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Coursework confirmation Yes Hours supervisor spent with candidate 3 Declaration Yes Group 4 Essay Subject: Physics ‘The % of Light Passed through Jelly Research Question: To What Extent does the Concentration of Jelly Affect the % of Light Transmittance Which Pass Through it? Word Count: 3,896 words Contents Page 4: Introduction and Background Knowledge 1 2: Application 2 3: Hypothesis 3 4: Experiment Outline 6 5: Methodology Z 6: Data Presentation and Analysis 40 Z: Conclusion 19 8: Evaluation 20 22 Introduction: In the scientific community, it has long been discussed of whether or not light behaves as a wave, or a particle until physicists began to appreciate that it acts according to certain characteristics of both. The general theory is that a particle of light is called a photon and the flow of an abundance of photons is able to act ina wave-like motion. Given that waves undergo a variety of processes, one being reflection, the initial implication is that light can do this as well. An obvious application for this would be how one is able to see their reflection in a mirror. However, a question must be posed for the translucent substances through which some light can pass but not all, how much light is able to pass through? When light is reflected off of a mirror, the denser medium of the mirror is responsible for the projection of light back to the bystander. More thought is required in order to replicate such effects using a translucent material, such as Jelly. Composed mainly of gelatine and water, jelly has become the heuristic subject for this investigation. Whilst acting as a popular child's treat, jelly also has a variety of suitable scientific properties appropriate for this investigation, one being its translucence. Light can pass through jelly when shone directly at it, however, one cannot help but notice that when more gelatine is added into the mixture, a darker colour is observed which might suggest that there is some sort of barrier preventing the light from passing through completely. Why is this happening? Application There are multiple uses for which the theoretical and practical components of this study can be applies to which can be responsible in evaluating the worthiness for investigation. One way in which the relationship between light intensity and concentration can be applied is through security mediums. For example, light security sensors sometimes project light from one end of the room to the other and reflect back to the sensor. However, if there is a translucent but highly concentrated object which disrupts the light's path, this means that not all of the light is able to reach the other end of the room and thus, back to the sensor, setting off an alarm. Hypothesis ‘As the concentration of the jelly used in the investigation is increased, the percentage (%) of light transmitted at the normal will decrease due to the reflection back to the source. The laws of the reflection of light state that when light is projected onto a more dense medium at the normal (90° to the material), light is reflected back. However, the properties of translucent materials allow light to pass through it, this is different for jelly since itis translucent as well as a denser medium therefore not all of the light can be transmitted straight through successfully. It is also important to note that jelly is generally a coloured material (which contributes to its appeal as a dessert and) which opens possibility for darker shades of the substance By using the colour property, one can change the concentration of the jelly to make the colour darker which observably already suggests that less light is passing through the material at its regular conditions. The reason that the concentration will be used independently is that it signifies the abundance of the gelatine and its ratio to water within the same volumetric parameters. Considering that water is the other essential ingredient wherein almost all light is able to transmit itself through (making it a transparent material instead of a semi-transparent or translucent material), be used in order to dilute the gelatine in a compounded substance (jelly). As the volume of water decreases within the container and the amount of gelatine increases, the solution will become less and less diluted. This means that the level of translucency will be reduced along with the concentration of the water allowing for the higher concentration of gelatine crystals which should be responsible for Preventing the higher % of light transmittance from passing through the jelly and thus being able to reflect more light back to its original source. The Beer-Lambert equation also supports the hypothesis by inferring that there is a relationship between transmittance and concentration: A=logio (2) = «le (Libre Texts, 2017) In this equation, Io is the original intensity of the transmittance from the source and / is the intensity of the transmittance after the light has passed through the object. ‘e” is the molar absorptivity coefficient of a substance (in this case, of formaldehyde since this is one of the key agents in gelatine), lis the length of the light path which in this case is 1cm since this is the width of the vile in which the jelly will be held. ‘c’ is the concentration in this equation which is