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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

In the name of all the most gracious the most merciful

This file contains english translations for the lessons (conversations and essays) from the
language series entitle “Al Arabiyyah Bayna Yadak” (Arabic between your hands). The same text
is used in the audio recordings that accompany the books.

Book 1
Chap 1
Lesson 1
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
My name is Khalid. What is your name?
My name is Khaleel.
How are you?
I am good, all thanks to Allah.
And how are you?
I am good, all thanks to Allah.

Peace be upon you

And on you peace.
My name is Khawla. What is your name?
My name is Khadeeja.
How are you?
I am good, all thanks to Allah.
And how are you?
I am good, all thanks to Allah.

Lesson 2
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
Where are you from.
I am from Pakistan.
Are you Pakistani?
Yes, I am Pakistani. And what is your nationality?
I am Turkish. I am from Turkey.

Peace be upon you

And on you peace.
Where are you from.
I am from Egypt.
Are you Egyptian?
Yes, I am Egyptian. And what is your nationality?
I am Syrian. I am from Syria.
Lesson 3
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
This is my brother. He is a teacher.
This is my friend. He is an engineer.

Peace be upon you

And on you peace.
This is my sister. She is a doctor.
This is my friend. She is a student.

Chap 2
Lesson 10
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
This is a picture of my family.
Ma sha Allah.
Who is this?
This is my father Adnan, he is an engineer.
And who is this?
This is my mother Saeeda, she is a doctor.
And who is this?
This is my brother Isa, he is a student.
And who is this?
This is my sister Ablah, she is a teacher.
This is my grandfather and this is my grandmother.
Ma sha Allah

Lesson 11
Is this a tree?
Yes, this is the family of The Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah upon him.
peace and blessings of Allah upon him.
This is his father, Abdullah.
And this is his mother Amina.
And this is his grandfather Abdul Mutallib.
And this is his uncle Abass.
And this is his uncle Hamza.
And this is his uncle Abu Talib.
And this is his aunt Safeyah.
And this is his son Qasim.
And this is his sone Abdullah.
And this is his son Ibrahim.
And this is his daughter Fatiman.
And this is his daughter Ruqiya.
And this is his daughter Umm Kulsoom.

Lesson 12
The mother: This is the athan of fajr (dawn).
The father: Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar.
Where are the children?
Sad is in the bathroom performing wudu.
And where is Saeed?
Saeed is in the room reading the Quran.
And where is Saeeda?
Saeeda is praying in the prayer room.
Where is my coat?
This is the coat father.
And where are my glasses?
These are the glasses father.
Let’s go to the masjid.
Let’s go.

Chap 3
Lesson 19
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
Where do you live?
I live in the airport area.
And where do you live?
I live in the university area.
Do you live in a house?
Yes, I live in a house.
And do you live in a house?
No, I live in an apartment.
What is the number of your apartment.
5. And what is the number of your house?

Lesson 20
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
The renter: I want an apartment please.
The rentor: The We have a beautiful apartment.
How many rooms are in the apartment?
There are five rooms in the apartment.
On which floor is the apartment?
The apartment is on the fifth floor.
I want to see the apartment.
Go ahead, enter. This is the door of the apartment.
This is a beautiful apartment.

Lesson 21
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
How may I help you.
The shopper: I want some furniture.
The sales person: What do you want for the bedroom?
I want a bed and curtains.
And what do you want for the living room?
I want a couch and a carpet.
And what do you want for the kitchen.
I want an oven and a refrigerator.
And what do you want for the bathroom?
I want a furnace and a mirror.
Do you want anything else?
Thank you, I want to see the furniture.
Go ahead.

Chap 4
Lesson 28
When do you wake up?
I wake up at dawn.
Where do you pray fajr?
I pray fajr in the masjid.
Do you sleep after the prayer?
No, I don’t sleep after the prayer.
What do you do after the prayer?
I read the Quran.
And when do you go to school?
I go at seven o’clock.
Do you go by car?
No, I go by bus.

Lesson 29
The mother: This is a holiday.
The father: This is a workday.
What will you do Tariq?
I will sweep/vacuum the living room.
And what will you do Fatima?
I will sweep/vacuum the bedroom.
And what will you do Ahmad?
I will wash the clothes.
And what will you do Latifah?
I will iron the clothes.
I will wash the dishes.
I will read the Quran.

Lesson 30
When do you wake-up on a holiday?
I wake-up early.
And when do you wake-up?
I wake-up late.
What do you do in the morning?
I watch television.
And what do you do?
I read a newspaper or a book.
Where do you pray Jumma?
I pray Jumma in the large masjid.
And where do you pray?
I pray in the large masjid also.

Lesson 35
Ahmad’s family doesn’t sleep after the prayer on a holiday. Taha sweeps/vacuums the living
room. And Fatiah sweeps/vacuums the bedroom. And Ahmad cleans the clothes. And Latifah
irons the clothes. And the grandmother washes the dishes. And the grandfather reads the

Tahir wakes-up at dawn. He performs wudu at home and goes to the masjid. Tahir prays fajr in
the masjid. Tahir reads the Quran and does not sleep after the prayer.

Chap 5
Lesson 37
Where are you going Salim?
To the restaurant.
How many meals do you eat in a day?
I eat three meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
That is a lot. I eat one meal.
That is very little.
What do you eat for lunch?
I eat rice and bread. What do you eat?
I eat fish and salad and fruit.
What is your weight?
60 kilos. What is your weight?
100 kilos.
You are very fat.
You are very thin.

Lesson 38
The host: What food do you want?
The traveler: Some fish and rice please.
What do you want to drink?
Water please.
What fruits would you like?
Dates and grapes.
Do you drink tea?
No, I prefer coffee.
Coffee with milk?
Yes, coffee with milk.
Do you want anything else?
No thank you.
You’re welcome.

Lesson 39
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
The husband: I am very hungry.
The wife: Lunch is on the table.
What is this? Fish, meat, chicken, rice, salad, and fruit! This is a lot.
Don’t eat, don’t eat! Sit down
Why? I am hungry.
We have guests.
We have guests? Who?
My father, my mother and my brother.
Where are the guests?
In the living room.

Lesson 44
Zainab is very fat. She eats three meals in a day. Zainab eats fish at breakfast and drinks coffee.
She eats meat at lunch and drinks tea. She eats chicken at dinner and drinks milk. Zainab’s
weight is 100 kilos.

Qasim eats three meals in a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Salim eats one meal in a day,
lunch. Qasim eats at lunch meat, chicken, fish, rice, and bread. Salim eats at lunch fish, salad
and fruit. Qasim drinks water and Salim drinks tea.

Chap 6
Lesson 46
Where do you pray the five prayers?
I pray zuhr, asr, maghrib, and isha in Bilal masjid.
And where do you pray fajr?
I pray fajr at home.
Why do you pray fajr at home?
I don’t hear the athan.
Do you wake-up late?
Yes, after fajr prayer.
Wake-up early.
I can’t. I work at night.
Put an alarm clock by your side.
This is a good idea. Jazak Allahu Khairan.

Lesson 47
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
I am traveling to Makkah. Where are you traveling to?
I am traveling to Madinah.
Why are you traveling to Makkah?
To pray in the Masjid Al-haram.
And why are you traveling to Madinah?
To pray in the Prophet’s Masjid.
Where will you pray Jumma?
In the Masjid Al-haram, in sha Allah.
And where will you pray Jumma?
In the Prophet’s Masjid, in sha Allah.
How wil you travel to Madinah
I will ride a plane.

Lesson 48
This is the athan of Asr.
Let’s go to the masjid.
I pray at home.
Praying in the masjid is better.
The masjid is far.
The masjid is close.
Are you sick?
No, I am good.
You are lazy.
This is correct, sorry.
I am going to the masjid.
Wait, I am going with you.

Lesson 53
Salmanis from Turkey. He is Turkish. Salman is traveling to Makkah to pray in the Masjid
Al-harm. He is traveling to Makkah by bus. Salman will pray in the Masjid Al-haram the five
prayers: fajr, zuhr, asr, maghrib, and isha. Salman will go to Madinah Thursday. He will pray
Jumma in the Prophet’s masjid, in sha Allah.

Tariq prays zuhr and asr in Uthman masjid. And he prays maghrib and isha in Ali masjid. Tariq
puts the alarm clock next to him. He wakes-up early and prays fajr in the masjid. He sleeps after
the fajr prayer.

Chap 7
Lesson 55
Look at the board. Read the study schedule.
School is five days in a week.
Yes, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
The holiday is Thursday and Friday.
Write down the subjects.
Islamic culture, Arabic language, mathematics,
science, and computers. When do the exams start?
In the month of Shaban.
When does the school year end?
In the month of Ramadan.
The vacation is three months.
Alhamdulillah. The vacation is long.
The class period has started and the teacher has come. Let’s go to the class.
Let’s go.

Lesson 56
Peace be upon you
And on you peace.
My name is Bada. I am Syrian.
My name is Ilham. I am Saudi.
I am a student in the Damascus University.
I am a student in Um Alqura University.
In which college do you study?
I study in the college of education.
In what college do you study?
I study in the college of medicine.
I will be a teacher, in sha Allah.
I will be a doctor, in sha Allah.

Lesson 57
Where are you going Ghassan?
I am going to school.
The time is early. The hour now is six in the morning.
The school is far from home.
When does the school day start?
It starts at seven o’clock in the morning.
Do you go by bus?
No, I go by car.
When does the school day end?
It ends at one o’clock in the afternoon.
How many periods do you study in a day?
I study six periods in a day.
What do you do in the break?
I go to the library, or to the laboratory.

Lesson 62
My sister Maryam is a student in Damascus University. Damascus University is in Syria. Maryam
studies in the college of medicine. She will be a doctor, in sha Allah. Maryam lives with family in
an apartment. The apartment is far from the university. She goes to the university by bus.
Maryam goes in the morning. In the evening she does to the library and the laboratory.

My friend Ahmad is a student in Um Alqura University. Um Alqura University is in Makkah.

Ahmad studies in the college of education. He will be a teacher, in sha Allah. Ahmad lives at
home. The house is close to the university. He goes to the university by car. Ahmad prays fajr
and isha in the Masjid Al-haram.

Chap 8
Lesson 64
I work as a doctor. What do you do?
I work as an engineer.
Where do you work?
I work in a company. Where do you work?
I work in the hospital.
How many hours do you work in a day?
I work eight hours in a day?
How many hours do you work?
I work seven hours.
Do you love your work?
I love my work.
I love my work also.

Lesson 65
What will we do after school?
I study medicine in the college of medicine.
I will work as a doctor, in sha Allah.
I study pharmacy in the college of pharmacy. I will work as a pharmacist, in sha Allah
I study nursing in the college of nursing. I will work as a nurse, in sha Allah.
I study engineering in the college of engineering. I will work as an engineer, in sha Allah.
I study aviation in the college of aviation. I will work as a pilot, in sha Allah.
I study education in the college of education. I will work as a teacher, in sha Allah.
Lesson 66
I am a teacher What is your profession?
I am a teacher also.
In which grade do you teach?
I teach the elementary level.
In which grade do you teach?
I teach the middle level.
Do you have children?
Yes, I have children.
How many children do you have?
I have five children.
Do you love your work?
Yes, I love my work.
I love my work also.

Lesson 71
Umar is a pilot. He studied aviation in the college of aviation. He works in an airline. Umar goes
early to the company. Work starts at six o’clock in the morning. It ends at one o’clock in the
afternoon. Umar works seven hours in a day. He works five days in a week. The holiday is
Thursday and Friday. Umar goes to the company by car.

Fatimah is a teacher in the elementary level. She wakes up at five o’clock in the morning. She
goes to the school at six o’clock in the morning. The school day starts at seven o’clock in the
morning. It ends at twelve o’clock in the afternoon. Fatimah teaches five periods in a day. She
teaches Arabic language, Islamic culture, and science. Fatimah goes to the library during the
break and she reads a book or a newspaper.

Chap 9
Lesson 73
I want a dictionary please. Which dictionary do you want?
I want an Arabic dictionary.
Here is an Arabic dictionary. What else do you want?
I want a book for reading and a grammar book.
This is a book for reading and this is a grammar book.
I want a notebook and a pen.
Here is a notebook and a pen. Do you want anything else.
No, thank you.
The bill is thirty riyal.
What did you say? Thirty riyal!
Yes, thirty riyal.
Here you go, this is thrity riyal.

Lesson 74
Hello, how may I help you?
I want fish, meat, and chicken.
Here you go, the fish, meat and chicken.
What else do you want?
I want cucumber, onion, and tomato.
Here you go, the cucumber, egg, and tomato.
What else do you want?
I want sugar, tea, and coffee beans.
Here you go, the sugar, tea, and coffee beans.
Do you want anything else?
Yes, a plate of eggs and a package of salt.
This is a plate of eggs and this is a package of salt
The bill is eighty dinar.
Here you go, this is eighty dinar.

Lesson 75
Come in, how may I help you?
I want a shirt if you don’t mind.
Come here, this is the shirt section. This is a white shirt, this is yellow, this is blue, this is red,
and this is black.
How much is the shirt?
The shirt is for twenty dinar.
Which shirt do you want?
I will buy the blue shirt.
This is the blue shirt.
Thank you
We have beautiful thobs.
How much is the thob?
The thob is for thirty dinar.
I want the white thob.
Here you go, the white thob. The bill is fifty dinar.
Here you go, this is fifty dinar.

Lesson 80
Malik went to the market. Now he is in the thob department. These thobs are very beautiful.
This thob is blue. This thob is white. This thob is yellow. The blue thob is for seventy riyals. The
white thob is for ninety riyals. The yellow thob is for thirty riyals. What does Malik want? He
doesn’t want the white thob. The white thob is for ninety riyals. This is very much. Malik wants
the yellow thob. The yellow thob is for thirty riyals.

