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As a job candidate, you go into every job interview with 2 goals:

First, you want to impress the employer with what a great hire you would be – your
qualifications, accomplishments, and enthusiasm for them and the job.
Second, you want to learn as much as you can about the employer and this job. Even if
you are unemployed, the last thing you need is to accept a job that will turn out to be a
nightmare for you with another, tougher job search too soon.
Employers have two primary goals for the job interview. First, they want to determine if
you are qualified for the job and, second, they want to discover if you are someone who
would fit well into the organization.

1. Research the Company

Fail to do this and even simple questions such as ‘why do you want to work here?’ will become
difficult to answer. It is also necessary in order to ask intelligent and relevant questions at the end.

2. Prepare Your Answers

Although you can never quite ‘guess’ the exact questions you will get, there is a selection of tried and
trusted ones that are typically asked. You can read our detailed list of the most common interview
questions and answers.
3. Dress the Part

While you may get away with ‘business casual’ for interviews with companies in creative industries,
corporations expect you to look a certain way. Both genders should look to wear clean, ironed suits
if possible and it is important to be well groomed. Various studies show that recruiters make up their
mind to hire you within 7 minutes so creating a positive first impression is crucial. Don’t forget your
breath mints!

4. Plan Your Route

Once you find out where the interview is being held, map out the route and determine how long it is
likely to take.

5. Bring Extra CVs

This shows that you’re prepared and there is always a slight chance the interviewer won’t have yours
to hand.

6. Arrive Early

Unfortunately, getting stuck in traffic is NOT an acceptable excuse for being late. Look to be at least
10 minutes early but 30 minutes is better as it gives you the chance to observe how the employees
interact thus providing you with a look at the company culture.

7. Be Polite
This doesn’t just refer to the interviewing team, you must also be polite to the receptionist and any
staff members you meet. Greet them with a ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’ and smile. Greet the interviewer
with a ‘Hello Mr./Mrs./Ms’ and their surname. If you are not sure about the pronunciation, ask the
8. Provide a Firm Handshake

A strong handshake indicates confidence while a weak and clammy one does the opposite.

9. Wait

It is good manners to wait for the interviewer to offer you a chair before you sit down. Ensure you sit
up straight and look interested for the duration of the interview.

10. Make Eye Contact

This is basic non-verbal communication and is essential to your chances of success.

11. Show Enthusiasm

Act like you are genuinely excited at the prospect of working for the company without going
overboard. Smiling and remaining confident and energetic throughout the interview will work

12. Outline Your Achievements

You need to ‘sell’ yourself to the recruiter so speak about the things you have achieved in your career
to date but make sure they are relevant to the job opening and the company’s industry in general.
Also, be as specific as possible when talking about your skills and achievements; this includes using
percentages and monetary amounts where necessary.

13. Expand on Your Answers

A simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ never suffices because it offers no real information. If you can’t outline why you
are the right fit for the job, you have zero chance of being hired so dispense with the monosyllabic

14. Evaluate the Company

As much as it may seem you’re the only one under the microscope, remember that it works both
ways. The company may want you on board but it might not be the right job or work environment.
You are under no obligation to accept any job that’s offered.

15. Offer Benefits

The company needs to know what you can do for it; it is less concerned about what it can do for you.

16. Ask Questions

When asked if you have any questions for the interviewer, start going through your pre-prepared list
as long as the answers have not already been offered. This shows the interviewer that you care
enough about the job to spend time researching the company and industry.
17. Stress Your Desire

If you decide the job is right for you, make that point very clear. Some experts believe you should ask
for the job outright at the end of the interview. If nothing else, at least ask the interviewer about when
the hiring decision gets made.

18. Network
Ask the interviewing team for business cards. If they have none, ask for their names and take notes
to ensure you get the right details.

19. Say Thank You

We don’t just mean at the end of the interview. Write thank you letters to the interviewing team and
send the following day. This shows them your appreciation and leaves a positive impression.

20. Follow Up

This can be a phone call to the employer 7-10 days after the interview where you ask about the
availability of the position.

What you shouldn’t do in an interview

1. Smell

As well as showering before the interview, wear some deodorant or perfume but don’t overdo it
and give off a powerful aroma!

2. Bring People:

You should always come to the interview alone. There is a danger that your companion(s) will
distract you from the task at hand.

3. Use Colorful Language

You might think you’re being funny or clever but the interviewer will just think you’re being crass.

4. Slouch

There is no better way to say ‘I don’t care about this job’ than to slouch over on your seat.

5. Freeze Up
While having a few nerves is perfectly normal, you can’t allow this nervousness to creep into the
interview. If you find yourself dreading the big day, a switch in mental focus is required. Instead of
thinking about the negatives, come up with a few mental queues to help you through the interview.
For example, you may need to focus on your breathing or maintain eye contact. It is a good idea to
practice as well.

6. Be Aggressive or Cocky

It’s one thing walking into a room with a smile and an air of confidence but it’s quite another to act
like you are doing the company a favor by turning up. While interviews are great for people who
love to talk, they are also an exercise in listening. A huge error made in interviews is to suggest you
have no weaknesses which is, of course, utter nonsense. You sound mature and confident if you
display the ability to be objective when it comes to your weaknesses and your strengths.

7. Be Soft Spoken

If you want to be taken seriously, your voice needs to be heard. Of course, you need to avoid taking
it too far; while a forceful voice commands respect, a megaphone voice is just irritating!

8. Act Desperate

Even if you have been rejected 45 times in a row, you must never look like someone in dire need of
a job.

9. Negativity

Obviously, you need to talk yourself up and avoid saying you are ‘useless’ or ‘bad’ at anything. Even
if you are asked about your weaknesses, you should acknowledge them before quickly outlining the
steps you are taking to improve in these weak areas. This lack of negativity extends to mentions of
past employers or colleagues.

10. Pause for Too Long

While a slight pause is fine, there comes a point when it turns into an awkward silence which kills
the positive mood of the interview.

11. Leave Your Mobile Phone On

If you can’t be bothered to switch off your phone and devote your full attention to the interview,
why should the company bother hiring you?

12. Talk About Salary Unless Asked

It is not your place to bring up salary expectations; this sounds extremely presumptuous on your
part. It is best if you can delay all talk about money until you receive an offer. If you begin asking
about salary, vacation time and sick days it looks as if you are only interested in the money and
perks and not the actual job itself.

13. Tell Lies

You may be tempted to extend the duration of previous jobs to cover employment gaps or lie about
your skills and achievements but don’t do it! In the vast majority of cases, these lies will be
uncovered. Even if you manage to get away with it, your lack of skills and experience will only be
exposed on the job which is downright humiliating.

14. Show a Lack of Knowledge About the Company

In the Internet age, there is zero excuse for not knowing quite a lot about the hiring company and
its industry. If you have no clue about what the company does, it marks you out as being lazy and

15. Be Afraid to Ask for Clarification

If you don’t understand a question; ask for it to be rephrased. Far from being embarrassed, it shows
that you are conscientious and it is much better than misunderstanding a question and giving an
unsuitable answer.
16. Get Too Personal

This means no asking the interviewer personal questions. It is also best if you leave your personal
baggage at the door; hiring companies don’t want to hear about your impending divorce!

17. Act Like a Window Shopper

Companies want employers that are serious about working for the organization over a long period
of time. By acting as if you are using the interview as ‘practice’ for other jobs, you completely rule
yourself out.

18. Be a Stalker

While you should follow up around a week after the interview, don’t repeatedly contact the
company or send them emails; this just makes you appear desperate.

Hopefully these tips will prove useful and prevent you from making a big mistake before, during
or after your interview!

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