance of the entire orga- World Health Organization, 2005).
nization would also be at stake (Ahmad Ezane
et al., 2012). Some examples of physiological stress are:
changes in eating, drinking, sleeping and smok-
The commonly cited implications of work- ing habits (Beehr et al., 2001; Beehr and Glazer,
place stress include low job performance and 2005). Psychological stress is often seen as an
high turnover intention (Arshadi and Damiri, emotional reaction (such as anxiety and depres-
2013), lack of motivation and ill health (Farler
sion burnout, job alienation, hostility, depres-
and Broady-Preston, 2012) as well as burnout
sion, tension, anger, nervousness, irritability
(Ahmad Ezane et al., 2012). Keshavarz and
and frustration) experienced by an individual
Mohammadi (2011) added low morale, poor
as a result from the stimulate at the workplace
product quality, low output, increased over-
(Ismail et al., 2009, 2010; Millward, 2005;
time payment, and organizational sabotage to
World Health Organization, 2005). Haines III
the list of negative effects of workplace stress.
and Saba (2012) suggested that psychological
In Great Britain, job-related stress has translat-
ed into an annual loss of 28 million work days stress is associated with one’s role identity. A
(Devonish et al., 2012), while in the USA it has person typically has multiple role identities (an
resulted in absenteeism and turnover with the employee, a husband, a son, etc.) The higher
monetary cost surpassing a billion US Dollar the value a person and his/her society associ-
per year (Kouvonen and Coyne, 2012). ate with each role, the more the cost of not per-
forming the role would be. An engineer who is
Workplace stress is often viewed as the re- denied the opportunity to exercise his profes-
sult of the interaction between the individual sional role, for instance, may experience a psy-
and his/her environment (Brown and Uehara, chological stress which is exhibited in mental
2008; Ismail et al., 2009, 2010; Keshavarz and exhaustion. Similarly, an employee who is de-
Mohammadi, 2011; Santos et al., 2010). Ac- prived of the support due for his professional
cording to Lazuras et al. (2009), three main

46 Economic Review - Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIII, Issue 1, May 2015
Effect of workplace stress on job performance

identity may also experience psychological stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness,

stress (Haines II and Saba, 2012) and openness to experience. Hunter (1986)
claimed that the cognitive ability can predict
In terms of eustress, workplace stress will usu-
job performance.
ally occur when employees’ knowledge, skills,
abilities and attitudes can cope with or match Nowadays, the ability to perform work without
their work demands and pressures in organiza- stress has rapidly become one of the key is-
tions. In this situation, it may increase the abil- sues for management and their organizations
ity of employees to manage their physiological (Homayan et al., 2013). They pointed out that
and psychological stresses in order to fulfill job most job demand are stressful; hence, there ex-
demands (Adler et al., 2006; Wetzel et al., 2006; ists a relationship between job stress and per-
World Health Organization, 2005). Mesmer- formance (task and contextual).
Magnus, Glew and Viswesvaran (2012) sug-
In a workplace stress model, several scholars
gested that positive humor in the workplace
believe that the ability of employees to proper-
by both employee and employer can also help
ly control and manage their physiological and
in buffering the effect of stress and improving
psychological stress in executing job may lead
work performance.
to higher job performance in organizations
Conversely, in distress, workplace stress will of- (Adler et al., 2006; Hourani et al., 2006; Wetzel
ten exhibit when employees’ knowledge, skills, et al., 2006; Zhong et al., 2006).
abilities and attitudes cannot cope with or do
Within an organizational stress model, many
not match their work demands and pressures
scholars concur that physiological stress, psy-
in organizations. Consequently, it may decrease
chological stress and job performance are dis-
the ability of employees to control and manage
tinct concepts, but strongly interconnected. For
physiological and psychological stress, such as
example, the ability of employees to properly
upsetting their self-regulatory bodies, and not
manage their physiological and psychological
able to meet their duties and responsibilities as
stresses in executing job may lead to an en-
a member of an organization and a good citizen
hanced job performance in organizations (Bar-
of a country (Basowitz et al., 1995; Keshavarz
On, 1997; Gillespie et al., 2001; Spector and
and Mohammadi, 2011).
Goh, 2001).
Interestingly, extant studies in the workplace
Although the nature of this relationship is in-
stress show that the levels of physiological and
teresting, the role of physiological and psy-
psychological stress may have a significant im-
chological stresses as important predictors is
pact on individual outcomes, especially job per-
inadequately explained in the workplace stress
formance (Hsieh et al., 2004; Ismail et al., 2009;
models (Slaski and Cartwright, 2002, 2003;
Wetzel et al., 2006). According to many scholars
Nikolau and Tsaosis, 2002).
like McShane and Von Glinow (2005), Kreitner
and Kinicki (2012) most organizations have to Many scholars argue that the role of physiologi-
deal with job performance of their employees. cal and psychological stresses as an important
Job performance means assessing individual predictor is given less empirical attention in
performance, individual records or subjective the previous studies. Past studies have been
evaluation (Chockalingam, 2011). According descriptive, describing the global workplace
to Fein (2009), identifying specific job relevant stress concept, explaining the general physi-
and task behaviors actually is not a new con- ological and psychological features, employ-
cept in job performance in general manage- ing a meta-analysis method to establish the
ment studies. In the past, job performance was link between physiological and psychological
also discussed as a specific job outcomes that stresses and employee behavior, but ignoring
link to individual work behavior. There is not to quantify the magnitude and nature of the
a single consistent or concise definition of job relationship between workplace stress and job
performance. According to Barrick and Mount performance.
(1991), it is in the relation of “Big Five” per- Consequently, the results of this study have not
sonality dimensions: extraversion, emotional

