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Staff and Personnel

This subject deals on efficient management of
human resources in attaining organizational
goals. It emphasizes on recruitment, selection
and placement, transfers, promotion and
separation of employees. Also included are
training, performance evaluation, employee
welfare and disciplinary procedures.
1. Understand the development of personnel to
attain goals.
2. Develop awareness on the concepts and
principles of human resource management and
develop personnel program.
3. Understand practices in recruitment, selection,
placement, promotion and separation of
employees within the organization.
Personnel management is defined as an
administrative specialization that focuses on hiring and
developing employees to become more valuable to the
company. It is sometimes considered to be a sub-
category of human resources that only focuses on
Personnel Management
Personnel are those who are employed in the workplace.
Personnel management is an administrative function which
exists in an organization to ensure right personnel at right
organizational activity. It is a traditional approach of managing
employees which focuses on adherence to policies and rules
of organization. Personnel management is concerned with
planning, job analysis, recruitment and performance appraisal
along with training and compensation management.
Personnel management also focuses on managing labor
relationship by handling employee grievances.
Human Resource Management
Human resource management is a modern approach of
managing people at workplace which focuses on acquisition,
development, utilization and maintenance of human
resource. It combines physical energies and their strengths
with human competencies. In simple words, human resource
management can be referred as the policy which ensures
right quality and quantity of human resource in the
organization. Like personnel management, human resource
management is also concerned with planning, job analysis,
recruitment and selection, hiring and socialization, training,
performance appraisal, rewarding, and compensation
According to Flippo, “Personnel
management is the planning, organizing,
compensation, integration and
maintenance of people for the purpose of
contributing to organizational, individual and
societal goals.”

(1)   Staying  Competitive

Part  of  personnel  management  is  developing  training  for  employees
  and providing  the  resources  they  need  to  stay  up to date
on  their  jobs.  some  of  those  resources   include  an on  site  library
of  industry   information   encouraging  employees  to
continue  their  education  by  subsidizing  tuition  costs  and  notifying
of  seminars  and  classes  that  would  assist  in  the  development  of 
 their  job   skills.
When  used  in  this  manner,  personnel  management  keeps  your  wor
kforce  currency  on  the   changes   in  the  industry  it  allows   your   co
mpany  to  adapt  quicker  to  changes  and  keeps  you  ahead  of  the  
competition . 
2. Retention
Human  resources  professionals  focus on  personnel  manager
  from  the  employees  first  interview  through  the  rest  of  
 employees  tenure  a  competition  pay  plan  and  benefits
  package  entice  employees  to  work  for  your  company 
 ongoing  administration  of  benefits, employees  carrier 
 advancement   and  an  interactive  review  process  by 
 departmental  managers  help  the     employee  to  develop
  to   her    maximum  potential   when  personnel 
 management  is  effective  for  each  employee  from  the
  beginning  of  employment,it result  in  a  higher  retention  rate.
Team  work
 Effective  personnel   management   creates  strong   bonds
 between the company and the
employee  and  it  also  encourages   employees  to
develop  a  sense  of  teamwork. Team
building   exercises  help  employees   learn  to  work 
 together,and  that  works   together  with   the  focus  on  the  indi
viduals  to  create   a  stronger  personnel   framework 
 employees   understand  their  role  within   the  company 
 and  they  learn   to     respect   the   roles  of  others company
decision   follow  their   proper  channels     and   the  structure   
of  the  organization  in  strengthened .
3. Managerial  Effectiveness
    One   of  the  more   importance    relationship  for   any 
 company   is  the  one  between  a  manager  and  an
 employee  by  developing  the  employee   and  the
 team  the  staff  understands   how  its  action  affect  the 
 productivity  of  the  entire   department   when  employees  
take  a  personnel  interest  in  the  productivity  of  their 
department   this   helps  managers  to  focus  more   on
procedures   and  employee   development   while  having   to  
focus  less  on  administrative  responsibilities    such  as  
dispute  resolution  and  employee  turnover .
1. Organizational Objectives
or Goals
•The end result of that which motivates
people in organizations to work or strive
to achieve.
•These are statements of the overall
purpose for the establishment of the
2. Policies
•Defines as general statements used
as guides for people in an
organization as they perform their
•Policy statement of an organization
that affect the success of the human
resource manager as well as the
quality of work life of personnel.
3. Organizational Climate
•It is the psychological environment existing
within an organization that affects all human
•It is the attitude and feelings that people
have about the organization, their
supervisor, their peers and their jobs.
•1. Working Conditions
• It refers to physical, social, technological,
political and economic conditions prevailing in
the organization.
• Physical Condition – includes factors as lighting,
temperature, humidity, noise, dust, radiation and
other health and safety hazards, and nature of the
work: hours of work, skills required, mental and
physical effort exted.
• Social working condition – It is the result of the
interests, abilities, aptitudes, skills, training and
experience that employees with their varied
backgrounds bring to an organization. The
differences in attitudes and behaviour because of
differences in customs, traditions, culture and
upbringing even among us, Filipinos.
• Technological working Condition – includes tools,
equipment and machineries available in performing
work, the production processes involve at work, and
the plant layout of the work place or organization.
• Political Condition – Involves the art of
compromising that is essential in organization.
Politics play an important role in some organizations
if employees are to get ahead or gain cooperation to
perform their duties successfully.
• Economic working conditions – refers to the wages
or salaries and benefits that an organization will
make available to employee.
Factors that Influence Org. Climate
2. Communication
• It’s the transfer of information and understanding
from one person to another person.
• Effective communication would require the
transmission of an idea or message in a manner
that it is correctly understood by the person
receiving the idea or message.
•Person-to-person communication. It is the most effective
and most commonly used method of communication.
Methods are: informal talks, planned appointments,
telephone calls, oral reports, written reports, letters,
memorandum, and circulars.

•Group communication. It is used when the target

audience is large and it would be too time-consuming
when person-to-person communication is used.
•Group communication methods are: planed conferences,
informal staff meeting, visual aids, exhibits, posters,
bulletin board notices, company publication, television
advertisements, public address system, and radio
Factors that Influence Org. Climate

3. Motivational Techniques
• These are the methods used by managers to stimulate
employees to take goal directed action.
• It refers to any goal-directed behavior of a person.
Types of Motivations:
• 1. Financial – include all methods involving money that an
employee may receive as a result of his employment such
as: wage or salary, bonus, benefits, commissions,
• 2. Non-financial – include all non-financial motives of
individuals, groups, or organization of employees to take
goal directed action in order to satisfy certain human needs
such as: physiological, safety needs, social needs, esteem
needs, and self-actualization needs.
Types of Motivations:
•3 Positive
– involves the grant rewards for a job well done to
employees. These rewards may take the form of salary increases,
promotion, merit increases, houses, recognitions.

•4. Negative – refer to any method of motivation taking the form of

fear: fear of losing a job; reduction in pay, bonus or commission;
demotion used as a penalty for failing to meet organizational
standards or requirements.

5. Leadership Styles
• It is a behavior followed to integrate organizational and
personnel interests directed toward the realization of an
objectives or goal.
Legal Basis of Personnel Management

Section 3. The State shall afford full protection to labor, local and
overseas, organized and unorganized, and promote full employment and
equality of employment opportunities for all.

It shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-organization, collective

bargaining and negotiations, and peaceful concerted activities, including
the right to strike in accordance with law. They shall be entitled to
security of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage. They
shall also participate in policy and decision-making processes affecting
their rights and benefits as may be provided by law.
Organizational Chart, DepEd R02

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