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It has a black and

white coat The giant panda is
native to China

Giant pandas’ It has large black

favorite food is patches around its
bamboo eyes

Females give birth

Adult males can
to a cub or two
weigh up to 150 kg

Pandas are an
Giant panda has a endangered species
lifespan of around 20
years in the wild Giant pandas eat as much
as 10 kg of bamboo a day
• Person/people
a text which presents
• Animal
information about
• Plant
• Thing(s)
• Event(s)
• Phenomenon
Scientific observation
Report Text

Definition :
Report Text is one of the 13 types of English text (Types of Text)
which presents information about something like nature, animals,
plants, humans work and social phenomenon as it is. The
information presented in the Report Text is the result of systematic
observation and analysis.

Social Function:
To describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural,
man-made and social phenomena in our environment
1. Found : ditemukan
2. Although : walaupun
3. Relatives : famili
4. Island : pulau
5. Grass : rumput
6. Legs : kaki
7. Tail : ekor
8. Sitting up : duduk tegak
9. Over : lebih
10. Jumping : melompat
11. Leap across : melompat ke seberang
12. Fences : pagar
13. Adult : dewasa
14. Grow : tumbuh
15. External Pouch : kantong luar
16. Female : betina
17. Crawl : merangkak
Generic Structure
1. Title :

Indicates topic of the report.

2. General Classification :

Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal,

public place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general.

3. Description :

Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part

per part , customs or deed for living creature and usage

for materials.
Generic Structure of Report Text

A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a

smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of
Classification Tasmania and also in New Guinea.
Kangaroos usually eat grass and plants. They have short front legs,
but very long and very strong back legs and a tail. These are used for
Description sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward
jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three
meters high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour.
The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red
Kangaroo. Adult grow to a length of 1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos.
Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has
an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny
when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its
first five months of life.
Language Features : Use of general nouns
Use of relating verbs
Some use of action verbs when describing behavior
Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness
Use of technical terms

General statement
Based on research
Objective view
Written text
Using simple present tense
using simple present tense
• The giant panda is native to China
• It has a black and white coat that features
large black patches around its eyes
• A giant panda cub weighs only around 150
grams (5 oz) at birth
• Giant pandas eat as much as 10 kg (22 lb) of
bamboo a day
• Giant pandas are good climbers
• The scientific name for the giant panda is
‘ailuropoda melanoleuca’

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