Economic Review - Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIII, Issue 1, May 2015 47
Azman I., Noorshafine S., Yusof I., Ainon J. Abu S., Rizal Abu B., Norish Norsiah A.

provided adequate recommendations to prac- perceptions of 254 nurses over three nursing
titioners in designing and administering work- shifts (Johnston et al., 2013). These studies ad-
place stress programs in growth and competi- vocated that high levels of physiological and
tive organizations (Johnston et al., 2013; Kazi psychological stresses had decreased employ-
and Haslam, 2013; Ismail et al., 2009; Farquhar- ees’ competencies in managing, regulating and
son et al., 2013). Hence, this dearth encourages controlling their job demands and this condi-
the researchers to further explore the relation- tion could lead to decreased job performance
ship between physiological and psychological in the respective organizations (Cincotta, 2005;
stresses and employee behavior, specifically Farquharson et al., 2013; Johnston et al., 2013;
job performance. Kazi and Haslam, 2013; 2013; Nabirye et al.,
2011). Based on the literature, it can be hy-
2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY pothesized that:

This study has twofold objectives: first, to ex- H1: Physiological stress is positively related to
amine the relationship between physiological job performance.
stress and job performance and second, to ex-
amine the relationship between psychological H2: Psychological stress is positively related to
stress and job performance. job performance.
Relationship between workplace stress and
4.1. Research Design
employee performance is consistent with the
notion of workplace stress model. For example,
A cross-sectional research design was em-
Karasek’s (1979) job demand control model
ployed in this study because it allowed the
explains that high job demands and levels of
researchers to combine the workplace stress
control or decision making at work may rein-
research literature and the actual survey as a
force high risk of individuals’ physiological and
main procedure to collect data for this study.
psychological stresses (Kain and Jex, 2010).
Hence, a back translation technique was em-
Further, Edward’s (1998) P-E fit theory sug-
ployed to translate the content of questionnaire
gests that a lack of fit between job demands
into Malay and English in order to increase the
and resources may induce two forms of strains,
validity and reliability of the instrument. Using
physiology (e.g. raised blood pressure, raised
this method may help to increase the ability to
serum cholesterol, and lowered immunity) and gather accurate, less bias and high quality data
psychology (e.g., sleep disturbances, anxiety, (Cresswell, 1998; Sekaran and Bougie, 2011;
panic attacks, dysphoria, and restlessness). Wright, 1996).
The notion of these theories has gained strong This study was conducted in a leading private
support from the workplace stress research investment bank in Peninsular Malaysia. The
literature. For example, several extant studies name of this organization is kept anonymous
about workplace stress were conducted using because of confidential reasons. It was incor-
different samples such as: perceptions of 213 porated in early 2000’s as a public limited
employees at six geographic Logistics Centers company and its main function is to be the pre-
within a medium-sized Fortune 500 company eminent provider of investment banking ser-
in the Southeastern United States (Cincotta, vices. As a business entity, this company has
2005); perceptions of 333 nurses from four restructured its organization and expanded
hospitals in Kampala, Uganda (Nabirye et al., its operation in investment, broking and fund
2011); 304 call center employees in the UK management in order to be a major provider of
(Kazi and Haslam, 2013); perceptions of 100 financial market services. This change has in-
nurses from a large general teaching hospital creased employee stress because they have to
in Scotland (Farquharson et al., 2013); and carry out many challenging tasks, working long

