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Night; Fluency

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Night; Fluency



Is a cover of minute ice crystals on objects that are exposed to cold weather.


To crowd curl one’s legs up to the chest and keep one’s arms close to the torso to

assume a position similar to that of an embryo in the womb.


To be covered in a piece of clothing such as a curtain or blanket.


To be weighed down by something.


On the third day, at dawn, the prisoners, including Eliezer and his father, were taken from the

barracks to a gate that divided the camp into two. The SS soldiers divided the weak to the left

and those able to walk on the right. On noticing that his father was curled to the left, Eliezer runs

to him creating a commotion that enabled him to switch his father to the right side. Eliezer and

his father, the other prisoners, and, the SS officers wait for the arrival of the train in the middle of

a field that was crossed by rail tracks. Prisoners served bread but creatively quench their thirst

with snow to the surprise of the watching SS soldiers. Finally, the train arrives and they board.


On page one of chapter Seven, Eliezer reflects on the never-ending journey in such of freedom.

As morning light is seen from the horizon he realizes that in the train, were dead bodies that were

to be dropped to grave diggers upon the train stops. He notices that his father is huddled and not

moving. His attempts to wake him out by calling does not move him. The fear in Eliezer was that

of losing his father who was already weak. That was compounded by the fact that Eliezer’s

father remained motionless despite his attempts.

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