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English Language Answer Key April 2019

Part One Reading Comprehension 24/40

A. 1 The writer considered video games to be (as) his addiction. He described it as his fixation and 02
he mentioned that he had a habit of playing video games. (he couldn’t cut ties with video
games; was hooked; gaming had been a part of his life; was obsessed about it)
2 Online video games were used by the writer to help him escape bad reality, such as bullying 02
and discouragement. He relied on them to escape from his real problems, such as low
selfesteem, and preferred to spend time alone with online friends since he was treated there as
a king.
3 The writer narrates his story to warn the readers of the negative impact of online games 01
addiction, and to encourage outdoor activities.
4 Answers vary ( at least two well-structured complete sentences) 02
5 c -How the writer’s life changed upon quitting video games. 01
B. a them refers to video games ( or games). 0.25
b who refers to online friends. 0.25
c they refers to habits. 0.25
d it refers to outdoor play. 0.25
C. 1 discouragement 01
2 hiatus 01
3 fixation 01
4 endeavor 01
D 1 Extract (A) is the correct part that completes paragraph 5. 01
2 Extract (B) is the correct part that completes paragraph 3. 01
E. 1 the increasing number of children playing online games. 0.5
2 play Kingdom Hearts III.OR: finish a series of levels to get to play Kingdom Hearts III 0.5
F. The table indicates a significant effect of video games on students’ social skills. The 02
percentage of positive social skills in non-addicted students is 74 % which is higher than that
in students addicted to computer games which is 41 %. However, students addicted to
computer games tend to have negative social skills 65% contrary to the normal students
whose negative social skills appear to be 39%.
G. 1 Not only does computer games addiction lead to anxiety, but it also impairs the social 0.5
functioning of the player.
2 Although playing computer games to a limited extent can be useful, the long term playing 0.5
leads to physical and mental complications.
3 An attention to the effect of video games has been paid by many psychologists. OR: An 0.5
attention has been paid to the effect of video games by many psychologists.
4 If parents didn’t prefer their children playing indoors, the children wouldn’t lack the stamina 0.5
and the strength of the previous generations.
H 1 are→ is 0.5
2 found→ have found 0.5
3 why have→ why our children have 0.5
4 participate→ participates 0.5
I. 1 c-than 0.5
2 a- that 0.5
3 c- should 0.5
4 b-I smoked 0.5
Part Two Writing 16/40
Ideas and organization 05
Language and style 05
Outline/chart and title 04
Tidiness and legible handwriting 02

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