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All along Sam had been with his father making stories about how the modern world would affect
the next generation.His brothers :Dick,Calos and Traves were in the shores of the sea perhaps they
had gone to collect some sea shells as that used to be their hobby.Their mother (Abigael) had just
passed on a year earlier.Since Sam was the first born and he was old enough to marry,he decided
not to and instead assist his father who was ailling from a dangerous disease although the others
never knew it apart from Some and the father.The others came from the sea and found their brother
fully engrosed in the story.Their dad on the other hand was even too old to recognise who his
children were although he knew their names and could tell whom they were when each of them

One evening Sam had a news that there were some vaccines that could prevent some diseases that
mostly affected the aged.He informed his dad about it and his dad had no option but to let him
go.He stayed for two days and then packed his luggage and left after he had bid his family
goodbye .Only his father knew where he was going while his brothers were kept in the dark despite
of their efforts to allow Sam go with them.Their efforts bore no fruit.Sam promised them that he
would be back and they should not worry anymore.Sam’s journey towards the forest kicked off.He
did not have enough money so he decided to walk on foot.

He used to survive with the water he carried and with the little food he had .Along his way he met
with difficulties since the forest he had to go through was for the king and the king’s son had
ordered everyone not to go to the forest.With Sam struggling to find the medicine for his father,he
prayed to his God then entered the forest.The different types of tree species that he found there
were beautiful.The flowers there were attractive since they had nice scents .As he walked deep into
the forest he met people and this left him wondering since he knew that nobody was going to be
there due to the prince orders.He tried by hook and crook to hide but he was not too smart .The
people there informed the prince and he ordered for Sam’s arrest.He was arrested there in the
forest but there was a certain lady who was the prince’s girlfriend that was against the arrest of
Sam.She was called Mergan. She pleaded with her boyfriend to let Sam go but all her pleas fell in
deaf ears.

Since Sam was a handsome man ,Mergan seemed to have been attracted to him .Sam also liked her
too and now they had to find the medicine and get out of the forest .It was now a two-horse race
between Sam and the prience.Weeks passed and suddenly Mergan tricked the prince for a tour to a
certain mountain alongside other workers who used to guide the forest with only two remaining in
the forest as they were told to let Sam not escape.They had prepaired everything and their journey
commenced.After covering a long distance, Mergan complained of a sudden illness ,she could not
feel well anymore and so the situations forced Prince and the other workers to take her to the
nearest hospital.She was taken and left their as the prince and others went ahead with the
journey.They could not stop the journey since they had paid a huge amount of money for the tour
thus they proceeded.
As the others went ,Mergan found a wonderful opportunity to go and let Sam free since she had
even bribed the workers who were left to watch out at Sam.She escaped from the hospital and took
a ride on the horse and went back to the forest .She ordered the workers their (Dan and Dick) to get
the medicine for Sam.After they had done so some questions raced through their minds .What were
they going to tell the prience if he found out that Sam was nowhere to be seen?.Unfortunately they
were going to be fired and they would be punished terribly.Dan thought of a way to escape and so
did Dick after all they had been promised a job by Mergan.Sam and Mergan were now happy and
feel in love with each other.They got out of the forest and went home together as they thought of
what they had gone through.

On arriving home,Dick,Calos and Traves welcomed them.Their father was too happy that he was
going to be well and most importantly his son was going to get married.He blessed them and wished
for them a happy marriage full of joy .Dick ,Calos and Traves were also happy too.Sam and Mergan
got married and lived happily thereafter blessed with two children.

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