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Executive Summary:

This proposal aims to elevate A Little Extra revenue through strategic Customer Lifetime Value
Management (CLVM). We focus on four core pillars: Customer Acquisition, Engagement, Retention,
and Optimization.

Understanding A Little Extra's Current Position

Overview of Market Position, Customer Base, and Product Offerings:

A Little Extra distinguishes itself in the D2C fashion jewellery market by offering handmade,
artisanal pieces. The brand takes pride in the craftsmanship of its jewellery, positioning itself as a
purveyor of unique, one-of-a-kind accessories. This emphasis on handmade craftsmanship sets “A
Little Extra" apart in a market often dominated by mass-produced items.

Customer Base: The brand caters to a discerning customer base that values the artistry and
uniqueness associated with handmade jewellery. "A Little Extra" attracts individuals who appreciate
the personal touch and attention to detail in each piece. The brand's customers are likely to be
conscious consumers who seek authenticity and a connection with the artisans behind the products.

Product Offerings: "A Little Extra" specialises in a diverse range of handmade fashion jewellery,
including earrings, neck piece, bracelets, rings and hair accessories. Each piece is carefully crafted
by skilled artisans, adding an element of craftsmanship and individuality to the collection.

Key Features of Handmade Product Offerings:

● Artisanal Craftsmanship: The brand prides itself on the hands-on approach to jewellery
making, with skilled artisans meticulously crafting each piece. This craftsmanship adds a
unique story to every item.
● Unique Designs: Handmade jewellery allows for greater creativity and customization. "A
Little Extra" offers customers exclusive designs, ensuring that each piece is distinct and
reflects the brand's commitment to uniqueness.
● Sustainable Practices: Handmade jewellery often aligns with sustainability values. "A Little
Extra" may highlight its commitment to ethical practices, such as the use of eco-friendly
materials or supporting fair labor practices.
● Limited Editions and Collections: Emphasising the limited availability of certain designs or
collections adds an element of exclusivity, encouraging customers to view their jewellery as
a special, collectible item.

Classified document is confidential and prepared exclusively for A Little Extra, 11th Dec 2023
Analysis of Current Customer Engagement and Retention Strategies:
A Little Extra has relied on standard marketing and sales approaches. While effective in establishing
a broad customer base, these strategies may not fully capitalise on the potential of individual
customer relationships. The absence of a comprehensive CLVM strategy is evident in the limited
personalised marketing efforts and customer engagement programs. This gap presents an
opportunity to strengthen customer loyalty, increase repeat purchases, and enhance overall
customer lifetime value through more targeted and data-driven approaches.

The importance of Customer Lifetime Value Management (CLVM) in the D2C ecom industry,
particularly for a company like A Little Extra, is significant. CLVM allows for more focused and
efficient marketing strategies, enhancing customer retention and loyalty. This approach is crucial in
a competitive market, where maintaining customer interest and repeat business is key. By
understanding and catering to individual customer needs and preferences, CLVM can drive
sustainable revenue growth and strengthen market position.

Project Brief: Why LittleExtra Should Focus on Building a CLVM Strategy

A Little Extra should prioritise the development of a robust Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) strategy
for its fashion jewellery brand. By focusing on the long-term profitability derived from each
customer, the brand can strategically allocate resources, emphasising customer retention and
loyalty over costly acquisition efforts. Understanding the unique value of different customer
segments enables targeted marketing initiatives, fostering personalised experiences and increasing
the potential for cross-selling and upselling. This customer-centric approach not only enhances
satisfaction but also builds a competitive advantage by adapting to evolving market dynamics. A
well-implemented CLV strategy showcases a commitment to sustainable growth, making "A Little
Extra" more attractive to investors and stakeholders. Ultimately, the emphasis on CLV positions the
brand for enduring success in the competitive landscape of fashion jewellery.

A strategic CLVM framework for LittleExtra could be:

1. Data Organization and Analysis: Consolidate customer databases, including demography,

purchase types, and details. Utilise this data for in-depth analysis covering customer
segmentation, buying behaviour, purchase frequency, and new customer acquisition trends.

2. Customer Lifecycle Management: Focus on tracking and enhancing the customer journey
stages—acquisition, retention, churn analysis, win-back strategies, and increasing Average
Order Value (AOV).

3. Behavioral Insights and Communication Strategy: Implement targeted communication

through channels like email, chat, and WhatsApp Business API (WABA), based on insights
from customer behaviour, range buying patterns, and depth of engagement.

