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Q1. SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle
Q2. What are SDLC models available?
Waterfall model ,spiral model ,agile model, devogs,RAD, v model,iterative
model ,incremental model
Q3. The goal of the completation phase is to translate the design of the
system into code in a given programming language.
Q4. Non - funtionalrequirements are constraints on the services or
functions offered by the system such as timing constraints, constraints on
the development process, standards, etc.
Q5. Coding phase is followed by testing phase
Q6.product backlog is a list of 'to do items which the Scrum team must
tackle. They may be feature definitions for the software, software
requirements, user stories or descriptions of supplementary tasks that are
needed, such as architecture definition or user documentation.
Q8. What is computer software?
Computer software runs the computer ,from the operating system user to
Q9. Can you differentiate computer software and computer program?

Q10. What is software engineering?
Softwafe engineering refers the systematic application of engineering
sprinciples ,methods, tool to design ,maintain, test develop
Q11. When you know programming, what is the need to learn software
engineering oncepts?
Learn software engineering concepts ensures building more reliable,
scalable,maintainable software beyond knowing programing
Q12. What is software process or Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?
Quy trình phát triển phần mềm (SDLC) là chuỗi các bước từ ý tưởng ban đầu đến sản
phẩm hoàn chỉnh, bao gồm lập kế hoạch, phân tích, thiết kế, thực thi, kiểm thử, triển khai
và bảo trì.

Q13. Which SDLC model is the best?

Q14. What is software project management?

Quản lý dự án phần mềm bao gồm lập kế hoạch, tổ chức và kiểm soát quá trình phát triển phần
mềm để đảm bảo giao sản phẩm thành công trong các ràng buộc nhất định.


1) What are the main roles defined by the Scrum Framework?
there are three primary roles: the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team
2) What are the fundamental activities of a software process?
 Planning
 Requirement Analysis
 Design
 Implementation
 Testing
 Deployment
 Maintenance
3) What are universal management activities in project management?
 Planning
 Organizing
 Leading
 Controlling
 Communicating
 Risk Management
4) What are the steps in the risk management process?
 Risk Identification
 Risk Analysis
 Risk Response Planning
 Risk Monitoring and Control
 Risk Communication

What are the main project management activities?

 Planning
 Organizing
 Leading
 Controlling
 Communicating
 Risk Management

5) What are the major tasks of requirement engineering?

 Elicitation
 Analysis
 Specification
 Validation
 Management and Maintenance
6) Advantages of the Waterfall Model:
 Simplicity
 Structured Approach
 Clear Milestones
 Ease of Management
 Client Involvement
7) Advantages of Spiral Model:
 Risk Management
 Flexibility
 Client Involvement
 Incremental Releases
 High-Quality End Product
8) Advantages of Agile Model:
 Flexibility and Adaptability
 Customer Satisfaction
 Early and Predictable Delivery
 Continuous Improvement
 Enhanced Communication
 Reduced Risks
 Focus on Quality
9) Who is software project manager?
the software project manager oversees the software development process and ensures
project success by managing progress and resources. They serve as the primary liaison
between the development team and stakeholders
10 What does software project manager do?
 Planning
 Team Coordination
 Communication
 Risk Management
 Budgeting and Resource Management
 Quality Assurance
 Change Management
 Documentation
11 What is software scope?
The software scope is the boundary and objective of the project, defining
what will be included and excluded in the software development process.

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