Rashid is going to the market. Rashid wants a shirt. This is the shirt department. This shirt is
beautiful. This shirt is white. This shirt is yellow. This shirt is red. The white shirt is for twenty
riyals. The yellow shirt is for thirty riyals. The red shirt is for forty riyals. Rashid wants the white
shirt. Rashid likes the color white. He doesn’t like the color red.
The family lives now in a beautiful apartment. The family wants some furniture. The husband
and wife are going to the furniture department. This furniture is very beautiful. What does the
family want? They want a refrigerator, an oven, a furnace, and a television. The wife put the
refrigerator and the oven in the kitchen. She put the furnace in the bathroom. She put the
television in the bedroom. The apartment now is very beautiful.

The family is going to the market Thursday in the evening for shopping. The family is going to
the market by car. The mother wants fish, egg, and tomato. The father wants a newspaper and a
book. The son wants a pen. The daughter wants a notebook. The fish is for forty riyals. The eggs
are for seven riyals. The tomato is for five riyals. The newspaper is for two riyals. The book is for
twenty riyals. The pen is for three riyals. The notebook is for four riyals. The bill is eighty riyals.

Chap 10
Lesson 82
How is the weather outside?
The sky is raining now. This is the fall season.
Your thob is wet. Where is the overcoat?
I left it at the company.
Where is the umbrella?
I left it in the car.
Drink this warm tea.
Baraka Allahu feek.
Are we leaving for the market now?
There is a lot of water outside.
What are we doing?
We are staying at home tonight.
We are going to the market tomorrow, in sha Allah.
This is a good idea.

Lesson 83
Peace be upon you Badr. I am Hassan. I am speaking from Lebanon.
And on you peace Hassan. How is the weather in Lebanon?
The weather is cold in Lebanon. This is the winter season.
What is the temperature in Lebanon?
Less than zero. How is the weather in Riyadh?
The weather has been hot. Now it is moderate.
What is the temperature in Riyadh?
The temperature is twenty.
Will you spend the vacation in Lebanon?
No, I will spend it in Tunisia, in sha Allah.

Lesson 84
The weather is moderate these days.
This is the spring season.
Alhamdulillah, the summer has gone and the heat has gone.
The winter has gone and the cold has gone.
Where (will) we spend the weekend?
We (will) go to the beach.
The beach is far, we (will) to the sea.
This is a good idea. We (will) go to the sea.
I will bring the tent and the carpet.
I will bring the food and drink.
My family will come with me.
My family will come with me also.

Chap 11
Lesson 91
Why did you leave Iraq?
The company moved to Jeddah.
I am the manager of the company here.
You were happy in Iraq.
This is correct. Iraq is a beautiful country.
I have friends there.
What is your opinion of Jeddah?
Jeddah is a large city and very beautiful.
How do you spend time in Jeddah?
I go with family to the seaside.
Where are you going now?
I am going to Makkah for Umrah and prayer in the Masjid Al-haram.
How long does the trip take to Makkah?
It takes approximately one hour.

Lesson 92
Where did you come from?
I came from Yemen. I am Yemeni.
When did you come from Yemen?
I came ten years ago.
Is your Yemeni nationality with you?
Yes, my Yemeni passport is with me.
Did you come for work?
No, I came for school, and after school I got married.
What do you do here?
I am a professor in the university.
Do you visit Yemen?
Yes, I spend the holiday with family in Yemen.
Are you happy here?
Yes, alhamdulillah.

Lesson 93
Where do you live now Badr?
I live in the village.
Why did you leave the city?
The village is peaceful and the air is pure.
But in the city are universities, hospitals, companies, and markets.
In the city there is also noise, pollution, and traffic.
Why do you live in the village and you work in the city?
There is no problem.
How do you go to the city?
I go by train,
How long does the trip take to the city?
It takes approximately one and a half hours.

Lesson 98
Thabit left Iraq and moved to Jeddah. Now he is the manager of the company in Jeddah. Thabit
is happy in Jeddah with his family. Jeddah is a very large and beautiful city. Thabit is going with
his family to the seaside on Thursday. He is spending Jummah in Makkah. He and his family are
going to Makkah on Jummah morning. The trip from Jeddah to Makkah takes approximately an
hour. Thabit and his family pray Jummah prayer in the Masjid Al-haram. He also prays the asr
prayer there. After the asr prayer he is going to his home in Jeddah.

Abdul Aziz is a Kenyan student. He came from Kenya for school in Um Alqura University, in
Makkah Al-mukarramah. Abdul Aziz is studying the Arabic language and Islamic culture. Abdul
Azizloves Makkah. He spends the morning time in the university and prays asr, maghrib, and
isha in the Masjid Al-haram.

Abdur-rahman is an Eritrean doctor. He works in the university hospital and he teaches in the
college of medicine. Abdur-rahman came from Eritrea eight years ago. He lives in a beautiful
apartment, in the city of Riyadh. Abdur-rahman goes to the hospital in the morning with his car.
He goes to the college in the evening by the university bus.

Chap 12
Lesson 100
What are your hobbies Sharif?
My hobbies are many: reading, travel, and correspondence. What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are sports, taking trips, and reading also.
What do you read Sharif?
I read Islamic books and magazines.
What do you read?
I read Islamic books and scientific journals.
Do you have a library?
Yes, I have a large library.
How many hours do you read in a day?
I read approximately three hours.
I read four hours in a day.
Reading is a useful hobby.
Lesson 101
Have you visited hobbies exhibition?
No, I haven’t visited it. Let’s go to it.
This is the hobbies exhibition.
These hobbies are numerous.
This is the stamp collecting pavilion.
These stamps are beautiful. This stamp is Indian and this stamp is Persian.
This is the Arabic calligraphy pavilion
These words are with the naskh script and these words are with the ruqah script.
This is the pavilion on the press.
Theses newspapers are in every language.
This is the home management pavilion.
This is Chinese food and this is Arabic food.
This is the sports pavilion.
Football and swimming and horseback riding.

Lesson 102
Which club are you choosing Sharifah?
I chose the press club.
Which club are you choosing Shahidah?
I chose the Islamic culture club.
Which club are you choosing Shaymah?
I chose the computer club.
Which club are you choosing Shaqrah?
I chose the science club.
Which club are you choosing Shams?
I chose the Arabic language club. I love Arabic calligraphy. I have ayats in the naskh script and
hadeeths in the ruqah script.
Which club are you choosing Sameerah?
I chose the home management club. I love cooking and sewing.

Lesson 107
Sharif is a student in the university. His sister Zainab is also a student in the university. He
studies engineering and she studies medicine. Sharif has many hobbies. He loves travel,
correspondence, and reading. Zainab also has many hobbies. She loves reading and the press.

Ahmad is a friend of Saeed. Ahmad studies in the college of education and Saeed studies in the
college of aviation. Ahmad lives in the village and Saeed lives in the city. Ahmad goes to the
university by bus and Saeed goes by car. Ahmad studies 20 hours in a week. Saeed studies 30
hours in a week. Ahmad loves reading books, magazines, and newspapers. Saeed loves travel
and correspondence.

Jameel and Jalal visited the hobbies exhibition in Jeddah. In the hobbies exhibition is a stamp
collecting pavilion, an Arabic calligraphy pavilion, a pavilion of the press, a home management
pavilion, and a sports pavilion. In the stamp collecting pavilion are stamps from every country. In
the Arabic calligraphy pavilion are ayats in naskh script and ruqah script. In the pavioion of the
press are newspapers, magazines and books. In the Home management pavilion is food from
every country. In the sports pavilion is football, basketball, swimming, and horseback riding.

Chap 13
Lesson 109
How may I help you?
I have a reservation for Jeddah and I want a ticket for the reservation.
Is the reservation on Saudi airlines?
NO, it is on Indonesian airlines.
Where is the ticket?
This is the ticket: my ticket, my wife’s ticket, my son’s ticket, and my daughter’s ticket.
Where are the passports?
These are the passports.
Where is the exit visa?
This is the exit visa and this is the entry visa.
The trip is number 777. The planes departs at three o’clock in the morning. Come to the airport
two hours before.
Thank you.
Good trip.

Lesson 110
Peace be upon you
And on you peace. Welcome. Passport please.
This is the passport.
Are you Malaysian?
No, I am Kashmiri.
Are you coming for work?
No, I am coming for a visit and Umrah.
How many days will you spend here?
Approximately three weeks.
Where will you stay?
I will stay in a hotel close to the Masjid Al-haram.
Good stay, and umrah maqboola, in sha Allah.
Jazak Allahu khairan.

Lesson 111
I lost my bag.
Where are you coming from?
I am coming from Bangladesh.
Where is the passport and where is the ticket.
This is the passport and this is the ticket.
What color is the bag?
It’s color is black.
Is this your bag?
Yes, this is my bag.
What is in the bag?
Clothes are in the bag.
Open the bag.
Yes, this is my bag.

Lesson 116
Jameel is a Sudanese doctor coming from Sudan to Saudi. Jameel and his family are coming for
Umrah on a Saudi airlines plane. The trip number is 424. Jameel lost a large bag and a small bag
in the Jeddah airport. His clothing and his family’s clothing are in the large bag. Tickets and
books are in the small bag. Jameel spoke with the officer. He waited in the airport three hours.
The officer brought the large bag, and with it the small bag. Jameel and his family went to
Makkah and stayed with the family in a hotel near to the Masjid Al-haram for one month. He is
happy and his family is happy also.

Muhammad is a Malaysian engineer. He wants to travel to Saudi for umrah and a visit. He has a
reservation on Malaysian airlines. He wants to confirm the reservation. Four tickets are with
him: his ticket, his wife’s ticket, his son Waleed’s ticket, and his daughter Sarah’s ticket. In the
passport is an entry visa and an exit visa. Muhammad will travel to Jeddah by Malaysia Air. The
plane departs at four o’clock in the afternoon. He and his family come to the airport two hours
before the trip. Muhammad will stay a month in Makkah. He will live in an apartment close to
the Masjid Al-haram.

Chap 14
Lesson 118
When is vacation Jameel?
Vacation is in the month of Ramadan.
Where do you spend the vacation?
I spend the vacation in Makkah Al-mukarramah and Madinah Al-munawwarah.
How do you spend the vacation in Makkah?
I perform Umrah, I fast, and I pray in the Masjid Al-haram.
What do you do in Madinah?
I visit the Prophet’s masjid.
Where do you spend the days of Eid?
I spend them in Makkah or in Madinah.
What do you do in Makkah?
I circle around the Kabah seven rounds, then I pray two rakat behind the Maqam Ibrahim.
How do you feel in Makkah and Madinah?
I feel wonderful.

Lesson 119
How did you perform Umrah dad?
I prayed at Meeqat at noon.
What did you do at Meeqat?
I took off my thob, put on my clothing for Ihram, and set his intention for Umrah (answering the
call for Umrah).
When did you arrive at the Masjid Al-haram?
I arrived in the afternoon
How did you feel in the Masjid Al-haram?
I felt wonderful.
How many rounds did you circle around the Kabah?
I circled seven rounds, then I prayed two rakat behind the Maqam Ibrahim.
What did you do after that?
I walked between Saffah and Marwah seven rounds, then I shaved my head.
Where did you take off your clothing for Ihram?
I took them off in the hotel.

Lesson 120
When will Wuqoof Arafat begin?
It begins tomorrow, in the ninth day, after midday.
When does it end?
It ends at dawn.
Do we pray Zuhr and Asr at Arafat?
Yes, together, shortened, at the time of Zuhr.
When do we go to Muzdalifah?
We go after sunset and pray Maghrib and Isha there together and shortened.
What do we do after that?
We go to Mina before sunrise. We throw (pebbles at) Al-Jamra Al-Kubrah.
Then we slaughter the sacrifice and shave our heads.
What do we do after that?
We go to the Masjid Al-haram for tawaf al-ifadah and sa’ya Al-Hajj (between Safa and Marwa).
When do we circle the farewell circling?
After throwing (at) the Jamarat on the twelfth day or the thirteenth day.

Lesson 125
Saeed departed this country for Umrah and arrived in Meeqat in the morning. He put on his suit
for Ihram and set his intention for Umrah. Then he went to Makkah Al-mukarrama. Saeed
arrived in Makkah in the afternoon. Saeed felt wonderful in the Masjid Al-haram. Aeed circled
around the Kabah seven rounds. Then walked between Saffah and Marwah, and shaved his

Ahmad circled around the Kabbah seven rounds. He prayed two rakat behind the maqam
Ibrahim. Then walked between Saffah and Marwah seven rounds. Then he shaved his head,
went to the hotel, and took off his suit for Ihram. After Umrah, Ahmad traveled to his country.
After a year, Ahmad will come with his family for Hajj and Umrah, insha Allah.

Salih spends the Ramadan vacation in Makkah and Madinah. In Makkah he lives in a hotel close
to the masjid Al-haram. Salih goes with his family to the masjid before the Asr prayer and he
prays Maghrib and Isha. Salih takes breakfast in the masjid and does not eat much. He takes
dates, water, and coffee. In the city Salih stays in an apartment far from the Prophet’s masjid.
He goes with his family to the Prophet’s masjid before the Maghrib prayer. He remains until the
Isha prayer. He prays Isha, then goes to the hotel by bus. Salih spends the first day of Eid in
Madinah and the second day in Makkah.

Chap 15
Lesson 127
Peace upon you and the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Upon you peace and the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Why have you come today to the hospital?
I came to visit the dentist (teeth doctor).
How do you feel?
I feel pain in my tenth.
Why did you come to the hospital?
I came to visit the doctor of nose, ear, and throat.
How do you feel?
I feel severe pain in my ear.
Do you have an appointment with the doctor?
Yes, my appointment is at ten o’clock.
My appointment is at ten o’clock also.
The time now is nine thirty. Half an hour is remaining.

Lesson 128
Peace upon you and the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Upon you peace and the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Why were you absent from school?
I was stricken by a cold.
How did you feel?
I had a severe headache in the night and my temperature was elevated.
Did you meet the doctor?
Yes, I went to the hospital by ambulance and met the doctor.
What did the doctor advise you?
He advised my to rest and take medicine. This is the medical report.
Thank you. How do you feel now?
Alhamdulillah, I am well.