one of the investigatory components of this experiment. Finally, ‘A’ is the absorbance of light into the substance. i) between concentration and transmittance given that the 'c’ and (*) values are The portion of the equation: ogg (2) = ele shows an evident relationship logarithmically proportional to each other when (‘*) is taken in the form of ogi (“) and the original intensity in terms of ratio (which for purposes of explanation can work as a substitution for transmittance) will always be 100% therefore as the intensity of light which is transmitted decreases, the value for logo (‘2) will increase and since logs and ‘c' are proportional to each other, this supports the hypothesis since this shows that as the intensity (or transmittance %) decreases, the 4 concentration will increase. It is important to note that the original data for intensity and concentration would have a negatively logarithmic relationship although the idea that, ‘as the concentration increases, the % of transmittance decreases’ still applies. Experiment Outline The experiment consists of analysing the % of transmittance of the light which will pass through different concentrations of gelatine and water within jelly in capsules which are able to fit inside the light transmittance detector. Prior to this, the jelly will have to be made and refrigerated in order to satisfy the key ingredient of the experiment. The variables which define this experiment are as follows: Independent Variable - The concentration of gelatine within the jelly will be increased at constant increments to ensure a variety of data which can be analysed. This will be calculated using a molar ratio method in order to produce an empirical set of data. This ingredient determines how much light is passed through the jelly Dependent Variable — The % of transmittance of light which passes through the sample of jelly at a right angle is the component which will be measured since this is the determining factor of the investigation. This quantity will be measured by a data logger (for % of transmittance) and the colorimeter. Controlled Variable — This is the intensity of light from the source of origin. This will remain unchanged through each portion of the experiment since this is the reliable ‘component of the investigation and a change in this quantity is what will be compared at the end (the intensity will start at 100%). The same piece of machinery will be used each time to ensure that there is no difference in the beam of light projected through the jelly. Methodology The methodology is key in completing a successful experiment accurately and efficiently. Before the method of the experiment is explained, it is important to provide an equipment list prior to this information: Colorimeter (to measure the % of light transmittance) Data Logger A packet of 75g of strawberry flavoured (red-coloured) gelatine powder x2 4om x 10m x tom vials x35 7 different bowls water a since there might be Abow x7 <————_| some residual jelly left over from each Beaker bow. Weighing scale Akettle Distilled water The step-by-step methodology of how the experiment was conducted went as follows: 1 Firstly, in preparation for the experiment, the jelly itself had to be made. In order to do this, there were five sets of concentrations of gelatine in the jelly which had to be made. This was done in ratios of gelatine to water, 1:7, 2: 3:5, 4:4, 5:3, :2 and 7:1 to ensure a range of results. This was done by {following the instructions on the packaging of the gelatine powder which stated that the water ingredient has to be boiled before added to the mixture. The water was first measured to 50ml using a beaker and the gelatine powder was measured using a weighing scale. Then a kettle was used to boil the 7 water before it was added into the bow! filled with gelatine in order to produce the mixture. The mixture of the same concentration throughout was then. poured into the vials (5 vials for each concentration). These vials were then refrigerated for four hours before being brought out to be tested. This action was repeated 7 times for the 7 different concentrations in order to produce an accurate source of primary data. The concentration ratios were then transformed into a set of empirical data by taking the gelatine part of the ratio and dividing it by 8. For example, the 1:7 ratio would be 0.125g/ml since the gelatine was measured in grams and the water was measured in mililtres. 144 0.125, this is done because the ratio consisted of 8 parts, Secondly, the calorimeter was plugged into mains electricity and switched on and connected to the data logger, from here one vial was placed inside the detector whilst a hatch was closed to prevent any of the light inside the machine from escaping and the % of transmittance was shown on a small screen. This quantity was noted and then this action was repeated for each of the 5 vials across the 7 different concentrations to increase the validity of the investigation. Once the experiment had been completed, the vials were then washed and further cleaned using distilled water to ensure that there was no residual jelly left over in the vials. This was before the equipment was handed back to school, And finally, a set of tables and graphs were produced to present the data found from the experiment in an appropriate format. Here are some