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Making lawn

Lawn is a patch of grass which is constantly cut short 

Mowing of lawn is one of Jarosław’s favorite activities
Species of grass for lawn
There may be many species of grass and some kinds make better lawns and are
therefore more desirable than other. Lawns flourish best in cool climates where
rainfall is light but persistent, which explains why English lawns are much
admired by foreign visitors. Lawn grass do not grow well under the shade.

Characters' of lawn grasses:

It should develop quickly.
The grass must have compact growth.
It should withstand regular mowing.
It should tolerate cold and drought.
The grass should be soft to touch and not patchy,
Should look fresh and remain green throughout the year.
Lawn making
How the lawn will be make and which species of grass will be use depends on the
conditions of the environment, the nature of the place, the orographic
conditions, type of the soil, and how much and in which way lawn will be use.

The more using methods to starting a lawn are seeding and sodding
Preparing the soil for lawn
1. The depth of the fertile soil layer should be determined. If the fertile layer of
soil is shallower than 20 cm, new soil should be brought in or existing soil
2. The cheapest variant of soil preparation is the just cultivation of the existing
soil layer to a depth of 30-40 cm and fertilization. This is basic tillage in the
autumn when the soil is cultivated to greater depths
3. Pre-sowing tillage in spring - shallow tillage shreds to a fine structure.
Performed before sowing and is mandatory. This treatment prepares the surface
of soil to receive grass seed and to allow rapid germination

Basic fertilization applied in the preparation of the soil, before the lawn was

Fertilization that applies to the already existing lawn

To determine if there is a need for drainage it is necessary to dig control pits.
The pits are like 30 cm2 cubes, which are then filled with water to the top. If the
water level in the pit did not drop for 15 cm after a few hours, drainage is

Drained water is drained under the lawn with a drainage network. The drainage
network consists of a main pipe positioned diagonally across the lawn. The side
pipes are dug on either side of the main pipes at an angle of 45 degree.

The collector is made in the form of a 2m2 cube. The pit is filled with stones in a
layer of 15 cm and covered with porous soil.
Leveling the terrain
leveling the terrain is the removal
of soil from higher position and the
filling of lower part of ground. If
the leveling is not done well, the
lawn will not be uniform. Leveling
is done with the stakes that are
placed in the ground.
Final soil preparation
The surface of the soil is compacted in one direction by the weight of
the body (if the surface is large a roller lighter than 150 kg may be used)
and then raked in the opposite direction. This operation can be repeated
multiple times. When walking on the surface leaves only slight imprints,
the surface is ready for sowing.
The seeds mix is selected depending on the conditions of the environment, the
place and the type of soil and the purpose of the lawn. For example, for shady
places, a mixture of shade-tolerant grasses is used. Seeds are sown evenly,
average at 35-70g per m2. The seed sown is covered with soil and watered with
5-7 liters per m2.
It is more expensive than sowing, but it gets an attractive lawn for a shorter time
Lawn maintenance

Lawns are maintained by cutting and rolling the grass at regular intervals,
removing weeds like plantains and dandelions by digging them out by the
application of herbicides, re-seeding or re-planting patches where the grass has
disappeared, and watering whenever there is not enough rain. If those and other
tasks are not performed the essential character of the lawn quickly disappears.

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