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How to...

Make a good impression at a job

According to experts in Human Resources, six out of ten people feel anxious during their first job
interview. In this article, we want to help you with some simple tips that you should keep in mind.

1. You should dress according to the interview. We recommend that you consider the
ideology of the company. It's not the same for Mercado Libre or Google as it is for a law

2. You should be early, around ten or fifteen minutes. It's important to show that you're
dedicated to the interview.

3. It's crucial to read about the company. This shows you've taken the time to prepare for
the interview. You should be familiar with key aspects of the company, such as what they
do, where they operate, and the products they offer.

4. You should come prepared to discuss your strengths and weaknesses. This way, you
avoid doubts or pauses during the interview.

5. Be yourself and enjoy the moment. It's a good idea to stay relaxed and even share a
laugh if the interviewer creates that opportunity.

6. Consult with your parents, family, or friends. They have also been in the same situation
and will be happy to help you.

7. Ask questions. It is crucial to prepare questions about the company, the position, the
team, and the activities of the area. This way, you will demonstrate your keen interest and
strong commitment.
8. You should speak clearly and concisely. If you can, practice non-verbal communication,
like making eye contact and using body language.

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