Classified document is confidential and prepared exclusively for A Little Extra, 11th Dec 2023
Key Areas of my Work:

Base Growth: Enhancing the value of existing customers through increased engagement and
Ownbase Management: Leveraging customer data to understand and segment the customer base
for targeted marketing.
Increase in Direct Purchase: Encouraging direct interactions and purchases through digital
platforms for better customer experiences and data collection.
Increase in Average Order Value (AOV): Implementing strategies to boost the value of each
purchase, such as bundle offers and premium product lines.
Depth Selling: Deepening relationships with current customers by offering complementary products
and services.
Customer Acquisition: Focusing on attracting new, valuable customer segments.
Customer Retention: Developing loyalty programs and excellence in customer service to retain

Key Areas Components Sub-Components KPIs Expected Impact
Customer Database Purchase Types & Database Unified view of
1.Data Organization Integration Details CRM Systems Completeness customer data
Segmentation, Buying Data Analytics Segmentation Marketing
2.Analysis Behavior Tools Accuracy Strategies
3.Customer Lifecycle New Customer Marketing Expanding
Management Acquisition Trends Platforms Acquisition Rate Customer Base
Engagement Email, Social Retention Increased
4.Retention Strategies Media Rate Customer Loyalty

Identifying At-Risk Predictive Reduced Customer

5.Churn Analysis Customers Analytics Churn Rate Attrition

Re-engagement Personalised Recover Lost

6.Churn Winback Campaigns Communication Winback Rate Customers
Upselling and E-commerce Order Value Higher Revenue
7.Increasing AOV Cross-Selling Platforms Increase Per Customer
Product Product
8.Range Depth of Product Recommendation Penetration Enhanced Product
Buying/Depth Penetration Engines Rate Sales
Email, Chat, Email Customer
9.Behavioral Insights Communication WhatsApp Business Marketing, Communication &
& Communication Strategy API (WABA) Chatbots Engagement Rate Engagement

Classified document is confidential and prepared exclusively for A Little Extra, 11th Dec 2023
Scope of Work & Commercial:

Pillar Sub Pillar Task

WBR (Weekly Business Weekly 45 minutes Meeting/Workshop (Weekly

Business Drive Review) Business Progress)

Monthly 90 minutes Review with review deck and

MBR (Monthly Business score cards (Monthly Goal Setting and Business
Business Planning Review) review)

Performance Decks, Business Overview Insights, MBR

Presentation Decks & Presentations and Leadership View

Org - Ops & KPI Org Readiness Organisation - Anchoring & Supporting in Org & KPIs

Model Alignment (Segmentation, Product

Strategic Goal Alignment Benchmarking, Target Setting, Business Milestone)

Customer Acquisition, Service Delivery, Repeat,

Business Growth Sales Referral and Revenue goals

Digital inbound & outbound marketing initiatives -

Digital Ops Digital Operation Ads alignment: Goals, Marketing Calendar, etc.

Reporting & Monitoring Reporting & Monitoring Ads Account: Ads setup, Monitoring trials

Reporting & Monitoring Reporting & Monitoring Dashboards Monitoring

2 Hours Monthly brainstorming session at Leadership

Reporting & Monitoring Growth Bootcamp level (Once in a Month)

Payment terms:
○ Monthly pay fixed INR 35000/- for (20 hours) for defined scope,
○ For any additional scope of delivery variable pay will be billed with prior discussion
with brand
○ Payment will be due in advance at the beginning of the month and will raise the
invoice on 28th of the month which must be paid by or before 5th of every month.
○ This will include my strategic consulting service fee and nothing beyond that.
○ All applicable taxes will be in addition to the service fee.

Classified document is confidential and prepared exclusively for A Little Extra, 11th Dec 2023
Resource & Access Required:

For the successful implementation of the CLVM project, the following requirements should be
included in the proposal:

Database Access: Unrestricted access to the customer database, sales data, and other relevant
data sources.

Team Collaboration: Regular interaction with key team members from marketing, sales, customer
service, and IT for alignment and data sharing.

Cadence Setting: Establishing a regular cadence for meetings and updates, such as weekly for WBR
and monthly for MBR, along with periodic strategic reviews.

Access to Tools: Company access or provision of necessary analytics and CRM software tools for
data analysis and customer segmentation (if needed for advance work).

Classified document is confidential and prepared exclusively for A Little Extra, 11th Dec 2023
“Revenue Growth”
A CLVM Proposal
By Gatha Kapadiya

Gatha Kapadiya | Revenue Growth Specialist

email :-
Mobile: +91 8130344091

Classified document is confidential and prepared exclusively for A Little Extra, 11th Dec 2023

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