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Chapter 7

Society is impacted by agriculture in various ways, including the provision of food,

habitat, and employment opportunities; the supply of raw materials for the production of food
and other goods; and the development of strong trade economies. My learning in this lesson is
about the connections of society to food and to the environment. Society needs food to be
alive, whereas food actually comes from the environment. It's like an everyday cycle: as society
continuously grows, we need bigger supplies of food, and the more the environment is being
abused. As the population grows, there is also a growing scarcity of food and inequalities in
food distribution as a result of many people suffering from malnutrition.
The world is becoming more overpopulated as the years pass, and so is its
environmental use, particularly the land. Land has many uses and benefits for us in economic
and cultural activities like mining, residential, industrial, and agriculture, and because of that,
lands are being lost to degradation and the farmlands are decreasing. There is also an increase
in soil erosion, deforestation, and the loss of wildlife habitat. It is an alarming issue because
innocent animals are being affected because of human activities.
As we are using the environment everyday for living, we should know how to take care
of them also. Replace everything that we consume. Don't over use them. A positive feedback
loop for the environment so that it will continue producing food good for the future generations
without harming the environment. And we may be engaged in a negative feedback loop of gaia
hypothesis that will allow the environment to regenerate itself, to breathe by self-limiting.

Chapter 8

Our world is becoming more interdependent and globalized as time passes.

Globalization is important and helpful for every country. Dependence on wealthy countries is an
economic reality for developing countries. Globalization has enabled countries to access less
expensive resources and lower labor costs as a result of goods that can be sold globally. In this
chapter, I understand more about globalization: it increases and strengthens the interactions
between different regions and populations around the globe, but at the same time, it creates a
risk and a threat for everyone, and it becomes a weakness of a country that needs to be
minimized. Mutual dependence between countries; global interdependence: one nation
depends on another for something. That country also depends on another for either the same
thing or something else. Like a spider web, a shirt, for example, is a single product that was
made in Singapore, but its raw materials, like threads, cloth, and beads, actually came from
different countries. They assemble it in Singapore and turn it into a finished product, and sell it
in any part of the world. Globalization has different benefits, including better compensation for
multinational companies, export promotion that creates opportunities, an improved variety of
goods and services, and new technology and methodologies. But at the same time, there are
common issues arising from globalization, for workers: the widespread use of child labor, abuse
of employees, and mass poverty in poor countries. Second, in terms of importing, other
countries have filed a ban or trade dispute with a country that harms their resources, just like
the US, which banned importing tuna from Mexico because it killed large numbers of dolphins.
Lastly, our culture is slowly fading away due to the influence of multinational firms on
consumption. Instead of promoting and supporting locally produced items, consumers are
addicted to purchasing imported goods rather than locally produced ones. Resulting in
recognition of other countries' development rather than their own country's.

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