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The Tangerine Technique

The tangerine technique is probably one of the simplest techniques you

will find on the entire InfiniteMinds site. But don’t let its
simplicity fool you, like with so many things in life, the simplest
ideas can often be the most powerful.

This technique will allow you to quickly and easily enter a state of
mind associated with enhanced learning. While in this state you will
find it easier to concentrate and remain focused, remember more of
what you learn, be better at solving problems and able to come up with
more creative solutions.

The Technique

1. Start by closing your eyes.

2. Next take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds and then
slowly let it out. Repeat this slow, deep breath four or five times.
Try to make each exhalation slower and deeper than the last. (People
are often tempted to skip this step, but it is important as it
prepares the mind and body for a change in states)

3. Hold an imaginary tangerine in your hand and take a moment to

really experience it. Smell it, see the colour, feel the weight and
the texture. Imagine throwing the tangerine back and forth between
your hands.

4. Now take the tangerine in your dominant hand and place it on the
top back part of your head. Touch that area gently and imagine feeling
the tangerine resting there while you bring your arm down and relax
your shoulders.

5. Just let the tangerine balance where you left it, really focus on
the feeling of the tangerine resting against your head.

6. With your eyes still closed, imagine your peripheral vision

expanding outwards and your field of vision opening up as a result.
Take a moment to notice what has happened to your physical and mental
state, you will feel both relaxed and alert.

7. Maintain the relaxed feeling of alertness as you open your eyes and
begin working on whatever it is you have to learn today.

The tangerine technique works particularly well when you have lots of
material to read, and notes to make. If you take just two to three
minutes to use this technique each time when you sit down to learn or
study something new, you will soon find entering this peak performance
state becomes automatic.

Try combining this technique with the Intutive Writing Method for a
real free flow of creative ideas.


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