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I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. behave B. facility C. face D. occasion
2. A. occasion B. vendor C. mobile D. technological
3. A. entertain B.event C. dogsled D. domed
4. A. diary B. arctic C. facility D. igloo
5. A. tug B. punishment C. autumn D. number
II. Choose A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence
6. I______like western music, but now I do.
A. didn’t used to B. didn’t use to
C. use not to D. used to
7.I always_______________be afraid of the dark.
A. used to B. use to C. was used to B. didn’t used to
8.I_____________drive a big car.
A. wasn't used to B. didn’t use to C. got used to D. didn’t used to
9.I have lived in a big city for ten years, so I ______the noise.
A. used to B. am use to C. am used to D. get use to
10. It took me a long time to ______living in the country.
A. get used to B. get use to C. used to D. didn’t use to
11. Mrs. Hill wishes her daughter______ to university. That's why she sends her to private school.
A. would go B. will go C. had gone D. going
12. I wish I ______under the sun for a long time. Now I have a terrible sunburn.
A. would stay B. hadn't stayed C. wouldn't stay D. had stayed
13. Joseph wishes he ______a rich man so that he could buy the red sports car in his dreams.
A. weren't B. will be C. were D. won't be
14. I wish we______ to a bigger house. I don't have my own room.
A. will move B. moving C. won't move D. moved
15. Phillip and John wish they______ their homework. The teacher got very angry.
A. did B. would do C. had done D. will do
III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences
16. ______kind of you to help!
A. How B. What C. Which D. When
17. I think the______ leap beyond the next one will take US to the stars.
A. medical B. educational C. technological D. logical
18. ___________as many ideas as possible.
A. Storm B. Brainstorm C. Cancel D. Quarrel
19. Do you_____________a diary?
A. act B. go C. run D. keep
20. A large percentage of the rural population was___________________
A. rich B. illiterate C. famous D. ill
6. In Germany there is_______ a of giving workers a say in how their company is run.
A. tradition B. practice C. behaviour D. habit
7. We must just agree to_______ on this.
A. give B. take C. differ D. include
8. The ritual of the party conference is acted_______ in the same way every year.
A. out B. in C. on D. at
9. His speech_______ the importance of attracting industry to the town.
A. saw B. came C. fired D. emphasized
10. He suffers_______ asthma.
A. in B. up C. from D. by
ỊV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:
11. He (A) sat by the (B) phone, (C) wish it (D) would ring.

12. (A) Did she (B) used to (C) have long (D) hair?

13. We are in (A) compete with (B) four other companies (C) for the (D) contract.
29. I (A) find it’s (B) hard to walk (C) now. I've been (D) bare my feet all day.
30. The centre (A) offers activities (B) for everyone, (C) whatever your age or (D) mental condition.

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:
1. A. arctic B. dogsled C. facility D. igloo
2. A. entertain B. downtown C. literate D. loudspeaker
3. A. auxiliary B. specific C. technologist D. actually
4. A. appreciate B. project C. participate D. machine
5. A. imaginary B. creative C. punishment D. behaviour

II. Complete the sentence with the correct tense of the verb in brackets:

6. We always have to take the bus home. I wish we (not live) _______ so far from the city centre.

7. We are completely soaked. I V ish we (bring) _______ the umbrella.

He is always whistling. I wish he (not do) _______ that all the time.
9. We are having a wonderful holiday on the beach. 1 wish you (be) _______ here.
10. This computer is useless. I wish my parents (choose) _______ a better one when they bought it.
11. She's got a new job but she feels bored. She wishes her boss (give) _______her more responsibility.
12. He's sorry he missed the wedding ceremony. I le wishes he (go) _______
13. I wish my neighbours (not make) _______ so much noise. I can hardly sleep al night.
14. Citizens wish their leaders (start) _______ doing something to improve the economic situation.

15. They have lots of money. Even so, they wished they (have) _______ more and more.

III. For each sentence, choose a variety of "used tơ”, "be used to" or "get used to". Use the verb in the brackets to
make the sentence. Don't use any contractions.
16. European drivers find it difficult to (drive) _______ on the left when they visit Britain.
17. See that building there? I (go) _______ to school there, but now it's a factory.

18. I've only been at this company a couple of months. 1 (still not) _______ how they do things round here.

19. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, 1 (live) _______ in a house.

I had always lived in apartment buildings.
20. Working till 10pm isn't a problem. I (finish) _______ late. I did it in my last job too.