Lesson 129
Peace upon you and the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Upon you peace and the mercy and blessings of Allah.
Great, did you meet the doctor?
Yes, and he examined the chest, heart, kidney, and measure the (blood) pressure.
What was the result?
The heart is healthy, alhamdulillah. There is a little elevation in the pressure and sugar.
What is the cause of that?
Increase in weight.
What did the doctor request from you?
He requested from me leaving sugar.
Did he request from you anything else?
Yes, playing sports and eating fruit and vegetables.
May Allah heal you.
Ameen. Thank you.

Lesson 134
Umar and his sister Fatimah were absent from school this week. Umar had a severe headache
and pain in his teeth. He went to the dentist Saturday morning. His temperature was elevated.
The dentist examined my teeth, advised me to rest five days, and advised me to take medicine
also. After five days Umar went to school.
Fatimah had a severe headache also and her temperature was elevated. She went with her
father to the cardiologist (heart doctor). She examined her heart and her chest, measured her
(blood) pressure. Her heart is healthy, alhamdulillah. There is an elevation in the pressure and
sugar. The cause of that is weight gain. The doctor requested from her leaving salt and sugar,
consuming vegetables and fruit, and advised her to rest four days.

Ahmad went to the hospital an hour ago to meet the pulmonologist (chest doctor). His
appointment is at four o’clock in the evening. He feels pain in his heart. There is an elevation in
temperature. It reached 38. Ahmad met the doctor and he said to him: the heart is healthy
alhamdulilah. The doctor advised him to exercise.

Kawthar went to the ear doctor. She has an appointment before the Maghrib prayer. Kawthar
has a headache. The doctor measured her temperature. The temperature was elevated reaching
39. There is pain in the ear. The doctor advised her to rest.

Chap 16
Lesson 136
How many celebration feasts are in Islam dad?
In Islam there are two holidays: Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha.
When is Eid Al-fitr?
After the month of Ramadan, in the first day on Shawal.
What do we do on Eid day?
We give zakat al-fitr to the poor.
What is zakat al-fitr?
A portion of food for every person.
What do we do after that?
We pray the Eid prayer, and we visit family and friends.
When is Eid Al-Adha?
In the tenth day of Dhul-hijjah.
What do we do on Eid Al-adha?
We pray the eid prayer, we slaughter the sacrifice, and we visit family and friends.
Lesson 137
Vacation is approaching dad.
What is your opinion Nada? Where (should) we travel.
I have an idea. We (should) travel to Egypt.
Why travel to Egypt?
To see Egypt and the Nile river.
I agree, good idea.
How (should) we travel to Egypt?
We (should) travel by air.
Travel by air is expensive.
So we (should) travel by sea. Travel by sea is cheap.
How many days will we spend in Egypt?
Seven days.
Seven days… seven days… beautiful! We travel Saturday in sha Allah.
Thank you dad.

Lesson 138
Where will you spend summer vacation my children.
Where will you go?
I will spend summer vacation in the village with grandfather; The locale there is peaceful and
the air is pure.
I will spend summer vacation in the capital with my uncle. I will visit the libraries and museums.
I will spend summer vacation in the mountains with the trekking club.
I will spend the vacation in Makkah and Madina with my family; we will perform Umrah and we
will perform Hajj, and we will visit the Prophet’s masjid.
I will spend the vacation in my country. I will help my father on the farm.
Happy vacation my children.
Happy vacation professor.

Lesson 143
In Islam (there) are two celebrations: Eid Al-fitr and Eid Al-adha. Eid Al-fitr is after the month of
Ramadan, in the first day of the month of Shawal. After the fast, we pay zakat al-fitr to the poor
before Eid prayer. It is a portion of food for every person big or small. After Eid prayer we visit
family and friends.
Eid Al-adha comes after the Wuqoof of Arafat. We prayer Eid prayer after sunset, we slaughter
the sacrifice, and we visit family and friends. Some people spend Eid vacation in the city, or in
the village, or on the seaside.

Summer vacation will begin after a week. The students will travel to (their) family. Ahmad will
travel to his country. He will spend the vacation in the village, to help his father and his uncle on
the farm.
Ali will travel to Saudi to spend the vacation between Makkah and Madina. He will perform
Umrah and stay a month in Makkah close to the masjid Al-haram. He will stay a month in
Madinah close to the Prophet’s masjid.
Umar and his family will spend the vacation in Egypt. He will travel by sea and his family will
travel by air. He (will) spend the first days in Cairo, to see the Nile river and visit Azhar. He (will)
spend ten days outside Cairo. He will visit his friend Ahmad in his visage and stay with him on
his father’s farm.

Book 2
Chap 1
Lesson 1
“Healing is within honey”
Are you sick?
Yes, I feel severe pain in my abdomen.
Did you go to the doctor?
No, I didn’t go to the doctor, and I didn’t take any medicine.
Have you heard the story of the companion who The Messenger (s.a.w.) treated?
No, I didn’t hear it. What did the companion complain about?
He complained about his abdomen.
How did The Messenger (s.a.w.) treat him?
He ordered his brother to feed (liquids) him honey.
Was he healed?
Yes, after he drank it three times.
Honey?! Subhana Allah
Yes, honey. The Most High said {in it is healing for humanity}.
I will take honey like this companion.
Stores exist for selling honey in the central market.
I will go there now and purchase honey.
May Allah heal you.
Jazaka Allahu khairan.

Lesson 5
“Zainab and Maryam are two friends”
Zainab and Maryam are two friends. They are similar in many things. They live in one area,
study in one university, but they differ in another thing. Zainab is very thin and Maryam is very
fat. Zainab wants to be fat, but she cannot. Maryam wants to be thin, but she cannot.
Zainab thinks a lot about this problem, what to do. Her weight no is fifty-five kilos. How (can)
she increase her weight? Her weight must reach to seventy kilos. Zainab tried and tried, but she
was not successful.
Zainab took many meals of food. She ate mean, bread, eggs, rice, cheese, honey, sweets, and
jam. She drank milk and fruit juice. Zainab did not play sports. Despite that, she remained thin.
What to do? She ate a lot, drank a lot, but she remained thin.
Maryam’s problem is different from Zainab’s problem. Maryam is very fat. She wants to be thin.
Her weight now is ninety kilos. How (can) her weight decrease. Her weight must reach seventy
kilos. Maryam has left sugar and carbohydrates, she has played sports for a month. Maryam
cannot, for she loves eating. Maryam takes to eating a lot, so her weight increase and didn’t
Lesson 7
“At the doctor”
The (blood) pressure is elevated and the (blood) sugar also. What happened?
I took (blood) pressure medicine, and (blood) sugar medicine.
I think you didn’t follow the diet.
This is correct. I have eaten a lot of sugars, fats, and carbohydrates.
I think you did not play sports also.
I tried that, but I could not. Because I am always busy.
Your condition is dangerous. The diet is necessary and sports are necessary. Medicine alone is
not enough.
What do I do doctor?
Follow the diet, play sports, take the medicine, and meet me after a month.
(After a month the patient meets the doctor)
The (blood) pressure is normal and so is the sugar (level). Ma sha Allah. What did you do?
I followed the diet, played sports, and took the medicine.
Great job. Meet me after six months.
In sha Allah, Jazaka Allahu khairan.

Lesson 10
“Health between the past and the present”
The mark of health was, in the past, for people to be fat, a lot of meat and grease. For a fat
person is healthy and a thin person is sick. People had to eat a lot when they found food. Men
used to prefer marriage with fat women and not like marriage with think women.
Now medicine has advanced very much. There are diseases that appeared, inflicting fat
individuals. They are dangerous diseases such as: heart disease, diabetes, and blood pressure.
Obesity has become, today, the mark of sickness. Man has taken to following a diet, consuming
little food, staying away from sugars, fats, and carbohydrates.
Doctors have started warning people about white food, full fat milk. Saying: stay away from
sugar, put little of it in food. Don’t eat white bread, eat brown bread. Don’t eat white rice ,eat
brown rice. People have started following a diet, eating little of red meat and eggs, and
consuming a lot of fish, chicken, vegetables, and fruits.
Islam calls for a diet. Because a lot of eating harms mankind through obesity. The Most High
said {eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess) Al-araf
31. The Messenger (s.a.w.) said “No man fills a container worse than his stomach. Sufficient for
the sons of Adam are a few morsels to keep his back upright. If he has to, then one-third for
food, one-third for drink, and one-third for his breath.

Chap 2
Lesson 14
“Humanity needs relaxation”
Alhamdulillah for your health Ibrahim.
Thank you, I am well, alhamdulillah.
What happened. Why are you here?
I passed out at the company. When I woke up, I found myself here in the hospital.
What was the doctor’s opinion?
The doctor examined me and said to me, you are OK.
What is the problem?
It’s a very strange thing. The doctor requested from me to change the system of my life.
Change the system of your life! What does he mean?
He said to me: All of your life is work. There is no rest in it.
What a strange thing!
The doctor spoke the truth. All of my life is work. There is no rest in it.
What did he advise you?
To spend the vacation in a beautiful region.
Wow, great advise.

Lesson 18
“The types of relaxation”
People perform some activities to relax themselves. People desire relaxation after the
difficulties of work or school. Because employees who work a lot need rest and students who
study a lot need rest. Relaxation is useful for the mind and body. The purpose of relaxation is
not killing time. In fact, the goal is spending time in useful activities.
There are many examples of relaxation: reading, playing sports, travel, spending time in the
garden or at the beach, playing on the computer, camping, fishing, or visiting museums.
Many people prefer reading, for it is usefulness and enjoyment. People relax themselves
through reading stories, poetry, and useful books. Among useful relaxation is playing sports,
because Islam encourages towards strength. The Messenger (s.a.w.) said: “the strong believer is
betrer and more loved by Allah than the weak believer, but they are all good.” Muslims used to
play sports. Umar ibn Al-khattab (r.a.h.) said: “teach your children swimming, shooting and
horseback riding.”

Lesson 20
“How we spend the vacation”
The vacation is at the door, Father of Ahmad.
What a big problem Mother of Ahmad.
How (will) the children spend the vacation?
Let’s call the children and discuss with them about the matter.
Good idea. I will call them now, Ahmad, Fatimah, Tariq, Nada, Badr!
(The children come.)
How (will) we spend the vacation children? We want your opinions.
I hold the opinion of travel to a beautiful resort.
Good job. What is your opinion Fatimah?
I hold the opinion of work on a garden for home.
What a good idea! For there is no garden in our home.
I prefer to watch television shows.
There is no prevention from watching only useful shows an hour or two hours.
What does Nada say? What does Badr say?
I will read many books in the vacation.
I will play, I will read, and I will swim in the sea.
Happy vacation children.
Lesson 23
Many people prefer relaxation outside of home. Therefore, they spend time at campgrounds.
The time people spend at campgrounds differs. There is one night and there is several weeks.
The places differ, there is at the seashore or countryside, in the forest or in the desert, or among
the mountains where the air is pure.
People leave for the days of vacation to the country and set-up the tent in a relaxing place. They
bring with them food and drink, and the means of relaxation. A group of people prefer to be
close to the seaside. In order to take part in swimming, other types of sports, and catching fish.
Some people prefer bird watching, photography, or walking.
People bring tents with them to the countryside, clothing, and a lot of food. Some people
prepare food in their homes and they pack it with utensils. There are those who prefer
preparing food in at the campsite. People bring with them water when there is not water at the

Chap 3
Lesson 27
“You must pay attention to religion”
You are anxious my son. What is with you?
I want marriage (to get married) mom, and there is not a single appropriate girl.
This is not a problem. There are many girls appropriate for marriage.
Do you know an appropriate one?
Fatimah daughter of Salih.
This is not appropriate. She is poor, she has no money.
What is your opinion about Zainab daughter of Abdullah?
Yes, she is from a rich family, but I heard she is not beautiful.
There is Huda daughter of Abdulaziz.
I heard she is wealthy and beautiful, but I want a noble descent and lineage.
You want money, beauty, a noble descent and lineage. These do not bring about happiness.
What is it that grants happiness then?!
If you want (wanted, meaning forever) happiness, you must (choose someone) strong in deen.
Great job mom. This is the words of The Messenger (s.a.w.) {succeed with someone strong in
deeen, (or) ruin your life (dirty your hands).

Lesson 31
“How do problems happen between couples”
There is a lot of good in married life for the husband, the wife and the children. Along with that
some problems can sometimes appear in the couple’s life. We must know these truths before
marriage. Yes, differences happen between the couple. These are not problems. The only
problem is if we are unable to solve these problems.
Many young people think that married life is without problems. So when they meet a problem
they get upset and think about divorce. Young people must understand that married life is a
long journey. The way to success in married life is dialogue.
Why do problems happen between the couple from time to time? The reason returns to the
existence of many differences between the man’s personality and the woman’s personality.
These differences appear after infancy. They increase in young adulthood. For the man loves
things not liked by the woman and the woman loves things not liked by the man.
When problems appear in married life, the couple begins complaining. The husband complains
by saying: my wife doesn’t listen to me, she talks with her friends on the phone a lot, she goes
to the market a lot, and she buy many things we don’t need. The wife complains by saying: my
husband talks for a long time about politics and sports, spends a long time outside the home,
and when he is in the home he spends the time reading newspapers and magazines, or on the

Lesson 33
“Staying late outside home”
I want to leave my wife
“We belong to Allah and to Him we return,” what is it?
I don’t love her.
You don’t love her?! How did you live with her all these years?
I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t love her.
You used to always say: She is a great wife, polite and obedient. What happened?
Really, I used to love her. But she changed a lot.
How has she changed?
She became careless. She doesn’t attend to me and to the house.
She takes care of herself and her friends only.
Have you talked with her about this issue?
I spoke with her a lot, but she is stubborn.
Have you changed?
Yes, I started staying late outside home.
This could be the reason. Don’t stay late outside the home.
I will do that.
Then your wife will take care of you and your house, by the permission of Allah.

