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27.09.2022 13.

40 OPR Army Forge Beta

Wormhole Daemons of Change • 570pts

Great Harbinger of Change [1] - 570pts

Quality 2+ Defense 2+ Tough 12

Daemon, Fear, Hero, Stealth, Tough(6), Symbol of
Change(2), Psychic(2), Ascended Daemon(Tough(+6)),


2x Great Power
- A6 1 Rending

Wormhole Daemons of Change

Psychic Spells

Breath of Change (4+): Target 2 friendly units

within 6” get +1" next time they Advance, or
+2" next time they Charge/Rush.

Blaze (4+): Target enemy unit within 6” takes 3

hits with AP(2).

Steal Power (5+): Target 2 enemy units within

18” get -1 to hit next time they shoot.

Inferno (5+): Target enemy unit within 6” rolls

as many dice as models in it, and takes 1 hit for
each 3+ rolled.

Loyalty (6+): Target friendly unit within 12”

gets Regeneration next time it takes wounds.

Bolt of Change (6+): Target enemy unit within

6" takes 1 hit with AP(4) and Deadly(6).

Special Rules

AP: Targets get -X to Defense rolls when blocking Psychic: May cast one spell during its activation, Symbol of Change: Once per activation, before
hits. at any point before attacking. Pick a spell and a attacking, roll X dice. For each 4+ one enemy

Daemon: This model may be deployed as if it had target in line of sight, and roll D6+X. If the result is model within 18” takes 1 automatic hit with AP(3)

the Ambush or the Scout rule (pick one). equal or higher than the number in brackets, you and Deadly(3).
may resolve the effects. Enemy psychics within Tough: This model must take X wounds before
Fear: Always counts as having dealt +D3 wounds 18” and line of sight of the caster may roll D6+X at
when checking who won melee. being killed. If a model with tough joins a unit
the same time, and if the result is higher the spell
without it, then it is removed last when the unit
Flying: May move through all obstacles, and may is blocked. Psychics may only either try to cast or takes wounds. Note that you must continue to put
ignore terrain effects. try to block a spell each round. wounds on the tough model with most wounds in
Hero: May be deployed as part of one friendly Rending: Unmodified results of 6 to hit count as the unit until it is killed, before starting to put
unit, which may use its Quality value for morale having AP(4), and ignore the regeneration rule. them on the next tough model (heroes must be
tests. When taking hits, you must use the unit’s assigned wounds last).
Stealth: Enemies get -1 to hit rolls when shooting
Defense value, until all non-hero models are at this unit.
killed. 1/1

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