48 Economic Review - Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIII, Issue 1, May 2015
Effect of workplace stress on job performance

hours and being unable to take leave in order non-executive employees in seven depart-
to meet key performance indicators. As a re- ments, using a convenient sampling technique.
sult, this phenomenon may lead to decreased
This sampling technique was employed be-
competency of employees in performing daily
cause the organization could not provide the
job. This curiosity motivates the researchers to
researchers with the list of registered em-
discover the nature of the relationship in this
ployees for confidential reasons. Due to this
constraint, the researchers could not employ
random sampling among prospective partici-
4.2. Measures
pants in the organization. Out of the total dis-
tribution, 132 useable questionnaires were re-
The survey questionnaire has two major sec-
turned to the researchers, yielding a 66 percent
tions: physiological stress (PHST) had 3 items
response rate. The survey questionnaires were
and psychological stress (PSST) had 4 items that
answered by participants voluntarily. The sam-
were adapted from workplace stress literature
ple number fulfills the requirement of a good
(Beehr et al., 2001; Cox et al., 2000; Johnston
decision model as suggested by Krecjcie and
et al., 2013; Kazi and Haslam, 2013; Farquhar-
Morgan (1970), and exceeds the requirement
son et al., 2013; Newell, 2002; Seaward, 2005).
of minimum sample of probability sampling,
The dimensions used to measure physiologi-
showing that it can be analyzed using inferen-
cal stress are nervous system and endocrine
tial statistics (Sekaran and Bougie, 2011).
system, while the dimensions used to measure
psychological stress are psychological strain
4.4. Data Analysis
and cognitive appraisal.
Finally, job performance (JPN) had 8 items that The SmartPLS version 2.0 as recommended by
were adapted from job performance literature Henseler et al. (2009) was employed to assess
(AbuAlRub, 2004; Adler et al., 2006; Beehr et al., the validity and reliability of the instrument,
2001; Hourani et al., 2006; Hsieh et al., 2004). and hence test the research hypotheses.
The dimensions used to measure job perfor-
The main advantage of using this method is
mance are confidence, offer help, communica-
that it produces latent variable scores, avoids
tion, problem solving, adaptability, responsive,
small sample size problems, estimates every
and work appearance. All items used in the
complex model with many latent and manifest
questionnaires were measured using a 7-item
variables, hassle-stringent assumptions about
scale ranging from “strongly never/strongly
the distribution of variables and error terms,
disagree” (1) to “strongly always/strongly
and handles both reflective and formative mea-
agree” (5). Demographic variables were used
surement models (Henseler et al., 2009).
as controlling variables because this study fo-
cused on employee attitudes. The PLS path method generated by SmartPLS
was used to test the hypothesized model and
4.3. Sample the outcomes of this test will clearly show the
significant relationship between the indepen-
The unit of analysis for this study is employees dent variable and dependent variable if the val-
who have worked in the organization. In the ue of t statistic is larger than 1.96. If the result
first step of data collection, the researchers met indicates that the independent variable acts as
the head of the organization in order to obtain an important predictor of dependent variable in
his permission to conduct this study and also the hypothesized model (Henseler et al., 2009),
obtain his opinion about the rules for distrib- then a global fit measure is conducted to vali-
uting survey questionnaire in his organization. date the adequacy of PLS path model globally
Taking into consideration the organization’s based on Wetzels et al.’s (2009) global fit mea-
rule and the researcher constraints in terms of sure. If the result of testing hypothesized model
length of study and budget, 200 survey ques- exceeds the cut-off value of 0.36 for large effect
tionnaires were distributed to executive and sizes of R², then this shows that it adequately