IV. Complete the following paragraph using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets:
In the past, buildings were still stage houses, small, and made by wood. They were not (21) (WIDTH)_______
enough and they were still very traditional.
Some examples of traditional houses are “Toraja House” or “Gedong House” and etC. In the present, many houses are in
the (22) (MODERNIZE) _______ shapes. They are built from bricks and they are wide. They also have fences. Hotel IS
one example OÍ a modern building. Modern building also has more (23) (VARIABLE) _______ of architecture. Modern
building is more efficient than the past buildings. Modems buildings are also built (24) (STRONG) _______against the
earthquake and storm.
In the past, (25) (EDUCA1E) _______ was very traditional. Schools were
still very simple and traditional. Many people did not really go to a (26) (FORM) _______ school. They chose to study with
their parents at home. They were only (27) (TEACH) _______ how to farm, plant, or breed pets. They only learned how to
(28) (SURVIVAL) _______ to live in very simple ways. In
modem life. Education becomes very (29) (IMPORTANCE) _______. Children must go to school and learn many subjects
like, mathematics, chemistry, and so on. 1 hey also can go to a cheap school or the expensive one if the parents have much
money. The (30) (FACILITATE) _______ are also very complete for example, laboratory, gymnasium, music room and
many more.
V. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps
As 1900 opened, society reflected much as we did with the turn of 2000. "What did the 1800s bring (31) _______?"
they asked. "What have we achieved, where are we going?" It was a time for looking back (32) _______ a century of rapid
transformation and looking forward to the changes (33) _______ to come.
Americans were optimistic (34) _______ 1900. For most of them, life was better materially than it had ever been.
This was a time of (35) _______- a new materialism, available (36) _______ time, and vacations for the emerging middle
class appeared. America was now the world's most (37) _______ country. Access to electricity, automobiles, and indoor
plumbing (38) _______ not widespread, but most people felt that such conveniences were just a (39) _______ of time.
For every American, including the working class, there was "possibility." Anything was possible in America. This
was the place of the self-made man, the American Dream, " (40) _______ to riches."
(http:/ / articles/ research76_lifel900.himi)
31. A. them B. us C. me D. her
32. A. in B. out C. on D. into
33. A. not B. when C. even D. still
34. A. in B. on C. at D. out
35. A. poor B. prosperous C. prosperity D. poverty
36. A. working B. leisure C. studying D. bad
37. A. big B. technology C. rich Đ. affluent
38 A. was B. were C. is D. are
39. A. lot B. while C. bit D. matter
40. A. nothing B. poors C. rugs D. rags
I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:
1. A. communicate B. especially C. valuable D. comparison
2. A. obesity B. socialism C. essential D. particular
3. A. surprise B. concentrate C. compromise D. tolerant
4. A. magician B. elective C. diversify D. fountain
5. A. effectively B. expert C. express D. consult

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets:

6. I think she have some (behave)_____problems.
7. I found the talk both informative and (entertain) _____.
8. It has been a most (event) _____day!
9. The (illiterate) _____rate on the island is still unacceptably high.
10. We (occasion) _____meet for a drink after work.
III. Read the text and answer the following questions:
I’m going to write about my past life and how it has influenced me now that 1 am older. This includes most of the bad
and good things 1 did while I was growing up.
Three things have affected my life. The first is when I was 11 years old I found out that I was pretty good at playing
basketball. Because of basketball 1 in glad I didn’t turn out like the rest of my neighborhood friends, a gangster and a
lowlife locked up for years.
The second is when I was in 6th grade my older brother got sick from a disease called diabetes that you get from
eating too much sugar. When I found out I got scared and 1 stopped eating a lot of sweet stull and I started playing sports
to keep myself healthy.
My third is when I was a 7th grader my friend started getting involved in iiangs. When 1 got to high school I found
out that everything you do affects you in the future. I was getting bad grades and 1 was never able to play sports because
of rny grades. Now 1 know I have to get good grades to play sports and I could graduate from Avenal High School.
(http:/ / www. ! view.asp?id 8208?)
16. Thanks to playing football,.
A. 1 didn't lead a low life B. I played with my neighborhood friends
C. I stopped eating sweets D. I got better grades
17. One benefit of playing sports is.
A. keeping fit B. getting sick
C. becoming obese D. getting scared
18. When did the author find out that everything we do affects our life?

A. when his friends got involved in gangs

B. when he graduated from high school

C. when he started high school
D. when he got bad marks

19. Which of the following is not true of the author?

A. He used to be a gangster. B. He used to eat sweets.
C. He could play football quite well. D. Thinking about the troubles.
20. The things which can change our lives are
A. only good things B. only bad things
C. our family and friends D. both good and bad things we have done
IV. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or I) for each of the gaps.
World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a (21) _______war that lasted from 1939 to 1945,
although related conflicts began (22) _______It involved the vast majority (23) _______the world's countries-including
all of the great powers—eventually forming two (24) military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most
widespread war in history, (25) _______directly involved more than 100 million people from (26) _______30 countries.
In a state of "total war", the major (27) _______threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind
the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources. Marked (28) _______mass deaths of
civilians, including the Holocaust (in which approximately 11 million people Were killed) and the strategic bombing of
industrial and population centres (in which approximately one (29) _______were killed, and which included the atomic
bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki), it resulted (30) _______an estimated 50 million to 85 million fatalities. These
made World War II the deadliest conflict in human history.
21. A. national B. inside C. global D. oceanic
22. A. smaller B. earlier C. bigger D. faster
23. A. of B. on C. with D. in
24. A. supporting B. unequal C. wicked D. opposing
25. A. but B. and C. though D. because
26. A. over B. more C. in D. at
27. A. individuals B. organizations C. nations D. participants
28. A. in B. on C. by D. over
29. A. billion B. million C. hundred D. thousand
30. A. from B. in C. on D. by

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