photographs of one of the vials of jelly and the data logger to show a better understanding of their dimensions: The vial has not been completely filled to the top, this is because the beam of light is shone through the lower section of the vial. A vial of this size is still used however, because it is the appropriate size for this data This is the data logger; the dial here which controlled the original light intensity was turned up to its full capacity to ensure that the initial % of transmittance would be much more clear given that there was more light available to be reflected. | Here is where the vials of jelly were placed. There is a hatch here to stop any light from escaping, allowing the accuracy ofthe investigation to increase. This is where the colorimeter and the data logger are connected. Figure 2 - Data Logger Data Presentation and Analysis Raw Data: % of Intensity of Light Transmissions Passed through Jelly + 0.1% Concentration(g/ml) 40.010(g/ml) 1_|2_|3_ |4_ |s__| average oa7s[o0 [00 [00 [oo |oo | 00 o7sofaa [13 [aa [12 [09 [aa 0.625 [407 [47.6 | 469 [48a | 469 | 475 0500 | 55.7 | 575 |535 | 528 | 543 | 55.3 0.375 | 60.0 | 62.9 | 600 | 619 | 634 | 616 0.250| 748 | 738 |745 |738 | 725 | 73.9 0.125 | 89.2 | 809 | 89.7 [900 | 855 | 87.1 Figure 3: Raw Data (Table) This table shows the raw data collected from the experiment, from this one can infer that the % uncertainty for the % of light transmittance is 40.1%, this is because this was the lowest value shown on the colorimeter. Whereas, for the concentration ratio, the uncertainty is 40.1, this is predominantly down to the margin for human error when making the jelly since the 75g label on the packaging of the gelatine powder may not be exact and the method for producing the jelly by using a gelatine to water ratio may not have been exact either if not all of the powder mixed well with the water. Another reason why the concentration had an uncertainty of #0.01g/ml was because this was the average of the decimal places used in the apparatus necessary for calculating the concentration (the weighing scale was to 3 decimal places and the beaker for the water was to 1 decimal place). Here, there are an array of values since a scientific investigation such as this, requires a vast variety of data in order to be able to draw a valid conclusion. This is made evident in this table since the range of the 0.125g/ml concentration is 8.8% showing that it would have been inappropriate to rely on just one piece of data, 10 Processed Data: A Graph to show the Relationship between the % of Light Intensity Passed through Jelly, and Concentration 100.0% 3 90.0% # soox ¢ E 700% - ¥ coos }——______e_______________ en ‘Anomalies & cas due to 4 soon precision of 2 oon technology 2 B 00% = 00x #0000 © 0200 © 0.400060 % 1.000 Concentration (/m}0.01 \ | Vertical error bars are different on each data point, contrary to the raw data since they show the range of results of each concentration Figure 4: Processed Data Graph 1 This is the primary graph produced based on the Table (Figure 3) above. Despite this graph not having a line of best fit due to the presence of significant anomalies in the concentrations of 0.125g/ml and 0.250g/ml, a very noticeable negative correlation can still be observed. A line of best fit would not have been appropriate for this graph since the equation of the line would have been distorted due to the anomalies. It is possible that these anomalies could have taken place due to the vast difference in the light intensity transmitted through the jelly between the 0.625g/ml and the0.750g/ml concentrations, the calorimeter may not have been able to measure such a specific value for the final two concentrations. These anomalous results might also be because of a possible human error. a Amore comprehensive graph can be viewed below (Figure 4), complete with line of best fit: ‘% of Light Trasnsmissions Passed through Jelly £0.1% A Graph to show the Relationship between % of Light Intensity Passed through Jelly and Concentrati 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% Cate V=-0.2861n(x) +0 ¢Seriest 40.0% Max Line of Best Ft ne ae eae 20.0% + 10.0% 0.0% 0.000 0.109 0200 0300 0.400 0500 0.600 0.700 Concentration (g/mi}£0.0% Figure 5: Processed Data 2 The only difference between Figure 4 and Figure 5 is that Figure 5 is missing the final two data points due to their anomalous nature. This graph shows a very clear and strong negative correlation by a logarithmic expression, which makes it concordant with the hypothesis. This is very clear since the lowest concentration ratio quantity (the data point with the least gelatine in it) is of 0.125g/ml and the highest % of light transmission through this type of concentration of jelly is of 87.1%. This means that according to the primary source of data collected, there is a definite 2 relationship between % of light transmitted through jelly and the concentration of gelatine within a jelly substance. Although this is also shown in Figure 4, this ‘observation is much clearer in Figure 5. Relating back to the hypothesis of the investigation, this is mainly due to the reflection and absorbance of the light against and within the jelly. Given that as the concentration of gelatine particles within the jelly increases, the density of this material is also increasing since the presence of