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Write a paragraph describing the main characteristics of a con man or

woman. What are some things that most con men or women have in

Shorter version:

Con men and women are tricky people who pretend to be nice but really want to take your
money or things. They are very good at talking and making you believe them. They act
friendly and confident, so you trust them easily. These tricky people know how to make you
feel happy, scared, or excited, so you do what they say. They can change how they act and
what they say to trick different people. They don't care about how you feel and just want to
get what they want, even if it hurts you. That's why it's important to be careful and not trust
strangers too quickly.

Longer version:

Imagine meeting someone who seems really nice and friendly, like a character from your
favorite storybook. They might smile a lot and say kind things to you, making you feel happy
and comfortable. But deep down, they're not as nice as they appear to be. These people,
called con men or con women, are like tricky magicians, but instead of doing magic tricks,
they play tricks with words and emotions.
Con men and women are experts at using words to make you believe things that aren't true.
They might tell exciting stories or promise fantastic things, like treasure hunts or amazing
toys, just to get you to do what they want. They're really good at pretending, like actors on a
stage, and they can make you feel different emotions, like happiness, fear, or curiosity, to
control your actions.
Sometimes, they might pretend to be a new friend, a teacher, or even a family member you
haven't met before. They wear these disguises to trick you into trusting them. But here's the
tricky part: they don't actually care about your feelings or what's best for you. They're only
thinking about themselves and how they can get something from you, usually money or
That's why it's super important to be cautious and not trust someone you don't know,
especially if they're asking for personal information or trying to convince you to do
something you're not comfortable with. Always talk to a grown-up you trust, like your
parents, teachers, or school counselors, if you ever feel unsure or worried about someone's
intentions. Remember, it's okay to say no to things that don't feel right, and there are always
people who care about you and want to keep you safe!
2. How can you protect yourself against idenity theft or Internet fraud? What
can you do? What can banks and other organizations do? Write a paragraph
explaining your ideas.
Shorter version:

Protecting yourself from online thieves is like keeping a secret safe. First, don't share
personal information, like your address or school, with strangers online. Use strong and
special passwords for different accounts, like your online games or school websites. Always
ask a grown-up for help when making accounts online. Don't click on strange links or emails;
they could be tricky! It's like not opening the door to strangers. Banks and other companies,
like the ones you use to play games or watch videos, also have special locks to keep your
information safe. They use super strong passwords and secret codes too. They also teach
you how to be safe online, just like your teachers teach you to be safe at school. Remember,
if anything seems weird online, always talk to a grown-up you trust. Stay safe!

Longer version:

Staying safe online is like protecting your favorite toys or games from sneaky thieves.
Imagine your personal information, like your name, address, and passwords, as precious
treasures. It's important to keep these treasures hidden and only share them with people
you trust, like your parents or teachers.

When you play games or use the internet, always ask a grown-up for help, especially when
creating accounts. They can help you make strong and special passwords, like a secret code
only you and your trusted grown-ups know. Think of these passwords as magic spells that
keep your treasures safe!

Remember, just like you don't open the door to strangers at home, don't click on strange
links or emails online. Sometimes, bad people pretend to be friendly, but they're actually
trying to trick you. If something online seems odd or makes you uncomfortable, talk to a
grown-up right away. They can help you understand if it's safe or not.

Banks and other companies also have special guards in place to protect your treasures. They
use super strong locks and secret codes, just like in fairy tales. These locks keep your money
and information safe when you use online apps or websites.

It's also essential to be kind and respectful online, just like you are with your friends in
school. Treat others how you want to be treated. If everyone is kind and looks out for each
other, the online world can be a fun and safe place for everyone. Stay curious, but always
stay safe!
3. In this unit you read about different types of fraud. Now write giving some
new examples of how technology has increased the dangers of fraud in our
world today.
Certainly, technology has brought about new avenues for fraud, making it more
sophisticated and widespread. Here are some examples of how technology has increased the
dangers of fraud in our world today:

• Phishing Attacks: Cybercriminals send fraudulent emails or messages that appear to

be from reputable sources, tricking individuals into revealing sensitive information
like passwords or credit card numbers. Phishing attacks have become more
convincing and targeted with advancements in technology.

• Identity Theft: Digital platforms store vast amounts of personal data. Hackers can
exploit vulnerabilities in security systems to steal personal information, which can
then be used for various fraudulent activities, including opening fake accounts or
making unauthorized transactions.

• Social Engineering: Technology allows fraudsters to gather extensive information

about individuals from social media and other online sources. They can use this
information to manipulate people into divulging confidential information or
performing actions they otherwise wouldn't.

• Data Breaches: Large-scale data breaches have become more common due to the
interconnected nature of modern systems. Cybercriminals can infiltrate databases
containing millions of user records, leading to widespread identity theft and financial

• Deepfake Technology: With the advent of deepfake technology, fraudsters can

create realistic-looking videos or audio recordings, impersonating individuals to
deceive others. This can lead to fraudulent transactions, misinformation, or damage
to someone's reputation.

• E-commerce Fraud: The rise of online shopping has given rise to various forms of
fraud, such as account takeover attacks, where fraudsters gain access to user
accounts and make unauthorized purchases, or using stolen credit card information
to buy goods online.

• Cryptocurrency Scams: Cryptocurrencies offer a degree of anonymity, making them

attractive to fraudsters. Scams include fake initial coin offerings (ICOs), Ponzi
schemes, and phishing attacks targeting cryptocurrency wallets, leading to significant
financial losses.
• Ransomware Attacks: Cybercriminals use malicious software to encrypt an
individual's or organization's data, demanding a ransom for its release. Ransomware
attacks can paralyze businesses and individuals, leading to financial losses and
compromised data.

• Mobile Payment Fraud: The popularity of mobile payment apps has led to an
increase in mobile payment fraud. Fraudsters exploit weak authentication methods
or vulnerabilities in mobile apps to gain unauthorized access and conduct fraudulent

• SIM Card Swapping: Fraudsters can convince mobile carriers to transfer a victim's
phone number to a new SIM card. With control of the victim's phone number, they
can bypass two-factor authentication and gain access to various accounts, leading to
identity theft and financial fraud.

It's crucial for individuals and organizations to stay informed about these risks and employ
security measures to protect themselves against evolving technological threats.

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