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1. **What is the primary purpose of virtualiza6on in compu6ng?

a) To enhance graphic design
b) To control hardware and so@ware resources
c) To manage network traffic
d) To create documents
- Correct Answer: b) To control hardware and so@ware resources

2. **What are the minimum requirements for Windows Hyper-V in Windows 8?**
a) 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit Processor
b) 64-bit CPU with Second Level Address Transla6on (SLAT)
c) 2GB RAM
d) At least 10GB per Virtual OS
- Correct Answer: b) 64-bit CPU with Second Level Address Transla6on (SLAT)

3. **Which of the following is a characteris6c of cloud compu6ng?**

a) Limited network access
b) On-demand self-service
c) Fixed elas6city
d) Unmeasured service
- Correct Answer: b) On-demand self-service

4. **What does IaaS stand for in cloud compu6ng?**

a) Internet as a Service
b) Infrastructure as a Service
c) Informa6on as a Service
d) Integra6on as a Service
- Correct Answer: b) Infrastructure as a Service

5. **What is a key benefit of server virtualiza6on?**

a) Decreased hardware u6liza6on
b) Increased physical space requirements
c) Enhanced system security
d) Reduced resource wastage
- Correct Answer: d) Reduced resource wastage

6. **Which cloud compu6ng model combines public and private clouds?**

a) Hybrid cloud
b) Community cloud
c) Distributed cloud
d) Exclusive cloud
- Correct Answer: a) Hybrid cloud

7. **What is a major advantage of cloud services like SaaS?**

a) High ini6al cost
b) Reduced flexibility
c) Rapid deployment
d) Limited scalability
- Correct Answer: c) Rapid deployment

8. **Which of the following is not a characteris6c of cloud compu6ng?**

a) Rapid elas6city
b) Resource pooling
c) Limited network access
d) Measured service
- Correct Answer: c) Limited network access

9. **What does PaaS provide to developers?**

a) Physical hardware
b) Networking services
c) Plaform for developing applica6ons
d) So@ware licensing
- Correct Answer: c) Plaform for developing applica6ons

10. **What is the primary role of ITaaS?**

a) To provide entertainment services
b) To offer IT services on demand
c) To manage user accounts
d) To enhance graphic design
- Correct Answer: b) To offer IT services on demand

11. **What is required for Windows Virtual PC in Windows 7?**

a) 64-bit CPU with SLAT
b) 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit Processor
c) Minimum 4GB system RAM
d) At least 20GB per Virtual OS
- Correct Answer: b) 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit Processor

12. **What is a key feature of resource pooling in cloud compu6ng?**

a) Limited resources for each user
b) Shared resources among mul6ple users
c) Unmeasured service usage
d) Fixed scalability
- Correct Answer: b) Shared resources among mul6ple users

13. **Which of the following is not a service model in cloud compu6ng?**

a) So@ware as a Service (SaaS)
b) Plaform as a Service (PaaS)
c) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
d) Data as a Service (DaaS)
- Correct Answer: d) Data as a Service (DaaS)

14. **What is the main advantage of rapid elas6city in cloud compu6ng?**

a) Decreased scalability
b) Limited resource access
c) Quickly scaling resources up or down as needed
d) Increased physical space requirements
- Correct Answer: c) Quickly scaling resources up or down as needed

15. **What is the significance of the Master Boot Record (MBR) in virtualiza6on?**
a) It is used for data encryp6on
b) It manages network seings
c) It contains informa6on on how hard drive par66ons are organized
d) It enhances the graphical interface
- Correct Answer: c) It contains informa6on on how hard drive par66ons are organized

These ques6ons are designed to assess knowledge in virtualiza6on and cloud compu6ng as
covered in the chapter.

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