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It ain’t over till it’s over

End relationships that no longer work for you, as you could be spending time in a dead end. Rather head
for more meaningful things. You could be missing opportunities while you’re stuck in a meaningless rut,
trying to breathe life into something that is long gone.

Don’t skip breakfast

Studies show that eating a proper breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you are trying
to lose weight. Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight.

Be mindful when drinking tea

Taking a mindful tea break is a powerful way to stop the racing mind and come to the present moment.
Make a tea and as you drink it bring your attention fully to the experience by tuning into your senses. Feel
the warmth of the cup in your hands, taste the tea with each sip, notice the sounds around you. When you
feel your mind wandering, let go of thoughts and come back to the sensation of the warmth of the tea cup
in your hands.

Sunscreen can be a smokescreen

Sunscreen is unlikely to stop you from being sunburned, or to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer.
That’s because most people don’t apply it properly, and stay in the sun too long. The solution? Slather on
sunscreen daily and reapply it often, especially if you’ve been in the water. How much? At least enough
to fill a shot glass.

I say tomato.
Tomato is a superstar in the fruit and veggie pantheon. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful cancer
fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious!

Practise mindful breaths. Use the four parts of the breath to bring you into the present. Inhale and bring
everything in, then at the top of the breath with full lungs, consciously accept that it’s there. Then, as you
exhale, let it all go until your lungs are completely empty of air. Before your next inhale, take a second to
enjoy that everything is okay and you’re still you, regardless of what’s happening. The breath is very
powerful in helping us think about what we’re taking in and what we’ll let go of.

Mindful living
You've probably heard the old adage that life's too short to stuff a mushroom. But perhaps you should
consider the opposite: that life's simply too short NOT to focus on the simple tasks. By slowing down and
concentrating on basic things, you'll clear your mind of everything that worries you.
Sleep right!
Sleeping on your right side increases the efficiency of your sleep

Look me in the eye!

The ability to make high-level eye contact is a skill every man should work on, as it has been shown to
create some incredible benefits for the gazer. Numerous studies have shown that people who make
higher-levels of eye contact with others are perceived as being: More dominant and powerful. More warm
and personable.

Do self-checks
Do regular self-examinations of your breasts. Most partners are more than happy to help, not just because
breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. The best time to examine your breasts is in the
week after your period.

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