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Cadeliña, Girlee Jhene B.


ACTIVITY 1: Choose one quotation to reflect on. How are you going to specifically
apply this quotation to your life?

"Whatever we learn to do, we learn by actually doing it; men come to be builders,
for instance, by building, and harp players by playing the harp. In the same way, by
doing just acts we come to be just; by doing self-controlled acts, we come to be self-
controlled; and by doing brave acts, we become brave."— Aristotle

Aristotle is telling us that the way to get good at something is by doing it. It's like
becoming a good cook by cooking, or a skilled painter by painting. So, for me, if I want to
be a kind person, I'll practice kindness in my actions. If I aim to be a good communicator,
I'll engage in conversations to improve that skill. If I want to be a good learner, I'll engage
in activities that challenge and stimulate my mind. It's all about learning and growing
through hands-on experience.

ACTIVITY 2: Write your own philosophy in life through a quotation. Explain the
meaning of your philosophy.


"In the symphony of existence, I harmonize with the rhythms of joy, for in happiness, I
find the essence of a life well-lived."


Life, to me, is a grand symphony, and happiness is the music that makes it
resonate. This philosophy is all about making happiness a central focus. It's all about
seeking happiness in the little things, connecting with awesome people, growing
personally, practicing gratitude, and contributing to the happiness of those around us.
Ultimately, the pursuit of happiness shapes my choices and actions, aiming for a
life filled with fulfillment and positivity. I live by the belief that in the kingdom of joy,
problems fade away. Opting for happiness is the master key that opens the door to a life
free from troubles.

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