Lesson 36
“The family between the past and the present”
Now, the family system has changed from the family system in the past. There are many
examples of these differences. Among them: disappearance of the extended (large) family in
many communities. The extended family used to be in one big house, joining together its
members. The extended family disappeared and the nuclear (small) family appeared, which
contained the husband, wife, a child or two children.
Among examples of the differences is weakness of the relationship between family members.
Fathers have started spending time at the places of work, and not seeing their children except a
little They leave in the morning, leaving them sleeping, and return at night, and find them
asleep. On the other hand, the children depart the home in the morning for school and they
return in the evening. The mother remains at home alone most of the time.
Also from the examples of differences, some women leave the home to work. The woman, in
the past, used to not leave from her home except when necessary. But today, the wife leaves
her home in the morning and does not return to it except in the evening. When she returns she
is tired. She does not perform the housework such as cleaning and preparing food. She does not
find time to sit with her children or her husband to speak about the children or household’s

Chap 4
Lesson 40
“Between the village and the city”
Father of Umar, what is your opinion. We leave the village and we live in the capital?
We have a home in the village, we don’t have a home in the capital. Why (should) we leave our
home and travel there?
Our children live in the capital. Husain studies in the university, Muhsina studies in the college
of teaching, and Hassan works in a company there.
Will we leave our fame mother of Umar?! The crops and trees will die.
I am afraid for our children. (There are) many accidents in the capital.
I don’t like the capital. I love our home and our farm.
I don’t like the capital also. Because there is pollution, noise, and traffic.
And in the village is our family and neighbors.
This is true. But you are sick and I am sick also. We need our children.
And they need us also.
We (will) sell the house and the farm and we (will) buy a house in the capital.
I will request from the children to purchase with us a home there.
Jazak Allah khairan father of umar.

Lesson 44
“Why do some people prefer life in big cities?”
Millions of people live in big cities, such as: Tokyo, London, New York, and Cairo. The population
of big cities faces many problems, such as: pollution, crime, traffic. Regardless of these
problems, many people prefer life in big cities. Because in them are factories, companies,
universities, museums, hospitals, markets, and places for relaxation. The population of cities is
multiplying every day because the population of the countryside is migrating to them for work
in the factories and companies. They leave work in the farm and cattle raising, so the problems
of the cities are multiplying. Some countries have realized this problem, the problem of
migration from the countryside to the city. So they built many factories in the countryside. So
many people have returned to work in the countryside and life in it.
In the nineteenth century A.D., about 2.5% of the world’s population used to live in the cities.
Then, the percentage reached to about 40% (in the) year 1980 A.D. It reached to 50% (in the)
year 2000. The world population figure reached, in the year 2000, six billion. More than a billion
of them live in cities in third world countries. The world population will reach more than eight
billion individuals (in the) year 2020 in sha Allah. The third world population will reach to four
billion individuals.

Lesson 46
“The way to the university”
The driver: Excuse me, where is the university located?
Traffic cop: The university is located west of the city.
How do I reach to it please?
Head west on Tariq ibn Ziyad street.
I head west on Tariq ibn Ziyad street.
At the third traffic light (light signal), turn left on Khalid ibn Al-Waleed street.
I turn left on Khalid ibn Al-Waleed street.
At the first round about, return to the same street.
At the first round about, I return to the same street.
At the first street, head right.
At the first street, I head right.
Find a pharmacy at the corner
I (will) find a pharmacy at the corner.
Continue and after 200 meters, you (will) find the university hospital on your right.
The university is opposite the hospital.
You’re welcome.

Lesson 49
“The world’s biggest cities”
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It’s population figure amounts to about ten million individuals. The
residence of the emperor and the seat of the government is in Tokyo, and in it are banks and
companies. Tall buildings are becoming numerous in Tokyo. Tokyo city was established in the
year 1475. Tokyo faces many problems, such as: traffic, pollution, and earthquakes.
Cairo is the capitol of Egypt and it’s largest city. It is located on the Nile river. It’s population
figure reaches about eight million individuals. In the city of Cairo (there are) many monuments
and public libraries. It is famous as the city of minarets, for it’s plentiful masjids. Among these
masjids: masjid Umar ibn Al-Abbas, masjid Ahmad ibn Tulun, masjid Sultan Hasan, masjid
Muhammad Ali and masjid Al-Azhar. Now, it has become a great Islamic university. Students
from all the world’s countries study in it the Arabic language and Islamic sciences.
New York is the biggest city in the United States of America. The headquarters of the united
nations is found in it, and banks and companies. The population figure of New York reaches
about seven million individuals. People have immigrated to it from all the world’s countries for
work and seeking knowledge. Skyscrapers (scraper of the clouds) are numerous in New York.
The city is heading for many problems such as: poverty, crime, and drugs.

Chap 5
Lesson 53
“Enrolling in the university”
I visited you yesterday at home and you I didn’t find you.
I went with my son Tariq to the university: to submit his papers to the college of engineering.
Tariq will be accepted in the college of engineering, in sha Allah, for his assessment (was)
“excellent” in highschool.
Did your son submit his papers to the college of medicine?
No, he did not submit his papers to the college of medicine. He does not desire the study of
He does not desire the study of medicine! He obtained an evaluation of “excellent” in the
natural sciences.
That is correct, but he desires to enroll in the department of Arabic language. Ahmad loves the
study of the Arabic language.
Nothing is unusual about that. For Arabic is the language of the Noble Quran. But will he be
accepted in the department of Arabic language?
I met the dean of the college of literature. He studied his papers and agreed to his enrollment.
Allah grant him success in the study of the Arabic language.
Thank you and may Allah grate success to your son in the study of engineering also.

Lesson 57
“Education between the past and the present”
There are many differences between education in the past and education in the present. Among
those differences are the opportunities for education. They used to be few in the past.
Therefore, few students were enrolled in school. They were mostly children of the wealthy and
inhabitant of the cities. But today, education has become a right for every citizen. So the
number of students has increased and schools spread to every place. The words “education is
like water and air” have popularized.
Students of knowledge used, in the past, travel from country to country to seek knowledge.
They used to face much fatigue in their travel. The used to ride camels for days and months.
But today, many schools and universities (are) in almost every city and village. Therefore a
student goes to his school or his university by car or walking by foot. On the other hand, a
student can learn in his home by way of the world wide web.
Also among the differences, a teacher did not used to request payment reward for his
knowledge in the past. Because he used to request reward from Allah. The goal of students
used to be seeking knowledge. But today, the matter differs. For the teacher wants a lot of
reward and the student things about the diploma before the learning, because it is the path to

Lesson 59
“Muslim Civilization”
What are you reading, Aysha, these days?
I am reading books on the Muslim civilization. The great civilizations used to advance medicine,
pharmacy, science, mathematics, geography, astronomy, and psychology.
Was Europe affected by the Muslim civilization?
Yes, it was affected a lot by it. The scholars of Europe used to contact the Muslim scholars. They
took knowledge from them, translated their books, and taught them in their universities.
But then why have the Muslims fallen behind after that.
Because they left knowledge and went away from the religion.
How do they leave knowledge (while) Islam invites to it?
Good job, for the first work revealed in the Quran is: read.
The Messenger (s.a.w.) called the Muslims in many hadeeths to seeking knowledge, such as his
words: “Seeking knowledge is a requirement on every Muslim.”
Alhamdulilah, the Muslims have returned again to seeking knowledge, for schools and
universities spread to every Muslim country.
It is necessary for every Muslim, be it man or woman, to seek knowledge throughout his life.

Lesson 62
“The levels of Education”
(There are) different levels for education. A student passes through them during his schooling.
For when he finishes an educational level, he moves to the level that is after that. The levels of
education consist of four levels in many Arabic countries. They are: the primary level, the
middle level, the secondary level, then the university level. In some Arabic countries, a student
enrolls, before the primary level, in preschool, then kindergarten, then preliminary.
The student enrolls in primary school, usually, at six-years-old. The (number of) school years in
the primary level amounts to six years. The (number of) school years in the middle level
amounts to three years, and likewise in the secondary level. But the university level ranges
between four and six years.
After the student finishes the secondary level, he enrolls in the universities or institutes. If he
gets a good evaluation, and after the student gets a diploma with a very good score or excellent,
he enrolls in graduate studies to get a masters diploma, then a doctoral diploma.
On the other hand, in Arabic countries there are two types of education. They are: government
education, supervised by the state. It builds the schools and provides the books and teachers.
And (there is) private education, supervised by some groups or persons.

Chap 6
Lesson 66
“Searching for work”
The father: Perhaps the result of the interview is good today
The son: I met the head of the company, and he saw my diploma, but I am not optimistic.
What is the reason for that?
The company needs ten engineers and one hundred engineers applied for work. Most of them
have a lot of experience.
You will find appropriate work in sha Allah.
I am sorry father, because I studied engineering and I graduated from the college of engineering
two years ago.
There’s no problem in the study of engineering. The problem is in the unemployment that is
prevalent in all the world. Whenever students graduate from universities or institutes, they do
not find work.
We want to help our families and we want marriage, but we cannot.
The government says: there will be many work opportunities for young people this year.
I heard these words a lot. We want work, not words.
Be optimistic.

Lesson 70
“Women’s work”
Should a woman work outside of her home, or not work? People differ in the answer to this
question into three group. A group says: yes, a woman must work outside her home, the same
as a man. A another group says: its not right for a woman to work outside her home. A third
group says: a woman works outside her home, but with conditions.
The first group says: the woman is half of society and it is not right for her to sit in her home:
cleaning clothing, preparing food, cleaning the home, and raising the children. She is part of the
economy. She works and takes reward from her work.
The second group holds the opinion that the essential job of the woman is to be at home.
Therefore, she manages it and raises the children. This group holds the opinion that the salary
which the woman takes from her work, she gives it to her domestic help, that spoils the children
and doesn’t improve them. This group says: if the woman departs from the home, it leads to
dismantling the family and estrangement of the children.
But the third group holds the opinion that work is a right for the woman. So she works in her
essential work in her home. (Then she can) work outside her home on the condition she works
in fields that are appropriate for her, protects her morals, stays away from socializing with men.
Such as working in the medical field and working as a doctor or nurse, or in the education field
and working as a teacher or nanny, or other than that in a female group.

Lesson 72
“Emigration for work”
I will emigrate for work outside my homeland.
But you work here and your salary is good.
(There is) a lot of money there and easy life.
I differ from you. Our country needs us.
Travel for work is permissible and not forbidden. Allah the Most High said {It is He who made
the earth tame for you - so walk among its slopes and eat of His provision - and to Him is the
resurrection} Al-Mulk 15.
Allah the Most Great speaks the truth. But have you thought about your children?
I will have them accompany me, or I will visit them twice a year.
How (will) you protect their religion and their culture and their language if they emigrate with
I will not go to a country foreign to my culture.
I hope you have your kids accompany you.
I will try that, and thank you for your advice.
Has your father agreed to your emigration?
Certainly he agreed. Otherwise I wouldn’t have thought about emigrating.
Will you stay long there?
Five years only. Then I return, in sha Allah
I hope you return to us safe and enriched.
May Allah bless you.

Lesson 75
“A job is better than begging”
Work is a blessing among the blessings of Allah, and he only recognizes this blessing, the one
who has lost it because of an illness or something else. Even though, some people still don’t
desire to work, they rely on others, and they beg in streets.
The prophet peace be upon him said: “No one ever eats food better than one who eats from
the work of his own hands, and the prophet of Allah Daoud used to eat from the work of his
hands” he said also: “for someone of you to take his rope and go up to the mountain to bring
some wood and sell it in order to eat and donate, better for him to beg people”
Once, a poor man came to the prophet asking him something, so the prophet replied: “is there
anything in your house? “Yes” said the poor man, “a bowl, we eat in it and we drink and clean
ourselves from it. A mattress as well, on which we sit, nothing else”.
“Go bring them to me” said the prophet. So, the poor man did, the prophet peace be upon him
held them between his hands and asked the companions: “who wants to buy these” a man
stood up and said: “I will buy them for one Dirham”. “who says more than one Dirham?” said
the prophet. Another man stood and said: “I will buy them for two Dirhams” and he paid the
The prophet gave those two Dirhams to the Bedouin and said: “Buy some food with the first
Dirham and take it to your family, and buy an ax with the second Dirham and bring it to me. So,
he brought the ax. The prophet took the ax and fixed a handle on it and said to the poor man
“Go, cut some wood and sell it, I will see you after fifteen days” after this period has finished
the Bedouin returned to the prophet peace be upon him. He had bought some clothes and
food”. The prophet said: “isn’t this better for you than begging people to give or forbade (reject)

Chapter 7
Lesson 79
“Between Two Female Students”
The first student: I think you are a new student.
The second student: Yes, I have joined the institute this year.
The first student: Have you studied Arabic language in your country?
The second student: This is the first time I study Arabic.
The first student: I studied Arabic for three years in my country.
The second student: Why are you studying it for the second time then?!
The first student: In my country we learn reading, grammar, and translation, we don’t learn
speaking in Arabic language.
The second student: But you speak Arabic well now!
The first student: I have learned speaking in Arabic language here. In the institute, there is a lab,
a computer, a radio station, and a library.
The second student: I can’t pronounce the sounds “‫ح‬،‫ظ‬،‫ ” ق‬well !
The first student: there are good vocal trainings in the language lab.
The second student: and I can’t speak in Arabic, and I don’t understand the speech of the
teacher and the students. I want to learn Arabic well, what shall I do?
The second student: memorize a part from the Noble Quran, and few prophetic Hadiths, and
speak a lot in Arabic.
The second student: this is a useful advice, I will follow it, Insha’Allah.
The first student: In that case, you learn Arabic well.

