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Report on second video conference

On the 29th of January, we convened for our eagerly anticipated second video
conference, which proved to be a highly rewarding experience. Throughout the session,
we explored a multitude of topics including waste management strategies, the concept of
green meals, fostering ecological creativity, energy conservation techniques, and the
importance of saving food resources. Our engagement with students from the
Netherlands was particularly enlightening, especially during our discussion on food
preservation and waste reduction.
The students from the Netherlands impressed us with their thoughtful approach to
managing food waste by only taking what they need, showcasing a smart and sustainable
mindset towards consumption. Their emphasis on mindfulness and moderation
resonated deeply with our group, sparking reflection on our own habits and practices.
In turn, when asked about our methods for managing food wastage in our school, we
explained our principle of finishing what's on our plates, instilled as a practice to
minimize unnecessary waste. This exchange not only highlighted the cultural differences
in food management but also underscored the universal value of responsible
consumption and waste reduction.
Through this dialogue, we gained valuable insights into diverse approaches to addressing
food waste, fostering a deeper appreciation for sustainable living practices and cross-
cultural understanding. The exchange served as a catalyst for further reflection and
action towards more responsible stewardship of our resources.

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