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so what's on the news today?

1. scams
-an attempt to cheat you in a form of money
-a police notice
2. cyberbullying
-malaysia ranked is second in asia for youth cyberbullying
-bullying occurs from people who knows each other
3. phishing
-send you a link and told you to check your acc balance and takes you to a fake
website and write bank acc num and password then the
hacker already know who you are
-know from thousans away
-it's not just about getting your money but also to get to personal details like
hacking instagram and facebook acc so that they can steal
and change the names and datils
-use two factor authentication, avoid social media accounts to stop phising attacks
-blurred ic number and full name , persoml and private details
4.information disorders/fake news
there are 3 types: - misinformation, unintentional mistakes
- disinformation, intentionally created conspiracy
-malinformation, change the context intentionally
-troublemakers who want to stir up people emotions in order to win votes in
is there a bright future for us?
1. cyber awareness : - understand the risk, know what to do which is seek help,
recover by receiving appropriate level of support and learn
from experience and earlt education
2. policy reforms, stricter laws and campaign program
3. need whole society to approach:
-tech comu, active in technical skills
-academic, active in educational system and scientific research
-civil society, human rights prepared as possible, predict the upcoming future

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