Lesson 83
“The Classical Arabic and Its impact”
Arabic language has emerged in the Arabian Peninsula before Islam, Arabs were scattered
tribes, and some of the tribes had their own dialects, and there were few differences between
those dialects.
There was a common language for the Arabs, which is the classical Arabic, a language of poetry
and public speaking that Arabs used to speak with, then Islam came, and Allah revealed the
Noble Quran, in a classical Arabic.
Allah the Almighty says: “We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand”
(Yousef 2)
The Noble Quran has given some old Arabic words new meanings, and has come with new style
that Arabic haven’t known before. And the Quran was a cause in the emergence of Arabic
language studies such as Grammar, rhetoric, as well as Islamic studies, like exegesis (Tafssir),
Hadith, Jurisprudence and others.
Arabic language has impacted the languages of Islamic peoples, like Persian, Urdu, and Swahili,
it has lent them many words, and a lot from those languages was written with the Arabic letter.
And many other languages have borrowed some words from Arabic such us English, French, and

Lesson 85
“Travelling to seek knowledge”
Sharif: Assalamu Alaikum
Harun: Wa’alaikum Salam
Sharif: Where are you travelling to?
Harun: I am travelling to Riyad, I will join the Imam university, Faculty of Islamic Law, I want to
specialize in the Islamic studies.
Sharif: But you know Islam very well.
Harun: I studied Islam in Urdu language, and this is not enough, I must study Islam in Arabic
language, because it is the language of the Noble Quran, and it is not understood unless by it.
Sharif: I am travelling to Cairo, I will join Cairo university, faculty of Letters.
Harun: What will you study in the faculty of Letters
Sharif: I would like to specialize in in Arabic language studies, grammar, and rhetoric
Harun: Why do you want to specialize in Arabic language studies.
Sharif: I will be a teacher of Arabic language in Islamabad, Insha’Allah, and I must know this
language well.
Harun: sorry, this is the last call for the plane to Riyad. Good bye.
Sharif: good bye.

Lesson 88
“Arabic a Universal Language”
Arabic was a universal language during the Abbasid era, where the Islamic civilization has
flourished, and Arabic was the language of that civilization, to which the books from Greek and
Persian were translated, and by which scholars have written in Medicine, engineering, Math,
sciences and others.
And Arabic language has carried those sciences to Europe, and those were the roots of the
modern western civilization.
Arabs -after that- have gone through eras of weakness, and they went away from their religion,
and they abandoned classical Arabic language, and they used the dialects, then the colonizer
came and fought against the Islamic culture, and the classical Arabic language, and encouraged
the dialects, so there was an Egyptian dialect, and another Moroccan, and a third Syrian , and so
And this has led to the division of Arabs, and their separation from each other, In a way that an
Arab travels from his country to another Arabic country and finds some difficulties in
communicating with the people of that country if they speak with their dialects, So they never
could fully communicate between each other, unless the speaking is in the Classical Arabic.
Today, things have changed, and dialects have weakened and the classical Arabic has become
stronger, because of education and modern means of communication. And the Arabic language
has become a universal language once again like English, French, and Spanish.
It is one of the official languages in the United nations, and it is the sixth language in the world.
More than 200 million Arabs speak with it, and more than 1 billion Muslim perform their
worships with.

Chapter 8
Lesson 92
“The Joy of Awards”
The mother: What are you carrying, my son? What are these things?!
The son: These are awards, help me out, so many awards.
The father: What are the awards that you got?
The son: I got an award in the Noble Quran, and an award in the prophet’s life, and an award in
general information.
The mother: Masha ‘Allah! My son has got the awards of the competition.
The son: The competition was very difficult.
The father: What did your friend Hussam do?
The son: He got the award of Hadith and the award of public speaking.:
The mother: this is the happiest day of my life
The father: you have made us proud.
The son: you are the reason of my success, my Allah reward you
The father and the mother: and we will give you an award as well.
The son: I don’t want an award from you. There is a lot of (khayr), thanks to Allah. But I want
something else from you.
The father and the mother: what is it? We will give you what you want.
The son: I ask your apology and prayers
The father and the mother: may Allah forgive you. And grant you success in your life and your
The son: May Allah reward you.

Lesson 96
“The types of Awards”
Many countries grant awards to innovators, and the goal of those awards is the service of
sciences, Letters, and so on. And it is given to the innovators in those fields, and the award is
generally a financial reward that its value changes from one country to another.
So, it can reach hundreds of dollars in some countries and it can go up to 1 million dollars in
other countries, and can accompany the financial reward: a shield, or a certificate…etc.
The awards are divided into two sections, local awards, and international awards.
The local awards are those that nations give to their sons, who are serving science and culture
in their country. Among these there are the national appreciation awards, and the national
encouragement awards. These awards are given every year in many Arab countries, there are
committees who are formed to select those to whom these awards are given.
The International Awards are given by international organizations to the people who served
humanity all over the world. In the fields of sciences, and Letters and others. And among the
well-known international awards, the king Faisal international award given by the king Faisal
charity foundation, by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and there are the international Nobel
Prizes. Every institution or organization forms committees and sets conditions to bestow its

Lesson 98
“The choice of the Ideal Student”
The School Principal: Today we meet to choose the ideal student.
What are the qualities of the ideal student in your opinion?

The teacher of Religion: to take care of his prayers and be well behaved.
The teacher of sciences: to take care of his cleanliness and his appearances, and be likable by his
colleagues and teachers.
The teacher of Math: to get excellence in Exams.
The teacher of Arabic: to participate in cultural competitions.
The teacher of Sport: to participate in sport activities as well.
The school principal: Now, everyone of you chooses three students, and write their names in
the card.

(The principal collects the cards from the teachers)

The school principal: There is a common name between all these cards, Ahmed ben Allam, is
the ideal student.
The teacher of sport: we will announce the result to the students next week. Insha’Allah.
The school principal: the award: books, a bag, an amount of money, there will be a big
ceremony. The parents of the students will attend.

Lesson 101
“The king Faisal Award”
The King Faysal Charity foundation gives, since 1398h, five international awards, in five different
fields which are; Serving Islam, Islamic studies, Arabic literature, Medicine and sciences. The
award consists of a certificate that holds the name of the winner, and a summary of the work
for which he got the award, and a gold medal, as well as an amount of money.
Many scientists have won this award, from east and west, and among the most well-known of
those who won the award in serving Islam is Abu Ala Al Maududi from Pakistan, Abul Hasan Ali
Hasani Nadwi from India, Ahmed Deedat from South Africa, and Abdulaziz bin Baz from Saudi
Arabia. And among those who won the award in the Islamic studies; Fuat Sezgin from Turkey,
Yusuf Qaradawi from Egypt, Mustafa Al Zarqa from Syria. And among those who won the king
Faisal Award in Arabic literature; abdulsalam harun, Aisha abderahmane from Egypt, Nasr
Eddine Al-assad from Jordan and Abdullah Al-tayeb from Sudan.
And among those who won the international king Faysal award in medicine; Michael Field from
the United States of America, Mario Rinrito from Italy, Albert Reynolds from Switzerland. And
among those who won the award in sciences, Ahmed Zoel from the United States of America,
and he is originally from Egypt, and Michael Atiyah from UK and he was born in Sudan, and
Herbert Walter from Germany.

Chapter 9
Lesson 105
“The International Network (Internet)”
Ahmed: you used to spend a lot of time in front of television, and now, you are spending more
time in front of the computer, what is the reason for that?
Mahmud: the reason is that the benefits of the computer are more than the benefits of the
Ahmed: I see messages on the computer screen.
Mahmud: this is the email.
Ahmed: Sorry, how do the messages reach by the email?
Mahmud: These are the addresses of my friends who are signed up in the email, I can send my
messages to everywhere in the world.
Ahmed: This is amazing indeed!
Mahmud: This is a message from my friend Omar from Damascus.
Ahmed: People talk a lot about the internet, what is the internet?
Mahmud: The Internet connects millions of computers through the phone.
Ahmed: What is the benefit of this internet
Mahmud: it has many benefits, look: These are the addresses of universities, libraries and
research centers. You can get all the information that you need, while you are at home or in
your office.
Ahmed: what an amazing thing!

Lesson 109
“The means of transportation and communication in the Past and Now”
The world is composed of six continents, and the number of its population reaches more than
six billion people. This large world has become a small town. How did this happen? There are
two reasons, the first one: the modern means of transportation, the second one: the modern
means of communication.
The means of transportation in the old times were very slow. And people used to travel by
walking on their feet, holding their stuff on their back or over their heads, then people started
to use animals, like camels, mules and donkeys to transport their things. After a while, man
produced small chariots with four wheels that moved without an engine, then sailboats were
made that moved on water.
Man made vehicles in the modern time that move with engines, so a lot of means of
transportation appeared like cars, trains, boats, planes. These means made the world a small
town. So the human moves from country to country and from continent to continent in a few
hours. And this differs from what existed in the past, where man needed days and months to
travel from one city to another.
For the second reason, that made the world a small town is the modern means of
communication like newspapers, phone, Radio, Television, computer, Internet that made Man
know first hand what is going on in every country of the world. The means of communication in
the old times were very slow, so man used to send news and information, through his voice and
through the runners or with homing pigeons. And news used to arrive after a long period, and it
may not arrive sometimes.

Lesson 111
“A seminar on Globalization”
Zainab: It was a beneficial seminar, why didn’t you attend?
Fatima: I was busy yesterday, some guests visited us.
Zainab: almost all the female teachers and students attended the seminar.
Fatima: what happened in the seminar?
Zainab: there were two teams of speakers, one team advocates for globalization, and the other
team rejected it.
Fatima: what was the argument of each team?
Zainab: the first team says: globalization will lead to the development of all the countries,
especially the poor countries.
Fatima: What does the second team say?
Zainab: they say: globalization will lead to the domination of the rich countries over the poor
Fatima: How did the seminar end?
Zainab: there was a hot debate after the seminar, and most of the attendees refused
Fatima: Why?
Zainab: because the rich countries will Impose its languages and cultures over the poor
Fatima: I agree with this opinion, and I reject globalization.
Zainab; And I will not leave my language and culture.

Lesson 114
“The countries of the North and the countries of the south”
The world has become -today- a small town, because of the modern means of transportation,
and the modern means of communication. How do people live in this small town? I invite you,
my friend, to visit this small town. Let’s walk around it and see how its people live. I will have
you accompany me in my plane. I own a fast plane, faster than a sound, welcome my friend, get
on the plane, and let’s start.
We are flying now over the countries of the North.
Look at these countries, they are rich countries, they have power, science and money. Look at
the people, they are rich in these countries, they wear the nicest clothes, they are healthy. And
they live in beautiful countries.
How many schools, universities, hospitals, factories, and farms they have. They live in peace and
Let’s visit the other side of the world, these are the countries of the south. They are poor
countries, they don’t possess power, or science or money. Look at these people, they are poor,
they wear simple clothes, and they live in small houses, most of them are sick, how few are the
schools, the universities, the hospitals, the factories, and the farms here! Why do people fight
each other in these countries? Why does poverty, disease and ignorance spread here? What a
Have you seen this small town my friend?! Half of its people live in prosperity, and the second
half lives in poverty and war, why don’t all the people of the town live in prosperity and peace?
Will this happen one day? Allah knows.

Chapter 10
Lesson 118
“Muslim cares about his cleanliness”
John: How nice is the perfume that you use today Imad!
Imad: Thank you John
John: I see that you care a lot about cleanliness.
Imad: indeed; because Islam urges the Muslim to be clean.
John: Do all Muslims care about cleanliness like you?
Imad: Yes, because every Muslim has to take ablution, wash up and purify.
John: This is about cleaning the body, what about cleaning the clothes?
Imad: The Muslim takes care of the cleanliness of the clothes, just like he cares about the
cleanliness of the body, so his clothes be clean all the time.
John: absolutely, cleanliness is an important thing for you.
Imad: there is a third type of cleanliness
John: What is it?
Imad: the cleanliness of heart.
John: what do you mean?
Imad: the Muslim should have a clean heart, that loves good to his brother, as he loves it for
John: Thank you Imad, I have learnt a lot from you today.
Imad: you are welcome, Bye.

Lesson 122
“Islam and purification”
Islam has urged for cleanliness and purification, Allah The Most High says: “Allah loves those
who repent and loves those who are purified” and Says: “Purification is half of faith”, and Allah
has sent down water from the sky for Man to purify himself with. Allah the Most High says: “and
we send down upon you water from the cloud to purify you”.
And Islam urges Muslim on the cleanliness of his body, clothes and shelter and the environment
in which he lives.
Muslim takes ablution five times a day in order to pray. The prophet says “Allah don’t accept
prayer without purification”, as well as he takes ablution to perform other worships like Quran
reading, and for the circumambulation around the Kaaba. While performing ablution, a person
should wash his face, hands, and feet, Allah the Most High says: “O you who believe! when you
prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands to the elbows; Rub your heads (with
water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles.” Ablution is a continuous cleaning to the body, it is
repeated many times a day, and it takes away dirt.
The Muslim doesn’t not take only ablution, but he adds to that shower to clean the whole body.
The Muslim washes up also from impurity, and for the Friday prayer, and For Eid prayers. The
prophet peace be upon him says: “the washing of Friday is an obligation upon every pubescent
Muslim”. And the woman washes up when her Menstruation and postpartum is over.
And the Muslim takes care of the cleanliness of his clothes, as he cares about the cleanliness of
his body, Allah the Most High says: “and purify your clothes”.

Lesson 124
“Fast Food”
Hind: We want to have dinner outside tonight
Badr: Excellent Idea, I love fast food
The father: But home food is better, it is delicious, clean, and healthy
The mother: I will prepare a delicious dinner for you tonight.
Hind: No mother, we love fast food
The father: then, let’s go eat dinner outside tonight

(The family comes back home after eating dinner)

Hind: I feel a strong pain in my stomach

Badr: I do also, Ah, Ah, Ah, my stomach, my stomach.
The father: me too.
The mother: I will call an ambulance right now. Maybe it is a (food) poisoning.
The father: I noticed that the restaurant was not clean. And the workers of the restaurant as
The mother: and the table, the plates, and cups were dirty.
Hind: I will not eat food outside of home again.
The mother: here the ambulance has arrived.

