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Names: Lima Sheila and Vargas María

Career: Pedagogy of National and Parallel: “A”

Foreign Languages
Unit Nro: 4 Task Nr. 2
Topic: Unit five product Document PDF
Teacher: MSc. José Obando Note:

Creative thinking

Creativity has been catalogued as that ability that generates originality with effective

ideas and solutions. Where being creative is to look beyond the problems that require a different

thinking and its perspective suggests unusual solutions. Thus, creative behavior is determined as

that ability that allows people to find innovative and efficient solutions to solve problems by

seeing the world differently.

However, there are articles that catalog creativity as a component that can open up new

experiences and generate original ideas, allowing the individual to be unique and creative, seeing

scene that others cannot. According to Andreason (2014) describes creative people as "better at

recognizing relationships, making associations and connections, and seeing things in an ordinary

way: seeing things that others cannot see" (para. 1). Therefore, a creative entity is not seen

simply as someone who settles for the first thing they find, but rather as someone who discovers

the possible in the impossible. Finding solutions in such a way where no one sees something as

an opportunity to develop an idea.

Additionally, creative behavior is not defined by the limitation of some kind of mental

illness, but some characteristics are not always consistent with common social norms. That is
why the attitudes of innovative minds are reflected in different ways and not based on rules. But

it is unparalleled to confirm that any creative mind possesses the ability to maintain a

constructive imagination in any situation presented.

In this way, historical moments in the world have been shaped by the creativity of

visionary characters. Among them, there have been writers such as Hemingway, Tolstoy and

Woold, painters such as Guanguin, Vang Gogh and Kahlo, musicians such as Mozart, Billie

Holiday and Kurt Cobain and civil rights activist Martin Luther King. This reaffirms that mental

illness does not condition anyone to live in a state of neutral thinking.

Finally, it concludes with the following question: Can social criticism put an end to the

creativity that an individual possesses?

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