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U četvrtoj godini započinje pohađati poznatu “Suzuki” metodu sviranja violine u Rijeci u

Glazbenoj školi Aleksandra Jug Matić u klasi prof. Nives Vadlja Šimić te nastavlja s istom metodom u
Zagrebu kod prof. Marka Mađarića. Nakon toga nastavlja svoje glazbeno obrazovanje u Glazbenom
učilištu Elly Bašić u Zagrebu u klasi prof. Ive Tovunac. Dodatno se educira na vrhunskim seminarima
te sudjeluje na ljetnim glazbenim međunarodnim orkestrima u Njemačkoj, Austriji, Makedoniji te
diljem Hrvatske. Osvaja mnogobrojne prve nagrade na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima i
smotrama, od kojih je vrijedno spomenuti prve narade na međunarodnim natjecanjema ARS Nova u
Trstu te Sonus, op.7 u Križevcima, kao i apsolutna pobjednica HDGPP državnog natjecanja. 2021.
godine dvostruka je dobitnica najprestižnijeg državnog prizanja “Oskar znanja” Agencije za odgoj i
obrazovanje i Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta. Održala je niz recitala i nastupa od koji se
ističu koncert u Carnegie Hall-u u New Yorku 2019. godine te koncerti u Koncertnoj dvorani
Vatroslava Lisinkog i Hrvatskom glazbenom zavodu. Trenutno aktivno svira u tri mladenačka orestra:
Orkestar mladih glazbenika (OMG), Zagrebački komorni orkestar mladih (ZOKOR) te El – Sistema
Croatia (So-Do) u kojem djeluje kao koncertna majstorica.

At the age of four, Lucia Kaplowitz began attending the famous "Suzuki" method of
playing the violin in Rijeka at the Aleksandra Jug Matić Music School in the class of
prof. Nives Vadlja Šimić. She continued with the same method in Zagreb with prof.
Marko Mađarić. After that, she continued his musical education at the Elly Bašić
School of Music in Zagreb in the class of prof. Iva Tovunac. Additionally, Lucia takes
part in top seminars and participates in summer music international orchestras in
Germany, Austria, Macedonia and throughout Croatia. She wins numerous first
prizes at national and international competitions, for example: The International
competitions ARS Nova in Trieste and Sonus, op.7 in Križevci, as well as the
absolute winner of the HDGPP national competition. In 2021, she is a double
winner of the most prestigious national award "Oscar of knowledge" of the Agency
for Education and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. She gave a series
of recitals and performances, the most notable of which was the concert at the
Carnegie Hall in New York in 2019, as well as concerts at the Vatroslav Lisinki
Concert Hall and the Croatian Music Institute. Currently, she is actively playing in
three youth orchestras: Youth Music Orchestra (OMG), Zagreb Youth Chamber
Orchestra (ZOKOR) and El-Sistema Croatia (So-Do), where she performs as

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