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11 Natural Remedies for Whiter Teeth

Do yellowed teeth mar your smile, their dull and lackluster hue causing you to keep your lips zipped?
Fear not! There are ways to whiten your teeth without dipping into your savings. Show off your smile
with these 11 all-natural remedies!

1. Baking Soda. Baking soda whitens teeth with its gently abrasive properties, removing tartar.
Moreover, it eliminates bacteria and prevents cavities. To use it, wet your toothbrush and sprinkle
baking soda onto the bristles. Then, clean your teeth as usual! To avoid weakening tooth enamel, only
do this once a week.

2. Lemon. The citric acid in lemon removes stains and cleans teeth. It also fights against the
accumulation tartar and makes your breath fresh. It’s effective in maintaining the health of your gums,
too, because it can help to cure gingivitis and prevent bleeding. Brush your teeth with a little lemon
juice, then rinse with water. Do this no more than three times a week. For better results, mix lemon
juice and baking soda together.

3. Cheese. Before sipping wine (or anything else that will stain your teeth) nibble on some cheese. It’ll
cover your chompers with a thin film to protect them from staining. Casein contained in the cheese
boosts the “sticky” quality of saliva, causing it to adhere to enamel. Your teeth will be protected from
harmful acids. To top it off, some studies show that cheese may prevent cavities!

4. Charcoal. Charcoal comes from charred wood. Well before the creation of toothpaste, it was used in
several countries for tooth-whitening purposes. To reap the benefits of charcoal’s tooth-whitening
effects, turn it into powder, then put a little on your toothbrush. Brush your teeth normally. Do this two
to three times a week for a brighter smile.

5. Green Clay. Green clay is prized for its oil-taming effects in beauty mask-form, but it is also quite
useful in teeth whitening. Mix the powder with water to make a paste, and use like normal toothpaste
up to three times a week.

6. Sea Salt. Rich in iodine, sea salt is available everywhere. Thanks to its antifungal and antiseptic
qualities, using sea salt will not only make your teeth whiter, but also healthier. Moisten your
toothbrush, dip it in sea salt, and brush away. Do this twice a week.
7. Banana Peels. Bananas are packed with nutrients, including minerals like magnesium, manganese, and
potassium. The peel of this fruit can really help with tooth whitening—simply rub your teeth directly
with the banana peel for about one minute. This can be done every day.

8. Orange peels. With a high content of potassium and magnesium, orange peels can be very helpful in
tooth whitening. Rub your teeth with the inner part of the orange peel for two to three minutes. Then
leave the residue on your teeth for fifteen minutes before brushing them with normal toothpaste. Do
this every day, if you want!

9. Carrots. Just nibbling on a raw carrot can whiten your teeth. But you can also rub your pearly whites
with a raw carrot stick, which will make them even pearlier and help to protect them from bacteria.
Thanks, vitamin C, for balancing the acid in our mouths!

10. Strawberries. Not only are strawberries delicious, but also their contents can whiten your smile. Rich
in a natural enzyme called malic acid, strawberries restore long-lost tooth whiteness. Crush a couple of
strawberries on your teeth and rub them in. Leave them on for two to three minutes, then rinse with
water. This fruit also fights bacteria.

11. Ditch the sugary beverages. The acids in soda attack tooth enamel, and can also be harmful for the
stomach. Discolored teeth are more likely to decay. If you really can’t resist, consider using a straw!
Then, at least, the soda won’t touch your teeth.

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