Lesson 128
“The cleanliness of the environment”
There are two types of cleanliness, a private cleanliness and a public cleanliness. The private
cleanliness is the cleanliness of the human body, his clothes, his food and his house. But the
public cleanliness is the cleanliness of the public spaces, like streets, gardens. The responsibility
of the private cleanliness is on the individuals, but the responsibility of the public cleanliness is
on individuals and governments.
The development of the countries is measured -today- by cleanliness, so in the nation and its
people care about cleanliness, so it is a civilized country, but if the nation and its people don’t
care about cleanliness then it is an uncivilized nation.
In the world, there are few countries famous for their cleanliness, such as Malaysia and
Singapore. There are other countries famous for their dirtiness, and there are many of them.
Some countries spend a lot of money on cleanliness, and we see -now- in every city clean
workers, walking around the street holding garbage containers, and putting them on private
cars, that take them out of the city to be burned. And the citizen participates with the state in
caring about cleanliness. By putting his private garbage of his house and those he finds in
streets and parks in containers, and this is what the prophet peace be upon him invites for
when he says: “removing a harmful thing from the path is an act of charity”

Chapter 11
Lesson 131
“How you understand Islam correctly”
Carlos: I would like to ask you about Islam. Would that disturb you?
Ahmed: That will make me happy, and I welcome your questions?
Carlos: Was your prophet Mohamed an Illiterate who doesn’t read and write?
Ahmed: Yes, that’s true, our prophet was an illiterate.
Carlos: So how did he come with these scientific realities, that people didn’t know in his time,
and science has proven it today.
Ahmed: He didn’t come with those realities from himself. But it was from Allah, and this is proof
that he is a messenger.
Carlos: Another question, Is Islam a religion of Arabs only?
Ahmed: Islam is the religion for all mankind, in every time and place. Look at Muslims around
the world, they are different peoples in their languages, races and colors.
Carlos: I don’t understand Islam correctly.
Ahmed: That’s because you always rely, in your information and opinions, on writers who are
against Islam. Read from Muslim writers or neutral writers who say the truth.
Carlos: Who are these neutral writers?
Ahmed: There are many of them such as the French scholar Maurice Bucaille, and the American
scholar Michael Hart and the British historian Thomas Arnold.
Carlos: I will read from these writers
Ahmed: Then, you will know much about Islam.

Lesson 135
“The Truth of Islam”
Islam is a religion of monotheism (There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger
of Allah) by which Allah has sent all the prophets. The first of them was Noah peace be upon
him, and the last of them was Mohamed peace and blessings be upon him. Allah the most High
says: “the only religion with Allah is Islam.”
And Islam is the lasting religion that abrogates the previous messages. Allah the most high says:
“and who ever follows a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him”. And it is
valid for every time and every place. It is a general religion to the entire humanity; therefore,
Allah the most high has taken care of preserving it. The most high says: “It is We who sent down
the Koran, and We watch over it”
The Muslim doesn’t only believe in Mohamed (s.a.w.), but he believes in all the messengers
who preceded him. Allah the most high says: “Say: We believe in Allah, and the revelation given
to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus,
and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and
another of them: And to Allah we submit".
Islam calls for elevating injustice from individuals and societies, therefor, many peoples have
followed it by desire not by fear. So, they find in it equality between all the people. Even if their
colors, languages, and environments are different. The messenger peace be upon him says:
“you are all from Adam and Adam is from earth, there is no privilege for an Arab over a
non-Arab or a black over a white except for Taqwa (fear of Allah)”

Lesson 137
“Why did Carlos believe in Islam?”
Smith: I have seen Carlos today, entering the mosque, what happened?!
David: Carlos has accepted Islam, and he is praying regularly in the mosque.
Smith: Why did Carlos enter in Islam?
David: Here is he coming from the masjid, let’s ask him
Smith: Have you really accepted Islam?
Carlos: Yes, I accepted Islam, Thank God,
David: What made you accept Islam?
Carlos: a lot of things, such as the description of the Quran for the embryo in the body of his
mother. I am a doctor, and I know this matter. The Quran came with this description more than
one thousand and four hundred years ago. And modern science has proven this truth.
Smith: Are there other reasons that made you accept Islam?
Carlos: Yes, Islam calls for truthfulness, honesty, justice, equality, and peace. And the worship of
one God, I have accepted Islam after a lot of readings, and profound studies.
David: Lend us some books and studies that you have read.
Carlos: with pleasure, I have a lot of books about Islam.
Smith: Are they available now?
Carlos: Yes, please come with me to my house, we’ll have coffee and talk about Islam, and I will
give the books.
David: let’s go.

Lesson 140
“The Pillars of Islam”
The prophet says: “Islam is built upon five: the testimony that there in no god but Allah, and
Mohamed is the messenger of Allah, performing prayers, giving Charity (Zakah), pilgrimage to
the house (Kaaba), and the fasting of Ramadan.” This is the definition of the pillars of Islam:
The first pillar: the two testimonies (there in no god but Allah, and Mohamed is the messenger
of Allah) are the keys of accepting Islam, whoever pronounces them has accepted Islam.
The second pillar: Prayer: the backbone of religion. The messenger (s.a.w.) said: “the head of
the matter is Islam, and its backbone is prayer, and the peak of its hump is Jihad in the way of
Allah. It is the first thing a servant will be accounted for on the day of judgement. He said
(s.a.w.) “the first thing a servant will be accounted for on the day of judgement is salah. If it is
right then the whole work is right, but if is wrong the whole work is wrong.” There are five
prayers: the prayer of Fajr, dhuher, Asr, Maghrib, Eeshaa. And to every prayer there is a specified
Allah the most high says: “Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of
specific times”. (Nisa’a 103)
The third pillar: Zakah (charity): it is what the Muslim gives away from (his) money to the poor.
Allah the highest says: “Take from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause
them increase" (Tawba).
The fourth pillar: fasting, It is for man to leave the desire of the stomach and sex, from dawn to
sunset. Allah the most high says: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was
prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint” (Bakara 183). There is a
great reward for the one who fasts. The messenger of Allah said: “whoever fasts Ramadan out
of faith and reckoning, his sins he sent forth will be forgiven”
The fifth Pillar: The pilgrimage takes place in Makkah to perform the rituals. Allah the most high
says: “and [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House – for whoever is able to
find thereto a way” and pilgrimage is an obligation on a Muslim once in a lifetime.

Chapter 12
Lesson 144
“The Period of Adolescence”
The father: I’m worried about my child Omar, he started to go out of the house whenever he
wants, and come back whenever he wants, and he neither tells me about the place where he
goes, nor about the friends he goes with, I am scared for him.
The uncle: This is a natural feeling, but don’t forget that your son Omar has just finished his
sixteenth years of age, and he is now in the period of adolescence, and we must treat him with
The father: How do I treat him with wisdom?
The uncle: Omar feels now that he is a man, knowing what’s good and bad for him.
The father: in fact, I treat Omar as a child, do this, don’t do that, say this, don’t say this, wear
this, don’t wear this…
The uncle: this is not a correct way of upbringing, dealing with youth is not the same as dealing
with children, Omar will distance himself from you.
The father: this is what has happened exactly, he spends most of the time with his friends, and I
rarely see him.
The uncle: change your style with your child, discuss with him, respect his opinion, and he will
come back to you.
The father: may Allah reward you uncle of Omar

Lesson 148
The period of Youth
The period of youth is the most important period in the life of the human, and the most
precious fortune in the Ummah, and the period of Youth is the period of giving and working.
The person who doesn’t give in his youth, it is rarely that he gives in the rest of his life, and
many companions of the Messenger, peace be upon him, were from youth, and he appointed
them in many responsibilities, as he appointed many of the the leadership of the army among
many elders from the Muhajirin and Ansar. He appointed Zayd bin Harith, Jaafar bin Abi Talib,
Abdullah bin Rawaha in the leadership of the army in the battle of Mu’uta, as he appointed
Oussama bin zayd on the leadership of the Islamic Army for the conquest of Rome, while he was
eighteen years old, and he sent Muath bin Jabal as a judge to Yemen while he was in his youth.
The ummah needs a strong, serious youth, who gives more than they take, and doesn’t need a
lazy youth who cares only about their food and clothes, and they don’t like to work and give.
Just as the Ummah needs the strength of youth, it also needs the experience of the elders in
order for the countries to develop, and Ummah will be wrong if it relies only on youth, and
neglects the experience of the elders. This means that there should be a good relationship
between all the members of the society , old and young, males and females, so that the ummah
can reach what it wants.

Lesson 150
The Relation between Parents and Children
Khalid: I think a lot about the topic of the relation between parents and children, or between
youth and elders, it is an important topic.
Hassan: I don’t agree with you Khalid, this topic is not important, because the role of the elders
is finished in life, the society must rely only on youth alone.
Yousef: I agree with Khalid about the importance of the topic, and I disagree with Hassan, and
my opinion is that society needs the strength of youth and the experience of the elders all
Hassan: But elders want to impose their opinions on youth, in everything, in choosing friends
and the spouse, type of study, even in clothes that they wear.
Khalid: elders have opinions, and youth have opinions, and each group should respect the
opinions of the other group.
Hassan: My father treats me like a child (the treating of children). He doesn’t listen to me or
discuss with me.
Yousef: My father treats me like a friend. He listens to me and discusses with me. He respects
my opinions, and I follow his advices
Hassan: This is how the relation should be between the elders and the youth.

Lesson 153
“From the problems of youth”
The youth is face many problems in this time, and among these; the problem of the cultural
invasion, that comes in many forms such as: fighting the language and the culture, imposing
foreign languages and cultures instead, like the call to leave Arabic language and replace it with
local dialects, to tear up the Ummah, and separate it from its heritage, or like the call for
teaching science in the Arabic universities in foreign languages, and many youth were
influenced by these calls, so they started imitating foreigners in their speech and behavior.
Youth feels sometimes in contradiction between what they learned at home, school and society
of manners, and what is shown in the media of behaviors that is against the behaviors of their
society and religion.
This Media usually succeeds in influencing some youth, and this is maybe the reason for the
spread of drugs, criminal acts in all its forms in some societies
Youth complain about society, not caring about them a lot. They say that the opportunities of
higher education have become very few, and that youth when they graduate from university will
not find the appropriate job. They see that marriage costs a lot of money, it is no doubt that
youth are right in much of what they say, and society has to work on solving the problems of
youth, in order to participate in the process of building.

Chapter 13
Lesson 157
“An Islamic Contest”
Fatima: this is a contest about the Islamic world
Laila: Let’s solve it together
Fatima: one question for you, and one question for me.
Laila: OK: the first question is about the number of Muslims in the world.
The answer: More than one billion Muslims.
Fatima: the second question about the number of Islamic countries.
The answer: in the world, Fifty-four Islamic countries.
Laila: the third question, the continent that has the biggest number of Muslims. The answer: the
continent of Asia.
Fatima: The continent in which there is the biggest number of Islamic countries
The answer: the continent of Africa
Laila: the biggest Islamic country in population. The answer: Indonesia
Fatima: the biggest Islamic country in Africa in space.
The answer: Algeria.
Laila: the smallest Islamic country in population and in area
The answer: Maldives Islands
Fatima: the last question: the Islamic country occupied by Jews?
The answer: Palestine
Laila: May Allah save it from them
Fatima: Ameen, what an easy contest!

Lesson 161
“The Advantages of the Islamic World”
The Islamic message started in the Arabian peninsula, in the seventh century AD, and it spread
quickly outside of the Arabian peninsula. After a century it covered a wide area of the globe,
that included the region from China in the East to the Atlantic Ocean in the West, and from the
Black Sea and Siberia in the North, to the Indian ocean in the South.
Many peoples have voluntarily accepted Islam, because it removed injustice from them, and
achieved for them justice. Islam has made all Muslim as one people, which is the Islamic
Ummah. The most High said: “and this, your Ummah, is one Ummah, and I am your Lord, so
worship Me.” Islam has united the Muslims, in spite of their differences in races and colors,
languages, and environment. So, their God is one, their book is one, their messenger is one, and
their Qibla is one.
There are many advantages in the Islamic world that made of it one of the most important
regions in the world, from one side it is like a heart to Asia, Africa, and Europe, and it is close to
many waterways such as Red Sea, Mediterranean sea, Arab sea, The Arab gulf, the Atlantic
ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean. In the Islamic world there is much agricultural,
mineral, and animal wealth.
Lesson 163
“The causes for the weakening of the Muslims”
Abdulsalam: I see you are worried, what are you thinking about?
Abdallah: I am thinking about the situation of the muslims in these days
Abdulsalam: Great weakness has afflicted them.
Abdallah: Indeed, they were one Ummah, and they became different countries.
Abdulsalam: What are the causes of this weakness in your opinion?
Abdallah: there are internal causes, and other external causes.
Abdulsalam: Let’s start first by the internal causes
Abdallah: the most important is that Muslims became distant from Islam, and a lot of
disagreements and conflicts between each other, and spending time in what does not provide
useful knowledge.
Abdulsalam: what are the external causes?
Abdallah: many causes among them the colonization, orientalism, and cultural invasion.
Abdulsalam: what to do? How do Muslims go back to the period of power?!
Abdallah: If they go back to their religion, and unite themselves, and make use of knowledge.
Abdulsalam: If they go back to their religion, and unite themselves, and rely on knowledge, is
that possible?
Abdallah: yes, it is possible by the will of Allah, and the signs of that have started.