Economic Review - Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIII, Issue 1, May 2015 49
Azman I., Noorshafine S., Yusof I., Ainon J. Abu S., Rizal Abu B., Norish Norsiah A.

supports the PLS path model globally (Wetzels 5.2. Validity and Reliability Analyses for the
et al., 2009). Instrument

5. RESULTS The confirmatory factor analysis was per-

formed to assess the validity and reliability of
5.1. Sample Profile the measurement scale. Table 5.2. shows the
results of convergent and discriminant valid-
Table 5.1. shows that the majority of respon- ity analyses. All constructs had the values of
5.1. were
Samplefemale (53.80 %), aged between 30 average variance extracted (AVE) larger than
and 31 (45.50 %), married (77.30%), degree 0.5, indicating that they met the acceptable
Table 1(56.80%),
shows thatexecutives (86.40%),
the majority standard
serv- were
of respondents femaleof(53.80
convergent validity
%), aged between(Barclay
30 andet al.,
ing31more than%),
(45.50 10 married
years (49.20%),
(77.30%),and holders (56.80%), executives (86.40%), serving et
degree 1995; Fornell and Larcker, 1981; Henseler
a monthly
more thanincome in the
10 years range and
(49.20%), of RM2000 al., 2009).
drawingtoa monthly incomeBesides
in thethat,
RM2000 to which
RM5000 (77.30%). had the diagonal values of √ AVE greater than
RM5000 (77.30%).
the squared correlation with other constructs
Table 5.1. Respondents’ Characteristics in off diagonal show that all constructs met the
Respondent Characteristics Sub-Profile Percentage
Gender Male 46.20
Female 53.80
Age 18 to 30 years old 21.20
31 to 40 years old 45.50
41 to 50 years old 27.30
> 51 years old 6.10
Status Single 22.70
Married 77.30
Education SPM 31.10
STPM/Diploma 12.10
Degree 56.80
Job classification Non-Executive 13.60
Executive 86.40
Employment < 1 year 10.60
2 to 5 years 18.20
5to 10 years 22.00
> 10 years 49.20
Monthly Income < 20000 3.00
(Malaysian Ringgit) 2000 to 5000 77.30
5000 to 10000 14.40
> 10,000 5.30
SPM: Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia /Malaysian
Certificate of Education;
STPM: Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia
/Higher School Certificate

Economic Review
5.2. 50Validity and Reliability - Journal
Analyses of Economics
for the Instrumentand Business, Vol. XIII, Issue 1, May 2015

The confirmatory factor analysis was performed to assess the validity and reliability of the
measurement scale. Table 2 shows the results of convergent and discriminant validity
analyses. All constructs had the values of average variance extracted (AVE) larger than 0.5,
indicating that they met the acceptable standard of convergent validity (Barclay et al., 1995;
and Larcker, 1981; Henseler
All constructs had the values Effect
et al.,of of workplace
average variancestress
Besides that, on job
extracted performance
(AVE) which
larger thanhad
0.5, the
diagonal values of ¥ AVE greater than the squared correlation with other constructs
indicating that they met the acceptable standard of convergent validity (Barclay et al., 1995; in off
acceptable standard allof1981;
diagonal show
Fornell and that
Larcker, Henselervalidity
constructs greater thanstandard
the 2009).
et al., Besides0.8,
acceptable indicating
that, of that the instrument
all constructs which hadvalidity
(Henseler et et
al., al., 2009).
2009). used in this study maintained high internal
diagonal values of ¥ AVE greater than the squared correlation
consistency withet other
(Henseler constructs
al., 2009; Nunallyin off
Table 5.2. Theshow that
Results all constructs
of Convergent met the Benstein,
and Discrimi- acceptable1994;
Sekaran of&discriminant
Bougie, 2011).validity
2 The Results
Validity Analyses
(Henseler of Convergent
et al., 2009). and Discriminant Validity Analyses

