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Travail d’Anglais : « Earthrise » de William Anders

-Why do you think this photo is part of the 100 most influential photos ever taken?

We think that this photo is one of the 100 most influential photos ever taken because it was the first
photo of the earth from the space. Before that, we had never seen images of the space so that was
incredible when all the world saw an image of the earth! In fact, this picture was the beginning of the
discovery of a new “world”: the space! Countries like the USA and Russia began a little “war” to send
the first man on the moon after this picture. And the USA won because in 1969, with the mission
“Appolo 11”, Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.

-In what way does the photo have an influence on our everyday lives/on the 21 st century in general?
What are the consequences of such a picture?

We have already said that but with this photo is the beginning of the space conquest! So that was
really an economic, social and technological revolution for the world and this revolution made the 21st
like it is today because a lot of progress have been made at that time. Now, the people are fantasized
by the space and some movies like E.T and StarWars were realizing for example. So this photo
explains well the passion of many people for the space and for the question: “is there a kind of life in
the space” because the space conquest isn’t finish and we don’t know what will happen… But if one of
you believes that there is another type of life or something like that in the space, he may raise his

-Other pictures that were taken after this one?

In fact, our photo was the first photo of our earth but that was not the last. Indeed, a lot of missions
of the Nasa went to the moon to take pictures and so we will show some of these:

-- First, it’s a picture that’s called: “Pale Blue Dot”. That means in French:”le point bleu pâle”.

--Second, it’s a picture that’s called: “The blue marble”. That means in French: “la bille bleue”.

-What are your personal impressions after working on the photo?

I really liked working on this picture because it is simply a beautiful picture to see. To see the earth
like that is very impressive for me because we aren’t use to see pictures of the space. According to
me, this picture is a beautiful symbol of the desire for conquest of the Man and that’s also the symbol
of the beauty of our earth!! In conclusion, I would like to say that the analysis of this picture was just
super cool because I learned a lot of very useful things!

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