Lesson 166
“Among the Islamic Countries”
The number of Islamic countries reaches Fifty-four nations, and we will talk to you here briefly
about two nations among these countries, one of them in the Continent of Asia, and the second
in the Continent of Africa.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is situated in the West of Asia, in which there is the sacred House
of Allah in the glorified Makkah, and the prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, and they are sacred
places to where Muslims come from all the countries of the world, to do Hajj and Umrah, to
visit and for prayer. Similarly, many muslim children come to Saudi Arabia to study Arabic and
Islamic religion in its institutes and universities.
The capital city of the country is Riyad, and it is a modern city that contains the most beautiful
Buildings, the area of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is about 2.250.000 KM². The number of its
population is around seventeen million people, its language is Arabic, and all the citizens in the
country are Muslims, its currency is Saudi Riyal, and it is rich with oil.
Nigeria is located in the west of Africa, and its capital city is Abuja in the Middle, its area
amounts to 923.768 KM². The number of its population is 154 million people. The percentage of
Muslims among them reaches about 76% and the number of the Christians is about 20%. Most
of the citizens (people of the country) work in agriculture, cattle raising, and fishing. Nigeria
produces Cacao, peanuts, rubber and oil…etc.
The currency of the country is Naira, and the official language of Nigeria is English. The people
of the country speak many languages like Haussa, Yoruba, Ibbou. Its people care about the
Arabic language and learning it.
Chapter 14
Lesson 170
“A robbery incident”
Faical: Assalamou Alaikoum
Jaafar: Waalaikumussalam
Jaafar: have you seen the news on TV yesterday?
Faical: you mean the robbery of the national bank?
Jaafar: Yes, that incident scared me so much, our country didn’t know about this type of crime
Faical: But I felt reassured when the police arrested the perpetrators after (a few) hours.
Jaafar: Crime has increased with us lately
Faical: but it still less compared to the other countries
Jaafar: I agree with you, I spent my vacation in one of the biggest countries, we were not going
out from the hotel after the sunset, for we are afraid from the incidents of robbery and murder
Faical: the crime happens sometimes i these countries even during the day
Jaafar: I’m afraid that the contamination will move to our countries, then the crimes of murder
and rape (will) spread.
Faical: I ask Allah that this would not happen.
Jaafer: you did well, because life doesn’t mean anything without security.
Faical: May Allah keep the blessing of security longer on us
Jaafar: Ameen

Lesson 174
“War and Peace”
Every human being needs to live in peace and security, even though wars happen everywhere in
the world. And here is the Media, reporting to us the news of wars every hour. War is not
something new, because history tells us about a lot of wars that happened in the past, and it
weakened the civilization of Man. Almost all the countries have tasted the pain of wars, and
Man didn’t enjoy during his long history peace and security only for a little.
And with the numerous wars, there were many attempts to achieve peace. So in modern
history, and after the end of World War One in 1918 the league of nations was created, and the
goal from it is restoring peace in the world. After the end of World War Two in 1945 the
organization of the United Nations was founded to take the place of the league of nations. The
security council follows the organization of the United Nations. It searches in the conflicts
between nations, and it imposes sanctions on the aggressor nations. The United Nations have
achieved some success in restoring peace, but it couldn’t stop wars in many countries,
especially in Africa and Asia. The United Nations is accused of becoming weak, with no will or
power, because some countries dominate over it. Therefore, many of its resolutions aren’t
executed , and among these resolutions regarding Palestine, Jerusalem and Kashmir.

Lesson 176
“The Causes of the Crime”
Salah: There is a question that occupies my mind a lot: Why did the amount of crime increase in
the world?
Masoud: There are many reasons, among them: is that the laws are not deterrent, the criminal
is jailed for years, and then he comes out to commit other bigger crimes.
Ziad: Islam has put the boundaries to protect the society. Allah the Highest says: “there is for
you in legal retribution [saving of] life, o you men of understanding; that you may become
Salah: it supports this, the fact that crime increases whenever the criminal is reassured with the
Ziad: and among the reasons for me, that the Media encourages crime.
Masoud: Among the causes may be the spread of poverty and hunger in the society.
Salah: You are right, Security and food are among the most important blessings, Allah the
Highest says: “Let them worship the Lord of this House, who fed them from hunger and secured
them from fear”.
Ziad: we must participate all together in keeping security, because keeping security is not the
duty of police only, but the responsibility of every citizen.

Lesson 179
The impact of Security in Life
“It is those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with wrong - that are in security, for they
are on (right) guidance”
Man lives happy in his life, peaceful on himself, money, and family, if three things are provided
in his society: Security, health, and food.
But if man is prevented from these blessings, he will live unhappy in his life, the prophet says:
“one among you who wakes up peaceful in his family, healthy in his body, owning the food of his
day, as if he was given the whole Dunya”
When the country lives in peace and security, stability will be achieved, and the process of
development will be activated, and people will go towards construction, so industry and
agriculture will increase, and fortune will increase.
But if crime takes over peace, then the country will be prevented from stability, and the process
of development will be stopped, as well as the agricultural and industrial projects, and the
energy of the country will go towards war.
If we look at the world map today, we find that countries are three types, the first type:
countries that have peace and security, and they are in continuous development. People live
there in peace. The second type: are countries that don’t know peace, so they are in
perpetuating wars, as soon as it comes out of a war it enters into another war, and these
countries are in constant backwardness, and its people live in ignorance, diseases and poverty.
The third type are countries that are neither in a continuous peace, nor in a continuous war, and
Man lives there between richness and poverty.
Wars should stop all over the world, so that peace can prevail on earth.
The biggest countries should stop these wars, by not selling arms, and not inciting conflicts
between nations. On the other hand (corner), they have to help the poor countries, in order to
move from the period of backwardness to the period of progress, and in order for its people to
live in peace.

Chapter 15
Lesson 183
“Burial of wastes”
Ahmed: I am coming from the hospital, I was visiting the son of my friend Salah, he is sick with
Abdullah: May Allah heal him, how is he now?
Ahmed: the disease has spread all over his body.
Abdullah: From Allah we are, and to him shall we return.
Ahmed: Cancer diseases have increased in our country and this matter puzzles me a lot.
Abdullah: You are right, many have passed away in our city alone in one month.
Ahmed: Newspapers have mentioned that there are wastes buried in our country
Abdullah: from where do these wastes come from.
Ahmed: they were brought from some of the industrial countries, to be buried in our country
Abdullah: Why is it not buried in those industrial countries; don’t they have soil like us?
Ahmed: Yes, they have earth like us, but they have organizations that don’t allow pollution of
the environment, and they care about their peoples.
Abdullah: Why don’t we care about our peoples like them, and have organizations like their
Ahmed: this is what should be done.

Lesson 187
“The Types of Environmental Pollution”
There are many examples of environmental pollution, the most important of it: the pollution of
air, the pollution of water, the pollution of the soil, and noise. Herby is a definition of these
Pollution of the air: the air that has not a smell becomes an air with a smell, and color as well.
The reason for that is pollution, the oil burning, because of car engines and others.
Pollution of the air harms the health of human beings, and causes infection of eyes and lungs,
and pollution of the air causes the death of animals and plants.
Pollution of the water causes the shortage of pure and drinkable water that human beings use
in drinking and cleaning. The reason for water pollution is the throwing of chemical materials,
and animal and plant wastes as well as sewage water in seas, rivers and wells. Pollution of the
water causes many diseases for human beings and it causes the death of animals and plants.
Pollution of the soil: this type of pollution damages the good soil, and this causes the loss of the
surface of earth, in which plants are grown for human and animal food.
Noise: the noise increases in cities, and the reason for it is means of transportation such as
planes, buses, trains and cars. As it is caused by the different electrical devices inside the
house, and the noise causes the weakness of hearing and anxiety.

Lesson 189
“Who protects the environment? And who damages it?”
Badr: We have established an organization for environment protection, do you want to
participate with us?
Amir: of course, our country needs such an organization.
Badr: tomorrow -Insha’Allah- we will have a tour, to see what people do with the environment
in our country.
The trip will be by plane, I hope you will be with us.
Amir: this is a good idea; I will be with you.
(The members of the organization in the air)
Badr: look at these people, they are damaging the environment!
Amir: these are burning the forests, and those are killing animals!
Ahmed: and these are throwing the wastes in the well, and those are throwing them In the sea.
Hassan: Why are these people destroying the environment? Corruption has appeared on land
and sea.
Badr: Look at these people they are protecting the environment
Ahmed: you are right, they are planting on the earth, to stop desertification
Amir: and those are preserving the rare animals, in order to not go extinct
Badr: I am very happy, because what these people are doing is a nice job.
Amir: we want an environment empty of pollution
Ahmed: this is the message of our organization, with the help of Allah.

Lesson 192
“The means of protecting the environment”
Man should protect the environment in which he lives, and don’t spoil it, because it is one of
the greatest blessings of Allah on his servants. In many countries around the world -today-
organizations are calling for the protection of environment. These organizations are doing many
works, such as: awareness of the danger of environmental pollution on human and animal, and
plants, supervising the governments and institutions that destroy nature, and mentioning the
means of environment protection.
Among the means of environmental protection, that Islam call for, planting trees. It is wrong to
burn forests, as it happens in some countries now. The prophet (s.a.w.) says: “if the final day has
arrived, and in hands of one of you a shoot (small palm) and if he can plant it before the hour
arrives, then he should do it” this Hadith asks human to plant the earth and make it green, and
this among the best ways to protect the environment and preserve it from pollution.
Among the ways of protecting the environment as well, abstaining from excessive consumption
of water, especially if we know that the fresh water is little on earth. Many countries are facing a
crisis of water, and the shortage of water in a country leads to less agriculture and industry in it.
A crisis of water in the world may lead to wars between countries. And for the importance of
water: Islam has prohibited the waste of it in everything, even in worshipping.

Chapter 16
Lesson 196
“The Electricity Bill”
The father: Mother of Ahmed! The electricity bill has doubled this month!
The mother: no wonder in that, we have been consuming a lot of electricity, in light, computer,
radio, blender, electric oven, washing machine, electric vacuum and so on.
The father: I noticed that the children leave the electric devices on, working all day long, as well
as light. This is a waste.
The mother: We have talked a lot with the children, and we have told them that we are
consuming too much electricity. This impacts the budget of the house, but no one is responding
to what we say.
The father: I have an idea, we say to the children, if the consumption of electricity decreases,
we will give everyone a gift.
The mother: let’s try this way.

(In the next month)

The father: Masha ‘Allah, the bill has decreased a lot this month, I think that our method has
The mother: where is the reward for the children
The father: I will bring it with me Insha’Allah.

Lesson 2OO
Oil is one of the most important natural resources in the world, that is why some people
considers it the black gold, while others considers it the artery of life, because cars, trucks,
trains, boats, and planes rely on it, as well as the electricity that is used in houses and many
other places are taken from it.
Oil provides half of the energy that is used by Man.
Majority of the industrial countries rely on oil, and use it in many things, such as: its use as a
fuel for vehicles, and its use in the production of textiles and cosmetic products, detergents,
carpets, plastics, fertilizers and hundreds of other products. Scientist are trying to find an
alternative to oil, but it seems that the research will take a long time.
Oil exist in many countries, and it is said that the reserve of oil in the world reaches up to
approximately 900 billion barrels. Among the most important regions that have oil; gulf states,
which contains approximately 660 billion barrels, and in Saudi Arabia around one fifth of the
world reserve, and the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait around one tenth of the world
reserve. Oil is limited in the world, and it will finish one day Therefore, individuals and nations
must preserve it.

Lesson 202
“Crisis of Oil”
Hassan: The oil crises has started again this year
Imad: and the oil prices has jumped again, and the produced of it has become less in gas
Hassan: I am not using my car now. I go to the company by bus
Imad: What are the reasons for the oil crises?
Hassan: There is a conflict between the industrial countries, and the oil producing countries.
Imad: why do these countries disagree
Hassan: the industrial countries claim that the oil producing countries are raising the prices, and
the oil producing countries say that the industrial countries impose high taxes on fuel.
Imad: what’s the fault of those who live in poor countries
Hassan: they have no fault, because they are poor.
Imad: and they have no industries that they can sell, and no oil that they can export.
Hassan: the industrial countries think only about their people, and they don’t think of someone
Imad: Allah is ever help to the poor.

Lesson 205
“Solar Energy”
The Sun, this star that we see in the sky, is the essential source of energy on earth. Humans,
animals, and plants rely on the heat that is sent by the sun’s rays.
Without this heat there would be no life on earth, by the order of Allah.
Man had benefited from the solar energy in the past, he used it to cook food, and heating
water, and heating the houses. But in the modern times, the interest in solar energy has
increased. Scientists have succeeded in generating electricity, through special cells for solar
energy. They have set them up in countries where the sun is hot most of the time, like it is in the
Arabian desert.
Panels are set -they are called solar panels- on the top of the houses to gather the heat of the
sun, and transform it to an electric energy. These panels can produce of energy, what is enough
to heat the water for a big house.
The energy that we take from the sun is clean, and it exists a lot in the sunny regions. But when
the sun is covered, there would be no rays from which we can get the heat.
In spite of the attempt to benefit from the solar energy, Man is still relying on other energy
resources such as oil, coal, because the projects of solar energy costs a lot of money.
Nevertheless, the attempts to use solar energy will not stop, because the other energy
resources will run out one day, but the sun will stay until the day of judgment.

Book 3
Chap 1
The eternal miracle
The Quran is the miracle of The Messenger, (s.a.w). Allah (s.w.t.) revealed it upon him
incrementally (in parts) and according to the events. The wisdom in that was to firmly set the
heart of The Messenger (s.a.w) and the hearts of the muslims, and for its memorization to be
easier for them. The Most High said: {And those who disbelieve say, "Why was the Qur'an not
revealed to him all at once?" Thus [it is] that We may strengthen thereby your heart. And We
have spaced it distinctly} Al Furqan 32.