more of the gelatine powder increases the viscosity of the solution (which was made evident when higher levels of strength were required to stir the jelly during production). With reference to the laws of reflection, a higher % of light is thought to be reflected off of a denser medium, this theory is strongly made evident through these results. This obviously means that there is less light available to pass through the substance (jelly). Itis also considerably important to note that the molar absorptivity of the jelly will ncrease with an increase of concentration since there is more gelatine added to the solution. This signifies an increase in absorbance according to the Beer-Lambert ‘equation; this means that less light will be allowed to pass through the jelly entirely since itis still being absorbed instead. This encourages the recurring connection between absorbance and reflection since as the concentration increases, the level of absorbance increases, this happens also as the transmittance decreases (as shown through Figure 5), the levels of reflection also increase here due to the increases density, proving a proportional relationship between absorbance and reflection in this context, 3B Amore refined version of this relationship can be shown in the graph below: A Graph to show the Relationship between Log10(%Light Trans! Passed through Jelly) and Concentration (g/ml) § Ok ch to ti Ge ce fp Jogt0(%sLight Intensity Passed through Jelly) y=-0.5237x--0,0007 Concentration (g/ml) Figure 6: Processed Data 3 This graph shows a more direct relationship between % of light transmittance and concentration since it shows that there is a strong negatively linear relationship between log10(% light transmittance passed through jelly) and the varying concentrations of gelatine concentration within the jelly. This can be suggested as accurate since the y-intercept would have been where the solution was only water, a transparent liquid which would have made the % of light transmittance equal to 100% and there for an integer value of 1. logy 1 = 0, so the results from this experiment were within 0.0007units of the theoretical value. Ultimately, the relationship between transmittance and concentration evidently affects a variety of different components in the Beer-Lambert equation as well as 14 incorporating the physical laws of reflection. This is an example of how light can behave as both a particle and a wave through reference to both the relationship between light and the increased number of gelatine particles in a jelly mixture and the physical reflection of the wave as it hits a denser medium. The data collected from this investigation help to illustrate this theory by proving that there is a negatively linear relationship between log10 of the % light transmittance passed through jelly and the concentration of gelatine in its solution. 15 To connect the relevance of the molar absorptivity and absorbance levels, here is a secondary graph which displays the relationship between the concentration of Formaldehyde (a key chemical agent in the production of gelatine as a compound) and the level of absorbance: " 7==@ + Formaldehyde (mg/ml) 10 —#— For TNBS assay (346nm) o —+— For chromotropic acid reagent (570nm) oa Formaldehyde conc (mg/ml) Ra enon ory are (Bajaj, 2010) Figure 7: Formaldehyde — Absorbance (Au) Graph Essentially, the important portion of this graph is only concerned with the Formaldehyde data point (for the purpose of this analysis). The formaldehyde ‘quantities on this graph form an exponential curve which can be explained through. further inference from the Beer-Lambert equation. This shows that as the absorbance increases, the concentration increases at an exponential rate, signifying the correlation between concentration of formaldehyde and % of transmittance. 16 This can be explained through the use of a portion of the Beer-Lambert equation: 200) 4 = lo8i0 (ser) Which by using the rules of logarithms, can be simplified to: 2 = logio %T This explains that there is also a negatively logarithmic relationship between absorbance and %T. In order to express this in a non-mathematical and perhaps clearer and simplistic way, here is a line which compares the %T values compared with the Absorbance values: % Transmittance ar) o « 100 2015 to 09 07 06 0s cao 02 8100s om Absorbance Figure 8: %T - Absorbance Line (Sheffield Hallam University) Figures 5 & 6 show a negatively logarithmic relationship between % of transmittance and absorbance. So if the relationship between concentration and absorbance is directly proportional for a significant ingredient of gelatine, and the relationship between absorbance and 7 % of transmittance is negatively logarithmic, this would prove a negatively logarithmic relationship between concentration and % of transmittance of light through jelly. 