Construct AVE
Table 2 The Results of Convergent PHST Validity Analyses
and Discriminant PSST JPN
PHST 0.6799 0.8246
PSST Construct 0.7550
AVE 0.4519
PHST 0.8689
JPN PHST 0.6798
0.6799 0.5185
Table 4
0.4466 0.8245
PSST 0.7550 0.4519 0.8689
3 shows
5.3. the factor
JPNshows loadings
the factor loadingsandand
0.6798 cross
crossloadings forComposite
0.5185 5.4. different constructs.
0.4466 The correlation
between items Table
forand 4
factors Table
than other items in different constructs. The
between itemsstrongly
and factors had higher PHST 0.863760
variables more on their own constructs in the model, exceeding the specified
minimum Tableof3 than
loadings shows the factor
0.7 (Chin, items
inFornell andand
Construct cross
con- loadings
CR for differentCR
PSST 1981; Gefen and constructs.

et al.,structs.
between variables
sum, loadedPHST
andthefactors more
validity strongly
hadofhigher on 0.863760
measurement than
JPNmodel other
metitems in different 0.769776
criteria. constructs. The 0.769776
their own constructs
variables loaded in the
PSST more strongly model, exceeding
PSST on their own constructs
PSST in the model,
0.924344exceeding the specified
0.891403 0.924344 0.891403
the specified minimum of 0.7 (Chin, 1998; For-
minimum JPN of 0.7 (Chin, 1998;JPN Fornell and Larcker, JPN 1981; Gefen
0.944350 and Straub,0.933199
0.944350 2005; Henseler
0.944350 0.933199
nell and Larcker, 1981; Gefen and Straub, 2005;
et al., 2009). In sum, the validity of
Henseler et al., 2009). In sum, the validity of measurement 5.3. Analysis
model met of
the the construct
3 The Results5.3.modelAnalysis
of met theof
Factor 5.3.
the Analysis
Loadings and of the
Cross 5.3.
Loadings of
of the
for the construct
Different Constructs
Table 5 shows the result of Pearson correlation analysis an
Table 5.3. TheTable
Construct/ PHSTResults5 of Factorthe
PSST Loadings
JPN and
5 shows Cross
of Pearson
the result
for of5.5.
the 5Pearson
and descriptive
vary ofanalysis
from ofPearson
4.2 tostatistics.
4.3 Theanalysis
signifying statistic
Loadings for Different Constructs
for the variablesforvary
the from
4.2 tolation
the 4.2 toand
from statistics.
of to 4.3The
the levels
that t
Item Table 3 The Results of Factor Loadings and Cross Loadings forstress
psychological Different
and Constructs
job performance
PHST psychological stress
psychological stressmeans
and job performance for the variables
and job
(4) to
high (4)range
to 4.3
to(7). from
The hi
from le
Phy1 correlation coefficients
correlation forcoefficientscorrelation
the signifying for that
correlation thecoefficients
the levels of
relationship for
for the
the relationship
between stress,
thevariable between
(i.e. v
Construct/ PHST 0.310906
0.871073 PSST 0.529118
Phy2 physiological
0.286983 stress
0.394263 psychological
stress physiological
and stress) stress
and and
stress thejob
and performance
and psychological
and the range
(i.e. and
job th
Item 0.857759
Phy3 performance)
0.738451 were
0.597314 performance)
less than 0.90,
0.316399 from
less high
than the
performance) (4)
0.90, to
data highest
were were less
less level
than (7).
0.90, The
by correla-
not affected
indicating collinearity
the data
the data
by seriou
were n
PSST problem (Hair etproblemal., 2006).
(HairThe tion
et al., coefficients
2006). The
scales for the2006).
et that
al., relationship
