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Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Peace be upon you all.
First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah Almighty, for the abundance of grace and the
joy for all of us.
Not forgetting the salawat and greetings we pour out to the Prophet Muhammad who has brought us
out of the dark ages to the era of bright light today, namely Islam. May we all get intercession on the
end, amen.
Before I start, have you guys know me already? There is a saying that if you don’t know a person,
how can you love that person? Therefore, I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Fayza
Putri Hisyam, and you can call me Fayza. I am 12th grades' student at Madrasah Aliyah Wujuhul
Khair in Tangerang.
Also thank you in advance for the organizers of the language competition by Ruangguru and the
honorable judges which has given us the opportunity to convey a few messages that we hope will be
motivating and make us aware of the importance of language, especially "the importance of English
as an international language"

Indeed, language is one of the most crucial elements of human life. Language is the only means
through which we are able to tell each other what we think, what we mean, and the emotions that
move us. It would be almost impossible for us to engage and relate to one another without a
language. This is why language is also known as the basis of communication. It gives us the means to
communicate with and understand other people. Languages help us to express our experiences, share
information, and create relationships with people coming from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
The importance of language for communication cannot be overstated. It is the primary means by
which we express our thoughts and feelings, and it enables us to understand the thoughts and feelings
of others. Language allows us to ask questions, give directions, share stories, and engage in
meaningful conversations. Without language, we would be limited in our ability to express ourselves
and connect with others on a deep level.
Talking about the language, most of you must know about the “ENGLISH IS INTERNATIONAL
LANGUAGE,” which means that most people over the world communicate with each other using
English. And have you ever thought about why English is chosen for the world-wide tools of
communication? Is it important for us to learn English even though we won’t travel anywhere outside
the country?
published by on May 18, 2023 Approximately 20% of the world's population speaks
English, with around 400 million people speaking it natively and an additional 1.5 billion speaking it
as their second or foreign language. It has become the lingua franca of business, politics, and
academia. The widespread use of English can be attributed to its historical dominance as a colonial
language and its status as the language of technology and innovation.
Its historical significance is one of the main reasons why English has become an international
language. In the period of British colonisation, English was imposed on the colonies around the
world, and that was a major reason for English to become the language of administration and
schooling. This legacy has continued even after decolonisation, whereby several countries have
English as one of the official languages. This historical dominance has enabled English to gain a lead
position in emerging as the global language, as it is already widely spoken and understood by people
from different communities.
Learning English allows us to access a wealth of knowledge and information. The majority of
academic research papers and journals are published in English. If you want to stay updated on the
latest developments in your field or pursue higher education abroad, being proficient in English is
crucial. Moreover, many of the world's most prestigious universities offer courses and programmes
taught in English.

Another reason why we need to study English is because of its importance in the business world.
English is the language of international trade and commerce. Companies around the world are
increasingly looking for employees who are fluent in English, as it enables them to communicate
effectively with clients and colleagues from different countries. In fact, many multinational
corporations have made English proficiency a requirement for certain positions.

In conclusion, there are numerous compelling reasons why we need to study English. From its
importance in the business world to its role in facilitating cultural exchange, the benefits of learning
English are far-reaching. Whether you aspire to excel in your career or broaden your horizons,
studying English is an investment worth making. So, let's embrace this global language and unlock a
world of opportunities!

Probably that is enough for the speech that I can deliver on this occasion. If there is any mistake,
both in my speech or my movements in delivering the speech, I apologize profusely to all of you who
have been present in this hall and I really, really thank all of you.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

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