There were other miracles for The Messenger, (s.a.w.). Among them: splitting the moon, water
emerging from between his fingers, as there were miracles for the messengers before him. Like
the staff was a miracle of Musa (a.s.) and the she-camel was a miracle of Salih (a.s.). Those
miracles have gone with the departing of those to whom they appeared. News of them remained
as an example. However, the timeless miracle of The Messenger (s.a.w.) is the Noble Quran,
and it remains until the day of resurrection. The Most High said {Indeed, it is We who sent down
the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian.} Al-Hijr 9. The Quran had challenged humanity
and the Jinn, to come up with something similar to it, but they couldn’t. The Most High said {Say,
"If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not
produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants."} Al-Isra 88

Miraculousness of the Quran: The Quran is a miracle by its style, pronunciation, and meanings,
and also there are many things that indicate the miraculousness of the Quran. Whenever
science advances, new examples appear supporting this miraculousness. And among the most
important examples of this miraculousness: that the Quran came with a lot of news of the prior
nations and their stories. Also, it included a large amount of science and knowledge that was
not known by humanity before. Also, the Quran came to improve the beliefs of humanity, their
worship, their social life, their political life, and their economic life. The Most High said {And
[mention] the Day when We will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from
themselves. And We will bring you, [O Muhammad], as a witness over your nation. And We
have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and
good tidings for the Muslims.} An-nahl 89

Revelation of the Quran. The Quran was revealed incrementally upon The Messenger (s.a.w.)
through the medium of Jibreel (a.s). The Most High said {The Trustworthy Spirit has brought it
down. Upon your heart, [O Muhammad] - that you may be of the warners, in a clear Arabic
language.} As-shura 193-195

The Makkan Quran and the Medinan Quran: Part of the Quran is Makkan, and part is Medinan.
The Makkan Quran was revealed before the migration to Madinah, even if its revelation was
outside of Makkah. On the other hand the Medinan Quran, is what was revealed after the
migration, even if its revelation was inside Makkah. The Makkan surahs that had come were
short in general, which made their memorization easy. The Makkan Quran dealt with several
topics, such as: the oneness of Allah, inviting to Islam, the day of resurrection, the stories of the
previous prophets and the messengers (a.s.), and so on. The Makkan Quran amounts to about
two-third of the Quran. However, the surahs and ayats of the Medinan Quran that came were
long in general, and it dealt with new topics such as: requirements, limitations, rights, Jihad, and
so on.

The collection of the Quran and its transcribing. The revelation of the Noble Quran took a period
of twenty three years. The Messenger (s.a.w.) had scribes writing the Quran for him, and
whenever an ayah or ayats were revealed to him, he ordered them to write them. He would tell
them to put this ayah or ayats in such and such surah. The Quran was not collected in one
mushaf in the life of The Messenger (s.a.w.). The first collection of the Quran in one mushaf was
in the reign of the first Khalifah Abu Bakr As-Sadeeq (r.a.h.) in the twelfth year of the migration,
after the battle of Al-yamamah with the apostates, in which seventy of the reciters and scholars
from the companions were killed. That mushaf remained with Abu Bakr (r.a.h.) for the period of
his life. Then it was transferred to the Khalifah, Umar ibn Al-khatabh (r.a.h.). The when he died,
it was saved with his daughter Hafza (r.a.h.), who gave it to the Khalifah Uthman ibn Afwan
(r.a.h.) when he requested it from her. Then the Quran was transcribed in the reign of Uthman
(r.a.h.). He ordered the Quran to be collected in one mushaf. (He was) afraid of differences
seeping into what was among people from the mushaf after a fitnah almost erupted between
muslims in the conquests. He ordered the writing of copies of it. He sent copies of it to every
region, and he saved one mushaf with him. It is the Al-mushaf Al-Imam.

Chap 2
“A day in the life of a young person”
When the dawn of a new day rose in in the life of a young muslim, he prays after he awakes
with the famous supplication “All praise to Allah, the one who gave us life after our death and to
him we (will be) resurrected.” When he wants to enter the bathroom (the place where he fulfills
his needs), he enters with his left leg and he makes supplication before entering by saying
“Allah I seek refuge with you from evil and evil things.” When he leaves, he leaves with his right
leg, he says “ I seek your forgiveness.” If he is outside, he does not face the qiblah or the
opposite (give it your back) in the time of fulfilling your needs. Because he said (s.a.w.) “If you
come to defecate, don’t face the Qiblah and don’t give it your back, but face the east or west.” A
young person ensures to stay away from impure things (urine, feces), so it doesn’t touch his
clothes or his body. Because he said (s.a.w.) “Stay far away from urine, because most of the
torment of the grave is from urine.” Then the young person performs wudu, and says after he
finishes performing wudu “I bear witness there is no god except Allah alone and He has no
partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and his messenger. Allah make me
among those who repent and make me among the pure.”

If he wakes up before the dawn, he prays a few (a number between 3-9) rakat, of tahajjud to
Allah, the Most High. When the dawn rises, perform the sunnah of Fajr, two rakat, followed by
the Fajr prayer. Ensure to perform it in congregation in the local masjid. It is better and loved by
Allah the Most Hight. He said (s.a.w.) “Congregational prayer is better than praying alone by
twenty seven degrees.” He says after the Fajr prayer, “there is no god except Allah alone, He
has no partners, the kingdom is his, all praise is his, and He is capable of all things,” ten times.
He also says “Allah save me from the fire,” seven times. He says subhanallah thirty three times
after every prayer, and says alhamdulillah thirty three times, and he says Allahu akhbar thirty
three times, and he says “there is no god except Allah” completing one hundred. He recites the
ayat al-kursi, Al-ikhlas and Al-muawithatain (al-falaq and An-nas together).

After that he starts his day by reading what is easy for him from the Noble Quran. He said
(s.a.w.) “The best of you are (those) who learn Quran and teach it.” And he said (s.a.w.) “Read
the Quran because it comes on the day of resurrection, interceding for its companions (readers,
those close to it).”

Then when enough time is available to him, he practices some useful, athletic exercises. To
strengthen his body, because the prophet said (s.a.w.) “the strong believer is better and more
loved by Allah than the weak believer.”

When a young person leaves his home he says “in the name of Allah, I have relied upon Allah,
(there) is no capability and no power, except from Allah. Allah I seek refuge with you from
misleading or being misled, going astray or being led astray, committing injustice or being
treated unjustly, insulting others or being insulted.” On his way to his work or his school, he
considers etiquette of the road, such as spreading peace/saying as-salamu alaykum, (using)
good words with people, encouraging the good, discouraging from the bad, restraining your
sight, etc.
In his school or his work, he ensures to have taqwa (be cautious) of Allah the Most High,
accompanies those who have tawa and are good, put effort in work or school, keep their prayer
punctual, control himself when angry, are truthful and sincere in treatment of his colleagues or
people, (helping people) fulfilling their needs, respecting (in reciprocation) elders and giving
them what they deserve (regardless), and being merciful to children and helping them.

Then if he returned to home, he ensures to perform the prayers in congregation. He says (while)
he is on his way for prayer “Allah make light in my heart and light in my sight and light in my
hearing and on light on my right and light on my left and light above me and light below me and
light in front of me and light behind me and make for me light.” He enters the masjid with his
right leg saying” In the name of Allah and prayers and peace upon the messenger of Allah. Allah
open for me the doors of your mercy.” He exits by his left leg saying “Allah I ask you from your

The young person performs his daily duties on time, in the best way (on the best face), the most
complete way (possibility). Under the supervision of who is older (bigger age), he who has more
experience and knowledge than him in the subject of the duty. So the young person gives to his
colleagues a true depiction of a muslim, who puts in effort and and shows mastery in his work.
The prophet (s.a.w.) said “Allah certainly loves if one of you performs a task, he masters it.”

The young man ensures not to excessively stay up, because it harms his health. He misses the
barakah that the muslim is expecting in the morning of the next day in the Fajr prayer, and what
follows it from supplications and athkar. For if the young person goes to his bed, he sleeps on
his right side and recites ayat al-kurise, then surah al-ikhlas and Al-muawithatain (al-falaq and
An-nas together), then makes dua “O Allah, my lord I put my side due to you and due to you I lift
it, if you held back my soul, forgive it. If you send it back, protect it with however you protect
your righteous servants.

This is how a young person spends a day, or even days filled with prophetic guidance. Filed with
goodness, righteousness, and happiness on him and on all people.

Chap 3
Our Minorities around the World
1. A lot of Muslims emmigrate from Countries seeking education or livelihood or for the
sake of spreading Islam. The call for Islam was one of the most important goals behind past
voyages and migrations. This migration lead to the spread of Islam in many directions of world.
In modern era, a lot of them settled in non-Muslim countries, then they became minorities there.
Those Muslims face a lot of problems in the countries of migration, and whoever converted to
Islam in these countries. Among the most important of them.
First: Problems when they practice worship.
2. (One) of the biggest problems is that, sometimes, Muslims don’t find a Mosque or a
place to pray in. Whether it’s in their residences, or their place of work, or their place of study. In
other cases, there is a Mosque or a place to pray, but there is no knowledgeable Islamic scholar,
whom the Muslims can go to in their minor and major aspects. On the other hand (side), some
of the Muslims might find difficulties in performing the prayer during working times, Since some
institutions and companies forbid Muslims from going out to perform the prayer.

Chap 4
“The Prophetic Way”
Prophetic way, the sayings of the Messenger (s.a.w.), his actions and taqreerat (things
witnessed and not disapproved of). It came to elaborate on the Quran. As the Most High said
{We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to
them} ِAn-Nahl 44.
The prophetic way is inspiration from Allah the Most High. As the Most High said {Nor does he
speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed} An-Najm 3-4. As he said
(s.a.w.) “I have been given the Quran and the equivalent to it.
The prophetic way is the second source of the sources of Islamic legislation, after the Noble
Quran. Therefore it’s a must to follow it and it is forbidden to oppose it. The muslims have a
consensus on that. That was supported by the ayats in a way that leaves no space for doubt.
Among these ayats: {And whatever the Messenger has given you - take; and what he has
forbidden you - refrain from} Hashr 7. The ayah {He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed
Allah} Nisa’ 80. The ayah {Say, [Muhammad], "If you should love Allah, then follow me. Allah will
love you and forgive you your sins} Imran 31. The ayah {It is not for a believing man or a
believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should
[thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger
has certainly strayed into clear error} Ahzab 36. And likewise {But no, by your Lord, they will not
[truly] believe until they make you, [O Muhammad], judge concerning that over which they
dispute among themselves and then find within themselves no discomfort from what you have
judged and submit in (full, willing) submission.} Nisa’ 65.

It also came in the prophetic hadith, obligating to follow him (s.a.w.), such as (whoever obeys
me enters Jannah and who disobeys me certainly refuses) and such as (I don’t find one of you
resting on his sofa, he receives a command of mine from of which I ordered something or
prohibited something and he says “We don’t know. Whatever we find in the book of Allah, we
follow it.)

The muslims had worked on transcribing the prophetic sunnah in early times, for the sake of
preserving the sunnah of The Messenger (s.a.w.). The muslims became the most thorough
nation in what they write and relate. The Messenger (s.a.w.) had encouraged toward
confirmation when relating information and accepting it, for he (s.a.w.) said “May Allah make
someone radiant, he who heard something from us, and reported it as he heard it. For praise
the one who conscientiously reports (instead of just) listening.” He (s.a.w.) also said “Who lies
about me intentionally, he should expect his place in the fire.” So the muslims have established
a science called the science of discrediting and vouching. It is a science that has no equivalent
in other nations. The muslims started to distinguish between those whose narration is accepted
from whose narration is rejected. So they protected the sunnah from the lies of the apostates.
(There are) many prophetic hadiths. There is no good but the Prophet (s.a.w.) has guided his
nation toward it. There is no evil but he warned of it. Therefore, indeed, the laws came including
all directions of life. It is a complete method. The muslim lives it and uses it in his whole life. The
famous books of sunnah include the prophetic hadiths. Among the most important of them are
Saheeh Bukhari and Saheeh muslim. Among examples of the prophetic hadiths:
● “Islam was built on five: Testification that there is no god except Allah and that
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and establishing prayer, and giving zakat, and
performing Hajj to the House, and fasting Ramadan,” and (that is) agreed on (by at least
Bukhari and Muslim).
● “Who testifies (there is) no god except Allah, alone with no partners, and Muhammad is
his servant and his messenger, and that Esa is his servant and his messenger and the
son of his servant and his word, given to Maryam and a spirit from him. That the
paradise is true and that the fire is true. That the rising is true. Allah will admit he (who
testifies this) to Jannah” and (that is) agreed on.
● “I was only sent to complete good morals” narrated by Bukhari.
● “The believer, to another believer, is like two bricks strengthening each other,” and (that
is) agreed on.
● “Jibreel had been advising the care of the neighbor until I thought he will make him an
inheritor” and (that is) agreed on.
● “O servant of Allah, use medicine. For Allah, the Most High, never puts a sickness
unless he puts a medicine for it, except for one sickness, aging,” narrated by Ahmad.
● “You must be truthful, for truthfulness guides to righteousness, and righteousness guides
to Jannah. The man who is truthful and genuinely seeks truthfulness would be written by
Allah as truthful. Refrain from lying because indeed lying guides to immorality, and
immorality guides to the fire. The man who lies and endeavours to lie would be written by
Allah as a liar” narrated by Muslim.
● “Take advantage of five before five: your life before your death, your health before your
sickness, your free time before your business, your youth before your old age, and your
wealth before you poverty” narrated by Al Bayhaqi.
● “Allah certainly loves if one of you performs a task, he masters it.” narrated by Al
Bayhaqi. .
● “Allah certainly loves leniency in everything” narrated by Bukhari.
● “Who had three (things) found the sweetness of iman: that Allah and his messenger
becomes more loved to him than anything else, and he only loves a person to love him
for Allah, and that he hates to return to kufr after he was saved from it by Allah. Likewise
he hates to be thrown in the fire.” and (that is) agreed on.
● “The best of you is the best to his family, and I am the best to my family” narrated by ibn

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