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*Explain the effectiveness and impact of the policy enhancement will be evaluated *

- the effectiveness and impact of implementation of advanced case management systems,

training programs for prosecutors on effective trial strategies, and the establishment of clear
guidelines for evidence presentation in the prosecution pillar is it enhances data organization,
facilitating easier access to relevant information and also it Enhances collaboration and
communication among legal professionals. Then for the effectiveness of the training program
for prosecutor on effective trial strategies are it foster adaptability to evolving legal standards
and practices, emphasizes ethical considerations and professionalism and equips prosecutors
with updated legal knowledge and trial skills. While for the impact is to improves the quality of
legal representation and boosts confidence and competence among prosecutors.

* Identify the key performance indicators to asses the program and outcome *

-The key performance to asses the program and outcome is the implementation of advanced
case management systems, training programs for prosecutors on effective trial strategies, and
the establishment of clear guidelines for evidence presentation .This will the path or way in
order to proceed or attain for the good outcome.

*Discuss mechanism for ongoing monitoring and feedback collection*

- the mechanism for ongoing monitoring is to conduct periodic assessments of the overall
effectiveness of evidence collection and case preparation processes then develop dashboards
displaying real-time metrics related to evidence collection, case preparation, and collaboration
and also implement advance case management system.

By combining these mechanism can create a comprehensive and adaptive system for ongoing
monitoring of evidence collection, case preparation and collaboration. Regular feedback, data
driven insight and a commitment to continuous improvement are essential components to
ensure the sustained effectiveness of these critical aspects within the prosecution pillar.

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