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1. How often do you do the laundry?

2. How much sugar do you use everyday?

3. What time do you go to bed?
4. How much time do you spend on studying everyday?
5. What do you like doing at the weekends?
6. What hobby do you have?
7. What makes you happy?
8. What is more interesting at school ART or PE? Why?
9. What is your favourite book/tv program/game?
10. What is your favourite emoji? Why? When do you use it?
11. What is an unique talent you have?
12. What do you do to relax?
13. Where do your family members work?
14. Which languages do you speak?
15. What is your favourite subject?
16. Do you have any siblings? If so can you describe her/him? If not, would you like to have one?
17. What time do you usually wake up?
18. Where do you go to school? Can you describe it?
19. What’s your favourite place?
20. What’s your favourite food?
21. What’s your favourite restaurant?
22. Do you have any allergies?
23. What kind of music do you like listening to?
24. Where do you go if you want peace and quiet?
25. Who’s your favourite person in the whole world?
26. What do you have to do today?
27. Do you have any bad habits? What are they?
28. Is there something you do only once a year?
29. What’s your daily routine?
30. What do you usually do at the weekends?
31. Do you have a YouTube channel? Do you record any videos?
32. How many apps do you think you have on your phone?
33. Do you have your e-mail? How often do you check it?
34. How much time do you spend on your phone everyday?
35. What’s the best thing and worst thing about social media?
36. How often do you go to the cinema?
37. How much walking do you do every day? Do you have a step counter?
38. Do you prefer to relax or to go on an adventure during your holidays?
39. Do you prefer studying at school or online?
40. What time do shops close in your town?
41. Do you like playing video games / board games? If so, what are some of your favourites?
42. Do you know any jokes?
43. What’s your favourite time of the year?
44. Can you draw?
45. Can you play any instrument? If not, would you like to ?
46. What are you scared of?
47. Who makes you laugh the most?
48. Which day of the week is your least favourite?
49. What time do you usually finish school?
50. What’s the most expensive thing you have?
51. What’s your favourite colour? Why?
52. When is your birthday?

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