had scales
The that between
Phy1 0.871073
used to
test research
to test research
used to
et variable
2006). (i.e.The measurement scales that
Phy2 0.857759 0.286983 0.394263 used toand testpsychological
research hypotheses.
Psy2 0.411788 0.948103 0.515966 stress stress) and the de-
Phy3 0.326355 0.597314 0.391539
0.7384510.924053 0.316399
Psy3 pendent variable (i.e. job performance) were
PSST 0.514323
Psy4 0.736347 0.220117 less than 0.90, indicating the data were not af-
Psy1 0.397669 0.851549 0.333655
JPN fected by serious collinearity problem (Hair et
Psy2 0.533721
0.4117880.388549 0.515966
0.948103 0.835873
JPN1 al., 2006). The measurement scales that had va-
Psy3 0.563093
0.3263550.440607 0.391539
0.924053 0.835139
Table 5 0.418867
Pearson Table
5 0.220117
Analysis lidity
Table reliability
5 Analysis
Pearson and were used to
Correlation test research
Analysis and
JPN3 Psy4 0.337223
0.514323 0.736347 0.803903 hypotheses.
JPN4 Descriptive
JPN 0.301134 Statistics
0.435055 Descriptive
0.788973 Statistics Descriptive Statistics
JPN5 JPN1 0.457269
0.388549 0.811889
0.835873 Table5.5.
Table 5 Pearson
Correlation Analysis
Analysis and and
JPN6 JPN2 0.360990
Construct 0.440607
Mean Construct0.835139
Mean Correlation
SD Construct
Pearson Mean
SD Pearson
Statistics Analysis
JPN7 JPN3 0.434469
0.3372230.322781 Analysis
0.418867 0.875628
0.803903 Analysis
JPN8 JPN4 0.305412
0.435055 0.8302511
0.788973 2 31 2 3 1 2 3
0.457269 4.3 1.
PHST 1 4.3
0.811889 1.3 1. PHST
Construct 4.3 1.3
Mean SD Pearson 1 Correlation
0.360990 4.2 2.1.5
0.160618 .52** 4.2 1 1.5 2..52
PSST0.811400 PSST**
14.2 .52**
1.5 Analysis 1
Table JPN7
4 shows the results 0.322781
3. JPN
0.434469 4.3
of reliability
JPN .47**analysis
3.1.3 4.3 .40**1.3for
JPN **
.404.3 11.3 The .47composite
.40** reliability
1 2 3
Note: **
p<0.01 Note:
0.299513 had
** p<0.01 Note: ** p<0.01
values greater than 0.8, indicating that the instrument
0.830251 1. PHST 4.3 1.3 1
used in this study maintained high internal consistency 2. PSST
(Henseler et .52
al.,** 2009; Nunally and
Benstein, 1994; 5.4. Outcomes
Sekaran & 5.4.
of Testing
Bougie, Outcomes
of Testing
5.4. 1 and 2 4.2 of1.51Testing
Hypotheses 1
and 2 Hypotheses 1 and 2
Table5.4.4 shows
shows the
analysis 3.for the instrument.
JPN **
4.3 1.3The.47composite **
.40 reliability
for the instrument. The composite
Figure 1 shows Figure reliabil-
1 had
the outcomes
ofthe greater
testing ** than
PLS 1path
of 0.8,
shows indicating
inclusion instrument
path model.
(CR)inand Cronbach’s
this Alpha
study maintained
psychological (CA)
stresses had
psychological values
stresses **
consistency p<0.01
explained 39etvariance
the al.,
percent Nunally
in the 39 and
job variance
in job
the v
Benstein, 1994; of SmartPLS
Bougie,of 2011).
5.4. revealed
of SmartPLS
path model
Testing findings:
and 2 twofirst,
Economic Review - Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIII, Issue 1, May 2015


t=2.60), thereforet=2.60),
therefore Figure
H2. supporting
t=2.60),1 shows
result the outcomes
This supporting
H2. ThisPLSresult
stress model.
an T
essential predictor
essential predictor ofpsychological
of job performance essential
in the
studied stresses
predictor had
thejob explained
performance 39the
in percent
the v
Azman I., Noorshafine S., Yusof I., Ainon J. Abu S., Rizal Abu B., Norish Norsiah A.

