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Time Table is very important for every individual to get success.

sleep - 6 hr
12 to 6 am - Sleeping

social media - 1 hr
6 to 10 am - Fitness

(4 hrs)
YouTube, Insta, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Including freshen and breakfast

no porn, no movies,)...until
10 to 1 pm - Slot 1

exercise ( running 10 KM,

1 to 1.30 pm - Social media 0.5 hr
Surya namaskar ......20
meditation...................45 min
1.30 to 4.30 - Slot 2 Sunday week off ..
.spa or sex
gymdaily 2 hrs mrng n evng) - 5 hr

4.30 to 5.30 - Gym no masturbation coz

its anti-nature

study - 12 hr
5.30 to 8.00 - Slot 3 Slots - 11 hrs

total - 24 hrs
8.00 to 9.00 - Break Fitness..2025 ICAS.

calls dinner

9 to 11.30 - Slot 4

11.30 to 12 - Social Media

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