18 Conclusion Ultimately, the theoretical basis of the Beer-Lambert equation combined with the physical laws of the reflection of light prove a mathematically formulated relationship between the physical properties of the concentration of gelatine within a jelly solution and the % of transmittance which passes through it. This statement is encouraged through the use of the primary data of the experiment conducted which provides first-hand information containing a very strongly correlated negatively logarithmic relationship between the change in the concentration of gelatine in jelly and the measurement of the % of the light, trans ittance which passes through the jelly solution. These investigations help to answer the question, ‘To What Extent does the Concentration of Jelly Affect the % of Light Transmittance Which Pass Through it?’ by proving that as the concentration of gelatine in jelly increases, a lower % of light is transmitted through the jelly. Therefore, | accept my hypothesis due to the supporting physical and theoretical data. 19 Evaluation To evaluate this investigation, it is important to mention that overall, the hypothesis has been accepted which suggests a general success given that the data is supporting. However, itis also critical to consider the possible reflections of the investigation. With regards to the methodology of the experiment, the fact that each section was repeated five times with average quantities being taken helps to increase and support the validity and accuracy of the study. This is complimented by the varying concentration ratios used which allowed a controlled change in the investigation at equal increments. This supports the conclusive statement by implying that the negatively logarithmic relationship between the concentration of gelatine in a jelly solution and the % of light transmitted through the jelly can be treated as a general rule. However, it is important to note the margin of error which was expected in the ratios of concentration due to the fact that it was sd together by hand and there was a possibility for some vials to have been filled with a slightly higher or slightly lower quantity of concentration of gelatine in the solution. This possible human error was accounted for in the use of the error bars evident in Figures 4, 5 and 6 as being of 40.01g/mi. As for the error bars for the vertical axes for the % of light transmitted, these margins of error are relatively small (20.1%) and are not observable on the first graph, this is a good thing as it shows that there is very little way that this quantity can be incorrect, the reason for these error bars is because of the specificity of the equipment used. However, Figure (5) displays error bars which are relevant to each data point and thus each concentration, thus providing a more accurate analysis of the possible margin for error. The colorimeter can be measured to one decimal place 20 which is quite accurate however due to the context of the equipment; there is still some room for systematic errors, this could be related to the possible overuse or age of the machine. The maximum and minimum lines of best fit in both graphs (Figure 5) in the data presentation account for any possible reasoned errors in accordance to the uncertainties. This study could be improved by the use of different colours of jelly which might give an expanded comparison between the different frequencies emitted by the different colours. One might also consider a more accurate way of calculating the concentration of the gelatine within the jelly solution in order to reduce uncertainty and provide a larger range of quantifies concentrations which would support the validity of the study even more. There were a few problems faced during the initial stages of this study; one being that the planning of the experiment proved to be q difficult. The original plan was to make the jelly in beakers and then cut it up within the correct dimensions of the vials however there were unforeseen issues with this theory since the jelly began to sink being in a cylindrical container and the more diluted concentrations. were very difficult to be cut into the correct dimensions due to the exaggerated flexibility of the material. Furthermore, it proved rather strenuous to source secondary data which related directly to the research question given that the physical properties of jelly are not often considered with regards to light in the physical sciences. a liography Bajaj, R. K, (2010, January-March). Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Gelatin Crosslinking in the Presence of Amino Groups. Retrieved September 30, 2017, from NcBl:https// Libre Texts. (2017, February 10). Beer-Lambert Law. Retrieved September 30, 2017, from hnttps://chem onic_Spectroscopy/Electronic_ Spectroscopy_Basics/The_Beer-Lambert_law Sheffield Hallam University. (n.d.). Beer's Law. Retrieved September 30, 2017, from Sheffield Hallam University: htm, 2 PDF forms are not compatile with the Google Chrome POF viewer plug-in. Chrome users shoul save the form, then regpen and complete with Adobe reader EE/RPPF © Pp \rernaiona acclareste Baccalauréat international For first assessment in 2018, OF sschiterto iternacional age 13 Candidate personal code: Extended essay - Reflections on planning and progress form Candidate: This form is to be completed by the candidate during the course and completion oftheir EE. This document records reflections on your planning and progress, and the nature of your discussions with your supervisor. You must undertake three formal reflection sessions with your supervisor: The first formal reflection session should focus on your intial ideas and how you plan to undertake your research; the interim reflection session is once a significant amount of your esearch has been completed, ‘and the final session will bein the form of a viva