5.4. Outcomes of Testing Hypotheses the majority of respondents, the levels of physi-
1 and 2 ological stress, psychological stress, and job
performance are high. This situation explains
Figure 5.1. shows the outcomes of testing PLS that the ability of employees to appropriately
path model. The inclusion of physiological manage, regulate and control physiological and
and psychological stresses had explained 39 psychological stresses in executing job may
percent of the variance in job performance. lead to an enhanced job performance in the or-
The results of SmartPLS path model analysis ganization.
revealed two important findings: first, physi-
This study provides three important implica-
ological stress significantly correlated with
tions: theoretical contribution, robustness of
job performance (β=0.42; t=4.00), therefore
research methodology, and practical contribu-
supporting H1. Second, psychological stress
tion. In terms of theoretical contribution, the
significantly correlated with job performance
results of this study confirm that workplace
(β=0.30; t=2.60), therefore supporting H2. This
stress has been an important predictor of job
result demonstrates that workplace stress is an
performance in the studied organization. This
essential predictor of job performance in the
result also has supported and extended studies
studied organization.
by Cincotta (2005), Nabirye et al. (2011), John-
ston et al. (2013), Kazi and Haslam (2013), and
Farquharson et al. (2013). In regard with the
robustness of research methodology, the survey
questionnaires used in this study have met the
acceptable standards of validity and reliability
analyses, which may lead to the production of
accurate and reliable research findings.
In terms of practical contributions, the find-
ings of this study can be used as guidelines by
Figure 5.1. Outcomes of Testing PLS Path Method practitioners to manage, regulate and control
workplace stress problems in organizations.
This objective may be achieved if management
In order to determine a global fit of PLS path considers the following suggestions: firstly,
model, we carried out a global fit measure management should require employees to at-
(GoF) based on Wetzels et al.’s (2009) guide- tend stress management workshops in order to
create awareness and enhance competencies
line: GoF=SQRT{MEAN (Communality of En-
in recognizing, using and managing stress. Sec-
dogenous) x MEAN (R²)}=0.52, indicating that
ondly, management should involve employees
it exceeds the cut-off value of 0.36 for large ef-
in obtaining input in redesigning jobs that take
fect sizes of R². This result confirms that the
into account stress potentials. Thirdly, organi-
PLS path model has better explaining power
zational management may want to introduce a
in comparison with the baseline values (GoF
system of internal coaching and mentoring in
small=0.1, GoF medium=0.25, GoF large=0.36).
order to motivate senior employees and super-
It also provides adequate support to validate
visors to guide junior and inexperienced em-
the PLS model globally (Wetzel et al., 2009).
ployees in planning and executing job. Proper
emolument to senior employees should also be
6. DISCUSSION considered.
The findings of this study confirm that physi- Fourth, organizational leadership should plan
ological and psychological stresses act as an and implement regular work-life balance ini-
important predictor of job performance. In tiatives, such as sport and family day in order
the context of this study, management has de- to reduce the intrusion of uncontrollable work
signed and determined challenging jobs for all problems in employees’ private and family
employees in order to sustain and achieve its lives. Alternatively, a free or subsidized gymna-
organizational strategy and goals. According to sium annual membership should also be pro-

52 Economic Review - Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIII, Issue 1, May 2015
Effect of workplace stress on job performance

vided to employees. Finally, the management Future research in this area may be strength-
may desire to consider reminding its organiza- ened by ensuring that respondents are well
tional members to return to methods approved represented in the sample. In fact, under-rep-
by their respective religions that are believed resentation maybe overcome by approaching
to provide tranquility and relaxation. The last more similar institutions and appointing rep-
suggestion has the potential to provide ‘value’ resentatives to help remind colleagues to com-
to both employer and employees. plete and submit their completed instrument.
It is also feasible to make arrangement with the
7. CONCLUSION current organizations for longitudinal study.
This study tested a conceptual framework This approach will help confirm, among others,
based on the workplace stress research litera- the reliability of results of the first and previ-
ture. The results of confirmatory factor analy- ous surveys. Using causal model would be the
sis demonstrated that the instrument used in next logical step for correlations study. When
this study met the acceptable standards of va- this study has established valid statistical re-
lidity and reliability analyses. The outcomes of lationships among major variables, the latter
SmartPLS path model analysis revealed that qualify for testing on causality.
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