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Good afternoon everyone and welcome to my

presentation. First of all, let me thank you all for coming
here today. My talk is particularly relevant to those of
you who are thinking about travelling this year and so, I
will go over its benefits and drawbacks.

My first point concerns the personal growth and

self-discovery that you will experience. The act of
stepping outside one's comfort zone, navigating new
environments, and interacting with different cultures can
be a life-bending experience. Traveling challenges
individuals to adapt, learn, and grow, acquiring qualities
such as resilience, open-mindedness, and a broader
perspective on life.

My next point brings up to the discussion the

stress-relief of travelling. It offers a temporary escape
from your mundane life. Exploring new destinations,
whether near or far, can provide a refreshing break,
reducing stress levels and promoting overall well-being.
The change of scenery and exposure to novel
experiences contribute to your mental well-being.
Now, I'd like to focus on a major drawback of travelling,
which is its environmental impact. The environmental
footprint of travel, particularly air travel, is a cause for
concern. The carbon emissions associated with
transportation contribute to climate change. The rapid
growth in tourism can lead to overdevelopment, habitat
destruction, and increased waste, posing threats to
fragile ecosystems.

In conclusion, travelling is like a double-edged sword,

offering enriching experiences while also posing a
problem for the environment.

Thank you for your time.

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