voce once you have completed and handed in your EE. This document acts as a record in supporting the authenticity of your work. The three reflections combined must amount to no more than 500 words. ‘The completion of this form is a mandatory requirement of the EE for first assessment May 2018. It must be submitted together with the completed EE for assessment under Criterion E. ‘Supervisor: You must have three reflection sessions with each candidate, one early on in the process, an interim meeting and then the final viva voce. Other check-in sessions are permitted but do not need to be recorded on this sheet. After each reflection ‘session candidates must record their reflections and as the supervisor you must sign and date this form. First reflection session Candidate comments: in class, we have been studying waves and | took a parlicular Interest in ight Intensity 60 | decided research i further which included finding various videos and webpages. | had originally thought of changing the substance of which to send light Ihrough but | then realised that | could produce similar effects by changing the concentration. | began to think of ways | could lnk them together, after refining the topic, | processed my question and proposed an experiment which | could use evidence lifom to support my question. After conducting the experiment, i | find a relationship between the concentration of jlly and Ihe light transmissions which pass through it, this might suggest a relationship. | have dedicated time to this research including websites and reliable YouTube channels such as ‘Crash Course’ since these are regularly updated so I can further |my background knowledge and discover inspiration effecting how I continue my investigation. Date: [254717 ‘Supervisor inital: EE/RPPF Ox Paste (ical eracoal Interim reflection Candidate comments [Since session 1, my question has remained the same since I had already begun preliminary preparation for my experiment JAs for my research methods, | have predominantly used electronic sources like webpages which show reasoning and lanalysis from similar experiments. Through this reading | have been made aware of various areas of physics to look into. |Some of this reading has been somewhat dificult to comprehend so | have limited myself with how much to look into and the_ relevance of the information. For example, how changing colour affects the intensity, as well as concentration, if | included this in my essay, | would need to change my question. Issues | have had so far are finding time for experiment which |comprises around half of my essay, | aim to complete this in the immediate future. I have set out a skeleton plan for my lossay with the following headings: Introduction, Background knowledge, Research Methods, Experiment, Results, lEvaluation and Conclusion Date: [1816717 ‘Supervisor ina: Final reflection - Viva voce Candidate comments: [Overall, am very happy with how the essay has turned out With regards fo the development of my skis, ITearned how To structure a successful method independently to produce a primary source of data which was significant in suggesting the Jsuccess of my essay showing a distinct relationship between the % of light intensity transmited through said concentration Jot gelatin in jelly. have overcome dificutes relevant to conduction of the experiment by having to repeat I twice using stighty citterent methodologies involving how | measured the concentration since my first attempts were inadequate in Jproviding suficient and accurate data. The Beer-Lambert law allowed me to possess scientiic basis to which | compared my ndings based on its theory. This process has taught me to take responsibilty for my own investigation, giving me the |chance to take full control over the means by which the relationship can be tested. Supervisor initials: EE/RPPF Ox Popes [heist eros! ‘Supervisor comments: [The candidate has invested time and effort into his extended essay to reach his final conclusion. There were many stages Jaiong the way in which a new procedure was undertaken to collect data to analyse. At first the idea of investigating the [transmittance properties of jelly was interesting and a method using light boxes and a light sensor was constructed. The |candidate had difficulty producing different jelly blocks at different concentrations that would allow for reliable data fo be lcollected. He remained positive and learned that he must overcome these hurdles in order to succeed. A new set up using a |cuvette solved the issue of less stable jelly chunks with the added benefit of using the colorimeter to detect variation in transmittance. The candidate enthusiastically collected the data after lots of time spent creating solutions of specific Jconcentrations. The reading around the topic was proving dificult as he could not easly find sources specific to the investigation. However, remaining determined, some sources were available and the candidate did his best to extract Jcontent to evaluate. He has enjoyed the process of producing an extended piece of work and has understood the value in having clear goals and a determination to collect data in order to find out something new. The candidate has kept to all Imeeting dates and deadlines and has reflected on the process with pride.

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